559 GOD HEARS MY PRAISE, 562 WEEPING PILGRIMS FLEE 407 REBUILDING STOPPED, 411 FASTING AND PRAYER Number 529 HEART IS HUMBLED 645 ANGRY DISPUTES Number 505 OUTCAST IS COMFORTED What EARTHLY KING? 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED (NO SACRIFICE), 116 PRAYER OF CONFESSION 267 MAN OF SORROWS Number 631 LONG LIFE Number 320 SHOUT OF VICTORY 527 RICH MAN PERISHES 595 RULE THE NATIONS 293 ACCOUNTS SETTLED, 294 SPIRIT OF WISDOM 144 JESUS IS LORD, 129 DISRESPECT THE FATHER Yes, this is why his birthday was moved to his conception date. Sometimes prophetic identities change Im not so sure Assyria II is Russia or the Russia / Euro Axis but I wouldnt bet against it. 157 CHOSEN PEOPLE, 150 CURSE ON EVIL SONS Number49TIME OF THE END Number 131 CHILDREN OF GOD, Number 132 ANOINTED Number55 RESIST TRUTH 155 HONOR RELATIVES 340 LINE OF FAITH MULTIPLIES, 341 REMNANT IS WEAK Number 594 PRECIOUS SACRIFICE 480 SON OF GOD: ON THE THRONE Three patriarchs:In Scripture, we have three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matthew 22:32). 134 MISTRUST GODS MAN, 137 QUARRELING If you have a dream it might be a divine communication or it might not. Though I do not know which sickens my stomach more, how we kill 3,000+ babies every day or that I live in the whore of Babylon and did not know it. Bible numbers enrich spiritual understanding. 146 FREE OF ALL BONDS The Seventh Day We Are Now In The Seventh Day! If you want, check out my blog. Omicron = 70 Dr. John McGregor. Number 575 LORD OF ALL THE EARTH Number 499 KING IS CROWNED 416 PEOPLE WORK ON WALLS, 418 WAY OF HARLOT REJECTED 509 TERROR ON EVERY SIDE My fear of losing the Internet is not because I will miss YouTube or Amazon, it is the research material I use to explain stuff to other people. Please read my paper The Exile of Ephraim on Page 4 PROPHECY which details the exact process step-by-step by which America will be humbled. I knew it was important to write down and research. We fall under the prophecies related to Manasseh, the United Kingdom, and her colonies. Number 655 DISORDER IN THE FAMILY Though I wrote about it in 1998, which is the reason Obama picked Kerry, my mind was opened to the USAs fate and who we are in the Bible. 399 BLOCKING STREAMS OF WATER, 391 HOLY ONE OF GOD IS KILLED [FAITH IN CHRIST] Number457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD The 680th verse in the Bible is Genesis 25 v 21 Now Isaac pleaded with the LORD for his wife because she was barren; and the LORD granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived. The 680th chapter of the Bible is Isaiah chapter 1 where it is written I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me and Alas sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a brood of evil doers, children who are corrupters etc.. Perhaps Marriage Violation are not the best words to describe the evil of unfaithfulness to ones covenant partner. 2 Kings 2:24 Number126 SAVED FROM WRATH, Number115 DEATHLY SILENCE Of course, as well touch on briefly later, we cant determine that every instance of the number 12 in Scripture has a deep meaning. I was talking to a leader/owner of a Mosque, and he said to me that Jews drinking alcohol was an invention of later Jews and early Jews did not drink alcohol, just like Muslims. 469 TEACHERS CAST AWAY I love Jesus. Number486 THE LORD AVENGES 425 CHOIRS JOYFULLY SING, 426 SERVANTS DEEDS RECALLED 560 SENSELESS SONS OF DARKNESS, 561 PLOT TO DESTROY SAINTS Number 303 STRONGREBELLION, Number305 AUTHORITY IS WEAK You dont have to give an explanation of the numbers, but does God give us numbers to search out the meaning of them? Jesus repeats the phrase feed my sheep to Peter three times (John 21:15-17).. 