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Section 507.104: General procedures.

(a) The planner shall:

    (1) Comply with the requirements of FAR Subpart 7.1, and coordinate with other members of the planning team as appropriate.

    (2) Write the acquisition plan using all planning team members especially for complex or highly sensitive acquisitions.

    (3) Review the acquisition history of the supplies and services.

    (4) Review the description of the supplies, including (when necessary for adequate description) a picture, drawing, diagram, or other graphic representation.

    (5) Coordinate with the Small Business Technical Advisor (SBTA) as necessary to fulfill the requirements of FAR 7.104(d)(1).

    (6) Coordinate with local representatives of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) if the action involves IT services or supplies for use by GSA to ensure compliance with the requirements of GSA Order CIO 2135.1, GSA Information Technology (IT) Capital Planning and Investment Control (not required for establishing a Federal Supply Schedule program).

    (7) Obtain concurrence of the contracting officer, and approvals as required in paragraph 507.105(c)(1).

    (8) Coordinate with the Office of General Counsel on an as needed basis, but definitely for plans over $20 million.

    (9) Ensure that an interagency agreement is in place in all agency specific clauses, terms and conditions are incorporated in the acquisition, when conducting purchases on behalf of other agencies.

(b) The contracting officer shall:

    (1) Ensure that acquisition planning and market research are performed for all acquisitions.

    (2) Ensure that the contract file contains a copy of the approved acquisition plan.

(c) Applicability. With the following exceptions, all acquisitions, including orders and BPAs, require written acquisition plans.

    (1) When awarding a single IDIQ contract or a BPA for a specific requirement and agency, an acquisition plan will be developed for the base contract. The resulting orders should be covered by and reference the same acquisition plan.

    (2) Oral plans.

(d) The planner is encouraged to use the Acquisition Planning Wizard (APW) (found at, or any successor system, for all acquisitions exceeding the SAT. Not later than 7 calendar days after the acquisition plan is approved, if not completed in APW, an electronic copy shall be sent to

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