did the disciples have homes in jerusalem
The disciples met every day in the Temple where they worshipped God continuously (Luke 24:52-53). 14; Cyril Jerusalem. Today many believe that this site is that of the present day Cenacle and the pseudo Tomb of David but the archaeological evidence is inconclusive. We see in their actions that they weren’t starting in THEIR Jerusalem, but in the literal Jerusalem. They were continually in the temple praising God (Luke 24:53). JERUSALEM, Israel - Archaeologists say they have likely found the Church of the Apostles in ancient Bethsaida, which is believed to have been built over the home of Jesus' disciples … The disciples witnessed Jesus’ ascension, worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy (Luke 24:51–52). Well, Jesus told His disciples that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but to wait until they had received power of the Holy Ghost, before they started witnessing in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the earth. The fact that the disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy is itself an act of faith. That’s not allowed, that’s not kosher for the Jew, and the elders, when he comes back to Jerusalem, they really have … They had accomplished the object of their visit to the sepulchre. Verse 16—now, Peter is on the carpet in Jerusalem. He has gone in to the Gentiles; he has dared to eat with them and be in a Gentile home. This is evidenced by the saints at Jerusalem who at first lacked nothing (Acts 4:34) eventually were considered ‘poor’ and in need of contribution by the Roman believers (Romans 15:26). Well, we know that the disciples did not take a View Two approach to this command. After the apostles dispersed and left Jerusalem, James remained and became the first bishop in the holy city. That has to do with a problem that is discovered on the return trip from Jerusalem. If the site of the Cenacle is the basic location of Mary's house it would have been, as one of the highest spots in Jerusalem, a prestigious location. (10) Then the disciples went away again unto their own home. But this year, because of an incident that involves Jesus, it takes a bit longer. He remained there for several decades until … If they did so on ordinary days, how much more so would they have been in the Temple on a holy day. This happened on the day of Pentecost, 50 days after the ascension of Christ. Today, Paul exhorts us not to sell our possessions to live with all things in common, but instead to ‘work with our own hands’ (1 Thess 4:11-12). Catech 16 [note 35]). Since the disciples were in Jerusalem, they could not fail to go up to the Temple. It is said that John owned a home in Jerusalem and that it is possible that the interview Nicodemus had with Jesus was held there. The trip from their home in Nazareth, the stay in Jerusalem, and the return to their home takes about two weeks. They started with Jerusalem instead of their own home region of Galilee. John, his brother James and the apostles Peter and Andrew were all partners in a fishing business prior to their calls by Jesus to follow Him (Zebedee was also a partner.) One, at least, had realised, and he must have told his thoughts to his friend, that the Lord was not to be looked for in the empty grave, and that Mary’s fears were groundless. —More exactly, of course, to their lodgings in Jerusalem.
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