Their magic and martial skills also make them well suited to defending others and blessing the fallen with the strength to continue fighting. Thats about it. Has 2-3 bites per round (all of which auto-trip), good Attack Bonus (AB), 60m mutagen, self-sustainable Shield, Wings (on a tiefling! It'll significantly improve your damage per round because you'll be able to land more hits (especially the lower base attack ones). Proper druid centered on shape-shifting and tripping enemies. Would it be worth dipping into other classes at all, or just going to level 20 in fighter (first play through so maybe better for me), Just curious on what feats would be beneficial, weapon (using great sword since start of game but want to try others) and what armor type as well as what i should be putting my points into, Im happy to respec as well as essentially i will be building the same just picking different feats and distributing points differently, Im level 8 so far on my first play through and off the top of my head i generally enlarge my character with the spell and then proceed to cleave everything although im not sure if this is correct, was just following recommenced feats and stuff in the beginning, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Pretty low-maintenance build. While you cant cast spells in it, breath weapon works perfectly fine. EDIT: Confirmed that Crane Wing still works with 2h weapon. Maybe higher if you want to dump stats but your cha should be good, but not better than your strength. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Or Power Attack + Dreadful Carnage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Not exactly roleplay-friendly, mostly due to the race and alignment shift. Contents 1 Description 2 Gameplay 3 Archetypes 4 Table: Paladin 5 Class Features 5.1 Paladin Proficiencies 5.2 Alignment Restriction 5.3 Deity Selection 5.4 Smite Evil 5.5 Divine Grace 5.6 Lay On Hands 5.7 Aura of Courage 5.8 Divine Health 5.9 Mercy 5.10 Channel Positive Energy 5.11 Spells Crane Wing works with whatever for now, so any full-sized 1h or 2h weapon will do fine for that nice 1.5 Strength (STR) damage. Earth or Fire Wall + Bowling (depending how much time you have to spare). Since your damage power-up comes from Divine weapon bond, I'd just use whatever best 2-hander you can find. This build is current to October 8, 2019. Will step on Reggie's toes, so there's that. Dazzling Display which is required to get Shatter Defenses also requires you to have the weapon focus feat in something. Then +4 Crane = 72AC. When Eldritch Knight 10 crits, he can use one spell as a swift action. Staff early, Greataxe (Vanquisher bis) later. The whole point is to avoid getting ranged talents and skimp out on wild talents in the process. I like that build though. Level 8 we finally get to fire. Second, paladins are very well situated for the intimidation feat line. Generally, a two-handed Paladin will want these feats: Power Attack, Cleave + Cleaving Finish (Cleave kinda sucks late game but Cleaving Finish is always useful), Outflank (all your melee characters should pick up outflank), Vital Strike line for Mythic Vital Strike, Improved Critical. A traditional 2h, heavy armor wearing paladin will work. Less AC than monk in every DnD derivative. I also recommend picking up Outflank for ALL your melee combatants as well. Inquisitor - Improved Critical > Fauchard, Inquisitor - Combat Reflexes // Seize the Moment, Inquisitor - Tandem Trip // Favored Enemy: Fey, Shield, Cure Wounds, True Strike, Enlarge Person, Restoration, +Stat Spells, Divine Favor, Remove Fear, Cure Wounds, Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Delay Poison (Communal), Resist Energy (Communal), AC from Charisma (CHA) through monk, Monk feats. You will need it. Ive been building my MC as a fighter, specifically the 2 handed archetype however i feel like its not performing great, most likely to my choice in where ive distributed points and feats ive taken etc. Because I like swords, and I want to use swords. My only real rule is I don't want to drop any stats below 10, because I'm not explicitly trying to min/max and from an RP perspective sub-10 stats in Intelligence or Wisdom seem like poor choices for a tactical party leader. Welcome to the Pathfinder Two Handed Paladin Build. Can go for 5/19/14/13/8/18 or 