While it’s always a good idea to paint fresh wounds with an oil or latex paint, the heat at this time of year actually helps protect against oak wilt. Sign up to receive special offers, expert advice and tips to transform your yard into a landscape showplace! ONLY oaks require paint on fresh wounds. All rights reserved. (Long-standing industry standards put the ideal annual foliage removal for large mature trees at 5%). free guide from the United States Forest Service. The really hot weather of July and August is a good opportunity to give our oak trees a … If Emily had known, she would have invested in a TCIA-accredited company with professional arborists to avoid these hefty removal and treatment costs. Pruning paint is not recommended in general on other trees, or on oaks during the dormant season, because the tree is better able to close the wound without the paint. So, we typically stop pruning oaks in early February and wait until July to start back up. Try to remember that pruning wounds heal best if the cuts take place before the spring growth flush. Autumn or early winter pruning is more likely to result in drying and die-back at pruning sites. That’s especially for oak trees! Original photo: Scouting for fungal mats is important to do in early April and through the spring months. When pruning oaks during peak oak wilt season, we are careful to sanitize each tool after pruning so as not to spread the disease. Every precaution is taken. Mix and match with the house. We Think You'll Really Dig It. Pruning During Other Times of the Year. State & National Extension Partners, While pruning oak has its advantages, it’s generally not a good idea to do between April and July, April 7, 2020, 2:02 pm | Lina Rodriguez Salamanca, Zach Clemens, Communications Specialist, Integrated Pest Management. Prune young oaks in mid to late winter, or January through March. Sap that forms at the surface of pruning cuts made on oaks in spring and early summer may attract sap-feeding beetles that were previously feeding on an oak wilt infested tree. Iowa State University of Science and Technology. However, if your tree is diseased or has dead branches, you can prune them at anytime of the year. Avoid pruning oaks in April, May or June since this can attract beetles that spread oak wilt. The beetles are attracted to the sweet odor that the fungus mats produce; they pick up the fungus and then transmit the disease as they are also attracted to the sap that oaks produce when pruned; so, any maintenance pruning should be stopped now until August. Pruning and cutting oaks in spring and early summer leaves them vulnerable to oak wilt, which rapidly kills trees in the red oak group and weakens those in the white oak group. Consult with a Certified or Licensed Arborist before doing any major pruning. Summer pruning takes away from the tree's total number of leaves, and fewer leaves mean less food flowing throughout the tree for next year's growth. Pruning and cutting oaks in spring and early summer leaves them vulnerable to oak wilt, which rapidly kills trees in the red oak group and weakens those in the white oak group. As temperatures rise, beetles that transmit the fungus become active. When pruning, follow these rules to ensure proper pruning and prevent oak wilt: Just keep in mind that if you lost the opportunity this summer, winter also affords the opportunity for more pruning. So if you can’t find him at home, he’s probably working in a greenhouse. Avoid pruning oak trees during the active growing months of April through June. Plus, summer is prime time for pests and diseases. They should be pruned in mid to late winter: December and January are the months recommended by The National Forest Company. Photo courtesy of U.S. Forest Service, Copyright © 1995-var d = new Date(); var n = d.getFullYear(); document.write(n); To promote healthy wood and minimize damage, aim to remove dead, damaged, diseased and rubbing branches. The reason it is best to prune your oak tree in the winter months is because of a disease that gets spread to live tissue in the summer months. Summer Is Pruning Season for Oaks While it’s always a good idea to paint fresh wounds with an oil or latex paint, the heat at this time of year actually helps protect against oak wilt. As temperatures rise, beetles that transmit the fungus become active. Hot and rainy weather causes the fungus on already infected trees to form spores on fungal mats underneath the tree trunk’s bark. Any oil or latex based paint is appropriate. Oak wilt is caused by the fungus Bretziella fagacearum (previously Ceratocystis fagacearum). This is not the case with an oak tree, which is susceptible to a disease called ‘oak wilt.’ Oak wilt is caused by bugs that feed on the sap of a newly trimmed tree. We do not prune excessively, following accepted American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A300 standards of limitation on the amount of meristematic tissue (number of Pruning the California oak from mid-summer to late summer, during the hottest time of the year, is an option if the late winter pruning … Scouting for fungal mats is important to do in early April and through the spring months. However, this range greatly depends on your climate and the temperature. The local tree care company didn't mention that pruning oaks in summer could lead to oak wilt. David Abrego is a conservation consultant for SAWS. Be creative! These mats will emit a fruity smell, and if the bark peels easily, look for blackened, raised, fluffy areas on the sapwood. Resist spring and summer pruning unless it is truly necessary. Certified arborists may be found at the International Society of Arboriculture. His techniques along with our extra pruning & flexing steps are what set us apart from other growers. Spring or summer pruning increases chances for infection and spread of the bacterial disease fireblight. Try To Avoid Pruning Oaks In The Summer: Best Time to Trim Oak Trees Oak trees have a disease that makes it so important not to make cuts on them from April through October. The chance for developing oak wilt from the open pruning wound is a high risk. Policies Trimming oak trees in late Fall or during a hard frost could prevent them from contracting the oak wilt fungal disease. In fact, winter is the best time to prune all trees, except spring blooming trees. digital photography instructions and tips. Prevention is Key The bug carries spores from an infected tree to a healthy tree and, in some cases, causes death. Generally, the worst time to prune trees in Texas is between February to June. If you must prune in those months, the University of Minnesota advises applying wound dressing to mask the cut wood smell that attracts those pests. If we recommend you wait until summer to have your oak trees pruned, we’ll make a recommendation as to when summer temperatures are optimal to do so. As the beetles feed on the sap of the