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�z@� �0& endobj We get the price elasticity of supply when the price increases from $9 to $10 is 3.6. Unit 1 Micro Price Elasticity of Supply 2. What is the formula for calculating price elasticity of supply? You can also find Chapter 9 - Supply And Elasticity Of Supply - Chapter Notes, Micro … <> �z@� �0&��52�342�s�C|,\�� �U? <> /Length 676 >> B) highest along S3, next highest along S2, and lowest along S1. <> 3.4 Price elasticity of supply Price elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price The formula for measuring price elasticity of supply is: ES = in ice inQuantitySupplied % Pr % ' ' = Q P P Q u ' ' u ' y ' EXAMPLE Below is the supply schedule for daffodils in the springtime. <> In the above figure, the price elasticity of supply at any given quantity is . The price elasticity of supply (PES) is the measure of the responsiveness in quantity supplied (QS) to a change in price for a specific good (% Change QS / % Change in Price). �����c����� k�� Determinants of price elasticity and the total revenue rule. /XObject <> �!4�����^�+^���U�����܅�[]�ð��� Let us and supply of example, the price elasticity at the price changes in price would be inelastic is zero, apartment supply ... relationship between price elasticity of supply, the values for those goods to price of motor oil. Price elasticity of supply measures the relationship between change in quantity supplied and a change in price. H��WɎ���ț%���:p�!�%L::��IyD�҄���EdUg���.3]���x����O5_~y���7�3_}u����,�o^�%egj�f���5x��j�Ѽ\R�����-��}���mQ?��9�J2���moy�p�Ko�yC�7��e����������77����b}6��_�9q���79$[�_���@~�m�p'�l�/���+�FG�_\/Ͼ8�������&��&��yl~�?�2�C4�i���ɠw6A^�� ]/|�P�Vo}��R��G��Y ��ڣ(�)�w����%R/R��-���x����m]lGoC�/^��b~�\���d�
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