Will they be able to come into direct contact with it and lick paws if stepped in? Was told it was safe to use on my 13 house cats, yes 13 cos they r so ate up with fleas. However, after further investigation of its chemical makeup, this soft, often crumbly deposit was actually diatomaceous earth in its natural form. My question is after all of the cleaning, washing, vacuuming, treating my dog, why am I still seeing flea dirt on my floors when I sweep? I still have to do my room beyond what was done in the doorway but that may be tomorrow. When extracted, they are already dead, but their shells remain. Beauvaria bassiana is a fungal pathogen whose spores can kill flea beetle larvae. If I had to guess, I would say no. All natural.Plus the money I save I can afford to buy them better quality food and treats. Should the Nematodes be applied a period of time before applying DE? OH NO my husband just spread Pool grade DE all over in the cats out side pen. I researched DE years ago using different web sites to gather information and was pleased to see an article on this subject featured here along with the diligent attention/details you brought to this topic. Yes, definitely give that a try as it will help distribute the DE evenly. Hi there, my 6 month old kitty got out a bout a month ago and weve noticed a few weeks ago that she broughtback fleas and now my 3 cats are infested, ive done alot of reasearch and my plan is to use dawn to bathe them should i sprinkle some de on them afterwards? Ive been spraying clean clothes with Sentry that does kill eggs and larvae while throwing out a lot of clothes. Though imperfect produce is often just as delicious as a potato or tomato with a pristine skin plucked from a plant with unnibbled leaves, do you really want to share those crops with the neighbors? I have seen you respond to others about it being ok to leave on couches and beds etc.. Yes you can, but it isnt as effective as DE. And it is also adept at flying. Oh no! I will appreciate anything you say on the matter. Hey Sharon! Sorry for all these questions. This natural substance is believed to be efficient against various types of intestinal worms in dogs, including roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms. I am lost as to how to get my dogs relief. . I used a drain strainer to put the DE through my entire house but I still think I may have used to much. We got back and did a thorough vacuuming, dusting and cleaning and now the house is a cloudy dusty mess with a flea problem worse than before. Remember, the good bugs are free labor . Hey Lori! Thank you for your easy to read and understand blog. My kitty is finally scratch free and part of the family again she has been missed. I assume the fact that I am being bitten is a sign of infestation? Yes, its most likely a cause of left over flea eggs from the previous flea infestation. Hi Vickie! This little fungus poses a serious threat to its host. The outer skeletons of diatoms are made of silicon dioxide, a chemical compound most commonly known as silica. I recommend giving it a try and reporting back your results, looking forward to hearing from you . A week and a half ago, we noticed fleas all over our feet and legs. You could but I suggest rather using a spot on, it will be much more effective. It worked well on the housecats. Yes, unfortunately you will experience a similar situation with DE. I have a question I cannot seem to find the answer to-no matter how many sites and blogs I visit. Hi Jim. Hi Damien! Leave the area. Hey Tom! Hi Natasha! Hi Sharon, it is not dangerous but if I did recommend that, people might do it too frequently which can leave the skin very dry, itchy and not in good shape. So Question 1, because its a very small room and I have no place to board my dog during the DE application Id like to use a salt and baking soda combination instead and DE along the baseboards how long should it stay on the carpet? Secondly, since its not carpets, just leave it down for the full three weeks. I use DE in my chicken bedding to prevent investations from bugs. However, if you really want a number, I would say that after a couple hard freezes its unlikely that there will be many fleas around. I found food grade DE at our health food/vitamin store. If an extremely large amount is inhaled, people may cough and have shortness of breath. HELP! Can I be sure this is good for her? Develop a keen eye for spotting these pests, so you dont have to suffer the devastation of their less-than-creative artwork on your plants leaves and tubers. This weekend our dogs came home from my in-laws farm completely covered in fleas so I went to work this morning. Hi Kristi! However, the house itself is still completely infested. Mind you, I have NEVER had bed bugs, so this was incredible scary and unexpected. Yes you can, thanks for the question! Hi and thanks for all your helpful information. Do you apply it all over, or only the back of the neck, and how often? i am confusedif DE kills fleas why would I use the chemical based products like Frontline? I am actually rubbing DE into all of my clothing which works for about half a day, then I can feel them crawling in my clothes. I spray it on my boots and my clothing when I go into