Take a moment to center and calm yourself before the reading. 1. I have helped many people work through many difficulties in their lives, providing insights and answers to their everyday questions, and I hope I can help you too! ), 3 months - Death (the change within me continues? Workplace environment. 2018 career, career shift, free tarot, job, new job, spiritual, tarot, tarot growth, tarot layout, tarot reading, work . How will it go? Outcome-based on if I took this job/career path 7 of pents - this isn't the end. My sincerest apologies to anyone who visits seeking personal and political queer, feminist perspectives on tarot, and especially, to the many writers who trusted me with their work. It represents the challenge or blockage. Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Which Way Should the Cards Face? I think we can get good information to help with our decisions if we use the right phrasing and technique. Shouldyou go through your family and friends to get a proper recommendation? How can I achieve what I truly want for my work life. Not sure if youre on the right path or not? Welcome Three-Card Spreads. (Explained), How to Draw a Tarot Card of the Day? Best Online Tarot Card Reading Services: Popular Tarot Deck Readers Of 2022. (Occasionally, tarot decks will employ other terms, like "coins," for pentacles, but these are direct substitutions for the four original categories.) - "Think about what your intuition is telling you about the answer before you even pull your card," says . Learn about the 78 cards and elements. Seems like a "grin and bear it" situation to me, with mental numbing as the outcome. It gives you an answer as to the influences . It can help you to explore your career problems, current situation, challenges and opportunities with 3 tarot cards. This is a more complex and complete spread you can use to have a deep insight into some specific questions about where you are in your work life. Our app is free forever. The position is almost still important (especially for your career), but these cards can point you in a specific direction. Sometimes, we just dont know what we actually want! Asking The Tarot: How Can I Move Forward With My Career Goals. It looks at your path and possibilities and is my favorite card for understanding (and unlocking) the future of your career. All you need to do is focus on a career-related question and keep it in your mind when you pick your cards. All jobs have good and bad, and it is up to you to work out . I find that this card can be enlightening as to the motives of the questioner. You can add qualifying cards for positions, but well also include related spreads you can use to dig deeper into specific career tarot spreads. Its interesting as for #1, your dream job you have the Knight of Pentacles, which Ive always seen as a work-o-holic type, someone who pushes themselves really hard at their job and sacrifices the rest of their life because they want to prove themselves in their field. Try a personal in-depth Tarot reading with Elissa. Using the tarotcards effectively can mean the difference between wasting months and days of your time. Powerful questions often involve an aspect of self-reflection. Getting the love I deserve Location. There are 22 Major Arcana cards ranging from the Fool to the World. You can choose the right tarot spread by simply following your intuition and basing this choice on your skills and experience. No matter where you are in your life, its always important to consider a longer term picture, whether to find something you can strive for, or to remind you that the tomorrows of the world dont need to be the same as your today. Tarot cards are amazing to have special insight in all areas of your life, and your work life is one of them. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual . Guide Questions. Hello! My brother and his life Personal Readings - My boyfriend and I You have a lot of potential brewing right now and the power to achieve your goals. No beating around the bush with this tarot spread. If you are using the spread to determine whether or not to stay in your current job, then the answer is yes, you should absolutely quit your job. [Here's Our Answer], 5-card spread exploring new opportunities, You can use a tarot spread for work to have more clarity, You can help your dream work life manifest, You can use it to boost your happiness and fulfillment, What are Tarot Cards Used For? It may show your attitude towards your job or the good it brings into your life. Dawning. Start reading Return to Me (Come To Me) Reconciliation Tarot Spreads. You can start with a simple 3-card spread to unveil your past, your present, and your future. If something specific has come up during your spread that youre not sure about, you can pull different cards to clarify. Knowing with certainty your future work is essential to ensure economic stability in our lives. Problems in a work relationship 3.1 You can use a tarot spread for work to have more clarity; 3.2 You can help your dream work life manifest; 3.3 You can use it to boost your happiness and fulfillment It will benefit anyone trying to expand their current role or break out into something new. I recently began a new job and am not finding much enjoyment in it. I think it speaks to work-life balance how does your job work with your life as a whole how does it affect your family, your spouse or dating in general? This card will help you do so. While the first two focus on forward-moving action, this card takes one final moment to prepare you for what is ahead. I would take this as you need to think about how your dream job will fit in with your emotional life. Facing career choices How to Use These Career Tarot Spreads. As the year is coming to an end, we can start reflecting on the past years learnings and look forward to what the next year can bring us. Business success Tarot Reading Tarot is rich in symbolism . Perhaps it won't be a complete career change but even the smallest changes can allow us more space to grow and evolve. When getting a career tarot reading, its important to be clear about the questions you need answers to. View sample. The arrangement lets you connect with different forces that influence the sixth card in the center. All Rights Reserved |. One Not many people think to usetarot card reading as a way of building better business strategies, but just like the cards do in all other aspects of A folk art inspired miniature tarot deck printed in bold colors and gold metallic ink for a subtle sheen. However, if you are upset or stressed, the cards will pick up on this. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Swords and Cups: The two most important suits of the tarot. I recieved Seven of swords, nine of cups rx, two of wands rx, king of wands, emperor For the final card I drew 4 of swords rx The seven of swords tells me there is a mental battle ahead but it is . Place card one in the center of this tarot spread, representing the situation and the issue. Of Course, We Should! Place card . Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. You can do this technique as a tarot spread, or simply ask questions and pull cards the result will be the same. With tarot, we connect with Spirit to discern wise guidance for the present, develop understanding of the past, and learn ways to work to manifest our goals and possibilities for the future. In general, a very positive result for your future might be the answer youre looking for. Now, this wont reveal what will definitely happen if you quit your job. The Tarot can help you answer any questions about career and work you might have. Tarot eBooks. Avoid asking the Cards "Yes" or "No" Questions. This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. A simple, minimalist tarot deck featuring intricate hand drawn images and simple holographic back. Card 1: The querent. 1. Pick-me-up reading Tarot Reading She decides to turn down her friend's kind offer and continue with the work she loves. The next step is the selection of nine random . My boyfriend and I Card 9. I went through a big break up a few months ago, and have a pretty steady job and good friends in my current situation, but I am keen for some adventure and I feel somewhat hopeful a new place will help me move on. Tarot and oracle cards can prove surprisingly helpful when asking questions and seeking answers about your relationship and your career. Figuring out my friend Last month, this month and next month You can follow this spread up with others to give you even further insight. Free email Tarot reading - This Free Career Path Tarot Reading will help you understand the timeline of different stages of hard work, accomplishments, and rewards so that you can make the best decision for your future. And without further ado, here's a job tarot spread that we createdjust for your job hunt, trying to answer much of the areas we discussed earlier. The first thing you need to do, is find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. These readings have been carefully tailored to help guide you in many different areas of life and include unusual spreads available nowhere else on the internet. Use the cards to find what makes you truly passionate - what makes getting out of bed in the morning not seem like a chore? You are using an out of date browser. This is NOT a generic automated tarot quiz. How would my life change if Figuring out my friend What qualities do you bring to the table Seven of pentacles Tarot readings are based on energy, so its possible to learn things you never would have known otherwise. I'm currently live now doing readings. And finally, there are times when work is pretty awful - which is why we built this spread to help you diagnose the issue, and think clearly about ways to overcome it. When Mercury Crosses the Sun: A Tarot Exercise, Checking in with the Divine: Our Natural Divinatory Process, Advice for Tarot Pros: Events Build Relationships, The 3 R's of Marketing your Tarot Business, This week in tarot: smart, provocative blog posts, Operational Tarot: Majors and Minors without Limits, Some Thoughts on Literalism, Spirituality and Tarot, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Tarot as a Tool for Mediumship, The Middle Path of Perception: Tarot Spread for an Attitudinal Sweet Spot, Tarot Really Works: A Letter from a Satisfied Tarotist, Three Tips for Tarot Pros: What to do When You're Just Not Feeling It, Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Tarot Cards of Significance for LGBT Communities, Consider Meditation to turn Old Habits into New Beginnings, An Example of Reversal: Two Angles on the Same Card, Shooting for the stars: Introvert? The best questions in tarot allow the querent to receive advice and gain perspective. It can help you unlock your true career potential and achieve results you didnt think were even possible. Career Tarot readings are done using a 3-card spread, with each card representing a symbol of your professional success or failure. What should she do? The six of swords symbolizes the start of a journey which is a great card to have show up in a job interview tarot spread! Sign up to get the link! Check out our other career-related spreads here: Bringing guidance of the Tarot to anyone who seeks it. Want to Ask Tarot if You Should Do Something? You don'tnecessarilyhave to use all three when you are looking for something that suits you. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. Should I take the job? Ask What will be the result if I dont buy this car? and pull a card. Yesterday, today and tomorrow Option one. But asking the cards to answer questions that can be answered with either a "yes" or a "no" is unlikely to give you any real value. There can often seem too many options to choose from when you are just getting started, and this can cause so manypeople to feeloverwhelmed and lose confidence in their job search. The card represents advice in each position and can help you get the desired result. What The Fuck Tarot Spread. How can I balance my dreams and my reality? There are a few really great tarot groups on social media where folks share readings they perform and ask other group members to share thoughts and interpretations to offer a clearer understanding of the reading. The King of Wands feels a strong urge to act impetuously and just toss it all over, but the Emperor shows more self-control and maturity. A Student's Question: The Five and Seven of Swords, The Evil Sisters of Anxiety and Depression, The Weight Deck: Tarot as a Tool for Weight Loss, The Two Card Creative Spread: William Blake Tarot, Tarot By Christiana Official Office Hours. This spread is ideal for someone who has already decided to try something new in their career. If youd rather use a quick and simple career tarot spread, this can give you some insight into a new job without having to pull the entire reading. More Money Issues Tarot Reading My sister and her life Can you deal with the issues revealed in this card? 8. More Resolve a conflict ), 6 months - king of swords (potential love interest?). Positioned right in the middle of the Celtic cross tarot spread, the first card in the spread always represents the person asking the question, also known as the querent . Answers to your Questions about Tarot: Who Speaks Through Tarot? My spiritual life The Blockbuster Tarot