chronic ear infection in dogs
Let us know! Dogs that have otitis and/or ear infections that are either neglected or not treated successfully can have a variety of potential complications. Susceptibility to chronic ear infections in dogs is often the result of immune system deficiencies, parasitic infestations, allergies and breed genetics. Although otitis interna is uncommon in dogs with chronic otitis externa, otitis media is common, with a reported incidence of 50% to 88.9%. The prevalence of otitis externa, or inflammation of the external ear, in dogs … "Dogs with long, heavy ears seem to be predisposed to chronic ear infections … Isolation Risks with Your Puppy. And when this dog dies I’m going to be awfully tempted to have him stuffed. The medical history may include trying to determine how long the ear infection has been going on, whether it has occurred before and whether any other signs of illness have been observed. The glands that line the ear kick into overdrive and produce excess wax. The hard part is finding out a) what kinds of microorganisms are taking advantage of the dog’s inflamed ears and b) what’s causing the inflammation in the first place. Prevention is a great place to start, particularly if you have a floppy-eared dog or frequent swimmer – though, again, these issues are often compounded by others. 2 thoughts on “ Chronic Ear Infections in Dogs ” gary March 28, 2008 at 1:26 pm. Predisposing factors in your dog that make her more susceptible to ear disease include: 3. Food trial: Since food allergies are such a common feature in the chronic otitis landscape, food trials are perhaps even more important than blood testing. A biopsy must be performed to diagnose autoimmune disease. If the otitis is severe or chronic, the outer ear canal can begin to thicken and become deformed. See Additional Information ›. You may have guessed I am not at home. My friend Leonora is fostering these two young ladies. This is also known as recurring acute otitis media. ... “Just one more throw! We’ve got the skinny on which foods are OK to feed him. At one point she had a bacterial infection in both ears. All dogs are prone to ear infections; however, there are specific breeds that are more prone to middle and inner ear infections. Don’t just put out fires by treating without understanding what precipitated the problem. Here are some to consider: Allergies; Bacteria; Drug reactions; Ear Mites 3 This can be partly due to genetics, ear … Will be available for adoption from the Northwest SPCA in a week or two. In our case, it was anything with sweet potatoes or pumpkin. I changed food and also discovered Zymox otic ear ointment, online. Keratinization disorders. Some dogs will need to see the vet every few months or more for management of ear infections. Additional specialty products are available for cleaning when necessary; some products make the ear more acidic – which is good for knocking back yeast – while others are better for addressing bacteria. Ear infections are often caused by excess moisture. Culture and sensitivity testing: Testing the debris inside a dog’s ear using simple microscopy isn’t always enough when the otitis has been stubborn or severe. Chronic ear infection in dogs, also known as chronic otitis, is a seemingly endless ear infection — a long-lasting one that can affect dogs of any breed and any age.Dogs with any ear shape and lifestyle, such as swimming, can develop ear infections. 1. Ginger’s ears were red and I needed to find something to get rid of my dogs ear infection fast. Ear Infections and Total Ear Canal Ablation Average … Even for less serious cases, given their specialization, dermatologists are well equipped to offer a “less is more” approach and may get to the root of the problem more quickly. Nonetheless, this, too, is overrated as a reason for ear infections, particularly if the dog is only an occasional swimmer. © 2001-2021  But if other symptoms exist, you could well be dealing with an allergy. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Due to chronic inflammation, the ear canal becomes very thickened and can turn into bone. Systemic anti-inflammatory medications, such as corticosteroids, are sometimes employed to reduce the pain, redness, and swelling. That’s because the underlying cause of the irritation that initiates the disease process is typically allergic or otherwise unrelated to conformation and moisture. – Design short- and long-term treatment plans. But isn’t he handsome? Will be available for adoption from the Northwest SPCA in a week or two. In the case of identifying microorganisms, these are the tests most commonly used: Microscopy: The most common test used to identify the presence of mites, bacteria, and yeast is a simple evaluation of the discharge obtained from the ear under a microscope. If your dog swims often, especially if she has ears those floppy ears that do not get much air, she is more likely to get a new ear infection as soon as the other one is cleared up. Can certain foods cause ear infection in dogs? Years of