lombok custom superbuilder
PS: If you only need the build() and toBuilder() method, why don't you use method references? I think @maroziza and me disagree on whether there is significant value. ADD_FINDBUGS_SUPPRESSWARNINGS_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok. As a consequence we are primarily motivated with arguments along the lines of 'this common idiom (reference to 'proof' for example with a github search) would be easier if lombok feature X is changed like so', or 'this commonly used library (easy enough to show a library is commonly used; show your work here) requires that things look like X, so why not add a lombok feature?'. Lombok … The following examples show how to use lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder. What I don't understand is why it should not be possible with @SuperBuilder. SuperBuilder (Lombok), The SuperBuilder annotation creates a so-called 'builder' aspect to the class that is annotated with @SuperBuilder , but which works well when extending. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Even if we had such a setField() method that could set a field based on some dynamic key (whether it is a FieldDescriptor, String, etc), we still don't have polymorphic access (from an interface implementation) to this dynamic setter across objects decorated with @Builder. implements / extends provides that power, with a middle step for those that just need some way to abstractly access a builder if such an interface were automatically generated. Thanks @Maaartinus, I should have been clearer about when I was optimizing for efficiency and to what degree. These accessors are suitable for both reading from and writing to the underlying mapped objects. This would all be a lot simpler if 'dynamic builder' as a concept was already employed, with existing interfaces (even if not in java. There are far too many critical uses of Lombok that would be endangered over time by weak curation of features. Could @Builder make this a simpler process? It would be better to illustrate this as a complete project and I'll try to put that together, but for now, I'll have to suffice with a narrative. When performance is the goal, then we should have a JMH benchmark. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and But if we're going to experiment, having to worry about shipping an interface adds complications I'd rather not have. Lombok will flag any usage of @SuperBuilder as a warning or error if configured. The client is using Lombok and not Protobuf though, my landing on this issue was a result of trying to accomplish that port. I have an object storage and this builder is used in generics. In this lombok tutorial, we will learn about project Lombok in detail including its usage with examples. There are cache-free implementations, implementations that cache invocation proxies, and bytecode generation. Summary 1. Though we can create some global annotation like @Implements() just to implement different staff with lombok, and then do something like In this short tutorial, we're specifically going to learn how to deal with the @Builder annotation when inheritance is involved. In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at how Lombok’s @Builderannotation works and how we can customize it for our specific needs. annotation could trigger that generation. ADD_GENERATED_ANNOTATIONS - Static variable in class lombok. One of the methods I was depending on for a class mapper that doesn't use extensive reflection was com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder#setField, which takes a string and can set a field based on the field name alone. The accessors themselves are agnostic to the type of object being mapped, they have a consistent interface for fields of all objects. In my use case, this is essential when getting a row back from a database. One of the methods I was depending on for a class mapper that doesn't use extensive reflection was com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder#setField, which takes a string and can set a field based on the field name alone. If you are staying Is anyone in contact with someone in that projects? rozerro Published at Java. *, I think java.util.function. I am getting an error saying builder() in B cannot override builder() in A, as return type in BBuilder is not compatible with return type in ABuilder. without this feature we can't implement SuperBuilder at all, and need to use boilerplate for regular Builder: as an option default interface LombokBuilder can be provided. The solution I came here looking for was that they generated types implement (at least) a marker interface. This is done by using Gradle plugins DSL: plugins { id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.1.7.RELEASE' id 'java' id 'io.freefair.lombok' version '3.8.4' } No real gain. lombok has all information required to generate a setField method without any reflective code. This gushing cataract can be found in the north of the island and it is surrounded by gorgeous emerald jungle. I know the Spring Data folks like lombok, they specifically recommend it in their docs: "Use Lombok to avoid boilerplate code".
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