[18]It is important to note that receiving Mishloach Manos in Chutz Laaretz containing Kedushas Sheviis produce hosts an additional set of complications, including the prohibition of taking Shemitta produce out of Eretz Yisroel. The Taz (OC 490:3) and Chavos Yair (225) explain that because of the midrash, full Hallel cannot be said on the seventh day of Passover, and it would be a bizayon, a disgrace to the Yom Tov - if . On weekdays during Chol HaMoed the usual restrictions that apply to the Biblical Jewish holidays are relaxed, but not entirely eliminated. 6: 10, Tziyunei Hahalacha 121), and Shut Mishnas Yosef (vol. Havdalah Make Light, Not Dark As the Shabbat Queen departs and darkness descends, the Havdalah ceremony fills us with hope and courage. 2: 15), Tur and Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 695: 4) and relevant commentaries. 15, footnote 37), and Sefer Dinei Sheviis Hashalem (Ch. This is also the conclusion of the Rogatchover Gaon (Tzafnas Paneach on the Rambam, Hilchos Megillah Ch. 5: 1), Rambam (Hilchos Shemittah VYovel Ch. [6] As explained in 296 [ibid; Vetzaruch Iyun as in 296 no mention of this is made. search. However, on Yom Tov there is no extra soul given at all. Totally . This refers to taking Kedushas Sheviis produce out of the house to a public place and giving up all rights to the fruit, announcing it as hefker (ownerless) in front of three people. Regular gardening (not for eating, but rather for esthetic purposes) is only permitted if the plants would otherwise die. However, most agree that one should not purposely spill his Shemitta wine while making Havdalah. With Purim rapidly approaching in our post-Shemitta year (Eighth year / Shnas HaSheminis of the Shemitta cycle) andSheviis produce now commonly commercially available,[1] an important question is raised: Although we know that the Purim Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos (sending food items to a friend) is intended to foster brotherhood and camaraderie, may one gift his friend with Kedushas Sheviis produce for Mishloach Manos? For example, work that would normally be prohibited on the festival would be allowed to prevent financial loss or if the results of the work are needed for the festival itself. Are they included in the personal use leniency? He is an author of Jewish fiction and non-fiction, most recently "We're Missing the Point: What's Wrong with the Orthodox Jewish Community and How to Fix It." He lives in Bronx, NY with his wife. Shabbat Chol Hamoed Pesach, The Intermediate Shabbat of Passover (Exodus 33:12-34:26) David Ackerman | April 8, 2020 "And God said, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14) Pesach is the first of the three pilgrimage holidays. The crux of the matter seems to be defining whether this requirement is considered an outright obligation or rather a personal need. 13: 22). On weekdays during Chol HaMoed, there are variant customs regarding whether tefillin should be worn, reflecting the dual nature of the day. Hallel and Mussaf prayers are said on these days, as on Yom Tov, although on Chol Hamoed of Passover, an abridged form of Hallel is recited. In particular, the usual restrictions on work apply fully, as on any other Sabbath. 9: 2 and 3) divides Eretz Yisrael into nine different zones for Biur, nowadays since the exact locations are unclear and all types of fruit are readily available throughout Eretz Yisrael, the consumer must keep abreast of the actual Biur dates publicized in newspapers by the experts in the Agriculture industry. In other words, as is germane to us, may one use Shemitta produce to fulfill such a Mitzvah or obligation? We do not cut nails in a conventional manner. If the non-Jew would show up on Pesach and ask for the Chometz he bought, I would certainly let him have it. ), Aruch Hashulchan Haasid (Hilchos Shemitta VYovel 24: 3; however he classifies this as a separate issur and not that of ruining), Chazon Ish (Sheviis 10: 4), and Shut Minchas Yitzchok (vol. [3]As delineated at length in previous articles titled Kedushas SheviisProduce and Making Havdalah with Shemitta Wine.. [3]], ____________________________________________________________, [2] As at that time the beer is more beloved to a person than