5/19/14/14/7/18 for more min-maxing. There is a respecc option but I hear it is severely bugged. Even though we didn't spec into it, a swarm of summons can come in handy sometimes. Quickened True Strikes and Vanishes are good, but rods can fill the role just as fine. Most of his gear is found and not from artisans, which is a bonus. I settled on this one because the real way you stack damage in this game is sneak attack and elemental dice (see: Elven Arcane Warrior or What about Dragons!?). Oracle build for Seelah in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous This Seelah build takes her passable Charisma and turns her into a full spellcaster. Nice easy build. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Go for Falchions for those (skip exotic weapon).Good fit for a mercenary as well. Not Vivisectionist by any means, but at least builds into a shield guy alright. Cookie Notice Don't remember if you get one in the starting kit. Grab agile pick under Old Sycamore and then Agile Rapier from Stag Lord henchmen. Pick halfling as race 5 19 14 14 8 19. Extra attack per round goes a long way. Damage is nowhere near what some other classes can pull off. Kineticist - Point-Blank Shot // Precise Shot // Fire / Extra Range, Kineticist - Weapon Focus: Kinetic Blast // Fire > Dreadful Carnage, Kineticist - Skill Focus: Persuasion // Fires Fury, Kineticist - Shatter Defences // Earth > Trip, Kineticist - Furys Fall // Earth > Greater Trip, Kineticist - Agile Maneuvers // Enduring Earth, Kineticist - Persuasive // Elemental Whispers - Centipede, Kineticist - Blind Fight // Expanded Defence > Flesh of Stone, Kineticist - Toughness // Fire > Iron Will, Kineticist - Cloud // Metakinesis: Empowered, Monk robes, fauchard(Mastery), stat items, AC items, Monk robe, cloak of winter wolf, opportunists boots, Alchemist - Combat Expertise(+2 int item) // Feral Mutagen, Alchemist - Trip // Combat Trick > Outflank, Alchemist - Crane Wing // Combat trick > Combat Reflexes, Sword Saint - Dazzling Display // Chosen Weapon: Fauchard, Alchemist - Combat Trick > Shatter Defenses, True strike, Shield, Restoration (Lesser), Stat spells, Haste, Displacement, Heroism, Echolocation, Greater invis. Alternatively, you can go for Fauchards. Double-dipping, Armour Class (AC)/Attack Bonus (AB)/Damage stacking: This is what a real tank can be in this game. Hey InEffect, dunno if still replying to these but figured id make the effort. This build is current to November 10, 2019. Targeting 17 levels, might be interesting to do 15 paladin / 2 monk or 10 paladin / 5 fighter / 2 monk. Human Two-Handed Fighter 5 Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It'll be fine. Since Thorn Body adds to every element once, you get around 50 damage per hit. (Nuker Sorcerer) 6 Elven Arcane Warrior 7 Melee. For the arcane trickster or any build that puts alchemist vivisectionist as level 1 class.the spells you pick in character creation need 11 int. Just get your fast pet out there and kite stuff around those. Will need +Wisdom (WIS) item to cast Inquisitor spells. 87-131.25 lbs. So with all that said, I'd always recommend going for damage in a Paladin. If you have Varnhold DLC. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Lots of Attack Bonus (AB), lots of bites, good damage, loads of Attacks of Opportunity (AoO) and so on. Lead Blades wands are nice too. Archaeologist is taken for access to Slashing/Fencing Grace by Level 3. They have extremely high saves, a high BAB, a decent amount of HP, and offer fear immunity to the party (Aura of Greater Courage). Only really important ki-power is Extra Attack. If all you are after are the saves then 2x paladin is enough and you could 2h warrior or something for the rest. Pretty solid. Dazzling that works once a blue moon or d6 damage over time (DoT) that doesn't really matter.Hare would be a valid alternative, but initiative doesnt really matter for this one. That Unfair Kineticist build how the hell do you get past the first guard group (2 archers and the melee) !? We will explain you're best options for race, feats, equipment, weapons, armor, and how to allocation you. Has self-sustainable Shield (with Extend rods) and 60m mutagen that should be enough to clear most maps. Likes having an Alchemist in the party for Shield spell. About to start a first playthrough and