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Section 519.602-3: Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.

(a) Within 5 business days after requesting the SBA Area Office to refer an intention to issue a Certificate of Competency to SBA Headquarters for review, forward the information in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this subsection to the AAOSBU through your designated SBTA. This period may be extended by mutual agreement.

(1) Copies of all correspondence between GSA and SBA concerning the case. Include the initial referral notice of nonresponsibility.

(2) Copies of all technical documents sent to SBA (for example, the solicitation, preaward surveys, or any abstract of offers). Include any new information and justify your decision to continue the appeal.

(b) After considering all the facts and conferring with the applicable contracting activity, the AAOSBU will decide whether or not to file a formal appeal. Before deciding not to appeal, the AAOSBU must notify the concerned activity. The AAOSBU also must notify you of the OSBU decision regarding the appeal.

(c) For decisions on cases over $25,000,000, the AAOSBU shall confer with the contracting activity before responding to SBA regarding either of the options in FAR 19.602-3(b)(1)(i) and (ii).

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