is wine. See also Kovetz MBeis Levi (vol. If someone ordered something from a non-Jew before Yom-Tov and didnt specify that it should be made over the Chag, it is ok for the non-Jew to manufacture the item during the Chag. Havdalah on Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach follows the same laws as Havdalah throughout the year, and hence the Mitzvah of Besamim applies on Motzei Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach just as it applies throughout the year. [4]Rav Yitzchak de Leon, the renowned Megillas Esther, in his commentary on the Rambans additions to the Rambams Sefer HaMitzvos (Mitzvas Asei 3; see also the Mishneh LMelechs Derech Mitzvosecha appended to his Prashas Drachim), writes that he understood the Ramban to mean that he held eating Kedushas Sheviis produce is a Mitzvah Chiyuvis. [10]Shut Torah Leshmah (193; cited in Sefer Dinei Sheviis Hashalem Ch. 9), and MvR Rav Yaakov Blau ztls recent posthumously published Divrei Yaakov (vol. Just some food for thought when discussing Kedushas Sheviis produce, especially when dealing with the seemingly innocuous, yet fully festive Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos. It is permitted to cut a particular nail (fingernail or toenail) if it is a source of discomfort. However to bite off, or peal, a nail is . This follows the ruling of Tosafus Pesachim 102a; Rashba 3:290; Radbaz 2:620 that there is no extra soul on Yom Tov. Havdalah is Hebrew for "separation" and refers to the verbal declaration made at the end of Shabbat or a Jewish holiday, in which the holy day is separated from the mundane period that follows. in order to benefit from them on Chol Hamoed). Pesach for Hebrew Year 5783 begins in the Diaspora at sundown on Wednesday, 5 April 2023 and ends at nightfall on Thursday, 13 April 2023 . As fish and meat are generally better the fresher they are, it is permissible to plan on fishing or trapping on Chol-Hamoed. First, the Kiddush is recited. One cannot have clothing tailored. Share on Facebook. Launch Trampoline Park in West Nyack is a 25,000 square foot trampoline park and family entertainment facility, with over 16,000 square feet of trampoline activities alone. One is allowed, however, to sew a button back on. 5. [4] In the event that no spice is available, then one is not obligated to search for a spice and is to skip the section of Besamim in Havdalah. In a similar vein, see Chut Shani (Shemitta, pg. Rabbi Goldstein is the director of Shulchanaruchharav.com, the worlds leading web-based Halacha database, and is the director of the Home Study Semicha Program, a self-study web-based Semicha program. Hetter Mechira Bizmaneinu), Derech Emunah (vol. 2023 Orthodox Union | All Rights Reserved, {{formatTime(zmanim.candle_lighting_shabbos)}}. (Sukka 40a and Bava Kamma 102a), According to the Mishnah (Sheviis Ch. To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. 6: 1), understand that the Ramban would even agree with this as well. [Admur ibid], [4] The reason: One is only required to say a blessing over Besamim on Motzei Shabbos as it is done in order to calm the soul which is pained by the leave of the extra soul it received on Shabbos and has now exited from it on Motzei Shabbos. 9: 19 and 22), Rambam (Hilchos Megillah VChanuka Ch. It only takes a minute to sign up. Although many Chol-Hamoed activities involve various melachos these activities are nevertheless allowed since they are for the purpose of Simchas Yom-Tov enjoying the Chag. [8]See Esther (Ch. This article was written Liluy Nishmas this authors beloved grandmother, Chana Rus (Spitz) bas Rav Yissachar Dov ah and uncle Yerucham ben Rav Yisroel Mendel (Kaplan) ztl. Ezekiel 37:1-14 . When Yom Tov comes out Motzei Shabbos when we make Havdallah in Kiddush we then don't make a bracha on besamim. See Chapter 13 Halacha 11! This issue was featured in previous articles Shemitta Basics: Kedushas SheviisProduce and Using Arba Minim of Sheviis. also has joy, but not to the same degree. He currently lives with his wife Shayna, and eleven children KH, in Tzfas, Israel. One important halacha that is inferred from these pesukim is: Lachem- for you, lechol tzarcheichem, for all of your needs. [Interestingly, the Chochmas Adam (Shaarei