Spread. Understanding and dealing with fear Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. People seek advice when facing unresolved conflicts and when suffering through misunderstandings. Brainstorm mini questions. Ideal career path. 3. Purple Garden - Best Tarot Reading Platform To Get Live Tarot Cards Sessions. More Money Issues Tarot Reading Reading Tarot for Yourself: Are There Times to Put the Cards Away? Facing career choices Should I buy this car? Are you forgetting to consider a serious obstruction that will present itself later down the road? Just let me know where to send it. If you are dealing with some problems at work, a tarot spread for work can also help you focus on what lessons you need to cherish to finally find your way to happiness and to live a life you are truly in tune with. Whats been working, and what might you want to change? Should I leave my job? Read on to know how each card gets you closer to your dream career. Unlimited access to all our online Tarot readings. When performing a should I quit my job Tarot spread, there are certain cards to watch out for. Dating predictions Tarot Reading Adorned with holographic gold edges. This could be a job change or a new business venture. Of course, if you would like to go more in-depth or are in search of more detail, then doing a multiple-card spread from 5 or more is better. Typically, wands symbolize creativity and passion, swords . If you are struggling a little bit and you dont know if what you do is what you truly want to do, this is definitely the spread you need to work with. All Rights Reserved |, Choosing Direction with a Job Tarot Spread. Help making a 'yes/no' decision If you have a special event coming up, perhaps a job interview or life event, this tarot spread will provide you with guidance on how that day might unfold. Thank you, Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. These spreads were meant to take a closer look into your work self, and can be used whether youre happy where you are, and just trying to understand where your current job is going, or whether youre looking around for other options. Tarot in My Life: Ten of Swords - Get Over It! Understanding family dynamics Perhaps you would like to ask, What will be the result if I look for a different car? or, What if I dont buy a car at all?By breaking your question into multiple questions that anticipate all possible options, and by replacing the phrasing of should I with what would be the result if I you will drastically increase your chances for a clear, helpful, insightful tarot reading. When you search job, this Tarot spread will help you to answer the question if you get it. This may be needed every once in a while, but in the long term can be unsustainable. After I read this article I decided to give it a go since I am actually looking for a job, and I have a fairly good idea of what I want, just not how to proceed. All rights reserved. A Reader's Tarot Spread. Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form that tells the story of all human experience. It can also offer insights into aspects of your career you were unaware of, identify whats working in your favor as well as against you, and provide the guidance youve been seeking. It reflects inner strength and power and shows you that you have the ability to overcome obstacles in your way. A minimalist and modern lenormand card deck printed with gold foil on sleek, matte, recycled plastic. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. It may show your attitude towards your job or the good it brings into your life. 5. Extrovert? The way my love interests see me. This spread is perfect for people who are looking for direct clear actions. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. If you're looking for the deck featured in this post, the Luminous Spirit Tarot,you can get more information aboutit here. The thing is, many of our questions for tarot do involve decisions. Welcome to easy-tarot.net! 2 Abre Camino (Open Roads) Tarot Spreads. Using a spread helps to 'frame' each card, so it can be read more easily. Should We Even Try to Predict a New Year? Privacy Policy. - A Career Tarot Spread can help give you some clarity about what youre doing and whether you should continue down the same path. Relationship past, present, future Its the card of new beginnings, job offers and opportunities. Not sure what kind of work you would love to do? Find answers and connect with your inner self. The star contains the four classic elements of earth, air, fire, and water, plus spirit. It is a managerial role I am nervous about but finding confidence? He does mention that there are some ethical points to keep in mind, however, when reading for yourself or others. Learn about the 78 cards and elements. The King of Cups should help you to consider this new path from a place of tolerance and empathy, rather than going in blind and unaware. more info. Can you give Answers without Information? The Lovers Tarot Will He Contact Me Reading, Temperance As A Person: True Tarot Meaning Meaning, Wheel Of Fortune As A Person: True Meaning. Answers to Your Questions about Tarot: Why wouldnt you want to do a reading? I think we can get good information to help with our . Create a deep and personal connection with the cards. It can help show you whether this job offer is coming soon or if you should wait for something better. History This is a custom made tarot reading done by hand and sent to you by an experienced reader. Relationship past, present, future As a professional tarot reader, clients often contact me for many different reasons, but the top two concerns I address most often are relationship and career. The most insight will be provided when the question is purposeful and open to further development. Copyright 2014 easy-tarot.net goole profile. This card is encouraging you to be excited about the opportunity for growth and change. These spreads were meant to take a closer look into your work self, and can be used whether you're happy where you are, and just trying to understand where your current job is going, or whether you're looking around for other options. 3 months - king of swords ( potential love interest? ) Garden - best Tarot reading by. Of pents - this isn & # x27 ; s Tarot spread, or ask... Same path Popular Tarot deck Readers of 2022 your cards I dont buy this car questions Tarot... Are published, 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC my life: Ten of swords ( potential love interest? ) the.... Good it brings into your life use these career Tarot Spreads should i take this job tarot spread my career Goals Forward! 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