47 HUMILITY: Abasement; Submission, 48 FATHERS BLESSING 95 VOICE OF GOD The USA violated and thou shalt not borrow. in August 1971 when President Nixon killed the gold standard so he could borrow money from other nations to fund the Vietnam war. Number223BROTHER HATERS Thank you for this insight written on the understanding of numbers and there significance. I am happy to have found your blog. I enjoyed the .PDF on Creation and genes. Number174 INNOCENT DEATH, Number175MARRIAGE VIOLATION Many teachers believe it's a symbolism for "bondage" because it's mentioned in the Bible 18 times, but scholarly Christians and Jews have noted that at many points, the number 18 represents the release from bondage. Id like to thank you for creating this site, its helped me grow in ways that I cannot even describe. as a holiday which happens to be his birthday, nine months forward. GLORY OF GOD DEPARTS 354 MAKE A RELIGIOUS SHOW Number 389 KILLING SPREE IN THE CAMP Number 2 DIVIDE: Break Among numbers such as 3 and 40, the number 12 appears numerous times throughout the Old and New Testament. The numbers of verses and chapters has great significance for me, are the dates. Then the stenographer delivered a message direct from God on the House floor and warned them not to mock God, the message was ignored. Number434 MEN OF FAITH OUT OF HIDING, Number429 EVIL MAN HONORED btw really enjoy the information I have found here. Number125MULTITUDE OF HOLY ANGELS endobj Number 155 HONOR RELATIVES 315 WEEPING & MOURNING, 309 GOOD CONFESSION Number 690 ROOT OF JESSE SHOOTS UP Number162 IDOL Because the God that formed the earth and DNA wrote the Bible transcribed by man and everything you think you know everything there is to know, God can prove you know nothing. So when the voice translated a number and it became a name and a meaning that makes perfect sense to me. Number 617 NO PLACE TO RUN FROM THE RULER The Secret Meaning and Symbolism The number 240 is often associated with a high level of adventure and adrenaline. I looked what you say about these numbers. 584 JUDGES DO RIGHT The woman that mentioned #285, if you follow what has happened in the USA since 1960 we have pretty much gone from #277 to #282. in order. endobj 618 SCHEMERS PLOT MY DOWNFALL In the King James, it is usually used to refer to an adversary, foe or enemy, or even to the troubles caused by such people. chance, and Im stunned why this coincidence did not happened in advance! The number 173 means Great Battle between the forces of good and evil, which will culminate in the Great Tribulation at Armageddon (Rev. 393 EXCLUDED FROM FELLOWSHIP All meant to displace Gods timing and most importantly, replace the Passover with Aster. Is it the Mark of the Beast? Number 642 HUMBLE TENT WILL STAND 245 KILLS PROPHETS Number490 EVERY BOASTFUL MOUTH SHUT, Number491 SAINTS SUFFER IN SILENCE 252 EVIL SPIRIT TORMENTS, 253 SPIRITUAL BATTLE 239 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PROPHET, 241 SAINTS IN PRISON Familicides are up 10x from what they were before Nov 2008. Number 552 WILD BEAST RAGES Hi John. Hallelujah! When the children mocked the prophet, God sent 2 she bears. I see that were missing number 84. Some, like Smyrna, appear to have strong walks in the faith (Revelation 2), while others, like Laodicea, have no good marks and a terrible lukewarm spiritual fervor (Revelation 3:14-22).. 190 KINGDOM COMES 657 SUDDEN DESTRUCTION 566 DEATH IS NEAR 585 GODS BLESSINGS The Voice of the Archangel The End has AlreadyBegun, (c) The Sacred Feasts and Holy Assemblies, Sabbath The Rest of Saving Faith, Passover Christ our Sacrificial Lamb, Feast of Unleav Bread Celebration of the Lords Supper, Feast of First Fruits Resurrection of Christ, Feast of Pentecost Birth of the Church, Feast of Trumpets Mid-point of Great Tribulation, Feast of Tabernacles Entire Great Tribulation Period, Reuben Catholic Church & State, Simeon Kings of Europe / Crusaders, Manasseh Great Britain, Ephraim The Rise of America, Exile of Ephraim The Fall of America, 911 Attack 37 Details of Sep 11 in Ezekiel, World War III America is not invincible, The Tribe of Dan Radical Islamic Jihad, The Tents of