(a) If the dollar value of the contract is negotiated at a level that exceeds the authority of the official who approved the original justification, a new approval shall be obtained from the appropriate official prior to award.
(2) DoN activities with contracting authority in excess of $550,000 may be considered "procuring activities" solely for the purpose of enabling their competition advocate to exercise the approval authority provided by FAR 6.304(a)(2).
(4) Justifications for ASN(RDA) approval must be submitted electronically via DASN(A&LM)
at RDAJ&As@navy.mil, accompanied by a forwarding memo. Both documents should be in the
format provided at Annex 1.
(i) The applicable Acquisition Strategy (or Acquisition Plan if no Acquisition Strategy exists) must be submitted with the justification. The documents should be reviewed concurrent with preparation of the justification and updated if required. Justifications and planning documentation should be consistent; unavoidable discrepancies should be highlighted and explained to the approving official. The technical/requirements certification in the justification includes affirmation of the currency of the planning documents.
(ii) Historic justification information must be submitted with the proposed justification. If the prior justification was approved locally within the DoN activity, provide the entire prior justification and approval. If the prior justification was approved by ASN(RDA), provide the identifying number of the prior justification.
(c) Class justifications shall be approved in the same manner as individual justifications with the same approval thresholds. The cumulative dollar value of all actions contemplated under the class justification will be used to determine the approval authority for the class justification.