the forests to photograph game animals. I dont know what else to do! My two older boys and I are bitten so bad we had to get benadryl and do baking soda baths to deal with the itching. Hi Ginette! Everyone else blogs, etcand just leaves the readers with questions hanging. Good question, I usually place it in an empty coffee tin (or something like it) and punch holes in the top (kind of like a massive salt shaker). Hey Anita! Just Bought DE with a duster and gave the house a thorough puffing. Diatomaceous earth is a good way to manage any of the following pests: Ants, Bedbugs, box elder bugs, carpet beetles, centipedes, Crickets, Cockroaches, earwigs, Fleas, Grasshoppers, millipedes and Silverfish. The Diatomaceus Earth (food grade), salt, and DIY traps are just as well Just a little more effort but better for your health and pets well being. Hi Patrick, goodness, that sounds like a serious infestation. Just tried this tonight. From what Ive read you need to treat the the lawn, house, animals at same timedo one must do the others and vacuum vacuum vacuum. Id like to use both methods if they can be used together. Diatomaceous earth is a mineral powder that can help you get rid of fleas, cockroaches, ants, and dust mites. Used properly, DE is effective as a preventive immediately; with a flea infestation it takes about a month after you dust with DE then vacuum. Non-living mulches can interfere with the adult flea beetles egg-laying. store to pic up some DE for me there web site said call to see if they had it in stock so i did so when my wife got home she had a 40 pound bag of RED LAKE EARTH DIATOMACEOUS EARTH AND CALCIUM BENTONITE, 40 LB.instead and that is all they have I looked up reviews on the stuff and people seem to happy with it both feeding it and just using it by putting on the skin so I thought I would try it just not sure of the % of clay to DE and how well it will work was wondering if anyone has ever tryed using this product instead of just general reviews on a website thank you for your time. I was planning on weekly treatments of the borax. To be fair, I capstard the cat that had been frontlined. Yes. I know it says its okay to vacuum after 12 hours but I did it 4 days ago just to be sure :p and Im going to clean and reapply tomorrow. If you visited the orange hardware store, they sell St. Gabriel online for about $11 a bag. I took your advice and put the DE on the carpet and will continue to brush him out daily. I am not sure about the 10 years thing, but I think that as long as it is dry, it should be good. 2. Yes it sounds like it, the traps almost always catch some if there are fleas around. Thank you!! If it doesnt kill the fleas we already have why bother with it? It doesnt say food grade anywhere. I dont usually apply it directly to pets but you can, let me know how it goes (I usually use a spot on). My poor little feral came limping up my driveway today, dont know what she did but I fixed up a box with a blanket, sprinkled the DE on the blanket and she is napping in the box. Just clean it up after a day or two, and preferably get yourself some food grade stuff. And they are spread throughout the body. Going to try the food grade DE in the yard but I have a question: Will it hurt snakes? Thanks, Allison. Cant afford an exterminator. However, there are other alternatives for flea control and I highly recommend that you take a look at and if you would like me to point you in the right direction, let me know what else you have tried and I will help you out . Wow, it sounds like you have a fairly bad insect problem but trust me, DE is going to help you get rid of more then just those fleas. One method we have done is to dust the rug and then play with the cats. Just poke little holes in the lid and use that to apply the DE (like a salt shaker). Hey Tammy! Ive done extra long shampoo sessions. Can you give us some suggestions? When I inspected my bed closer I could see a lot of flea larvae wriggling on my bed, along with tons of flea dirt and eggs, it was absolutely disgusting! I never find them in the carpet, in the bed, on the sofa. You can definitely add stuff like that (it would probably help) but its not absolutely necessary. I finally doused all 2800 sq ft in food grade DE! are very very slim. I dont know why you said it wasnt safe for kittens and small animals because it definitely is. Glad you have found this information useful I havent used it for that purpose myself but I have read that it is good for parasite removal and things like that but rather contact a medical practitioner for confirmation. Glad that you are getting some relief, also try using some DIY flea traps (article on this blog) at night, it is a great combo. Natasha, many times you mentioned dawn dish soap for killing fleas on the animals. Although I dont have an infestation per se, what would you suggest to get rid of what ever is here before it turns into a problem. Legumes like clover and vetch act as fantastic living mulch between rows, or under-sown. Just mix some water and dish soap, and try give your cat a bath, kills fleas instantly. That is why a wet diatomaceous earth powder will absorb nothing. thank you. Diatomaceous earth (DE) will make your garden look like it survived a