Kedar Islamic State, Putins Russia in Prophecy Book of Nahum, China in Prophecy Descendants of Cain, Covenant of Marriage (Two Become One Flesh), Covenant of Adam (From Dust To Life), Covenant of the Serpent (From Life To Dust), Covenant of Animal Sacrifice (Covering of Sin), Covenant of Melchizedek (Gift of Righteousness), Covenant of Abram (Possession of Promised Land), Covenant of Circumcision (Slave of Gods Law), Covenant of Mount Sinai (Slave of Law of Moses), The Queens Chamber The Redeemed of the Lord, The Queens Chamber Niche Mount Zion Spiritual Israel, The Kings Chamber The Millennium Kingdom, The Antechamber The Great Tribulation, The Giza Complex Three Pyramids: Three Planets, Mystery of the Sphinx The Beast of Revelations, Prophecy in the Stars Basic (read this first), Prophecy in the Stars Expanded (read this second), Mystery in the Stars Prophetic Time Line(easy graphic), Star Knowledge: Time of Christ & Apostles, Star Knowledge: Modern History Since the Cross, VIRGO Christ Seed of the Woman, LIBRA The Cross of Christ, SCORPIO World Seed of Satan, SAGITTARIUS The Heavenly Jerusalem, CAPRICORN Israel Second Exile, AQUARIUS Jesus Humble Servant. Well also address the problem of looking too deeply into symbolism. Number 151 MANS POSSESSIONS We pay out $30,000,000,000 just on the interest of the debt and China holds much of the short term notes. Suffice to say, man understands very little of God or eternal things. Number 3 BINDING: Spirit, God, Number4 MESSAGE:Hear SInce each pair of M/F gamets is 630 that is another Bible #. Our faith is traced through Christ not Mary. 622 means Mountain on Fire and links to Psalm 144. No further postings regarding Jewish blood lines in modern times please. One may wonder why people didnt continue on in names, Judah, Perez, Hezron, Ram The Israelites had three patriarchs for a very specific reason. In total 16 white vs 16 black equals 32 pieces: division (2) of the fellowship (32) [32 = 16 + 16]. I like the additions and improvements to your website, plus, the picture. Number 576 BLAST OF RAMS HORN 547 MARTYR CALLS FOR WRATH, 549 GOOD LIFE RESTORED The meaning of 76 is Prophet, particularly a True Prophet. The number 175 means Marriage Violation. The third day:We cant talk three without talking about how Jesus rose after three days (1 Corinthians 15:4). 177 TRAMPLE POOR Number 512 ANGEL OF LORD IS NEAR 292 KING OF KINGS Also know this the prophets in the Bible OFTEN received messages from God they did not understand. So, the fern witches/wicca like to use in their spells, has Daniels days of 1260, wrapped up in 630 Satanic periods, that reproduces away from the light underground. I was born on the 13 May 1972.my understanding is that 13 means rebellion n 5 is grace/five fold and 7 completion, 2 witness. Her son Joseph is also prophetic of Gentile nations founded on a Christian profession. This is actual mocking of God since Obama has now freed Cuba from the USAs slavery aka 50 year Jubilee period, which is what the first two parts of the Curse of the Zeroes and the Civil War was about. Number 332 MOCKER IS HUMBLED The number 383 is the 76th prime number. Number53 FAITHFUL WITNESS, Number54 FALSE TEACHING The 175th chapter in the Old Testament is Deut. Number473 THE LORD THUNDERS Mystery of the Fig Tree TheProphetic Tree! Why? 223 BROTHER HATERS Number256 FAMILY OF GOD SPLIT 107 CRY OUT TO GOD IN DISTRESS, 109 DEFENDER OF THE POOR Where Do You Start With Biblical Numerology? Number98 RELIGIOUS LEADER BLIND Number 637 LOVE INSTRUCTION, Number 633 ADULTERY COMMITTED The revelation you received is valid also, but it is a personal message with meaning and application to you, not to all Christians. Jesus drank wine. Number 367 PLACE OF WORSHIP IS A YOKE Im quite busy with farm work right now. Number46 RECONSTRUCTED LIFE: Resurrection Number 597 REBORN HEBREWS Number 135 SPIRITUAL GIFTS, Number 136 CLEAN HEART Number 524 THE LORD IS WITH US Number238 LORDS SACRIFICE SCORNED, Number240 HOLY THINGS LOST You can find that yourself on our post Bible Numbers The List. Number242 SAINTS GO TO HEAVEN 7 THE END: Sword is Raised, 10 TESTIMONY: Vow of Fealty 291 DEATHLY PLAGUES Don't let others make decisions for you and don't live a life that someone else has planned. 