Tzedek Ch. Tuesday, April 19 (Chol Hamoed & Day 3 of Sefirah) 8:00 am Shacharit 7:35 pm Mincha/Maariv Wednesday, April 20 (Chol Hamoed . A simple notification would go a long way to avoid potential unpleasantness. This is an important issue to be aware of, and if on the receiving end of such Mishloach Manos, one must ascertain what to do from a knowledgeable halachic authority. If there is a group, one person recites while all participate and answer " Amen ." This Shabbat is the Shabbat which occurs during the festival of Unleavened Bread. Best wishes. One more exciting thing to do on busy Erev Pesach - this means mandating lugging all of your wine bottles out to the street and publicly declaring them hefker. 21: 5 and 6), Mishnas HaGrish (pg. yetara), but the joy of yom tov makes this unnecessary. The the laws of Chol Hamoed are unique among the Torah's work prohibitions. ANSWER. If one wishes to develop picture from a digital camera on Chol Hamoed one can. Torah Reading: Exodus 33:12-34:26. See Chapter 13 Halacha 11! May one who did not say Havdala on Motzei Yom Tov say it the next day?[10]. The principal customs of the respective festivals continue throughout the festival: Ya'aleh v'Yavo is added to the Amidah and Birkat HaMazon on these days. Perhaps then in truth there are many levels of an extra soul, and on Shabbos one receives a higher level than on Yom Tov. [2], Haeish: During Havdala of Motzei Yom Tov we do not say a blessing over fire. Passover (Hebrew: , Pesach) commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. This person remembered a makor in Tosfos. 04/21/2019 kashering; Question: Can I Kasher a clean but not new portable electric stovetop on chol hamoed Pesach? In synagogue, the Torah is read . 0. Dismiss. Pair these with a salad, roasted potatoes, or your favorite starch, and you have an amazingly easy and filling meal! The remaining days in between are known as Chol Hamoed-weekday of the festival. Sign up today. [20]See Ramban (Parshas Behar Ch. The order of Havdalah follows the same order as any Motzei Yom Tov, or Motzei Shabbos if Yom Tov fell on Shabbos]. Why don't we remember the Churban in Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh musaf? I do remember hearing this chashash. 43K views 1 year ago #Kumzitz #Pesach The bi-annual Modzitzer Chol Hamoed Kumzitz took place this Tuesday evening, the 18th of Nissan, at the home of R' Aron Orlander, where lovers of. Get tickets here. Is there any correction to this? [5]Beis Ridbaz glosses to Peas Hashulchan (Sheviis, Ch. As part of a fascinating discussion about keeping Shemittah on their farm, they described how Hetter Mechira is performed nowadays. 21: 1, pg. Otherwise, they are vaday assur, but still must be treated with proper Kedushas Sheviis status. However, in some Hasidic communities, such as Sanz, Bobov Sanzklausenbarg, and many in Satmar, men who were never married (known as bachurim) - or in some communities until the age of eighteen when considered of marriageable age - do wear tefillin; in all Hasidic communities (with the exception of some of those who never really excepted Hasidic custom such as Erlau) married (or formerly married) men do not wear tefillin during Chol HaMoed. Passover at the Israel Museum. Share on Facebook. The Tur strongly disagrees and seemingly all subsequent authorities were stringent. This name is used universally, and is to be construed as "the Sabbath of, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chol_HaMoed&oldid=1119613331, According to Ashkenazi custom, reading of, Maimonides discusses Chol HaMoed towards the end of, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 14:02. See also Shut Igros Moshe (Y.D. Chol Hamoed Pesach is an amazing time to take off and spend with your kids and family. Pesachim), Shemittah Kehilchasah (Ch. And, if that is nonetheless considered acceptable, what about Mitzvos that only contain indirect benefit? The note 65 seems a little bit off. Of course, the Israeli Chief Rabbinate relies upon it as well for their basic hashgacha. I personally use besamim. Havdalah is the ceremony of separation between every Shabbat and weekday, Yom Tov and weekday, or Shabbat and Yom Tov. However, the Rashbam Pesachim 102b rules there is an extra soul on Yom Tov, and so is the ruling of the Zohar. 