ear infections had transformed the soft and delicate cartilage of the ear canals into a hard, painful, infected mess. When she’s not at the beach, she competes with Atle in scent work trials and teaches K9 Nose Work classes. Forgive me, Woody, it’s too cute! infection (otitis externa) begins when a trigger creates heat and inflammation in the ear. Dogs with allergies often get more yeast infections in their ears, and additional Malassezia yeast growth on their skin, because the inflammation from the allergies increases moisture on the skin. Not sure about food puzzles? The typical disease process is as follows: Irritation to the skin lining the ear canal causes inflammation, which results in excess wax production and a comfortable environment for yeast and bacteria (normal residents of the ear canal) to overgrow. But a significant subset will suffer these symptoms on a constant basis with no respite from their profound discomfort. Considering the long-term nature of this condition, chronic otitis is a frustrating disease for both owners and veterinarians. If the ear infections are left untreated, the infection can travel to the middle ear, which causes the ear canal to narrow, making the infections more difficult to treat and potentially more damaging. Even though the most common organism causing ear infections in dogs is a yeast, they’re often conventionally treated with an ointment containing steroids, antibiotics and antifungals. Because it’s assumed there’s a hereditary predisposition for allergic skin disease, thyroid disease, and Cushing’s disease, there are few preventive measures dog owners can take on this front. They irritate the ear canal and push debris further in to unreachable areas, making a small problem much worse. 1. Alcohol both stings inflamed tissues, which will decrease your dog’s willingness to allow you to examine or handle his ears; it also can dry out the sensitive tissues inside the ear. The design of the dog’s ear – just like ours – is meant to be protective and prevent water from causing a problem. A food trial’s goal is to change the proteins the patient eats to those she’s never been exposed to before. Mites are readily identified in this way. 8. Chronic dog ear infections are the bane of long-eared dogs, swimming dogs, recently vaccinated puppies, old dogs, dogs with an abundance of ear wax, and dogs with allergies, thyroid imbalances, or immune system disorders. A medical history and physical examination findings can provide valuable information for your veterinarian when trying to diagnose an ear infection. Very personable. Dog food options that are highly processed or contain a lot of grain-based ingredients, additives, preservatives, and fillers can cause allergic reactions and lead to ear infections in sensitive dogs… Primary causes lead directly to inflammation of the ear and include: 2. Other dogs licking or smelling your dog’s ears. Timothy kummer you need to find out if there is some other cause. Ideally, antibiotic therapy is based on the results of culture and sensitivity testing. Growths or polyps from glandular tumors such as adenoma and carcinoma. AJ Debiasse, a technician in Stroudsburg, PA, contributed to this article. Physical examination findings may reveal evidence of underlying illness, such as thyroid disease and Cushing’s disease. A normal, clean ear should be a healthy pink – and not stink! Dr. Tapp’s favorite commercial ear cleaners include: Keeping the surface hair of your dog’s ear flap clipped short is helpful and preferable to vigorous plucking, particularly in a floppy eared dog. He’s a’ight. © EcoEars Dog Ear Infection Formula & Cleaner works quickly and gently and is extremely effective and easy to use, even on chronic ear infections in dogs. A normal dog ear should not require much home cleaning. This thickening can make the ear opening very narrow, so cleaning the ears becomes more difficult. If your dog suffers from recurring ear infections and your general veterinary practitioner is out of answers, it could be helpful to seek out the expertise of a veterinary dermatologist. After running the cytology, the veterinarian should clean your dog’s ears and prescribe an appropriate course of action based upon what she saw under magnification. If the otitis resolves when the diet is changed, a food allergy may be the underlying cause of the condition. ... Made a new friend today. “Just one more throw! Otitis externa: Inflammation or infection of the external part of your dog’s ear (the parts you can see). Feeding cheap, low-grade dog food and a lack of quality protein will lead to all sorts of trouble including chronic ear problems, yeast infections and other skin issues, digestive … Hot spots? Wherein, using methods to resolve the issues at the “surface level” does not result in a permanent resolution. Chronic infection can permanently damage the ear canal and cause pain, neurologic signs, and deafness. Surgeries will not only prove to be expensive but also put a lot of stress on your pet. Hershey, a 6 year old cocker spaniel, had