659 POOR & WEAK REFRESHED SATURN 6th Witness of God: Church in Glory, URANUS 7th Witness of God: Church in Last Days, Ancient History BySabbaticals, Jubilees, Generations, Geometry of Spiritual Truth (Lines, Planes, 3 Dimensions), Mystery of the 5-Square (Forgiveness of Sins), Mystery of the 7-Square (The Time of The End), Mystery of the 11-Square (Touchstone of Prophecy), Pentagon and Pentagram (Satans Big Lie), The Equilateral Cone (Gods Witness), HIS HAND IS STILL UPRAISED (Prophecy of Isaiah). Also, Psalm 23 symbolizes David's spiritual completeness and the completeness of his trust in God, which is a reflection of righteousness and holiness. We see Christians creating denominations and religious organizations, giving tithes and offerings. But, we both have crops to take care of tomorrow. So if God is holy, holy, holy, he is the completeness of holiness. The Orthodox are a tiny minority. What exactly on your chart from #s 42-77 does the statements sign of libra and sign of no star sign and sign of scorpio refer to. The LORD says Who has required this from your hand, to trample my courts? and To what purpose is your multitude of sacrifices to me? Under the Law Jews were required to congregate on special days, make sacrifices and follow rituals. Though we might make it to the elections. Love in Jesus. Number 605 CITY DOOMED 86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD This site has nothing to say about any numbers except those found in the Bible. Number195 CITY BURNS: NEW COVENANT We see believers meeting in temples, cathedrals, churches. Number252 EVIL SPIRIT TORMENTS, Number253 SPIRITUAL BATTLE Number 522RETREAT BEFORE ENEMY Number 640 LOVE CORRECTION 3 BINDING: Yoke, 4 MESSAGE: Tongue, Ear 649 ILL-GOTTEN GAIN IS CURSED 295 HEAVY TAXES, 296 PEOPLE TOIL UNDER KING 195 CITY BURNS: NEW COVENANT 552 WILD BEAST RAGES These are the Chinese that built our rail roads that were not from any of the tribes of Israel. Number 345 SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN Number36 EXALTED MAN: Warrior Number377 HEART RESENTS KING Number424 HOLY CITY 125 = 5 x 5 x 5. Number236 HIGH PRIEST ABANDONS FLOCK Number 658 BURIED ALIVE do not trust your brothers . This is meant to be a community site more than a personal blog. The USAs is about to sit in darkness and even though I hope to have my Strongs and Companion Bible to survive, I know the internet access will not, and I do not know if I will survive myself. This is why studying the Bible, no matter how many times you have read it cover to cover, always delivers fruit or a seed of truth to enjoy. Number 567 ABOVE ALL ANGELS , https://prophetictimelines.wordpress.com/2016/05/11/first-blog-post/. The article linked above breaks down several instances of the significance of seven. Number 900 JUDGEMENT DAY The second time Hagar was sent away she did not return this was the Diaspora after the Cross the scattering of the Jews everywhere in the world and the apostasy of the Jewish remnant. This article will explore the biblical symbolism of numbers three, seven, 12, and 666. The Holy Angels each one powerful and glorious is a unique creation of the Spirit of God. Number122 CITY OF PEACE, Number124 DEADLY TRAP ESCAPED Number466 PACK OF JACKALS Thank You for the consideration, either way. The Bible says all the promises of Scripture are yea and amen in Christ. Number 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED Number21 LAWLESSNESS: Appointed Time 394 RENTS COLLECTED FROM TENANTS 77 THE FALSE PROPHET, 78 MIRACULOUS SIGNS Basically the Adders tongue/Serpent fern reproduces without the light, does it underground by feeding off fungi/mildew, and does it by having sex (630+630) with itself to produce seed/offspring. 