Cooper was also an editor and contributor to the hacktivist journal, "Hack this Zine." Clare enjoys spending time with her husband and son going to comedy clubs and improv shows. She managed a wide range of social justice-focused philanthropic efforts by running grantmaking programs and offering customized programmatic services. Laura comes to us with an eclectic history of working in various non-profits, and with a Masters degree in Pastoral Ministry. She has earned degrees from the Rochester Institute of Technology in Media Arts and Technology (B.Sc.) He also works on EFF's Encrypt the Web initiative and helps maintain the HTTPS Everywhere browser extension. Ontem (25 de julho) o Link Estadão publicou as reportagens Liberte seu roteador e Empresas expandem rede de Wi-Fi grátis. Articles Cited by. David is a graduate of the University of Michigan and the University of Florida College of Law. Jon's photographs have been used by Wired, CBS News, and The Guggenheim Museum. Previous message: [SSL Observatory] Etisalat signed HTTPS certificates on the Internet. Aaron graduated from Berkeley Law in 2012, where he worked for EFF while a student in the Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic. He clerked for the Honorable Mary H. Murguia of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. As the Intake Coordinator here at EFF, Haley is the first point of contact for legal assistance and general information about EFF for the public. leez, a second-person narrative. A Telecom and Electronics Engineer, he previously worked for Mobile Operators managing and developing projects from the Radio and Core networks to IT systems. She writes and speaks about encryption in practice, including what people need from secure messaging providers and what the next generation of encryption in the cloud might look like. She has been a civil liberties attorney for over 15 years and has experience in both litigation and policy advocacy. She is known to wear party dresses, flowers in her hair and yes, combat boots. India’s passion has always been for good public policy, and she’s excited to be using skills developed during legislative battles to fight for consumer privacy and for robust surveillance oversight. She has worked for years to support the rights of political protesters, journalists, remix artists, and technologists to agitate for social change and to express themselves through their stories and ideas. Em breve analisaremos o contexto da responsabilzação… He keeps his eyes peeled for technologies that, by accident or design, pose a risk to computer users’ freedoms—and then looks for ways to fix them. Prior to joining EFF she worked in practices that represented consumers in complex class action litigation. When not doing computer stuff at EFF, Ben works on community wireless networks, open source, and recreational mathematics. Karen Gullo is an award-winning writer who has reported on public affairs, business, government, and law for more than a decade. David also previously served as program director of the National Campaign for Freedom of Expression where he was the principal contributor and general editor of the NCFE Quarterly and the principal author of the NCFE Handbook to Understanding, Preparing for and Responding to Challenges to your Freedom of Artistic Expression. Lee received his J. D. from Case Western Reserve University and his B.A. of Justice, the successful First Amendment challenge to the U.S. export restrictions on cryptography. Her previous research includes work on public internet access in Laos, technology education in Myanmar, zero-rating in Ghana, and state censorship in Thailand. Nicole supports EFF's fundraising efforts and specializes in donor correspondence and outreach. His geek gossip zine, Need To Know, won a special commendation for services to newsgathering at the first Interactive BAFTAs. She concentrates on comparative policy of global privacy issues, with special emphasis on emerging technology and cross border data flows. Vernita is the Executive Team Coordinator for Electronic Frontier Foundation's Executive Team. Veridiana has been involved with telecommunications, media, Internet and human rights issues since 2009. According to Eckersley, when contacted by the EFF, Google said the feature wasn’t supposed to be released to begin with because it was experimental and its use could break some apps. He also helps maintain a hosting community for small label do-it-yourself musicians, and tries to keep it free from nutraceutical spam. Prior to joining EFF, Corynne was a civil litigator at the law firm of Bingham McCutchen, LLP. In college, Hannah studied Computer Science and Management at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Raised in the UK, he has since made California his home, where he