1: 27). If you are already a member and have forgotten your login information, please, Want no popups? Welcome to your kids' favorite Chol Hamoed dinner. 4, Hilchos Shemitta VYovel Ch. Rabbi Goldstein is the director of Shulchanaruchharav.com, the worlds leading web-based Halacha database, and is the director of the Home Study Semicha Program, a self-study web-based Semicha program. The reason: The reason for this is because the holiness of Shabbos is greater than that of the holiness of Yom Tov. For more info: 072-3301231. *Chol Hamoed Pesach*Rabbi Shmaryahu Weinberg_(Rav, Khal Chesed V'emes Bayswater)_*Today's Sparks Should be a zechus for all cholei yisroel and a zechus tha. When writing a shopping list or other similar item Letzorech Hamoed (for Chol Hamoed/Yom Tov needs) it is preferable to do so with some sort of Shinui (change). The Torah states (Vayikra Ch. Shabbat HaChodesh ("Sabbath [of the] month" ) takes place on the Shabbat preceding the first of the Hebrew month of Nisan (or on the 1st of Nisan itself if it falls on Shabbat), during which Passover is celebrated. Because of the pandemic, some restaurants on this list may only be offering takeout. 5: 18, haghah; cited in Dinei Sheviis Hashalem, Ch. Previous articles discussed several Mitzvos involving actually eating or drinking the Shemitta produce, such as using Kedushas Sheviis wine for Kiddush or Havdalah, which involve direct bodily benefit (hanaah). 1: 96, 6), Shemittah Kehilchasah (Ch. Car work requiring a professional mechanic should not be done on Chol-Hamoed. One who did not say Havdala on Motzei Yom Tov is to say Havdala the next day[11] [until sunset[12]], and is not to eat or drink anything, besides for water, until he does so. At all so adds Admur in 491:1. When the Zman Biur for a specific fruit arrives, the Mishnah (Sheviis, Ch. [16]Some maintain that one may rely upon the halachically controversial method of circumventing Shemittah restrictions colloquially known as Hetter Mechira (selling Israeli land and its produce for the duration of the Shemittah year to non-Jews), as utilizing this would technically mean that the Israeli produce does not maintain Kedushas Sheviis status and may be sold, and hence gifted as usual. And, obviously too, there will also be a Shabbat Chol HaMoed - Sukkoth because Sukkoth is also celebrated for 7 days. 5: 1-5), Rash (on Mishnayos Sheviis ibid. In general, the Melachos that are forbidden on Shabbos are forbidden on Chol-Hamoed except when they are being done for the sake of the Chag (Chol- Hamoed/Yom-Tov). Subscribe starting from $5 mo/, Wednesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [8th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: How to write name of person with gentile father on Kesuba, Summary Hilchos Purim-Part 3-Mishloach Manos & Matanos Laevyonim, Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [7th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: Drinking a glass of water from a hotel lobby with a lemon slice on top. Wednesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [8th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: How to write name of person with gentile father on Kesuba, Summary Hilchos Purim-Part 3-Mishloach Manos & Matanos Laevyonim, Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [7th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: Drinking a glass of water from a hotel lobby with a lemon slice on top. 4, Hilchos Shemitta VYovel Ch. 19: 10), Shut Minchas Yitzchak (vol. Yes. Furthermore, the above allowance only applies in those areas that beer is considered a significant drink. In relative close proximity of most big communities in the tri-state area, it offers an amazing beach experience without the issues of pritzus or the hordes of people crowding the place. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? He is a prolific author of over 50 Sefarim studied by a wide range of readers throughout the world, which is used regularly in Semicha programs around the globe. Halachos of Chol Hamoed PowerPoint Presentation and Review Questions By Rabbi Moshe White Grade Level: Middle School, High School Description: Updated March 2017! 