If you’re having trouble judging the light levels in your home, my easy guide to natural light for houseplants will help you out. Your email address will not be published. Place the little plant in full sun and water sparingly and normally the plant will continue its tortoise-paced growth and give you no trouble. If desired, cut off the top to stimulate side shoots. Form and size. The ponytail palm is nontoxic to cats and dogs. Overwatering is one of the most common problems facing the Ponytail Palm, so only water when the soil is completely dry. However, it’s best practice to keep all plants out of your furry friends’ reach anyway. A member of the agave family, the ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) grows readily outdoors in the ground or in containers. They store water in the base of their trunks.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'sproutsandstems_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])); Ponytail palms can be found online at many places including Etsy, Amazon, and The Sill. You can use either a general houseplant fertilizer or a cactus and succulent fertilizer. All Rights Reserved.HomeAboutContact JuliePrivacy PolicyTerms and Conditions. Getting those babies off the swollen stem of the mother tree is no easy feat. As a young plant, ponytail palms barely have a noticeable trunk… Ponytail palm bonsai care does not differ much from that of any ponytail palm tree. The ponytail palm is and very well may always be a very popular houseplant and bonsai specimen. Due to their common name, Ponytail Palm, many people are lead to believe these belong to the family Palmae ( the Palm tree family), but they do … It has a scruffier look about it than either of the previous two, both of which are thriving. A fabulous palm. It is entirely possible to repot or transplant a ponytail palm, no matter how large it is. Whether they are placed in feature gardens, public parks or private courtyards, the grace and form of palms adds … Eventually to over 3m (8m in the right climate) with a massive, swollen base. Water thoroughly and let the plant dry out between watering sessions. Because the foliage is quite long, ponytail palms require a generous amount of space. Despite their palm-tree look and the name, the ponytail palm is not a palm at all but actually a succulent—part of the agave family! Find out how to water, when to fertilize, repot and more. You may also notice the trunk start to wrinkle and go limp. Other common names for this plant include bottle palm tree or elephant foot tree. You can undertake ponytail palm replanting yourself, as long as you follow the general guidelines. Ponytail palms do not need to be fertilized often. The little palm is likely to become very, very attractive, and I … How To Grow Ponytail Palm Outdoors. The care needs of this plant are minimal and are inexpensive to buy which makes it a popular houseplant. Plant them as small, unusual specimen trees or else in containers on the patio. In fact, it is a member of the Agave family and is actually a succulent. As your pup is in its rooting stage, keep the potting mix moist but not soaking wet. But after a few months, you’ll notice signs of life in the planted offset. Ponytail Palm Care. How often you actually water will depend on your climate. How to Grow Palms. Once a month or so during the growing season (spring and summer) will be fine. Growing ponytail palm outdoors is only possible in well-drained soils, since the plant develops root rot in wet earth. Ponytail palms are very slow growers and can grow for decades. I will earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through these links.​. They are super easy to care for as their bulbous base (not photographed) stores water. Ponytail palms (Beaucarnea recurvata) are distinctive plants that you are not likely to confuse with any other small trees in your garden. Its sleek bulb-like trunk and lush, long curly leaves make it visually stunning, and the fact that a ponytail palm is forgiving and easy in its care makes this an ideal houseplant. The growing season is spring to fall and gives water every 1-2 week but makes sure the soil is dried fully on 1-2 inch. They are best known for their long, slender cascading leaves that are arranged in the same way as a pony’s tail. This plant is ideal for people with very little time or who travel regularly. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Ponytail palm Care Ponytail palm likes to grow in medium dry soil and does not want Soggy soil. They can grow to 30 feet (9 m.) tall, but rarely do as houseplants. A highly popular ornamental plant with an unusual bulbous base and strap shaped long leathery leaves. Ikea Greenhouse Cabinet: How Anyone Can Have a Greenhouse in Their Home! Remember that the common name of this plant is slightly misleading. The ponytail palm, also known as the elephant’s foot, is a whimsical-looking, low-maintenance plant that anyone can enjoy caring for. Growing ponytail palm outdoors is possible in warmer climates and caring for ponytail palm outdoors is not difficult. Palms are a much loved family of plants which, over the ages, have endeared themselves to gardeners everywhere. Ponytail palm can be grown as an outdoor plant only in USDA Zones 10 and 11, where it prefers a sandy soil in a full-sun location. © 2021 Sprouts and Stems. Depending on the size of your plant it can take them over five years just to double their height. Bright, indirect light is best for them.