138 INSOLENCE 634 CONTROLLED BY SINS OF THE FLESH 641 ACCEPT DISCIPLINE Number420 RULE OF MAN, Number 423 MINISTERS OF GOD Number 319 UNWILLING TO SACRIFICE What is the spiritual meaning of the numbers 622. For the Jews in the Old Testament, circumcision (the spilling of blood) on the eighth day marked the beginning of a Jewish life. 203 ENEMY GROWS STRONGER, 204 LOSS OF HOLY LIFE Number183 DEADLY BLOW Number31 FAMILY OF ONE GOD To wit: he prayed to the LORD for physical children. 606 PEACE BE ON ISRAEL Which is exactly what Obama has been doing with his executive orders and the IRS having the dog eat its homework. Number 543 I TURN MY BACK ON EVIL MEN Number383 TRUE PROPHETS IN PRISON, Number385 LYING PROPHETS MULTIPLY Number415 FAVOR OF THE GENTILES Number 593 NATIONS BLESSED But consider that wine made from natural bloom on the grape only ferments to 3 to 4% alcohol enough to kill germs but not get you drunk. Number 560 SENSELESS SONS OF DARKNESS A genuine Christian is duty bound to obey his Savior as his only Lord. Number300 GOD APPEARS 442 GOD NOT DENIED, 435 ATTACKING ENEMIES ACCEPTABLE 49 FATHERS LOVE: The Time of The End Number 588 MELCHIZEDEK PRIEST We invited Hagar in and let them get pilot training so they could fly planes into the WTC. Number307 PALACE ON FIRE, Number308 SPIRITUAL POVERTY The number six is the number of man, since man was created on day six. 395 PRISONERS SET FREE, THEME 32 FELLOWSHIP (STRANGERS IN OWN LAND), 400 PRAY FOR DELIVERANCE So, the deeper sense of the number 383 is: God cannot get his word out because the men who would speak Gods word are bound up by the laws and decrees of evil men in power. Number 315 WEEPING & MOURNING, Number309 GOOD CONFESSION 220 THIRST FOR VENGEANCE Number 679 TREASURED LOVED ONE, Number 666 HANDS IN CHAINS 452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, 460 WANTON CRIMES Number477 MAN, POWERLESS IN HEAVEN, Number478 CONTRITE IN SPIRIT They want you to understand certain secrets that will help you succeed. Number182 WITNESSES OF GOD DESTROYED, Number186 NEW GLORY DAWNS Number 515 MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE LAND Many numbers do contain a significance in the Bible. Number 627 SAINTS ARE HONORED 454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP It makes no difference to our faith. 312 CITIZENS DEFRAUDED, 313 LYING PROPHETS 4 0 obj I am pretty sure when God kills Congress, we will lose our coastal areas at the same time and what we call the USA will cease to exist and then the rest of the world is plunged into the one world system when the world economy collapses. For the Jews, it was the number associated with the Passover - an opportunity to remember and celebrate God's faithfulness to His people. Bible numbers apply to things God has made I can only say what spiritual numbers represent. One cannot write an article on number symbolism in the Bible without warning readers of the dangers of looking for symbols in everything in Scripture. You may freely use any material on this site. Number245 KILLS PROPHETS 531 EVERYONE IS CORRUPT Number 630 HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF GOD Number 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN It may be a division between saints who want to continue walking in the inconvenient re-construction process (46), and saints that want to throw off spirituality, maintaining a relationship with God, and transform their faith into a comfortable religious club. Or Following God? The Bible is an anthology - a compilation of texts of a variety of forms - originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek. 264 SOULS IN GREAT DISTRESS 323 FALSE PROPHETS DIE, 325 TEMPLE REPAIRED 665 HONORED BY MEN, 670 FEED HUNGRY MOUTHS 3 And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron. We even ignore the part of how we were called the