been in and out of the vet for ear infections for almost all of his life. 1 Here’s a guide to help you recognize the signs of dog ear infections so you can take your dog for treatment as soon as possible. Not really. Ear infections are not only painful – think back to when you were a kid or one of your children had an ear infection – they also can cause hearing loss if left untreated. The clinical signs of otitis depend on the severity of the inflammation but may include: Some dogs with severe otitis may cry or groan as they rub and scratch their ears. Our new tool will narrow down more than 300 breeds for you. Instead, it's about keeping the ears clean, keeping allergens to a minimum and preventing infections from getting out of control. Such ear canals have become calcified, which means they are full of calcium deposits. Otitis – inflammation of the ear – can be a painful condition that always has a root cause. Given that “itchiness” is the most common reason for veterinary visits, I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising that dog ear infections run a close second. And some dogs have an adverse reaction to lanolin-based products, leading to deafness. Seborrhea, for example, produces excess sebum and build-up of skin cells. Maybe a little mastiff or some thing big in there? C,mon! Timothy, it is probably food related. Causes of Ear Infection in Dogs The shape of a canine’s ear canal is quite different from that of humans. Q-tips were not designed to accommodate the L-shaped structure of the canine ear canal, so don’t use them to clean your dog’s ears. Perpetuating factors make us ask why the ear infection keeps coming back. Inner ear infections or otitis interna symptoms can include: loss of balance; inability to stand or walk; nausea or vomiting; head tilting; What Causes Chronic Dog Ear Infections? Vetstreet. Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. Head shaking; Redness of the ear; Dark waxy discharge, looking like brown gunk; Smelly ears; Hot ears; Tilting of head; Pawing at the ears; Swelling; Determining the Cause of the Ear Infection in Your Dog. Made a new friend today. Dog ear infections are one of the main reasons pet owners take their dogs to the vet. Today her owner is one of my good friends and dog-walking buddies. But for patients, the disease is much more critical, given that they typically suffer significant pain. Maybe a little mastiff or some thing big in there? In other words, ear infections … Tiffany Tapp, DVM, DACVD, a board-certified veterinary dermatologist at Veterinary Healing Arts in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, likes a simple 50/50 water/white vinegar solution to keep ears clean. Chronic ear infections can be time-consuming and frustrating for the pet, the owner, and even the veterinarian. The ear then becomes swollen; if left untended, the ear canal itself can become completely closed and no longer visible. What Canine Conditions is CBD Proven to Treat Successfully? Ear disease is a symptom that something else is going on in your dog’s body, such as allergies, so it makes perfect sense that ear infections in dogs are a leading cause of veterinary visits. I mimed throwing something just to catch this footage. Hiked with a new pal today. Nova was one of my foster puppies two years ago. But regular cleaning and veterinary checkups can help catch “flare-ups” before they progress. Otitis can be externa (of the outer ear canal alone), media (involving the middle ear), or interna (involving the inner ear and associated structures). Chronic or recurrent, non-seasonal ear infections may be due to a food allergy, while those that have a more seasonal pattern are often due to an underlying environmental allergy (atopic dermatitis). He’s a’ight. The dermatologist has access to specialized tools such as video otoscopy that allow her to see deep into the dog’s ear canal. Yeast and bacteria, normally present at low levels in your dog’s ear, thrive in that type of environment and grow rapidly out of control. About four months old. A long-term care plan includes ferreting out the true cause of the infection. This little service dog may be overweight, arthritic, and off-leash... but I watched him walk with his Vietnam veteran owner through a crowd and never get more than 10 inches from his side. Please enter an address, city and/or zip code. Most dog owners get frustrated by how hard it can be to get rid of chronic ear issues. Variations in ear conformation. Overview of Chronic Ear Infections in Dogs Otitis is an inflammation of the ear and it is one of the most frequent reasons for owners to seek a veterinarian’s help for their dog. Start by looking at the three P’s: Primary, Predisposing, and Perpetuating causes. The challenge is to ferret out what, exactly, is the underlying cause. 