very much enjoys the sunshine. Lindsay is the Project Manager for the Activism Team. in Journalism and Mass Communication and a B.A. She has previously been a web developer and system administrator for 7 years and a statistician in the education realm. Prior to joining EFF, India spent over 10 years in Washington, DC as a legislative staffer to three members of Congress from California. Chao is a legal assistant who performs various duties and tasks for the Legal Team. Christopher is a technologist and happy mutant. She led the Twitter Localization team and has worked as a Product Manager and an Engineering Manager. Prior to law school, Aaron was a journalist at the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson, Arizona. Before joining EFF, Opsahl worked at Perkins Coie, where he represented technology clients with respect to intellectual property, privacy, defamation, and other online liability matters, including working on Kelly v. Arribasoft, MGM v. Grokster and CoStar v. LoopNet. He volunteers at Bound Together Bookstore and does community organizing & environmental justice work in Bayview-Hunters Point. In 2014, Opsahl was elected to the USENIX Board of Directors. She also wrote a chapter for a book published by the American Bar Association entitled "Whistleblowers, Leaks and the Media: The First Amendment and National Security" and spoke out against NSA surveillance. She learned of EFF while listening to Marc Maron's WTF podcast regarding patent trolls. While pursuing her law degree at Washington University in St. Louis, she represented indigent defendants and refugee applicants in Durban, South Africa, and studied international law at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Keri is the Administrative Support Coordinator at EFF. He also coined the term "life hack": it has been over a decade since he was first commissioned to write a book on combating procrastination. He is a frequent contributor to the Freedom of Information-centered outlet Muckrock and his bylines have also appeared in the Washington Post, Slate, and Motherboard. Lee also did graduate work in the Program in Jurisprudence and Social Policy at UC-Berkeley. Syd builds and maintains websites for EFF. For expedited responses to media inquiries, please email Matthew Guariglia is a policy analyst working on issues of surveillance and privacy at the local, state, and federal level. from U.C. nash leads EFF's grassroots, student, and community organizing efforts. 310 Sutardja Dai Hall, Banatao Auditorium . David has handled numerous cases seeking the disclosure of government documents on privacy policy, including electronic surveillance, encryption controls and airline passenger screening initiatives. Naomi is an attorney specializing in free speech litigation. In her free time, Kim enjoys running, hand lettering, and a good crossword puzzle. In 2017, the First Amendment Coalition awarded her its Free Speech and Open Government Award for her years-long litigation against the Los Angeles Police and Sheriff's Departments seeking access to Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) records and for setting new precedent in California's public records law. Joe Mullin is a policy analyst on EFF’s intellectual property team, where he works on patent reform, copyright issues, and free speech online. Hayley Tsukayama is a legislative activist for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, focusing on state legislation. Since 2012, she's been thrilled to go to events around the country sharing information out about EFF's work, and manage data processing systems on the Development team. Cara focuses on trademark, copyright, and free speech issues as a staff attorney on EFF's intellectual property team. Prior to joining EFF, Kit led the civil liberties and patent practice areas at the Cyberlaw Clinic, part of Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet and Society, and previously Kit worked at the law firm of Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, litigating patent, trademark, and copyright cases in courts across the country. He also holds an LLM from Georgetown Law. When she is not working, she enjoys yoga, taking spin classes, watching independent film, writing haiku and playing fetch with her cat. He still carries the spirit of "gaman" perseverance everywhere he goes. He has represented travelers subjected to warrantless smartphone searches by border officers, dissidents seeking to speak in government social media, and customers of phone companies that unlawfully sold location data. David Greene, Senior Staff Attorney and Civil Liberties Director, has significant experience litigating First Amendment issues in state and federal trial and appellate courts and is one of the country's leading advocates for and