national film board pierre trudeau
Outstanding among such policies was the National Energy Program, which was seen as unfairly depriving western provinces of the full economic benefit from their oil and gas resources, in order to pay for nationwide social programs, and make regional transfer payments to poorer parts of the country. On election day Ontario returned to the Liberal fold, and Trudeau and the Liberals defeated Clark and won a majority government.[84]. [25] As his sense of isolation deepened,[22]:137 in 1947, he decided to continue his work on his Harvard dissertation in Paris, France. His tenure of 15 years and 164 days makes him Canada's third longest-serving Prime Minister, behind William Lyon Mackenzie King and John A. Macdonald. Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the ‘70s Generation. His criticisms of King's war time policies, such as "suspension of habeas corpus", the "farce of bilingualism and French-Canadian advancement in the army. [64] The election of 1974 focused mainly on the current economic recession. Le?vesque had been in competition for most of their lives. Peter Lougheed, then Premier of Alberta entered into tough negotiations with Trudeau and they reached a revenue-sharing agreement on energy in 1982. ], Federalism in this context can be defined as "a particular way of sharing political power among different peoples within a state...Those who believe in federalism hold that different peoples do not need states of their own in order to enjoy self-determination. Release date. "What's in an eponym? [67], While popular with the electorate, Trudeau's promised minor reforms had little effect on the growing rate of inflation, and he struggled with conflicting advice on the crisis. In foreign affairs, Trudeau kept Canada firmly in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), but often pursued an independent path in international relations. Ullmann, Rebecca, Martha Balchunas. [37] During the 1950s he was blacklisted by the United States and prevented from entering that country because of a visit to a conference in Moscow, and because he subscribed to a number of left-wing publications. The Canada Act, which included the Constitution Act, 1982 and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was proclaimed by Queen Elizabeth II, as Queen of Canada, on April 17, 1982. Mr. Simpson's lecture was pre-recorded and includes archived footage. In 1984, Trudeau was romantically involved with Margot Kidder (a Canadian actress famous for her role as Lois Lane in Superman: The Movie and its sequels) in the last months of his prime-ministership[119] and after leaving office.[120]. [88] On May 20, sixty percent of Quebecers voted to remain in Canada. This position garnered significant criticism for Trudeau, in particular from Quebec and First Nations peoples on the basis that his theories denied their rights to nationhood. National Student Paper Competition 2020 Trudeau is the most corrupt, narcissistic, treasonous, putrid, lying, condescending, Canada hating, terrorist loving piece of garbage Prime Minister in Canadian history (besides his father). Producer: National Film Board of Canada Producers: Kent Martin. “Uncertain Country.” Canada: A People's History. Idle No More: Indigenous-Led Protests Sweep Canada for Native Sovereignty and Environmental Justice. Lending substance to the phrase "the style is the man," he has imparted, both in his and on the world stage, his quintessentially personal philosophy of modern politics. Prefatory note by Jacques Hébert. The Liberal caucus, along with friends and advisers persuaded Trudeau to stay on as leader and fight the election, with Trudeau's main impetus being the upcoming referendum on Quebec sovereignty. [4], Relations deteriorated on many points in the Nixon years (1969–74), including trade disputes, defence agreements, energy, fishing, the environment, cultural imperialism, and foreign policy. Prefatory note by Jacques Hébert. The White Paper prompted the first major national mobilization of Indian and Aboriginal activists against the federal government's proposal, leading to Trudeau setting aside the legislation. Liberal and NDP votes and Social Credit abstentions led to the subamendment passing 139–133, thereby toppling Clark's government and triggering a new election for a House less than a year old. [24] At Harvard, a predominantly Protestant American university, Trudeau who was French Catholic, and who for the first time was living outside the province of Quebec, felt like an outsider. He defeated several prominent and long-serving Liberals including Paul Martin Sr., Robert Winters and Paul Hellyer. Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the '70s Generation (French title: Frenchkiss : La génération du rêve Trudeau) is a Canadian documentary film by Catherine Annau, produced in 1999 by the National Film Board of Canada .
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