pruning cut, fungal spores get into the fresh wound, infecting the tree. Follow the three-step cutting method. Sap that forms at the surface of pruning cuts made in spring or early summer may attract sap-feeding beetles that may have been previously feeding on an oak wilt infested tree. When oaks are pruned or wounded during the spring and summer, the risk of transmission by beetle vectors that carry spores to newly wounded trees becomes very high. When an oak tree is cut in the spring the cut will ooze sap, attracting the beetles and thereby infecting the tree. Pruning Oaks: Training the Young to Achieve Grandeur nodes, and re-forming the tree in its most effective, natural habit for future development. Oak wilt is a disease easily transmitted from tree to tree by beetles. Fungal mats will only form on red oaks (pointy leaves). All cuts made to oaks, even those made when the fungus is inactive, should be sealed with pruning paint to prevent entry of oak wilt into the exposed surfaces. Pruning in the winter, when most trees are dormant or at least not growing much, is best. Licensed arborists can be located by calling the City of San Antonio Department of Development Services, City Arborist. Prune apple trees, including flowering crabapples, mountain ash, hawthorns and shrub cotoneasters in late winter (February-early April). Summer-flowering shrubs, such as potentilla and Japanese spirea, bloom in summer on the current year's growth. The best time to do a maintenance pruning on your oak tree is in the late winter to early spring, before the new leaves open. All rights reserved. David, a native of Panama, likes to spend his time surrounded by plants and fruit trees. This means April to November. Keep an … David is also an arborist and an irrigation technician. Red oaks are very susceptible to the oak wilt fungus and can die within four to six weeks. Always keep your tools sharp and clean them with a fungicide. Pin oaks ( Quercus palustris , USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 8) are beautiful, fast-growing shade trees that turn to brilliant shades of bronze and red in the fall.They have unusual lower branches that curve toward the ground, which can give them a striking look, but sometimes, these branches need to be trimmed, so knowing how to trim a pin oak tree is a … Your tree will likely be healthier if you wait for winter pruning unless it’s an uncommon situation. If you are not sure, or are considering testing for oak wilt, the Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic at Iowa State University Extension and Outreach can help. As Jamie concludes the video, he stresses the importance of “knowing your grower.” We are proud to be your grower. As I drive to customers, I constantly encounter community signs that say “do not prune your oaks from January to June.” Local radio stations and even TV stations interviewing “experts” tell people the same thing. AMES, Iowa – Pruning oak trees from April to July exposes them to a high risk of contracting oak wilt, a serious disease that can infect and kill a range of oak species. Oak Wilt is a disease fungus that is spread by insects which are most active from April to the end of October. According to the University of Florida, pruning your tree is most crucial in its first years. The USDA article recommends using pruning paint on oaks during summer. Because pruning stimulates the tree to grow and … As temperatures rise, beetles that transmit the fungus become active. These mats will emit a fruity smell, and if the bark peels easily, look for blackened, raised, fluffy areas on the sapwood. The really hot weather of July and August is a good opportunity to give our oak trees a little trim. Pruning immediately after flowering allows gardeners to enjoy the spring flower display and provides adequate time for the shrubs to initiate new flower buds for next season. Join Jamie in the field as he shows you how we prune Oaks in the summer at Spring Grove Nursery. With some trees, the time of year for pruning may not matter. This will really depend on when you are asking the question. Oak Wilt is spread by pests that are attracted to fresh cuts in the wood. City of San Antonio Department of Development Services, City Arborist. Mature oaks need no pruning – and need their foliage to support their great bulk. While high risk of infection decreases to lower risk after mid-July, it’s prudent to simply avoid pruning oak trees from just prior to bud break to leaf drop. A search on the Internet will … Trimming your tree during the winter months allows it to care for its wounds in spring when it will recover more quickly. https://www.gardenstylesanantonio.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/prune-oaks-710x400.jpg. Look for cracks in the bark of oak trees, which is a sign of a fungal mat growing. The form of fungus that spreads the disease and the insect that transports the spores of that fungus are nearly non-existent at this time of year. Try not to prune oak trees during the spring-summer season. A tree with open pruning wounds may be extra vulnerable to certain diseases. Refrain from pruning all oaks from April to August to keep your and your community oak trees healthy and strong. Although the chances of oak contracting oak wilt decrease slightly after mid-summer, other factors, such as insects, come into play. Use different colors. Occasionally, there will be a situation where we have to do some emergency pruning on an oak tree during spring. When oaks are pruned or wounded during the spring and summer, the risk of transmission by beetle vectors that carry spores to newly wounded trees becomes very high. New Video – Pruning Oaks! White and bur oak (lobed leaves) are moderately more tolerant, and therefore no fungal mats will be present. [1] X Trustworthy Source Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Iowa State University's Extension and Outreach program dedicated to educating and engaging communities Go to s… When oaks are pruned or wounded during the spring and summer, the risk of transmission by beetle vectors that carry spores to newly wounded trees becomes very high. 2150 Beardshear Hall, Ames, IA 50011-2031 (800) 262-3804, Iowa State University | Originally, it’s been stated to not trim April 15th-July 15th. Have a scouting guide handy, such as this free guide from the United States Forest Service. Prune summer-flowering shrubs in late winter or early spring. 5. I suggest Lysol, either original or lemon scent is fine. Prune in summer to early fall, mid-July through September. How and when to properly prune your Oak Trees from Steve Smith.Smith's Gardentown, 4940 Seymour Hwy., Wichita Falls, TX (940) 692-7100 www.SmithsGardentown.com Make sure to send good quality digital photos; review digital photography instructions and tips. Young oaks are pruned to promote growth and will respond well to proper pruning, usually sprouting copious new growth.