(1) Adjusting Market Price means the market price to be used in calculating an economic price adjustment to arrive at the Updated Contract Price for a given delivery month. Adjusting market prices are established two possible ways:
(i) In the Fixed Price Trigger Schedule attachment, there are Trigger Floors and Trigger Ceilings for specified volumes within each delivery month. If the [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE MARKET INDEX] natural gas price reaches either the Trigger Floor or the Trigger Ceiling for a specified volume, the Adjusting Market Price is the Trigger Floor or Trigger Ceiling for that volume.
(ii) If neither the Trigger Floor nor Trigger Ceiling prices are met for a given Trigger volume, the Adjusting Market Price of natural gas for all remaining volumes contained in the Fixed Price Trigger Schedule for the delivery month will be the [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE MARKET INDEX] final Settlement Price for that delivery month.
(2) Award Price means the sum of the Block Energy Adder and the product of the Heat Rate and the Initial Market Price expressed in dollars per megawatt hour.
(3) Base (7X24) Block Energy means a block of electricity that covers electricity usage 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
(4) Block Energy Adder is a fixed service fee, expressed in dollars per megawatt hour, that should cover all overhead and costs not included in the Heat Rate/Market Index component of the Contractor’s price. At a minimum, the adder is expected to cover the Contractor’s wholesale transmission, losses, ancillaries, intra- and inter-zonal congestion, and scheduling.
(5) Delivery Month means the period between meter readings, as set forth in the Statement of Work.
(6) Heat Rate means the measurement of the efficiency with which heat can be used to produce electricity. Specifically, it is the number of British Thermal Units (MMBTUs) required to produce one kilowatt hour of electricity. Under this solicitation, the Heat Rate for Base (7X24) Block Energy is [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE HEAT RATE] and the Heat Rate for On-peak (5X16) Block Energy is [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE HEAT RATE].
(7) Initial Market Price means the market price for [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE MARKET INDEX] natural gas at time of award, expressed in dollars per MMBTU, as published by [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE PUBLICATION].
(9) Market Price is the price for [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE MARKET INDEX] natural gas, expressed in dollars per MMBTU, as published by [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE PUBLICATION].
(10) On-peak (5X16) Block Energy means a block of electricity that covers a customer’s electricity usage Monday through Friday, 5 days a week, 16 hours a day. Peak hours are [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE PEAK HOURS], as defined by the [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE ISO/RTO].
(11) Settlement Price for a given delivery Month means the [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE MARKET INDEX] natural gas contract price as of three business days prior to the first calendar day of that delivery month. Where a delivery month begins in one month (Month 1) and ends in the subsequent month (Month 2), the [BUYER FILL-IN APPLICABLE MARKET INDEX] natural gas contract price as of three business days prior to the first calendar day of Month 2 will be used.
(12) Trigger means a pre-established Floor or Ceiling natural gas market price for a given volume of natural gas for a specified delivery month. (See the Fixed Price Trigger Schedule attachment).
(13) Trigger Ceiling means the highest price for a specified volume contained in the Fixed Price Trigger Schedule. Where a Ceiling is Triggered for a given volume, the Adjusting Market Price for that volume is locked in at the Ceiling price, unless an exception specified in the Statement of Work applies.
(14) Trigger Floor means the lowest price for a specified volume contained in the Fixed Price Trigger Schedule. Where a Floor is Triggered for a given volume, the Adjusting Market Price for that volume is locked in at the Floor price, unless an exception specified in the Statement of Work applies.
(15) Updated Contract Price means the sum of the Block Energy Adder and the product of the Heat Rate and Weighted Adjusting Market Price expressed in dollars per megawatt hour.
(16) Upward Ceiling means the highest allowable differential between the Award Price and an Updated Contract Price.
(17) Weighted Adjusting Market Price (WAMP) means the average of all Triggered and/or Settled Adjusting Market Prices weighted by MMBTUs for each delivery month expressed in dollars per MMBTU.