2001-2021  All rights reserved. With special staining techniques, yeast and bacteria can also be identified and their characteristics evaluated. Environmental allergies or adverse food reactions; these account for a whopping 97 percent of primary causes! It only happens at certain times of the year? This is the ideal tool to help identify the presence of an eardrum rupture, a polyp, or a mass in the ear canal. Allergic skin disease may also be influenced by the presence of thyroid disease or adrenal gland disease (Cushing’s disease). Chronic Ear Infections in Dogs: What You Need to Hear. Weather in this area of the country has temporarily shut down businesses for the foreseeable future. The eustachian tube, a tube that drains fluid from the middle ear, can become plugged and lead to an infection. Very personable. With these simple dental care tips, you can help keep your canine’s adorable smile shiny and healthy for life. Are more “pandemic dogs” being returned to shelters? Wonder which dog or cat best fits your lifestyle? The occluded canals also prevent the natural sloughing of the canal’s skin cells, sebum (wax), and hair, which accumulates in both the canal and middle ear, thereby intensifying the infection. Your dog’s condition may have started out as primary (disease) but developed into a new problem. Vetstreet. 8 In dogs with recurrent ear infections of 6 months or longer, up to 89% may have concurrent otitis media; about 70% have an intact but abnormal tympanic membrane. A 12- to 16-week period in which the diet is restricted is considered the ideal approach to undertaking food trials. If the. This buildup of fluid in the middle ear presses o… Allergies, such as inhalant allergy and food allergy; Parasites such as ear mites; Endocrine diseases such as hypothyroidism; Auto-immune diseases like lupus; Tumors Chronic inflammation stimulates the proliferation of the skin lining the ear canal. Incredulous that no one else wants to swim at dusk in winter ... Doesn’t matter if it’s freezing or raining, he’s gonna wade ... My friend Leonora is fostering these two young ladies. Vinegar is naturally antibacterial and anti-yeast; it acidifies the ear canal to make it less hospitable for these interlopers to take root. Oily medications simply sit on this yucky liquid (separating like any oil and water) leading to inadequate treatment. Last treatment was prednisone, drops , opepa quill I just don’t know what to do inside dog never swims it’s just constant and discouraging need help I’ve spent 700.00 at vet last month no right back. Today’s new friends. Ear disease is merely a symptom that your dog’s body is dealing with another problem; there is always a reason why an ear infection develops! Forgive me, Woody, it’s too cute! It’s more vertical, which is why it can hold fluid, which is another reason why canines are prone to ear infections. These microbes cause significant itchiness and more inflammation, which leads to an itch-scratch cycle conducive to self-trauma via headshaking, pawing, and rubbing of the ears. Note that our customer service staffers are also affected by the weather and will likely not have additional details on your payment or order. I always make sure to keep my dog’s as clean and dry as possible as little moisture can result in ear infection. It’s also a problem in more than 50% of dogs who have chronic otitis externa. She has food and environmental allergies that cause her to have chronic ear infections. Deep Ear … In dogs without chronic ear infections, routine cleaning is not necessary. Chronic otitis is basically a long-lasting ear infection that can affect any dog, causing itchy, painful, smelly ears. If there is a bit of wax accumulated, remove it with a cloth or cotton ball moistened in mineral oil. Take care to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after a swim or a bath. Mineral oil is heavy and traps dirt, bacteria, and fungi in the ear. Tiny Sampson’s turn at slow-mo. This treatment lasts for two weeks at the most, with the ear infection often returning a few times a year. These include antibiotics, antifungals (to kill yeast), anti-inflammatory drugs (like cortisone), and topical anesthetics. The following strategies are typically used: Treatment of the underlying illness is needed to halt this disease. Powered by Brightspot. Ear infections are a common occurrence for dogs. Unlike the typical ear infections humans suffer (children, especially) in which the middle ear is typically affected, this disease is one that affects the external ear canal primarily and the middle and inner ear secondarily. Some breeds, particularly those with large, floppy or hairy ears like Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Poodles, or Old English Sheepdogs, appear to be more prone to ear infections, but ear infections may occur in any breed. I took her to the vet and same thing, $100+ for the visit and prescription ear medication. In about 50% of these patients, the eardrum is ruptured, and a middle ear infection … If your dog’s ears seem to bother her – and particularly if she has developed a second and/or recurrent ear infection – your veterinarian or veterinary dermatologist is the best place to start. If chronic dog ear infections describe your situation, relief is here. Here are