(a) Public announcement.
(i) Report all contractual actions, including modifications, that have a face value, excluding unexercised options, subject to the threshold identified at DFARS 205.303(a)(i). In addition, report all contractual actions which are of significance to local community, congressional, or Army interest. [AFARS Revision #21, dated May 22, 2007]
(1) The contracting office must submit the information (see DFARS 205.303), complete and accurate, by e-mail to CONG.NOTIF@HQDA.ARMY.MIL or by facsimile to the Army Contracting and Transformation Enterprise s Systems Directorate, SAAL-PX at Defense Switch Network (DSN) 761-9304 or (703) 681-9304, no later than 1200 hours EST or EDST on the day before the day of the proposed award. The information must be sent in the prescribed format in 5153.9010. No award of the contractual action can be made, without the Contracting Officer receiving approval from the Contracting and Transformation Enterprise Systems Directorate. If the Contracting Officer has not received approval from the Contracting and Transformation Enterprise Systems Directorate, SAAL-PX, by 1430 hours, EST or EDST, on the day before the day of contract award, the Contracting Officer must contact SAAL-PX to obtain such approval. When the need to award a contractual action is of such an unusual and compelling urgency that the Government would be seriously injured unless the award is made, the report of the contractual action must be submitted no later than 1 working day after award. This provision must only be used in those situations where an unusual and compelling urgency exists, and where the delay will clearly result in serious injury to the Government. In addition to the information specified in 5153.9010, the report of an urgent contractual action, after the fact, must contain the information needed to verify the unusual and compelling urgency, and resultant serious injury to the Government. The provisions of this subparagraph (A)(i) cannot be waived either on an individual or class basis. [AFARS Revision #001, dated November 29, 2001] [AFARS Revision #21, dated May 22, 2007]
(2) If the award is a conditional contract resulting from a commercial activities cost comparison, as required at FAR 7.306(b)(1), provide a statement as follows:
“This conditional contract has been awarded to (Name of Contractor). The results of the cost comparison will be provided to all interested parties, including the affected employees, their unions, and the potential contractor. A final decision will not be made until any objections to the cost comparison have been evaluated. The report to Congress required by Title 10, Chapter 146, Sections 2461-68, will be made before the contractor is authorized to proceed under this conditionally awarded contract, if the final decision is to convert to contract performance. If the final decision is to retain the activities in house, the contract will be canceled.”
(iii) The Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison informs members of Congress in whose state or district the contractor is located and the work is to be performed. See DFARS 236.601 and DFARS 249.7001, and AFARS implementation of those citations for Congressional notification requirements for A-E contracts and contract terminations.
[AFARS Revision #21, dated May 22, 2007]