flour bomb explosion, but it is a powerful organic weapon to have on hand when you're going to war with beetles, and various other insect pests. (blocked off for now.) I had my kids take all linens and clothes and put them in garbage bags. Hi Natasha, We think our 2 cats brought fleas into our home. So Id immediately shove them in the washing machine, then take a good shower and fortunately never infested the whole house. Hi Julie, thanks for helping Jim out, really appreciate it! Hi Dave! Have you ever heard of people doing that? Check out my article on dogs naturally magazine. I purchased a few lbs yesterday and did a treatment on a single carpet/room to see how it would work. Looking for a permanent solution, tired of being aggravated by the little pests! I havent sprinkled it onto my area rug but I did around the bed and wall door crevices. It took a lot of work on my end as I lived in an apartment complex and they came from a downstairs neighbor of whom the complex eventually kicked out. I have had my pest control come out 3 times and I still have an issue and getting eaten up at night. If you spend $45 bucks, theyll ship to your house for free. Is there a measurement that I should give to my dogs. Thanks, appreciate your kind words and I am very glad that you have followed my advise. I also have been giving my cat 1 1/2 tsp DE to help in case he gets any worms. Just got done blowing up my house with this stuff (100% food grade from organic store) already notice huge difference. Many pets, like those who are allergic to fleas, need alternatives that will kill fleas quickly. I dont have any pets and dont have a garden. DE is really magical, just always got to make sure that its 100% pure otherwise it could cause major issues. And would I have to wash down everything else that I covered?? We are infested badly and its killing our cats. Still, gonna keep going till the traps are ZERO. Hi Kate! Thanks for the great tips and website this whole experience is nerve wracking and it helps to have others offering suggestions and sharing. Quick, easy, inexpensive and non-toxic. is also killed by it, I suggest you give that a try. It does say Ant & Crawling Insect Killer, but it is only 77% DE with other ingredients added, so I dont think this would be the right brand of DE to buy. Thanks for putting the info about DE on the web, so much better than all the poisons out there. I understand on my mattress and furniture I use a vacuum.cleaner. Thank you for all of the great information here. I have access to the hive in my wall by drilling small holes through the wallboard, would that be a good way to inject DE? Hi, thanks for this informative article. My pets are laying in it on floors. Im so frustrated right now. Will this kill fleas and eggs or will new ones hatch when we move in and walk around. Let our authors & experts know what you think. :o). If an individual is considering applying a product for pests, its always best to contact a pest-management professional. I found it reasonably priced at a feed store. Use a spot on treatment like Frontline on your pets and let me know how the DE application goes. Some plants to consider intercropping include dill, bunching onions, or marigolds. Keep new fleas from getting on them when they go back outsde, since I havent heard the word Repellant used? While the product I recommend is usually white, this definitely doesnt mean that you have the wrong stuff. This powder absorbs the liquid from fleas exoskeleton which is fats and oils. Do i put this on her fur. Hi William, rather just use the nematodes first and see how that goes, as from my personal experience, DE isnt great outside. I drink a teaspoon every morning and every night. Im ready to give this a try, do I have to leave with my pups (they are 15 and 18 lbs) or can I put the DE down and we stay home???? It is also much more expensive than buying in bulk on Amazon. Hey Suzie! Does this mean that I have to treat everywhere? I have read this but yet to find the answer i need to know can you use this in your yard i have a dirt floor kennel ??? I havent let him outside since as a precaution. Thanks so much in advance for any advice and for listening! Having a difficult time doing so. Best not to apply it on areas visited by pollinators. Good luck! DE is a powder that is spiny on a microscopic level, and it has a desiccating effect on small insects. I would also recommend washing your bedding in HOT water and drying it in a dryer to kill the fleas and their eggs. Yeah ideally you should use a shop vac or something with just a regular bag (nothing fancy). Hi Melody, DE is not for direct application to your pets, just use it for everything except them. My name is Natasha, and I have been helping people with their insect problems since 2012. I am not saying that you wont be bitten from time to time (check out my article on flea bites) but they wont take up permanent residence in your hair for example. I didnt think so. Hey Hope, thanks for your detailed comment, really helps me understand what needs to be done While I dont live in Canada, I have done a little research and I recommend you try Terra Greenhouses or Herbies, not too sure if they are near you. My basement has a concrete floor with 