57 footnote 141), Shut Minchas Shlomo (vol. [2] Accordingly, some did not have a Besamim spice available on Motzei Shabbos of Chol Hamoed Pesach and therefore did not do Besamim during Havdalah of this Motzei Shabbos. This is true even if the work is to be done on a property outside of the regular populated areas and no one will know that the work is being done for a Jew. i. 24-hour tearoom - Special diet meals - Cholov Yisroel Shmurah Matzah - Glatt Kosher - Lavish Buffet Amenities: Complete buy-out The Piskei Din for the most part are based purely on the Sugyos, Shulchan Aruch and Rama, and the Mishna Berurah, unless stated otherwise. 3: 131) who refers those in Chutz Laaretz to ask Gedolei Eretz Yisrael,including the talmidim of the great Rabbanim who lived there, such as the Chazon Ish and Brisker Rav, how they should treat Peiros Sheviis. As the name implies, these days mix features of "chol" (mundane) and "moed" (festival). However, historical possible reliance notwithstanding [see, for example, Rav Yechiel Michel Tukachinskys Sefer HaShemittah at length (who devotes the entire second half of his sefer to the nuances of reliance on Hetter Mechira); Rav Avrohom Yitzchak Hakohen Kook - one of the prime proponents of Hetter Mechira bshaas hadchak wrote numerous responsa on topic, including Shut Mishpat Kohen (86 and 87) and the preface to his Shabbos Haaretz (Ch. One may harvest as much as one wishes to on Chol Hamoed so long as what is harvested can in theory at least be consumed on the Chag. The planning part, less amazing. These two special events are most often blended into one and just called Passover, but there is a crucial difference between the two, which we will explore in today's . To receive a login username and password for ad free browsing, please sign up for one of our membership subscribtion levels, starting at $5 mo/ If you are already a member and have forgotten your login information, please contact us. 1: 8, 26), Sefer HaShemitta (Ch. As Pesach approaches, the number one question we get asked is what restaurants will be open over Chol Hamoed. Another reason: Regarding the second reason mentioned by the Bach for smelling Besamim, due to the return of the fire of Gihenim, the Mordechai [Pesachim 105] rules that on Yom Tov Gihenim is not subdued, and thus there is no need for Besamim on Motzei Yom Tov. 3: footnote 11), as well as Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner (cited in Dinei Sheviis Hashalem (Ch. Shabbos Chol HaMoed or Shabbat Chol HaMoed, a Sabbath that occurs during Chol HaMoed, is observed like any other Sabbath in almost every respect. However I don't have a makor. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. 17: 9), Shvus Yitzchak (BDinei Sheviis UProzbol Ch. Someone asked if the same would apply by Motzei Shabbos Chol HaMoed. From both it seems that it is a Chametz issue and not a Chol hamoed issue and therefore the question would not apply to Chol hamoed Succos. 12: 7), Chazon Ish (Shemitta 11: 6 and 7), and Shemitta Kehilchasah (Ch. To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. One may write Divrei Torah so as not to forget them. Certainly, following this minority opinion, although not the halacha, would mean that not only is it permitted to use Shemitta wine for Kiddush and Havdalah, it would actually be the preferable option. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Question: Can one kasher a clean (but not new) oven on chol hamoed Pesach? [ibid; See also 599 regarding Vetodieinu for a similar ruling]. [15] After that first package, they allow giving all additional customary Mishloach Manos to others with Shemitta produce, as the actual requirement has already been fulfilled. Maftir: Numbers 28:19-25 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:1-14. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? The correct reference is chelek 3 Perek 11 seif 17. 25:6-7) regarding to the Shemitta year, Vhaysa Shabbos Haaretz Lachem LachlaVlivhemtacha Vlechaya Asher Bartzecha Tihiyeh Kol Tevuasa Leechol - And the Resting of the Land should be for you to eat and for your domesticated animals and the wild animals in your fields, all the produce should be for consumption.. In general, the Melachos that are forbidden on Shabbos are forbidden on Chol-Hamoed except when they are being done for the sake of the Chag (Chol- Hamoed/Yom-Tov). Shabbat which is yom tov, no besamim are used since the bessamim i. The following is meant as a convenient review of Halachos pertaining to Chol-Hamoed. 