(d) No text.
(3) An agency protest is usually filed with the contracting officer. Offerors are encouraged to file at the lowest level to resolve the issues concerned. In all cases, a copy of an agency protest must be provided to the contracting officer regardless of the level at which the protest is filed. The contracting officer shall prepare the protest file following an agency protest (including a protest of a non-appropriated funds procurement) regardless of the level at which the protest is filed. The contracting officer shall request guidance from SAF/AQCK, safaqck.workflow@pentagon.af.mil, for any protest likely to generate significant Congressional interest.
(4) When an agency protest is denied, an offeror may request an independent review at a level above the contracting officer.
(h) The decision to deny a protest shall be made at a level no lower than that at which the protest was filed. Protests may be sustained at any level in the review process, with the concurrence of the cognizant legal office.