run the race with perseverance
Simple day-to-day disciplines, such as prayer and studying the Bible, prepare one’s faith to endure and help prevent those in the race from being disqualified. Yet emotionally, I still wanted to bail. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. Run with Endurance. Get Ready To Persevere. The command in this verse is to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” and “run with perseverance” the race marked out for us by God. A life I never asked for, and a struggle I never wanted to endure. The Christian life is likened unto various kinds of situations. All very logical (Mike is a fellow engineer, mind you). The great heavenly celebration will come at the final judgment. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. August 21, 2016. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Ultimately, He will bring us to our long-awaited reward. This is a space where I will openly speak about my own race, one which has known the deepest joy and searing pain. The bible verse quoted above, in so many ways, reflects everything I am and aspire to. Hills, valleys, dips, and curves; pain, thirst, weariness, and overwhelm—sometimes it’s just easier to take a seat on the sideline and slip off our running shoes. Get constant encouragement: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us…run with perseverance the race marked out for us. But Christ has removed the weight of our guilt, and now we can run the race. Only the foolish attempt to run a marathon without preparation. Their faithfulness is an encouragement to us. It dominates your mind. To run the marathon with endurance, I also had to mentally prepare for the hills. Run for the FOrest. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us…” —Hebrews 12:1 The writer of Hebrews likens the Christian life to a race. But before I do that, I have to spend some time contemplating my most challenging goal I have set for myself. As we run and keep our eyes on Jesus, God works on us, making us more and more like His Son. In Sacred Endurance, author Trillia Newbell, a fellow struggler on the journey, offers encouragement and hope for us to Run With Perseverance. Short-term pain, long-term gain. We get him! Great Cloud of Witnesses. Posted on April 2, 2020 by Mark Shields. Run the Race with Perseverance. Perseverance . : Running the Race with Faith and Perseverance - Kindle edition by Yates, Jennifer Hayes. As you teach your children about perseverance, consider these four biblical principles: Training. Lanier Christian Church. It occupies every waking moment. I have a lasting image of my daughter Aimée singing that song, bouncing up and down on a tree branch over the roof of our village house in Chad. The idea of the Christian life being a race is quite frequent in Paul’s writings. When we run that race and don’t hold back, when we let nothing interfere with out final goal, and when we depend on God’s strength to help us make it through, we can end the year saying that through perseverance, we ran the race marked out for us this semester, holding nothing back. 2020 Virtual Perseverance Trail Run Oct1-Oct25! The Letter to the Hebrews could be summarized as a text that perfectly captures the … Run the Race with Perseverance | January 10th, 2019. We have the same finish line, the same prize, but different courses – different routes but the same goal. Let's Run! There is a race to be run, but also things that entangle and divert us from running the race God has marked out for us. RUN THE RACE WITH PERSEVERANCE (HEB 12:1-2) IBIYEMI AKINWALE VICTOR . One is like a looong distance race, which requires endurance or perseverance to finish the race! Every race is a challenge. I can’t recall ever wanting to drop out of a race … Running is a great analogy for life itself, but the name of the site comes from something much deeper. This race becomes the great passion of your life. Sacred Endurance. Hebrews 11:1-2 and 12:1-3. There is a race marked out for all of us, as the author of Hebrews puts it. Even though I was 10+ years removed from playing college basketball, running was hard for me. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1 NIV). The Race of Faith. 12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. Perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition -Merriam Webster Dictionary .
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