165), Halichos Shlomo (Moadim vol. ), Minchas Chinuch (Parshas Behar, Mitzvah 329: 7), Shaarei Tzedek (19: 4), Peas Hashulchan (27: 3), Pnei Yehoshua (Pesachim 52b), Aruch Hashulchan HaAsid (Hilchos Shemitta VYovel 27: 8), Beis Ridbaz (Sheviis, Ch. There are, however, specific Melachos that Chazal ruled to be forbidden (Assur) even when they are Letzorech HaMoed. Sunday - Chol HaMoed Pesach 8:00 a.m. Shacharis 6:56 p.m. Candlelighting for Yom Tov (without Shehecheyanu) 7:05 p.m. Mincha 7:43 p.m. Maariv All night learning begins after Seudas Yom Tov, in the Raices home, 3534 Arcadia Monday - Seventh Day of Pesach 9:00 a.m. Shacharis 7:05 p.m. Mincha 7:50 p.m. Maariv 8: 102). Certainly while fulfilling one Mitzvah, one would not want to Chas Vshalom be the cause of anothers transgression. 8,Tziyun Hahalacha 7and Michtavim MMaran Ztl26-27), the Badatz Eidah Hachareidis Dvar HaShemittah (and Kol Koreh printed in the beginning), Orchos Rabbeinu (new edition; vol. [4], Nussach:[5] The Nussach of Havdala on Motzei RH that falls on a weekday also contains the words Bein Yom Hashevi Lesheishes Yimei Hamaaseh[6], even though it is now in middle of the week [and it thus seems irrelevant to mention this statement]. ), Shut Ohr LTzion (Sheviis Ch. 695: 4). Over Chol HaMoed Pesach this year, this author got to see this firsthand by visiting the farm of Doron and Ilan Toweg in Moshav Azaria. On Chol Hamoed Succos one may build a Succah. Rabbi Yaakov Klass - 18 Nisan 5777 - April 14, 2017. 8:2), and duly codified as halacha,[2] Kedushas Sheviis produce is not only permitted to be eaten, it is even allowed to be utilized in whichever manner the owner deems it necessary: drinking, anointing, dyeing, and even lighting. Answer: In general an oven cannot be kashered on pesach itself. during Chol HaMoed? Chol HaMoed (Hebrew: ), a Hebrew phrase meaning "mundane of the festival", refers to the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot. The world-famous Israel museum is hosting a special Children's Exhibition over Passover, as well as 'Family Tuesday' photography sessions, recycling workshops, and storytime in the illustration library. Video: Havdalah At Skulen Lakewood; Pesach Chol Hamoed Carnival at BlueClaws stadium P. cRc Chicago Pesach guide 5779/2019; Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood April 14, 2014; Cancelled: Kumzitz and Asifas Chizuk; Lakewood Rabbonim issue guidelines for Medications. 218), Mishpetei Aretz (Sheviis, Ch. In a similar vein, the Kamarna Rebbe (Otzar Chaim Hakatzer, Mitzvos Asei Shelo Nimnu, Mitzvah 3) explains that even according to the Ramban, due to the double language of the pesukim, achillha in this context actually refers to being mafkir Shemitta produce, and not doing any sechorah with it. Subscribe starting from $5 mo/, Wednesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [8th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: How to write name of person with gentile father on Kesuba, Summary Hilchos Purim-Part 3-Mishloach Manos & Matanos Laevyonim, Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [7th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: Drinking a glass of water from a hotel lobby with a lemon slice on top. Shabbos Chol Hamoed differs from an "ordinary" Sabbath in the following ways: Meals: Use of matzo instead of regular bread on Passover; meals eaten in the sukkah on Sukkot. Hence, according to the majority consensus, all of these Havdalah extras are forbidden with Shemitta wine. To avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page, please log in with your membership log in information. 8:29 pm Havdalah Monday, April 18 (Chol Hamoed & Day 2 of Sefirah) 8:00 am Shacharit 7:35 pm Mincha . Question on Havdala on Chol Hamoed by Rabbi Chaim Tabasky. ela and vol. Chol HaMoed has its own very specific Halachos. 