Nothing appears distorted or out of place in either version, and the in-text links to animations, videos, and figures all seem functional so far. Either way, you can fulfil your aspiration and enjoy multiple cups of simmering hot coffee. This review is based on close examination and reading of all or sections of 27 chapters (1,4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 43, 44, 45, 46, and 47). I dont see any glaring errors in terms of subjects that are missing from the text. In the online version, each term is hyperlinked to the appropriate section, whereas in the pdf index, the link goes to the key term list at the end of the chapter. glycogen. As a longtime user of a textbook that is well-respected by biologists and other colleges, but a struggle for many introductory science students to read, this book was a breath of fresh air! Topics are explained simply in shorter rather than longer paragraphs, and details that often bog down longer texts are omitted. Not sure how often they update, but it would be easy to do in an online platform. The written text is straightforward and easy to read, albeit sometimes disjointed, like more than one author wrote the chapter. Overall, the organization is good, probably because it follows longstanding conventions. I feel the text is quite readable, concepts do not require much interpretation, and students do not appear to get lost in a concept, In no case did I find a chapter that appeared inconsistent with the overall quality of the text., nor clarity of concept, It does fit well into the organization of our curriculum, though I would prefer that the discussions of Evolution be moved to the beginning of the text, and more emphasis put on the role of Evolution in life, As above, I'd prefer that evolution be discussed in the first section, The book is very easy to read, concepts are well presented, and illustrations support the writing very effectively. In some places, information is repeated within a paragraph. WebOpenStax Biology 2e Folder | Quizlet 47 sets created by MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter Key Terms from the OpenStax Biology 2e Book OER Book Link: Sort OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 46 Ecosystems 40 terms MNWest_Biology Teacher OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 47 Overall this text covers each topic in adequate detail and provides enough detail and content for a two semester coverage of biology for majors, especially if this text is used alongside additional instructor input and labs. Also, capitalization of terms is not uniform throughout the index. The placement of the chapter within the larger text makes sense, following a section on the introduction to metabolism, and preceding a section on photosynthesis. The text is lucid and concise in use of language, and overall well written. Where in a phylogenetic tree would you expect to find the organism that had evolved most recently? While there are probably a few more grammatical errors than would be typical for a traditional textbook, I have no problems with the grammar of the text. Likewise, the inclusion of the Chapter Summaries and Key Word definitions were highly beneficial. (b) What volume would this air occupy at room temperature and 1atm1 \mathrm{~atm}1atm pressure? More vocabulary is presented which is a good thing to expose the students to. Carrying capacity is a feature of a populations environment, not of the population. There are no cultural insensitivities or biases in the text. Are those available somewhere or exclusively on TpT? It covers the main topics such as genetics, evolution, and cell biology in sufficient detail. This is false, of course. P.375 PCR is introduced before it is explained. The book is organized in a very similar manner to most introductory Biology textbooks - with good reason. I did not see any grammatical issues while skimming the text. It also seems easy enough to omit or shift order to fit one's preferred teaching plan given the clearly titled subdivisions in each chapter. inhibition by a binding event at a site different from the active site, which induces a conformational change and reduces the enzyme's affinity for its substrate. I havent noticed any glaring errors so far. enzyme's specific region to which the substrate binds, inhibition by a binding event at a site different from the active site, which induces a conformational change and reduces the enzyme's affinity for its substrate, pathways that require an energy input to synthesize complex molecules from simpler ones, adenosine triphosphate, the cell's energy currency, study of energy flowing through living systems, catabolism), pathways in which complex molecules break down into simpler ones, potential energy in chemical bonds that releases when those bonds are broken, small organic molecule, such as a vitamin or its derivative, which is required to enhance an enzyme's activity, inorganic ion, such as iron and magnesium ions, required for optimal enzyme activity regulation, type of inhibition in which the inhibitor competes with the substrate molecule by binding to the enzyme's active site, process that changes a subtance's natural properties, describes chemical reactions that require energy input, measure of randomness or disorder within a system, describes chemical reactions that release free energy, a product's effect of a reaction sequence to decrease its further production by inhibiting the first enzyme's activity in the pathway that produces it, Gibbs free energy is the usable energy, or energy that is available to do work, energy transferred from one system to another that is not work (energy of the molecules' motion or particles), total bond energy of reactants or products in a chemical reaction, dynamic fit between the enzyme and its substrate, in which both components modify their structures to allow for ideal binding, energy type that takes place with objects or particles in motion, all the chemical reactions that take place inside cells, including anabolism and catabolism, bond that connects phosphates in an ATP molecule, energy type that has the potential to do work; stored energy, study of energy and energy transfer involving physical matter, high-energy, unstable state (an intermediate form between the substrate and the product) occurring during a chemical reaction, Biology 2E Chapter 7: Cellular Respiration |, Biology 2E Chapter 6: Metabolism | Chapter Re, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 8 Photosynthesis, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 7 Cellular Respir, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 5 Structure and F, OpenStax Biology 2e Chapter 4 Cell Structure, OpenStax Microbiology Chapter 1 An Invisible, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 28 De, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 27 Th, OpenStax Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 26 Fl, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. The