commentators on freedom of expression in the arts. When she isn't at work delving into databases and bribing the office dogs with treats to love her-she is hiking, camping, generally being outside (a lifetime of many triple-digit days will do that to a person) and enjoying time with her goofy dog, Hank. LEARN MORE ABOUT US, AND HOW YOU CAN HELP. Before joining EFF, Alex practiced complex commercial litigation at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York and Durie Tangri LLP in San Francisco, where she handled patent, copyright, trademark, contract, and antitrust matters for a wide range of clients in state and federal courts across the country. and The New School in Organizational Change Management (MS). Alex is a Staff Attorney on EFF’s intellectual property team, focusing on legal issues that affect innovation and creativity of all kinds. He specializes in getting treats from interns, barking at Board members and peeing in front of visiting movie stars. Starchy came here to preserve uptime, fight for your rights online, run ultramarathons, and chew bubblegum, and he's all out of bubblegum. Before law school, Alex worked with independent recording artists at Rough Trade America and Alan McGee Management. of Justice, the successful First Amendment challenge to the U.S. export restrictions on cryptography. Colaboradores de conteúdo/tradutores: Abed W. Ayyad Julie Schwietert Collazo Ahmad Gharbeia Amr Gharbeia Eman AlTamimi Vitaliy Grishenko Keylingo Translations Nighat Dad Filipe Meirelles Sobia Ghazal Ali He has an MPA with a Certificate in Non-Profit Management from the Evans School at the University of Washington and a BA in Sociology from Amherst College. He previously worked building websites for non-profits, such as Greenpeace, Adbusters, and the Chelsea Manning Support Network. Before that, he worked as a writer and curator for TechSoup, a technology resource for the nonprofit community. In 2018, Artemis was selected to participate in the Mozilla XRStudio Residency program, where she coded EFF's first virtual reality project, Spot the Surveillance, using Aframe. Prior to EFF he worked with a consultant group specializing in Ruby application performance. She is also a part of Hacking Hustling, a sex workers advocacy organization, where her title is Witch. As the Member Outreach Assistant, Christian connects with the many members of EFF. Prior to joining EFF, she was a Henry Luce Scholar in Laos and Thailand and earned a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Washington Information School while doing research in the School of Computer Science's Security & Privacy Research Lab. Rainey Reitman serves as the Chief Program Officer for EFF. But the DOD has plenty of budget and defense contractors to build neural networks into drones and other weapons. Hugh has worked with EFF in various capacities since 2007, and is the artist behind some of EFF's most iconic images. As a litigator, she has represented Professor Lawrence Lessig, Public.Resource.Org, the Yes Men, and a dancing baby, among others, and one of her first cases at EFF was In re Sony BMG CD Technologies Litigation (aka the "rootkit" case). Lena likes plants, philosophy and dogs. Before that, she was a Bookkeeper for Spectrel International Corp. She likes to travel almost as much as she enjoys playing with the pets in our office. Jennifer has written influential white papers on biometric data collection in immigrant communities and law enforcement use of face recognition. Since 2012, she's been thrilled to go to events around the country sharing information out about EFF's work, and manage data processing systems on the Development team. He also practiced with the firms Bryan Cave LLP and Hancock, Rothert & Bunshoft. Madeleine is the legal support manager on the legal team. Karen Gullo is an award-winning writer who has reported on public affairs, business, government, and law for more than a decade. Peter Eckersley is Technology Projects Director for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Before joining the EFF in 2017, she managed the nonprofit accelerator program at Geeks Without Bounds, focusing on open source technology solutions to humanitarian and disaster relief challenges, as well as working with a number of nonprofit, civil society, and social enterprise organizations on capacity-building for diverse communities. Prior to 2007, when she came to work for EFF, Eva worked in security and IT in Silicon Valley and earned degrees in Political Science and International Relations from SFSU. Prior to joining EFF, she spent nearly eight years as a consumer technology reporter at The Washington Post writing stories on the industry's largest companies. Scientist EFF. Lee leads the human resources effort for EFF. He also holds an LLM from