We’ll take a look at that later. It’s unlikely opener will be happy when he sees dummy. Partnerships wishing to cover most of the details can read about them. (After a 2NT opening, I don't like Puppet Stayman because it is hard to show 5-4 in the majors). The opening bidder's partner, the responder, bids 2 Clubs to ask the no trump bidder to name a four card major suit if he has one. STAYMAN BRIDGE CONVENTION Stayman Convention – One of the most popular conventions used by Bridge players, using a 2C response to partner's 1 Notrump or 2 Notrump opening bid to locate a major suit fit. Game forcing. a. With lower values, they would have invited to game with a bid of 2NT. After a 1NT opening (or overcall), 2 asks the 1NT bidder about majors. If they don't have a 4 card major they bid 2D, and then you get to decide where you want to play instead. Generally, this method is not as good as Smolen (detailed above). Stayman Bidding Convention – Acol Bridge The Stayman Bidding Convention is one of the first conventions that beginning players will learn and is widely used by beginners and experienced players. This frees up the 1NT – 3♣ and 1NT – 3♦ sequences to be used as sign-off bids (or you can use transfers for these weak sign-off hands). 3 asks partner to descibe their hand. For now, we move to the "back" of the card and start off with DOUBLES. After opener has rebid no- trumps a response of 2C or 3C is artificial and asks for further description of the hand. Stayman is one of the two most-widely used conventions in the world and is taught to beginners at the very beginning (the other one is Blackwood). Essentially opener will show holdings in the suits usually the majors. A 4NT bid after trumps have been established asks for Aces and responder bids up the line to show how many they have. Opener has a very simple job: they must confirm or deny that they have one (or two) four card majors. If RHO bids higher than 2♣ it is tough to show Stayman. It is only employed when the responder has seven or fewer points and a unique distribtuion. Extended Stayman – over 15-18 or wider range 1NT openings - as per Simple Stayman but with Opener rebids Notes: 1. Responder has values for game, but does not have a heart suit so he or she bids 3NT. Signoff. Since then, the convention has undergone many permutations. In this scenario, the point requirement will depend upon what strength NT you are using: These points values are for the simple version. 1 D - 1♥ 2 NT - 3♣ by responder is now checkback stayman Of course, it can get a little more complicated than that. Playing the Garbage Stayman Convention responder does not promise any points at all for his 2 clubs bid. more important it is to use Stayman. Coded 9's and 10's. Stayman convention. Woolsey, in turn, has credited Neil Silverman for the original concept. Bidding a four card suit at the 3-level when you haven’t found a fit and may have less than 20 combined points isn’t a great idea! Signoff. Shows a two-suited hand with six hearts and four spades. Stayman is a bidding convention in bridge, this means that it is an artificial bid which is used by a partnership to find a 4-4 or 5-3 trump fit in a major suit after the opener makes a one notrump (1NT) opening bid. ACBL members will note that there is one more "front section," namely "other conventional calls." Opener can pass or correct to 4♠ if there is a fit. The new 3-level bids show four cards in the major bid, plus five in the other major. A helpful convention: Leaping Michaels (direct-seat overcalls after they open a weak 2-bid). Like weddings and church, it's best to arrive 15 minutes early! What is your strategy when there is competition in the bidding. A 2♣ response to 1NT asks partner to bid a four card major suit if they have one, or 2♦ if they don’t. See, Shows a two-suited hand with five hearts and four spades. This shows a hand that is 5-4 or 5-5 in the majors with values for game and asks responder to show a 3-card major suit. Checkback after jump to 2NT. The Stayman Convention is used only with a 4-Card Major suit looking for a 4-Card Major suit fit. Does not promise a major suit. Having your article written down so I can review it will be a great help to refresh my memory. These rebids do change if you are using Stayman with weaker hands. Instead of asking for a 4-card major, the 2♣ bid asks for a 5-card major (so you only need a 3-card major suit to bid it). Most of the efficient systems of bidding after a 1NT opening incorporate the use of Stayman and Transfers. Crash over 2. This ensures at least a 4-3 fit is found. Promises four spades and fewer than four hearts. Skip to the content Stellar Bridge Nice and simple. Signoff. As a general rule it is usually better to play in a major suit contract (spades or hearts) than to play in No Trumps, but … This is probably the most well-known convention (this or Blackwood) in bridge. 3. If they do they bid it and hopefully it matches yours. A great investment and refresher for someone who hasnt played in decades. The Stayman Convention Cheat Sheet (Download: Improve Bridge) The Stayman Convention is like the chromatic scale of bridge: Endlessly useful, and one of the first things that new players should learn. In terms of showing Stayman in these auctions, one possible way to do it is with a cue-bid of their overcall. Bridge Questions, Bridge Articles & More! 3 shows at least one 4 card major. Jump overcalls are made by skipping one level of bidding, e.g. It has been adapted for use after a 2NT opening, a … Take a look at the example below to see how this can go wrong: As we can see in this hand, there is no merit to being in 4♠ when two flat hands are opposite each other. This results in a much lower success rate. It is used when the responder has 5-4 in the majors and ‘swaps’ the standard 3-level responses. Openers rebid is then: Holding one four card major, bid 2 of that major; Holding both four majors, bid 2H; Holding neither major, bid 2D; The responders rebid is then as follows: Partner bid a major I like. 3. To ask opener if he has a 4-card major, he responds 2. We’ll look at these later in the article. Four hearts and four spades, invitational to game, Five spades and four hearts, invitational, Five hearts and four spades, forcing to game. For your opening 1NT bid, you now have not only the choice of a three-point range, such as 12-14, 15-17, or 16-18, but also the option of a four-point range, such as 11-14 or 15-18. Signoff. The Stayman convention is an artificial bid used to locate a 4-4 fit in a major suit after partner has opened 1NT. If you would rather read a book, take a look at the Help Index page for some suggestions.. Stayman Convention. Because this includes situations where responder has less than a game-invitational hand, there are more responses. Crawling Stayman is another option, showing a 5-card suit, 0-7 points, and asking partner to pass (see later). To use the Stayman convention selected the Stayman option in the Conventions Dialog. 2 Way Checkback Stayman. Bridge bidding/play help. With 5-4 in the majors responder can either.