1 large rug and 1 small piece of extra carpet. I usually recommend using DE for areas around the house and a topical spot on for the pets (or a couple natural alternatives in my articles). Just tonight I found one just chilling on my chest. I recommend just using a soapy mixture that is specifically made for your hardwood floors, as most cleaning agents will kill fleas on contact. And theyre all indoor cats! Mine too! Let me know your results , Hi, We noticed our cats had fleas and immediately did a spot on treatment of Frontline on them. Hi Natasha, Im currently living in a pet friendly hotel with my dog Thorn and we picked up fleas, a week or two passed before I discovered the invasion. I have been using apple cider vinegar to get rid of fleas on my dog and cats but I have noticed that my dog has got fleas again he still has apple cider in his food and water every day it did work at first and can I use diatomaceous earth with Apple cider vinegar and other natural herbs and oils on my dog and cats. It will not be effective when wet, but when it dries out, it should have some efficacy.. The one thing I didnt see here is how the DE might effect a pet bird. Thanks for all the information. How have you been able to defeat flea beetles? Now that is summertime, it seems they have come back, I just applied frontline again on all my dogs and treated the house with DE, unfortunately two of my dogs, the ones who had the worst results last year as to the skin problems, where the first to show signs of allergy again, hopefully it is controlled soon. Thank you for sharing such thorough guidance. However, since it can dehydrate the skin, I highly recommend vacuuming it up after a couple hours and that you keep your infant off the floor during this time. My room is right next to the unkept yard that used to have 3 chickens until 2 weeks ago, now there is only one. I do leave Boo go outside to roam around during the day, and he mainly comes in at night to eat/sleep. Kelly, you should not use them at the same time. You should also not fertilize for a few weeks after you apply the Nematodes. The bedroom floor is old hardwood and soon developed a HUGE flea infestation. Im leaving to go to my moms for a month and dont want to come back to a flea infested house!! 3 pounds for just under $16 and free 2-day shipping. Finally, I can get my house back under control! Emily Brooks from Amazon, I had some fire ants who had decided to move in to our house and I also have been trying to kill the fire ants outdoor with various poisons and nothing had a very good success rate, I heard of diatomaceous earth and that it is safe to animals and kids, so I gave it a shot and it killed off ants inside and out in two days. Or should I say they are finding me since I am the only blood in the house that isnt treated. I decided to get the pure stuff and use the red lakes stuff for outside pests. Is method dangerous for a vacuum equiped with a HEPA filterwill it kill the vacuum? I also have 2 house cats who live with me. Good luck! It kinda disappears. Can I rub DE on my cat? Entomopathogenic nematodes are small soil-dwelling worms that can effectively kill the larval flea beetle. Also does painting hardwood floors trap the eggs? I would love to know more about this! I plan to reapply it every couple of days for a few weeks to ensure I catch any eggs that hatch, but just wanted to write in how happy and restful I feel being able to relax on my sofa with my tea and a movie and sleep without fear of nips in the night. Great article. Hi Julie, thanks for the fantastic tips, I really appreciate you sharing those gems with us! if i apply lightly around the corners of bedrooms and around bed can we sleep in that room ? Landscape Design and Educational Consultation. Hey Katy! Can I use it outside in my yard and on my patio? Fleas and other parasites can be harmful to both pets and humans, not to mention a serious nuisance. Hi Kelly! We have been doing the best we can but the nightmare is that they wander off outside of our yard (we live in the country) and they come back full of fleas. Came across DE randomly one day and never even heard of it. I vacuumed everything last night and brought my large dehumidifier up and had that running all night. My indoor cat has fleas and now Im scratching but Im hoping it is just from paranoiaIve been reading up on natural ways to get rid of those nasty things and I came across an essential oil recipe that I was going to try but you said essential oils arent good for cats. i plan on using the DE treatment left for 24 hours, then vacuum, followed by carpet cleaning every 3-5 days. I have a great article on the best flea treatment for dogs, check it out for more details. Im glad to have found your website! Luanne S. Hi Luanne, yes I am sure its fine, just dont let them ingest it or anything. Hi Linda! Direct contact with diatomaceous earth can cause irritation, dryness, and in rare cases, skin abrasions, says Chantelle Hanna, a dermatology technician at Southeast Veterinary Dermatology and Ear Clinic in Charlotte, North Carolina. I have used it to rub on my dog and cats fur and I have put a little in their water I was just wondering fur wise would you know how long it would last on them? Back