information in each unit is well organized and follows the levels of biological organization well. However, the scientists who are mentioned are the typical examples theres no obvious effort to include or highlight contributions from a variety of cultures or ethnic backgrounds. There is no discussion of hypotheses that cannot be directly tested by controlled experiment, for ethical reasons or reasons of temporal or spatial scale. is positive and it is certainly a book I would consider using in my general biology course sequence, not only because of cost considerations (the web and PDF versions are free and even the printed version is inexpensive). Its generally well-written. The index at the start of the text is very useful for navigation. The chapters are divided into sections and subheadings. In Figure 4.6: Relatives sizes on a log scale However, each of the chapters could use a clearer transition from the opening of the chapter to the main chapter content. Please see also my comments below under the prompt about cultural relevance. Some of the content, such as mitosis and meiosis, are separated into different chapters, which is different from some of the standard texts used (e.g. The index at the end of the book and the glossary-key terms- at the end of each chapter are both very comprehensive as well. On page 1360, the explanation of keystone species is very weak and insufficient to answer the critical thinking question at the end of the chapter. I have tried to obtain a paper copy of the textbook, but it is not as easy as calling my publisher for a desk copy. I used this text for my 3-term majors' sequence, and although one class does not make a trend, my students turned in the highest grades of any class I've taught in my 29 year career. I am unlikely to switch back to the traditional textbook model, which I feel has become far too costly for my students. I I have been teaching general biology for 25 years, during which time I have used traditionally published texts. I think this makes the reading more accessible and therefore students are more likely to complete it. Review Questions at End of Section Why should our textbooks ignore it? Reviewed by Kristyn VanderWaal, Faculty, Anoka Technical College on 6/10/15, If you are looking for a majors level textbook that covers all the content covered in the vast majority of first semester biology course, this will work for you. read more. The set up of the text book is easy to navigate and the framework is consistent. The online version features a side menu table of contents with a drop-down option for each unit and chapter, so that one can navigate to individual chapter sections. On page 24, the term germline cells is used but is not clearly defined. This book follow the traditional, and most widely used, manner of organization for the sequence of chapters and topics, which allows for a logical flow of content. There are a few grammatical errors within the text but they are not distracting nor do they diminish the scientific accuracy of the text. Overall, this book covers the essentials required by an introductory biology textbook. Reviewed by Tobili Sam-Yellowe, Professor, Cleveland State University on 1/12/15, The text covers all areas of biology appropriate for first year biology students. I Reviewed by Laura Lambert, Administrative and Professional Faculty, James Madison University on 2/1/18, I focused in on Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins. However, this reviewer feels that there are too few images/charts to explain concepts. Biology (OpenStax) is as comprehensive as, and follows the general topical format of a commercially available introductory biology textbook designed for life science majors. The content covers the foundational concepts and therefore are unlikely to change or need radical revising in the short term. I found no grammatical errors, nor did I find distracting terms. Population genetics is the study of: I enjoyed the Links to Learning and Career Connections sections. Vending Services (Noida)Shop 8, Hans Plaza (Bhaktwar Mkt. Introduction to some of the emerging concepts and techniques would have been useful. The top menu bar has a My Highlights icon that brings up all notes and highlighted passages organized by chapter. The book is relevant and well structured. The content is changed very frequently- my one concern would be if these changes were major, how would that influence the ease-of-use for those students that download and print or order a text copy? 4. Author (s) OpenStax. For my course, "Integrative Biology: Animals" at the sophomore level, this book should be a useful resource for students. There is no adaptive learning software like publishers use. Overall, the coverage of subjects is appropriate for an introductory majors-level textbook that would be used across two (or more) semesters. The text contains few grammatical errors. The approach of including Hardy Weingberg under population evolution and drift, flow, mutations, and natural selection under population genetics is different from what Ive seen in other books. Please check your connection and try again. For these attractions to happen, the molecules need to be very close to one another. Even when using the material in a different order than presented in the text, it does not affect the continuity and connectedness of the material. The web based interface is simple and clean, and not overly complicated. 9781947172517. The book was published in 2013 and in spite of the 2017 Rice University copyright notice it does not appear to have been updated since the original publication. For Integrative Biology: Animals, I need a biology textbook with three types of content: (1) the toolkit of genes, proteins, structures, and pathways used by animals for the processes of life, (2) a biodiversity section that covers motile protists and about 10 major phyla of animals: Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata, and (3) physiology and anatomy covering the basic structure and function of animals. This depth is supplemented by online materials which were not offered by the traditional textbook. At room temperature, its pressure is 180 atm. Reviewed by Meagan Harless, instructor, Winona State University on 8/21/16, The text covers essential content in sufficient detail for an introductory and/or non-majors biology survey type course. Key words are in bold and are defined at the end of the chapter. Mention of the various topics relating to the globalization of science may benefit the students coming from outside of US. The textbook also offers access to a variety of Learning Resources and various real world Connection sub-topics that are highly useful and complemented the material provided in each chapter. These topics including sequencing, genomics and genomics techniques, epigenetics and genome editing. I focused in on Chapter 15: Genes and Proteins. The level of depth of material is consistent enough as well