20; Orchos Chaim [Spinka] 467:21; Kaneh Bosem 1:25. [3], Besamim: During Havdala of Motzei Yom Tov we do not say a blessing over Besamim. During Chol Hamoed, it is customary to continue the holiday spirit and avoid unnecessary work. It is recited over a cup of wine, at night, immediately following the end of Shabbat . However, we ask that you contact us beforehand for permission in advance at ohr@ohr.edu and credit for the source as Ohr Somayach Institutions www.ohr.edu, For the week ending 4 March 2023 / 11 Adar 5783. ". Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach. For Pesach 2018 we have a special treat for our guests when Bordeaux takes over Cellar 49 to host a Wine Tasting & Cocktail Night, as well as themed Tapas and Sangria Nights during Chol Hamoed. One is obligated to enter the Sukkah to say Havdalah [over wine or other beverage]. [11]Orchos Rabbeinu (vol. Sunday: April 918 Nissan 4th day of Passover 2nd day of Chol Hamoed (intermediate days) Morning service: In many communities, throughout the intermediate days of Passover, tefillin are not worn. 9, Halacha 4), Chazon Ish (Hilchos Sheviis 11: 6 and 26, Seder HaSheviis 1 s.v. 3: 17), andMishpetei Aretz (Sheviis, 20: 2). [22]Since we know that the Zman Biur for grapes, and therefore wine as well, is Pesach of the eighth year, that means that anyone wanting to use Kedushas Sheviis wine on this upcoming Pesach must perform Biur on Erev Pesach on all of his Shemitta wine. The reference I gave was for smelling besamim on Yom Tov. On chol hamoed Pesach, however, the In rough paraphrase he says, that on Motzoei Shabbos Chol Hamoed one should take besamim that have been watched for Pesach or hadasim, but not to use cloves that are normally used on Motzoei Shabbos because there is a possibility of chametz with them. The purpose of Chol Hamoed: Torah learning: The entire purpose of Chol Hamoed is for the sake of the Jewish people dedicating themselves towards Torah learning. Our customers deserve the finest meals, 5 star service and Kosher LeMehadrin non-gebrokts catering. Thus, after sunset one is to be stringent. If, however, the work in question could also be performed by an untrained individual, but it is easier to have the mechanic do it, it then permissible to use a mechanic. If you need the item for the Chag or it will be more expensive after the Chag, you may buy it during Chol Hamoed. Efrat, Israel - While the Passover Seder is still freshly on our minds and taste buds, allow me to suggest an important lesson that we are likely to overlook. Havdalah means "separation"between light and dark, between the holy and the mundane. It is forbidden to have a non-Jew build or demolish something for you on Chol-Hamoed. By. Piskei Teshuva Siman 467 seif 10 also discusses this issue. language. See also Mishpetei Aretz (pg. If there isnt any loss in putting off dealing with it until after the Chag, one should wait until after Yom-Tov. If possible, people do not work and avoid shopping except for essentials for the holiday. People say that Hetter Mechira is the same as Mechiras Chometz, which is acceptable by all, but although I am certainly not any sort of posek, in my eyes there are two very important differences. Pesach Nissan 14-16 April 19-21 Candle Lighting 1st Night: 7:28 pm . Meleches Davar Haaved (loss of opportunity) is mutar (allowed). For more on the topic of Biur, see Rav Yechiel Michel Tukachinskys Sefer HaShemitta (Ch. 10: 57), Halichos Even Yisrael (Moadim vol. In the United States, and most of the Diaspora, both customs are widely seen in practice. One can undertake minor home improvements if those are for the immediate benefit of Chol Hamoed, and if the Melacha (work) involved does not require a professional. : 5 and 6 ), and Sefer Dinei Sheviis Hashalem ( Ch ( zmanim.candle_lighting_shabbos ) } } order! Hashalem ( Ch Tur strongly disagrees and seemingly all subsequent authorities were stringent ruled to be forbidden ( assur even! Notification would go a long way to avoid seeing this pop up ad on each page please. All subsequent authorities were stringent not say a blessing over besamim off and spend with your membership log information. Electric stovetop on Chol Hamoed Pesach Havdalah means & quot ; separation & quot ; separation & quot between. Order as any Motzei Yom Tov pop up ad on each page, please, no! 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