I want to pick Paladin. Will have good Armour Class (AC) throughout the game. Full blown Rogue due to interesting interaction with Vivisectionist. Another good 1st playthrough choice, if you have any experience in D&D-based games is a 2 handed Paladin build. Two-handers are pretty straight forward as all you really need is Power Attack and Vital Strike lines of feats for damage. Not a lot of skill points, but only thing you really need on main character (MC) is persuasion. +Cha Helmet, +Stat items, Ring of Circumstances (Cha, Dex, DC, Skills), Amulet of Dying Wisdom, Rod Of Flaming Vengeance, Grandmaster Rod, Quicken Rod, other rods. +Stat Items, Inner Demon Rings, Opportunists Boots, Barbarian - Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword // Weapon Focus: Bastard Sword, Barbarian - Power Attack // Damage Reduction, Barbarian - Intimidating Prowess // Damage Reduction, Barbarian - Improved Critical: Bastard Sword, Fighter - Extra Rage Power: Damage Reduction // Cleaving Finish, Knowledge: Arcana 5, Mobility 3, Persuasion. If you want to wait for level 8 spells is the question. Shambling Mound is okay in a pinch. Not insane, but pretty okay so long as you're not competing with Saint in the damage olympics. Falcata (Lions claw), Magus - Chosen Weapon: Falcata // Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Magus - Dazzling Display // Arcane Accuracy, Magus - Improved Critical: Falcata // Bane Blade, Magus - Weapon Specialization: Falcata // Greater Weapon Specialization: Falcata, Shield, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Grease, Vanish, Corrosive Touch, Mirror Image, Glitterdust, Blur, Frigid Touch, Stat Spells, Greater Invisibility, Dimension Door, Stoneskin, Perception or Knowledge: World, Use magic Device (spare), Kukris from Nok-Nok Quests, Monk Robes, +Stat gear, +AC gear, Alkali Gloves, Rogue - Accomplished Sneak Attacker // Finesse Training: Kukri, Rogue - Outflank // Combat Trick > Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Rogue - Weapon Focus: Kukri // Combat Trick > Dazzling display, Rogue - Shatter Defenses // Combat Trick > Improved Critical: Kukri, Alchemist - Greater Two-Weapon Fighting // Crippling Strike, Alchemist - Critical Focus // Combat Trick > Double Slice, Rogue - Staggering Critical // Double Debilitation, Persuasion or Athletics. Pathfinder Beginner Box Rulebooks Second Edition Rulebooks Official Digital Toolset Online System Reference Downloads First Edition Rulebooks Adventures Adventure Path Standalone Adventures Organized Play Scenarios First Edition Adventures Setting Accessories Cards Maps Pawns Pathfinder Battles Unpainted Miniatures Dice Digital Tools With Shatter Defenses, your melee attacks will almost always all hit for ungodly single-target damage. This is what Amiri always wanted to be. Doesn't matter which color you pick, Although acid is nice for corrosive touch and acid is the least resisted element. Skills: with INT 10 you get 2 points per level. If you plan on keeping a bard around, take Traditional Monk instead. Awesome. IF you're married to the idea of a traditional 2h weapon, just drop crane wing and crane riposte for more weapon specific feats. Solid front-liner. Main Ki Powers are Extra Attack and True Strike. Vampiric Touch is taken to be used with reach Metamagic Rod to give you something with damage at lvl3. Dont think you can squeeze much more out of the class. ), and a Level 14 pet (buffed by our team feats). Will saves will be a problem, but there are ways to go around those with unbreakable heart/mind blank/bestow grace. Most enemies will never hit you unless you are paralyzed or otherwise denied DEX/dodge bonus to armor. The Paladin is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker . Fewer smite evil uses is not a big loss, compared to the usefulness of the archetype. Level 18 We get Cloud. Automatic Dazzle from Level 14 and hes good at it too. Song went the way of dodo due to Archaeologist subclass, so you won't step on many toes. With the basics of the Fighter class above, the next steps are to determine the other parts of the character build. Overkill, but we needed the Crane feats for the early game anyhow. Use keen from arcane weapon instead. Also Smite Evil targets have no Damage Reduction (DR) for you, so thats a bonus as well. That is typically a 2-Hander, but you can still consider a sword and shield, shield-bashing paladin (which is like a 2-weapon fighting paladin but with your shield). from what I heard the console version of the game is a bit more buggy than pc. You want an Alchemist in your party for Shield spell. You need Power Attack, and your options past that point are pretty open. not sure when the last time these builds were updated with correct information. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Dazzling display/Cornugon smash/Dreadful Carnage (since you'll be focusing on CHA and STR anyway). Weapons: I like using reach (6') weapons (e.g., glaives, bardiches), which let you hang behind your main tank and poke at enemies. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. Also AC balance in PKM is a broken mess. Once you get Fiery body you will be immune to blindness, but it's a long way to there.You can shift monk however you like even Level 1 is not bad. Well, I guess I meant more off-tank compared to Valerie. And i am not sure, but maybe some abilities are behind the INT wall too, I report back, Yeah i had to swap reflex and expertise for this reason but i imagine there must be a way to get headband at 2 other than cheese if its in the guide. You will either end up having mediocre AC and average damage (Strength staff monk) or top notch AC and ok-ish damage. You will want someone to cast heroism (greater one later on) and Haste on you to fix your Attack Bonus (AB). Pretty straightforward. Why select "Boon Companion" at level 3 for the build (Monk 1/Druid 2), when you automatically get it at level 3 for a Feyspeaker druid? for the "Blind run Scion" build it mentions something like "wear the heaviest armor you can find" but the build can only wear light armor, am I supposed to take a heavy armor feat somewhere? It also provides us with more effective AB than it costs through various status effects. +AC items. The narrative has you taking the helm of a glorious crusade with the aim of sealing up the Worldwound for good. Crane feats you technically could live without altogether, but early/mid-game AC ramp is important too. There is a Bear Form scimitar in the game; you can make use of that as well. 40 CHA endgame + 2 from Bokken elixir = 42 CHA, 10+9+16+2+1 = 38 Conjuration Difficulty Class (DC) 10+9+16+2+(2)+1=38/40 Evocation DC before rods. Armor bracers. Note Rod of Flaming Vengeance activation is just a regular Maximize rod. I chose early levels. I tried pretty hard to make it work on plate armor pally, but monk Armour Class (AC) is just too much to compete with. Two-handed Strength monk with tolerable AC and Damage. Why Can't I use the weapon, Why don't I have stealth it seems listed in my stats but I did not choose stealth was I suppose to? I've built my level 1 Monk as directed for Saint-Vivisector but I don't have vivisector available at level 2. I like the idea of a shield bashing Paladin with a hammer or mace, but with the party composition I'm considering, that might be redundant with Valerie and leave no one to use twohander weapons. When and if you get to Fiery Body it won't matter as you would be immune to everything in any ice dragon form. Monk Robes, Bracers of Armor, AC gear, +Stat gear. Don't forget that Overflow will compensate you some of the stats you burned (the same rule of Con>Dex Applies there). Mobility 3+, Knowledge: World 3, Perception 3, Persuasion (Max), Trickery (Max), Dueling Sword (Bloodhound), +Stat gear, bracers, monk robes, AC items, Monk - Weapon Finesse // Dodge // Crane Style, Fighter (Aldori Defender) - Dueling Mastery // Weapon Focus: Dueling Sword, Fighter - Weapon Specialization: Dueling Sword // Crane Wing, Fighter - Greater Weapon Focus: Dueling Sword, Fighter - Fighter Tactics // Heavy Blades, Alchemist - Combat Mobility // Combat Trick > Improved Critical: Dueling Sword, Alchemist - Dreadful Carnage (+8 STR item). Power attack is taken rather late as you have limited sources of boosting AB early. Paladins are an all-in-one damage dealer, healer (Lay on Hands and Channel Energy), mini-buffer, and face of the party. Early game, use staff or flaming nunchucks, AC items, 2x Arcane Protector in Act 2 - one at the Bandit Camp at the bridge, and the other on Bartho. Scimitars have nice synergy with magus, so here we go. 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