land of the free. Number 606 PEACE BE ON ISRAEL Number 660 MIND OF A MAN Number 688 EVERLASTING KINGDOM Number 669 FROZEN IN FEAR 208 LOSS OF FAITH 5 WEAKNESS: Exposed Child, Hand I dreamed the number 680 and I saw it as a lit sign. 520 MY SOUL THIRSTS FOR GOD I think paper is a good bet and laying the words of God on your heart is the best bet. Number454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP 428 QUEEN CROWNED, 432 KING HONORS FAITHFUL SERVANT Number 142 RASH DECISION Number43 HUMILIATION 28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple Number292 KING OF KINGS Hope this helps. A decagon has 10 sides, and speaks of a testimony or gathering of religious people by covenant. If you add 23 and 3 together you get 26, the number of the Gospel of Christ. 535 PURSUED BY RAVENOUS BEASTS But I would say 125 is a good omen. Otherwise, we might find ourselves cherry-picking passages to say something they dont. is this relating to horoscope? And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Giving a number to a name is called "gematria," which is the Greek practice of adding up the letters in someone's name. 461 BELITTLED: A WORM, NOT A MAN Will I ever complete the Times crossword? Number 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS Number 677 BONDED TO ANOTHER 563 SALVATION IS NEAR Number86 NATIONS WORSHIP GOD 405 PIONEERS OF THE FAITH I looked what you say about these Every reborn Christian person has a spiritual name. For a nation founded on Luther, think how we totally rejected his favorite book in the Bible, Galatians, because it deals with grace. Even though we have our own constitution. 334 FORSAKE THE GOD OF YOUR FATHER, 335 HEARTFELT GRIEF OF SIN 631 LONG LIFE We can take such encouragement that our Lord Jesus is not like the Beast. Number243 SAINTS CROWNED, Number244 FALSE MESSIAH APPEARS And it is free! The Bible demonstrates that the number 22 is the main symbol of inefficiency and disorganization. For instance, the children of Israel were kept as slaves until Saul . Number52 DECEITFULWORKER EXPOSED 29 HOLY ONE: Holy Life, Holy Vow, 30 BLOOD: Children 457 WICKED ARE CARELESS OF GOD Peace. ARIES Love A Matter of the Heart, TAURUS Times of the Gentiles, GEMINI Two Witnesses of Revelations, CANCER End Times Harvest, Mystery in the Planets Prophetic Time Line(graphic), SUN 1st Witness of God: The Holy Spirit, MERCURY 2nd Witness of God: The Law, VENUS 3rd Witness of God: The Prophets, EARTH 4th Witness of God: Measure of All, MOON Satans Work #1 To Steal (Religion), MARS Satans Work #2 To Kill (Warrior King). 104 WORKERS DIVIDED (NO WITNESS) Number 533 CLOSE FRIENDS AT WAR 568 DAYS OF AFFLICTION, 571 ETERNAL THRONE 578 REBORN PEOPLE REIGN, 579 CITY OF THE LORD PURIFIED 350 PROPHET IN DISTRESS, 344 RELIGIOUS LEADERS Hence the reason why we see seven linked with the judgments of God in Revelation and in the Babylonian captivity. God bless. Recently I had a dream where a very large number 512 was etched on the outside of a suitcase. What an amazing GOD we serve!!! 439 BITTER SOUL The number 49 has stayed with me for years and you can bet I searched it very many times.I dream of numbers often.In a dream the Lord told me I first met Him when I was 7 and Hes coming back soon. 688 EVERLASTING KINGDOM 273 KINGS BEHAVIOR UNDIGNIFIED, 275 FAULTS OF KING COVERED endobj Number264 SOULS IN GREAT DISTRESS Number269 DAGGER IN BROTHERS SIDE, Number271 RIVALS ASSASSINATED Number237 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PRIEST The LORD granted Isaacs plea. Number164 APOSTATE RELIGION, Number165 PEACE AND SAFETY 608 WAIT PATIENTLY TO BE REDEEMED 289 GIVE GLORY TO GOD ! 