the most common tests: Otoscopy: An otoscope is a tool used to help a veterinarian visualize the ear canal. Dogs that have long-standing ear infections may develop an irreversible disease of the ear canal. Redness, inflammation, discharge, and other changes within the ear will readily indicate the presence of an ear infection. When a dog develops an ear infection, it can be due to a number of reasons. Your dog’s general practitioner should: – Look in both of your dog’s ears with an otoscope. Other possible disease-causing agents include yeasts such as Malassezia, fungi such as Aspergillus, and ear mites which increase the likelihood of bacterial infection. Parasitic disease such as mites. Although otitis interna is uncommon in dogs with chronic otitis externa, otitis media is common, with a reported incidence of 50% to 88.9%. Reader Survey: What do YOU want to see in WDJ? Otitis inflammation of the ear may seem like an insignificant issue that will resolve with time, but in most cases, it won’t. Recurrent bacterial and yeast infections and infection of the middle ear can fall into this category. Dogs with drooping ears such as the Beagle, Dachshund, Basset Hound and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel need to have their ears closely monitored for signs of infection. Ear infections associated with tumors may also cause blood or discharge in the ear, and dogs will often exhibit symptoms of the other disorders causing the ear infection. Took two dogs with chronic ear issues to figure that out. This conditions also causes itchy and painful ears, that often emits a foul odor. Click here to connect with one quickly and easily! Though seborrhea is more common in certain breeds (such as Cocker Spaniels), on the whole, primary keratinization defects are uncommon. Excellent article, by the way. Just one more!”. Otitis media: This is inflammation or infection of the middle ear structures. Help your veterinarian figure that out by sharing what symptoms and symptomatic behaviors you’ve observed. Powered by Brightspot. Inappropriate prior treatment. Shepherd? But Nova and I were buddies first :), Eye contact from three out of four is pretty good, Whole Dog Journal’s Approved Dry Dog Foods for 2021, Punishment vs. Interruption: Properly Managing Your Dog’s Behavior, Meditations on Raising Small Children with Dogs, How to Safely Introduce Your Dog to Other Dogs, Cooperative Care: Giving Your Dog Choice and Control, Infection vs. Allergies are a common cause for canine ear infections Hypothyroidism can lead to a variety of different side-effects, including dry skin, bacterial infections and subsequent chronic ear infections Malassezia is a specific strain of yeast that can lead to infection Aspergillus is a fungus that is linked to ear infections and inflammation If your dog experiences chronic infections, talk … But there’s a reason ear infections … Today’s new friends. The pain — not to mention the nagging itchiness — associated with these ear infections makes our frustration seem petty in comparison. This information helps veterinarians devise the ideal drug strategy to treat the infection. Pay very close attention to your dogs daily things they do and what may he getting into.. because it could also be something your bringing home with you from your work on your clothes too. Treatment of chronic otitis is a multistep process. Obtaining a sample of the discharge using a sterile swab and submitting it to a diagnostic laboratory will help determine exactly which bacteria and/or yeast are present. But isn’t he handsome? CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. ... Nova was one of my foster puppies two years ago. Chronic ear infections may involve bacterial or yeast overgrowth in the external, middle, or inner ear. Adrenal gland testing: Tests to explore the possibility of Cushing’s disease are sometimes required in dogs with otitis externa. 8 In dogs with recurrent ear infections of 6 months or longer, up to 89% may have concurrent otitis media; about 70% have an intact but abnormal tympanic membrane. If your dog is a frequent swimmer, for example, that might be the sole cause of her issue. Unfortunately, most dogs require sedation — if not anesthesia — before they’ll submit to this kind of examination. Dogs with chronic ear infections require lifelong maintenance. And when this dog dies I’m going to be awfully tempted to have him stuffed. Dog Ear Infection Symptoms. That stuff is miraculous. Breeds of dogs predisposed to allergic skin disease are also predisposed to chronic otitis externa. 