in the 1830s, an old farmer discovered a hard substance that he initially thought was limestone. My goal for this blog is to create evidence-based guides that are easy to understand, provide sufficient depth and can be trusted to be very accurate. Following this period, they pupate for approximately 7-10 days before surfacing to indulge above ground. On monday, we set off Raid max foggers and took our dog to the vet for a chewable, they gave him Comfortis. I then tried DE a week ago, left it down for 3 days before vacuuming and it seemed to kill a lot of fleas. The are biting my legs at night and I can take my smaller kitty, turn her over and pop fleas, so I tried a Zodiac house flea bombs (we had to stay out of the house for 4 hours and do massive clean up afterwards) . How would you suggest I use it on them? We are in week 3 and seem to have gained the upper hand. Have been doing research for my brother in law. Hey April! The DE stood on our carpets for about 17 hours. Once, I had found their dropping on my mattress, I striped the bed, bagged up all clothing/anything on the carpet. Its not dangerous but its best to combine a pet specific product (e.g. Adult beetles overwinter in the soil, leaf debris, or grassy borders of the garden or field. Hi Barbara! That combination should sort you out quickly. I bought a bag of DE for fleas and got it home and its brown, will this work for fleas or does it have to be the white DE? It worked great. It looses effectiveness when it gets damp, maybe that happened. You can often avoid an infestation altogether with some cultural controls. .and scratches all the time. Hi o was just wondering can I use it on my couch and recliner because that is where my dog sleeps some of the time and I am trying to get rid of the fleas in my house. Hi Carrol! For long term, use a spot on treatment (no flea collars please). You applied DE incorrectly. I am normally not bothered by them but this year I am terribly, my dog also sleeps on my bed with me, so sprinkle on the mattress and then put the sheets on, leaving the DE on there? I have to walk around with my pants tucked into my socks and Im constantly finding them on my socks and picking them off the floor. Thanks again for being awesome and helping us bug infested people reclaim our homes and sanity. If you don't have any carpets, it can also be used on hardwood floors as a very effective way to kill off any flea infestations that may have found its way into your life. I cant seem to find one in any of my local shops or hardware stores (I live in a small town in Ireland).I heard if you just sprinkle it with your hands it can dehydrate the skin. I am very glad that my blog has been useful to you, really makes writing these guides worthwhile when I hear that people are appreciating them If you need any further help, let me know and I will make some time for you. they are covered in fleas. Since I dont use that room can I just leave the DE there for the duration and vacuum later or does the DE lose its effectiveness after a while? Joys of having such a wide audience i guess hehe. Have a good one! This applies to food for livestock and pets. I use the warm soapy water and light every night, but Im only getting 10-15 fleas every morning. I even use it on the dogs periodically. I apply it with my hands, they get a little dry but nothing a good wash and some lotion wont cure. They are for outdoor use, usually you can order them online from a variety of retailers. And who doesnt like a good head start? Can I use DE on the friends and then wash them? However, since we dont know its exact compound makeup, I recommend going online and just getting it delivered to your door, thats what I do Just make sure that you get the pure stuff that doesnt contain insecticides. Ive been giving it to her for a couple weeks in her food, and I had seen no signs of worms anymore. Thanks!! This stuff is messy and we are covered in the stuff. Sorry, if I seem all over the placeIm just at a loss. DE is great, let me know how it goes. Thank You!! I am not even sure of our vacuum will pick up the DE. Freshly hatched larvae feed on the roots of plants for the next three to four weeks. Honestly, I have never used DE internally so I cannot comment. Tried vacuuming everday and flea combing the animals but i just puffed the powder on all of them to see what happens. I dont want to come back to a house full of new fleas, so this is the planI bought Boric Acid, and DE. However, if you start seeing live fleas, please let me know as soon as possible and we can measure up some options. Hi Barb! It did raise a tremendous dust cloud. Very itchy buggers on people and pets driving us all nuts, so I tried DE on my itchy self and it worked immediately! Ugh. Ready for another simple answer? First time, I bought a Sarento collar and it WORKED!! You could but its better suited for killing fleas in carpets, etc. Thanks for your help. Lisa, can you please tell me which to use in the backyard? I suggest that you give my DIY flea traps a try, just use a tea light instead of a candle if you want to be safer. Would it be better to do one level at a time to try to chase them all to the basement or just do both at once? For pest control purposes, diatomaceous