As prescribed in 46.503 insert the following clause:
(a) Inspection and Acceptance are at Origin.
(b) The point of acceptance will be the point of last inspection before shipment unless otherwise indicated by the offeror.
(c) The Offeror shall indicate below the location where supplies will be inspected:
Plant: ___________________________________Cage Code:__________________
Street: __________________________________
City/St/Zip: ______________________________
Applicable to clin(s): __________________________________________________
(d) The Offeror shall indicate below the location where packaging will be inspected:
( ) Same as for supplies
Plant: __________________________________ Cage Code: ___________________
Street: _________________________________
City/St/Zip: _____________________________
Applicable to clin(s): ___________________________________________________
(e) For CLIN(S) described by manufacturer's name/code and part number:
(1) Contractor must present evidence of performance of all quality assurance requirements specified in the contract and ensure that item will serve its intended purpose by performing examinations and tests to determine (A) completeness of item, (B) absence of rust, contamination, or deterioration, (C) correct identification, (D) absence of any damage, and (E) compliance with preparation for delivery. If the contractor is not the manufacturer of the supplies, evidence must be furnished to establish that the supplies were produced by the manufacturer.
(2) The word "manufacturer" means the actual manufacturer of each CLIN. The Government’s Quality Assurance Representative may require that evidence be furnished establishing the name and address of the plant that manufactures each CLIN to ensure that a domestic product is being supplied.
(f) For CLIN(S) designated as Former Government Surplus (whether described by manufacturer’s name/code and part number, or by Military or Federal specification or drawing), the original package markings of each item shall be verified to previous Government contract number and part number (as specified in DLAD 52.211-9000, Section I of the award). Any deviation from this number shall be cause for rejection of the item.
(g) Additional inspection requirements may be required, based on the evaluation of the surplus offer, by the procuring activity. Such additional requirements, if necessary, will be identified before the award.
(End of Clause)
Replace paragraph (a) in 9008 with (a) below, for acquisitions above the SAT whenever subsequent shipments, per NSN, will undergo inspection and acceptance at destination,
(a) For each NSN, Inspection and Acceptance will take place at:
Origin - First Shipment Only;
Destination - Subsequent Shipments
(End of Clause)