2001-2021  This will cause delays in deliveries both into and out of our facilities for the coming weeks. #superdog. However, if your dog has a history of ear infections, you can use an ear cleaning solution designed specifically for dogs. #damngooddog #thankyoubothforyourservice, Silly Nova, from foster litter in Oct 2018 and now, Incredulous that no one else wants to swim at dusk in winter, Doesn’t matter if it’s freezing or raining, he’s gonna wade. Like the grass or weeds out back like foxtails for example.. is your dog always in them. Sweet, smart, Already well mannered from just 10 days with a dog-savvy foster provider. As such, this disease in dogs is categorized as a dermatologic (skin-related) condition. Ear infections are generally secondary to a hidden condition that enables an undesirable ear environment. Excessive licking? Antihistamines may also be prescribed. The space behind the eardrum (the middle ear) is affected by this infection. The most common causes of ear infections in dogs include: bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa & Staphylococcus aureus) yeast (Malassezia pachydermatis) fungal (Aspergillosis) Causes of Chronic Ear Infections in Dogs. About four months old. Shepherd? Treating infected dog ears “This is end-stage ear disease” said the vet, and the only effective treatment is surgery.” There is no known means of prevention for chronic otitis. Chronic otitis is a common disease of the ear canal of dogs. Ulcerations on the inside of the ear canal can also result from infection and self-trauma. Glands and hair line the dog’s ear; the glands produce wax, and the hair moves it up and out to clean the ear, naturally. Over time, scar tissue occludes the canals, preventing medications from reaching the diseased portions of the canal. Otitis refers to inflammation in the ears and may occur for many different reasons. If the dog … Chronic dog ear infections are the bane of long-eared dogs, swimming dogs, recently vaccinated puppies, old dogs, dogs with an abundance of ear wax, and dogs with allergies, thyroid imbalances, or immune system disorders. – Take a sample and run an in-house cytology by simply viewing cells under a microscope, looking for yeast and/or bacteria and inflammatory cells. Your dog's ear infections should not be ignored, as they can easily lead to permanent hearing loss. Also take special note of what food your feeding your dog and what shampoos and medicines that could be causing it. Preventing your dog’s ear infections with proper cleaning. Others will scratch so severely that their nails create wounds on the skin around their face, neck, and ears. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause but can range anywhere from mass removal and mite killers to diet changes and allergy injections. A recurring ear infection can act like a chronic ear infection. Excess moisture is a common cause of ear infections, so be sure to thoroughly dry your dog’s ears after swimming and bathing. He had been treated with just about every oral antibiotic, and every type of ear … Foreign bodies in the ears, including dirt, sand, or plant material (foxtails and grass awns), Shaking the head or rubbing the head and ears on the floor or furniture, Discharge from the ears, which can sometimes have a foul odor, Redness of the ear canal and earflap (the ears may also feel warm when touched), Ear hematoma, evidenced by a grossly swollen earflap, Aggression whenever the head is approached, Cleansing the ear canal is always recommended to clear accumulated debris. Today her owner is one of my good friends and dog-walking buddies. Please be patient in your expectations of order processing and product deliveries and do not overwhelm our customer service phone and email department. #superdog ... #nofilter The light here at this time of year is just unreal. As a consequence, thickening of the canal occurs and leads to narrowing … Yes, some diets can cause ear infections due to the wrong type of ingredients. However, if your dog has a history of ear infections, you can use an ear cleaning solution designed specifically for dogs. Immediately treating canine ear infections is imperative because of the corrosive nature of bacteria causing the infection. Determining both a) and b) generally requires diagnostic testing. Powered by Brightspot. Eye contact from three out of four is pretty good ... You have entered an incorrect email address! Quite a few things can cause the disease — parasites, allergies, growths — which is progressive and can lead to a rupturing of the eardrum or narrowing of the ear canal. Plucking hair from the ear canal may lead to microtrauma and inflammation in the ear that can predispose your dog’s ears to infection. Certain breeds of dogs are known to more commonly experience recurring ear infection issues, according to the Veterinary Information Network. Dogs with severe and chronic ear infections can sometimes benefit from surgery to remove the ear canal called total ear canal ablation. Underlying illnesses leading to the overgrowth of microorganisms will require a different approach. This little service dog may be overweight, arthritic, and off-leash... but I watched him walk with his Vietnam veteran owner through a crowd and never get more than 10 inches from his side. Paw chewing? In dogs without chronic ear infections, routine cleaning is not necessary. What If Your Dog Has Chronic Ear Infections? Regular ear checks and gentle wiping can help stave off problems.
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