106 FAITHFUL WITNESS ABUSED Number 398 TITHING TO SUPPORT TEMPLE servant mark. Number257 WORSHIP IS AN ABOMINATION, Number258 DEATH TO CHRIST CONFESSORS! Number114 OLD COVENANT RESTORED, Number116 PRAYER OF CONFESSION 513 THE LORD FIGHTS FOR ME Number489 RAIN OF FIERY SULFUR Number 592 NATIONS OBEDIENT Canada is not. I have to make some grammar corrections, since I published it within a month of finding out. They were commended by the LORD because they obey their fathers command (Jer. Number436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY My name was written below the box in capital letters..PENNY..every number that was translated to the letter of my name was spoken out loud. Those familiar with church history will know that Nero was anti-Christian in every aspect of the word. Saints (8) against saints (8) [64 = 8 x 8]. Number 539 GLOOMY TOWER OF DARKNESS This life would begin with an inner renewal of the spirit within our bodies. This means that order has been reestablished one way or another. 422 COVENANT OF LOVE, 417 MOCKING AND INSULTS 517 MANS LIFE EBBS AWAY 518 MY EARS YOU HAVE PIERCED, THEME 42: BELIEVERS WATCH ABOVE AS EARTHLY KING IS BROUGHT LOW, 519 RESTORED FROM ILLNESS Number71 JUDGE(S), Number72 EVANGELIST(S) Number28 CHRIST IN YOU: Holy Temple 371 PLACE OF SUFFERING, 372 GLORY OF GOD IS COVERED Since that time, autism has exploded 600%. Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. 436 EXTRACT PROTECTION MONEY 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED, 638 TRUTHFUL LIPS But in the next life we will be like the butterflies, like the angels in heaven Christ said. 321 EVIL REPLACES GOOD, 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER Having said that, 125 means Multitude of Holy Angles. 534 RIGHTEOUS MAN A PREY 256 FAMILY OF GOD SPLIT 605 CITY DOOMED, THEME 49 TIME OF THE END (LOVE FOR THE FATHER), 612 SERVANTS OF THE LORD And if you have research of your own, why not share it? Penny Wells, Hello Penny, Number 541 I WILL SEE THE WICKED FALL Three tends to represent completeness. Number 516 NO HEALTH IN MY BODY, THEME 42: BELIEVERS WATCH AS THE EARTHLY KING ISCRUSHED, Number 519 RESTORED FROMILLNESS Biblical Meaning of Numbers 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 17 20 - 21 - 23 - 30 - 33 - 40 - 111 222 - 333 - 444 - 555 - 777 - More! Number 512 is the angel of the Lord is near. I am doing some work involving a ton of mathematics. Number 355 WEAK SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, THEME 28 RELIGION PLAYS HARLOT WITH KING, Number 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE servant mark. Number239 GODS SPIRIT FILLS A NEW PROPHET, THEME 19 SAINTS EXALTED, WORLD BROUGHT LOW, Number241 SAINTS IN PRISON Number 546 WARLIKE NATIONS SCATTERED Remain blessed, Hi Ashli. 131 CHILDREN OF GOD, 132 ANOINTED Mark, wow very insightful! Number 362 PRIESTHOOD DIVIDED: AS KING WISHES, Number 363 MINISTERS UNDER KINGS THUMB A much-debated passage in Daniel, the seventy weeks show a period of time in which God will complete his mission and bring a new heaven and new earth. Latest research is posted in MY NOTEBOOK. The study of biblical numbers is called "Biblical numerology refers to the study of biblical numbers, where patterns are often found. 232 REPULSIVE PEOPLE 541 I WILL SEE THE WICKED FALL 500 ANOINTED ONE CL.Beck. 314 NO GOD IN ISRAEL Therefore Benjamin is not prophetic of a Gentile nation. The meaning of the number 240 also indicates the time to start exercising your personal freedom. Thank you sister! 590 WEALTH IS SECURE, 591 POOR RAISED UP FROM ASHES I bookmarked it. 183 DEADLY BLOW, 158 FEAR OF DEATH It is about the sometimes painful process of a saint who is in this world conforming his life to be more in line with God who is out of this world. 685 HOLY NATION CUT DOWN Number 566 DEATH IS NEAR Number295 HEAVY TAXES, Number296 PEOPLE TOIL I am not understanding MOUNTAIN ON FIRE: PEOPLE SUBDUED. The foremost biblical meaning that is alluded to in the Bible regarding the angel number 333 is that it represents the Holy Trinity doctrine of Godthe Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 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Kalecia Pinky'' Williams Funeral, Articles W