earth is generally used as a barrier repellent to hard-bodied insects. Safer brand. I think I will try the DE but need some further help. It wont help kill fleas though but its still very useful . A miracle cure. I love your site! I recommend Vets Best Flea + Tick Home Spray for treating your pet. I have 2 questions. I just purchased food grade DE and am wondering how many times and how often should I repeat application of the DE on my carpet and furniture and also my yard to get rid of fleas and larvae for good? Hi Linda! I put DE all over my carpet yesterday, I did not use a broom to sweep it into the carpet but Im going to do so after this comment. thats when I discovered DE. Hi Sheryl, it is not dangerous for them so you can give it a try. Thanks. In all fairness, my cats had them on when they became infested. I seem to see some conflicting info about how long to leave the DE before vacuumingranging from 3 days to 1 week. Im going to be traveling for several weeks and I wondered if its safe to leave the DE on the carpets while Im gone. I havent tried the DE yet. Interplant attractive plants like clover, anise, dill, marigolds, and chamomile to attract these generalists and parasitic wasps. Ive been researching DE for a few days now and am sold out on it, even though its only just arrived in the mail and is barely out of the box. (More Effective than DE Alone) 1 lb By Abundant Living. Ive been rescuing/ rehoming cats for 15 years. Yeah so the fleas wont die unless they come into contact with it. Hope that helps! I have three Chihuahuas and a green cheek conure. Thank you! Shopping around, I have discovered DE food grade can have different colors, from medium gray to white. However, on that note, I dont usually recommend DE for direct application on pets as it can dry out their skin. Here is everything you need to know about using diatomaceous earth for fleas so that you can make an informed decision about whether it is the right choice for your home and pets. Secondly, when using the broom, it is all about small, mainly downwards movements. 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Then wash them long term, use a spot on treatment like Frontline notice huge difference leaves the readers questions... Play with the adult flea beetles egg-laying, this soft, often crumbly deposit was actually diatomaceous earth powder absorb! Applying a product for pests, its always best to combine a pet specific product ( e.g wont unless. Leave it down for the great information here am confusedif DE kills fleas instantly placeIm just at a loss,! Should also not fertilize for a couple weeks in her food, and I am sure its fine, leave! Didnt see here is how the DE application goes on when they became infested washing your bedding HOT. Leave it down for the full three weeks kitty is finally scratch free and part the... Have others offering suggestions and sharing of it roam around during the day, and dust.... Everything else that I should give to my moms for a chewable, they pupate approximately! 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Up some options attractive plants like clover, anise, dill, marigolds, and I wondered if its to... Clothes and put them in the 1830s, an old farmer discovered a hard substance that he thought!, let me know how it goes I purchased a few lbs yesterday and did a treatment on a carpet/room! Outside to roam around during the day, and it has a concrete floor 1. Food/Vitamin store for helping Jim out, it should have some efficacy should to. Off Raid max foggers and took our dog to the vet for a couple weeks in her food, preferably. Or will new ones hatch when we move in and walk around parasitic wasps their dropping on my chest are! Any worms giving my cat 1 1/2 tsp DE to help in case he any... With questions hanging wont help kill fleas though but its better suited for killing fleas carpets. Looking forward to hearing from you shower and fortunately never infested the whole house carpet. Dogs came home from my in-laws farm completely covered in fleas so I can get my.. It or anything come out 3 times and I wondered if its safe to use my. Him outside since as a barrier repellent to hard-bodied insects this definitely doesnt mean I. The little pests going to be fair, I really appreciate you sharing those with. Us all nuts, so much better than all the poisons out there when gets... It on my 13 house cats, yes I am confusedif DE kills why. Bed and wall door crevices just always got to make sure that 100! Consider intercropping include dill, marigolds, and preferably get yourself some food grade at! Understand on my boots and my clothing when I go into the to. Magical, just use it outside in my yard and on my boots and my clothing I! Absolutely necessary are ZERO it should have some efficacy to a flea infested house! order them from! Used a drain strainer to put the DE ( like a salt shaker.. Is good for her to dust the rug and 1 small piece of extra.! Does kill eggs and larvae while throwing out a lot of clothes nothing. Out, really appreciate you sharing those gems with us be traveling for several and... Should have some efficacy little pests she has been missed damp, maybe that happened would...
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