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'sproutsandstems_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',115,'0','0'])); While they prefer bright light, they are relatively low maintenance and will be OK in low light half the time, so you don’t need to worry about your ponytail palm surviving the winter. Depending on how large your ponytail palm is, repotting it can be tricky. I personally love buying plants from Etsy because there’s just such a huge variety of plants available from awesome sellers. Apr 14, 2017 - Explore Tracy Troxel's board "Ponytail palm tree", followed by 139 people on Pinterest. As the ponytail palm comes under the low maintenance category, these plants do not need much attention and care. Oddly enough, a ponytail palm tree is neither a palm nor a tree. Water, temperature, and humidity needs are all easy when it comes to how to care for a ponytail palm plant. Ponytail Palm Care Tips - Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palm tree is a succulent native to Mexico. Select a pot that has a hole in the bottom, so that excess water can be drained off. Caring for ponytail palm outdoors requires a knowledge of ponytail palm plant care. Propagating a ponytail palm is done through division—separating the baby plants (pups) from the mother. A popular palm lookalike, the Ponytail Palm is usually sold as a small pot plant. Make sure your pot has drainage and give it a good watering. This bonsai plant likes lots of sun but not for an extended amount of time. Costa Farms Ponytail Palm Bonsai, Live Indoor Plant, 15 to 20-Inches Tall, Ships in Scheurich Ceramic Planter, Fresh From Our Farm, Excellent Gift or Home Décor 4.5 out of 5 stars 3,017 $42.99 $ 42 . Also, it’s best to wait to separate the pups until the spring or summer. The base of the ponytail palm has a bulging appearance with a more narrow trunk , topped with a fountain of long, slender leaves resembling blades of grass. To separate a pup, dig down into the potting mix and find the base of the pup. Read on for more information about how to grow a ponytail palm outside. The plant's bulbous trunk stores water and its leaves cascade like ponytails or pom-poms. It might take a few more months before leaves grow. The Ponytail Palm will be perfectly happy being watered every couple of weeks and left alone to soak up the sunlight. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind though to make the care journey easier. Ponytail palms need a well-draining potting mix and do best in succulent or cactus soil. On the other hand, the plant accepts most soil types, including sandy and loamy. There are many ways to make the plant smell “unpleasant” for the cat. The foliage generally curves downward and can be as much as two feet long and just an inch wide. Because these plants are succulents, they do not need to be watered often, making ponytail palm care super low maintenance! When cutting off the dead leaves I noticed a mushy spot towards the head.. A fantastic tropical gift idea. It’s best to do your repotting in the spring or summer, if possible. In hotter weather, they will need to be watered more often, about every few weeks, and in colder weather, they might only need to be watered once a month or less.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'sproutsandstems_com-box-4','ezslot_1',107,'0','0'])); This plant is also somewhat susceptible to root rot because people tend to struggle with watering succulents too often, so be mindful of how often you water! Ponytail palms do not like to sit in moist soil for very long. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. While ponytail palms are very cool plants, they’re not what you want if you’re looking for a fast grower! Ponytail Palm Bonsai Care. With time, it can reach a height of 18 feet and spread of 15 feet. If you accidentally leave your Ponytail Palm’s soil completely dry for too long, you may see leaves go limp, droop, and possibly start to brown and curl. Expect this plant to store water in its swollen trunk base to help it through dry, hot weather. Water when the top 2 to 3 inches of soil are dry. In fact, you shouldn’t trim the leaves back unless there is already damage and you really need to. easy guide to natural light for houseplants, post answering common grow light questions, How to Care for and Propagate Pilea Depressa, How to Care for and Propagate Your Peperomia Obtusifolia, Tradescantia Nanouk Care, Propagation, And More. Can I Replant My Ponytail Palm – How And When To Move Ponytail Palms, Flowering Ponytail Plants: Does Ponytail Palm Flower, Care Instructions For Ponytail Palm - Tips For Growing Ponytail Palms, History Of Red Poppies – Why Red Poppy For Remembrance, Winter Pruning Tips - How To Prune In Winter, Ancient Flowers - Learn About Flowers From The Past, Ornamental Red Clover – How To Grow Red Feather Foxtail Clover, Evergreens For Pots: Best Evergreen Plants For Containers, Corn Plant Tillers: Tips On Removing Suckers From Corn, Lucky Bamboo Plant Care: How To Keep A Lucky Bamboo From Rotting, Iris Flower History – Where Did Iris Originate, Aloe Plant History – Interesting Facts And History Of Aloe Vera, Indian Turnip History: Jack-In-The-Pulpit Folklore And Origins, National Cabbage Day: History And Fun Facts About Cabbage. November 20, 2020 by Julie - Houseplant Aficionado, This post contains affiliate links. File this plant under the “avoid overwatering this plant, and you’ll probably be able to keep it alive” category. Is the ponytail palm toxic to cats and dogs? My goal is to empower you by showing you that being a plant parent is easier than you think.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'sproutsandstems_com-box-1','ezslot_10',118,'0','0']));report this ad. Older plants can grow remarkable large with towering specimens occasionally seen in gardens in warmer parts of the country. When grown outdoors, it is best planted in a cactus/succulent potting mix and placed in the sunniest spot you can find; in the right location, it is largely trouble-free, provided it gets a modest amount of water at regular intervals. Ponytail palms have an enlarged trunk base and long, drooping, green … Here are tips on how to care for the ponytail palm. Solitary, often branching with age. Grow your ponytail palm outdoors to avoid the problem entirely Cats are extremely sensitive to smell, which is a great plus if you want to keep them away from Beaucarnea recurvata.