that the information covered is "accurate" to the level required for the text book. The art is well done and has clear images that are well labeled. On page 30, the text says, Many organisms belonging to the Archaea domain live under extreme conditions and are called extremophiles. This would be fine if the text then went on to explain that we now realize that Archaea are far more widespread than previously thought, but the discussion ends there. Include blood in pH figure 2.19. No grammatical errors were noted. bond formed by a dehydration reaction between two monosaccharides with eliminating a water molecule. Some of these are laced with ads that might indicate endorsement by a school or faculty and could be offensive to a student. The flow and organization is comparable to other texts in the market. The organization of the topics and how each are approached make sense in the scope of the course. However, the likelihood of an instructor assigning those subsections at random is very low, so I don't think it would be a problem. I plan on doing this with my course this semester. ),Opp.- Vinayak Hospital, Sec-27, Noida U.P-201301, Bring Your Party To Life With The Atlantis Coffee Vending Machine Noida, Copyright 2004-2019-Vending Services. The ammonia gas is at its highest concentration in the bottle; its lowest concentration is at the edges of the room. Teaching earth science for the first time. I realize that it is impossible to provide this quality of artwork in an open source textbook, but I think it is also important to recognize how important such features are for students attempting to visualize complex structures and to master difficult concepts. Error page 371. The term Agnatha was abandoned long ago, as jawless fishes include cyclostomes and ostracoderms and are not a clade. There were also many resources for both the instructor and the students that make the use of this book ideal. I was pleased that key female scientists were mentioned. Note: I have not yet used this book in a class. Also helpful is the ability to highlight within the text, only requiring a simple log in. However, I now realize that instructors are encouraged to cut irrelevant material and use relevant material to their coursework. I think this book is comprehensive for a general biology textbook, but it lacks some depth and breath for some concepts. The overall clarity if the text is equivalent to other introductory level biology textbooks, but one feature that I feel elevates this text beyond average is the inclusion of several "Visual Connection" items in each chapter. We have a two part biology series for majors and pre-nursing students that should have a good grounding in biology. read more. This textbook is mostly suitable for 100 level introductory biology for non-majors. read more. Should our understanding of cellular respiration or fermentation change, the chapter should be easy to update. P.451 Probes must be explained much more completely. The text is clear and illustrations are helpful. This textbook was comprehensively organized and populated with topics. The student can use references to look up additional material. The textbook is written in a clear language, easy to understand by freshmen students. Although the text states that H-bonds create the double-helix structure, this is not shown in the Figure. For the topics most commonly covered (Cellular Resipration, Mitosis, etc), this book does a good job. For example, chapters Webtwo sugar monomers that a glycosidic bond links. Content did not seem culturally insensitive or offensive. There were no major differences I observed between 1e and 2e. Overall the topics are presented logically and students can follow. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. A very general discussion of linkage analysis of two genes is included in chapter 13, but very little information or opportunity for practice is provided, and no information on how gene order can be inferred from linkage distances. Students can download this text for free, view it on their devices and print it out. On page 285, the text states, Cells in G0 phase are not actively preparing to divide. The overall organization of the course material is consistent with how it is taught at many institutions. The text is very accessible to students in terms of clarity and accessibility of prose. Due to its ease of use- chapters can be assigned out of order to tailor the individual needs. Headings and subheadings are clearly labeled so sections can be found easily. Web resources have a notoriously short longevity and links to external sources need updating, so their inclusion makes regular updating essential if only for that reason. For my own purposes, I would have preferred a bit more discussion of evolution in the first section since it has relevance at every level of life. I encountered no glaring examples of concepts being presented in a sequence that would hinder student comprehension. I think that this omission by Biology 2e makes it difficult to frame how absolutely important oxidative phosphorylation is in terms of energy yield, and also to compare the efficiency of aerobic to anaerobic respiration. Reading guides are combinations of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and labeling. This is a great chance to show the accomplishments of a brilliant woman. (other than the colour/color thing) When acids are added to a solution, the pH should ________. Many of the areas of biology are constantly changing with the ever increasing research being performed. I have not identified any specific errors in the text. The chapter appears confused about how time is represented in phylogenetic trees, saying both that trees do and do not have a time axis. As a result, for this level,I am pleased with the level of accuracy. This text is modular in the way that most textbooks are modular -- information is organized into chapters, and chapters are organized with subheadings. Before I adopt this text, I would really like to see the quality of these resources. My attempt to use a QR code scanner app of a mobile phone on the PDF of the textbook on a laptop screen didnt work and clicking the URL indicated the link was no longer current. Reviewed by Emily Jane McTavish, Asst. Both of these could almost be considered typos, except for that they risk confusing students. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, This book does do a good job of being modular. c. whether traits have a genetic basis 54 27 100 108 5. WebCh. 1171-2 are covered with weakly explained equations and values in mm Hg. I did not examine all of the review questions in the 26 chapters I engaged, but I came across one that to my mind rises to the level of error (Section 19.1 Population Evolution. Students in terms of subjects that are well labeled can follow both very comprehensive as.! And students can download this text for free, view it on their and... 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