As prescribed in 17.9700(a) insert the following clause:
(a) Definitions. As used in this Clause:
(1) "Fill rate" means the percentage of the total quantity of the items ordered which are shipped within ____ days of receipt of order. For example, if ten orders of ten each are received and eight shipments of 10 each and one shipment of five each are made in response to nine of the orders, a fill rate of 85% has been obtained. The fill rate achieved during each semiannual period will be used to set the authorized markup for the following period.
(2) "Receipt of the order" means the date on which the electronic transmission of the requisition/delivery order is made from the Supply Chain to the contractor. Requisitions will be issued for DLA owned stock. Delivery orders will be issued for new material.
(3) "Shipment" means the date on which the item is delivered by the contractor to the designated carrier.
(b) The contractor agrees to provide a fill rate of ____% for the items included on this contract. If the agreed upon fill rate of ____% is achieved the markup to the contract price which the contractor is authorized to charge is %. If a fill rate lower than ____% but greater than or equal to ____ is realized, the authorized markup is reduced to ____%. If a fill rate less than ____ but greater than or equal to ____ is realized, the authorized markup is reduced to ____%.A fill rate of less than ____% is determined to be an unacceptable level of performance. If the calculated fill rate is less than ____% for two successive contract periods, the Government may terminate the contract for default; however, if the contract is not terminated, the authorized markup for a fill rate less than ____% is reduced to ____%.
(c) Items for which orders are received in the first 6 month period that cannot be filled for any of the following reasons will not be used in the Fill Rate calculation:
(1) If no Government stock is transferred and the lead time to obtain stock is greater than the time between the inclusion of the item on the contract (i.e. contract award or contract modification) and the time in which the item would normally be included in the fill rate calculation for the next contract period, then the item will not be used in the Fill Rate calculation.
(2) If the Government Due In is not received by the contractor, then the item will not be used in the Fill Rate calculation.
(3) If the Contractor receives order(s) for quantities greater than the Government-provided annual demand estimate, then the item will not be used in the Fill Rate calculation.
(d) The fill rate will be calculated semiannually on a cumulative basis for all orders received in the semiannual contract period. In order to avoid administrative difficulties, the period of time used to calculate the fill rate and the period of time to which a particular authorized markup applies will not coincide. The contractor will calculate the fill rate for the preceding six months when the tenth month of the contract is completed. The calculated fill rate and the date on which this calculation is based will be provided to DPRO and the supply chain within 30 days after completion of the tenth month and after the completion of each subsequent six month period for confirmation and concurrence of fill rate.
(e) The percentage of on time shipments will be calculated on a semiannual basis. For purposes of this clause only, dates will be calculated starting with the first complete day after receipt of the order. For example, if the order is received at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, shipment at any time during Tuesday will be counted as shipping on the first day. For purposes of this clause only, months will be calculated starting with the first complete calendar month after the beginning of the contract. For example, if the contract is issued on Aug 12, 2007, the first month is September, 2007. Complete records of the fill rate will be maintained by the contractor and made available for Government inspection.
(f) The Government will prepare a modification to the contract adjusting the authorized markup as needed effective the beginning of the thirteenth month of the contract (or other definitive period). The subsequent periods for fill rate calculation and authorized markup adjustment will be every semiannual period. The authorized markup for the initial twelve month contract period is ____%.
(g) A backorder is defined as a requirement for an item which cannot be filled within ___ days of receipt of order. The contractor agrees to ship ___% of all backordered items within 90 days of receipt of the order. Receipt of the order is defined as the date on which the electronic transmission of the requirement is made from the Supply Chain to the contractor. Shipment is defined as the date on which the item is delivered by the contractor to the designated carrier. The percentage of backorders filled on time will be calculated on a semiannual basis concurrent with the fill rate calculations.
(End of clause)