Georgetown Law. Cindy Cohn is the Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Opsahl received his law degree from Boalt Hall, and undergraduate degree from U.C. Rather than becoming a Woman of The Cloth, she now supports the good works of EFF by keeping the day to day things that the organization needs to keep running, including making sure that staff. Before joining EFF, Joe worked as a reporter covering legal affairs for the technology website Ars Technica, and American Lawyer’s magazine group. In addition to representing clients on civil liberties, free speech and privacy law, Opsahl counsels on EFF projects and initiatives. Ms. Cohn has been named to TheNonProfitTimes 2020 Power & Influence TOP 50 list, honoring 2020's movers and shakers. After becoming an attorney, Ernesto rejoined the fight for consumers and Internet freedom at EFF. Katitza holds a Bachelor in Law degree from the University of Lima, Peru. At EFF, she works with the Engineering and Design team on internal tools and external-facing web applications. Starchy came here to preserve uptime, fight for your rights online, run ultramarathons, and chew bubblegum, and he's all out of bubblegum. All the work Hugh does for EFF is CC-licensed and can be downloaded, re-used and re-mixed from the EFF Flickr page. Hayley has an MA in journalism from the University of Missouri and a BA in history from Vassar College. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Yale College. from UC Berkeley School of Law and her B.A. Prior to EFF, she's worked as a researcher and writer for various local, national, and international human rights organizations. All while also trying to bribe dogs with treats to love her. EFF submission to the UK House of Lords Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence ai Help EFF Track the Progress of AI and Machine Learning ai More posts can be found in the archive . He bridges EFF’s domestic priorities with our international policy strategy and helps to make sure that digital rights are respected and enforced beyond the United States borders. Will is an Operations Engineer attempting to tame the EFF's menagerie of servers. -- Peter Eckersley Chief Computer Scientist Tel +1 415 436 9333 x131 Electronic Frontier Foundation Fax +1 415 436 9993 [Acme] Content-Type and file extensions for HTTP0… Peter Eckersley Bill's primary interest lies in dismantling systems of oppression, building up collaborative alternatives and, to borrow a phrase from Zapatismo, fighting for a 'world in which many worlds fit.' Peter Eckersley pde at Thu Nov 7 15:06:05 PST 2013. Jon has co-founded several startups including PGP, Silent Circle, and Blackphone. You're quite fond of freely-modifiable and redistributable things. Jon is fond of Leica cameras, Morgan sports cars, and Birman cats. She studied the emergence of Open Source communities in Latin America, and later worked as a trainer, qualitative researcher and media producer with human rights groups in the field. Alexy has spent more than a decade using web technologies to solve problems. She is known to wear party dresses, flowers in her hair and yes, combat boots. In her spare time, she enjoys frolicking with baby goats and making pickles. Bennett is a staff technologist on the Tech Projects team. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times, Guardian, Slate, and Huffington Post. Peter Eckersley (II) ... (Documentary) Self - Technology Projects Direactor at EFF Hide Show Archive footage (1 credit) 2012 The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (TV Series) Self - Electronic Frontier Foundation - Episode #20.191 (2012) ... Self - Electronic Frontier Foundation (uncredited) Related Videos. He has worked for years to fight the use of copyright as a tool for censorship, and to keep the Internet open for creativity and innovation from far and wide. He has filed amicus briefs addressing the right to record on-duty police, perpetual location-tracking of court-involved people, face surveillance by corporations of consumers, and overbroad laws against so-called "cyber stalking." Daniel works to give EFF’s generous donors the best experience possible. from Camberwell College of Art, London. Elliot is a senior activist at EFF. On anti-spam, he deployed new machine-learned models to detect and block spam in realtime. in neuroscience from MIT, where she studied brain-computer interfaces and designed cyborgs and artificial bacteria. She also previously planned and executed annual events for EFF, including the Pioneer Awards and Cyberlaw Trivia. Hugh has worked with EFF in various capacities since 2007, and is the artist behind some of EFF's most iconic images. Before joining EFF, Lee was a sole practitioner specializing in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation. She started at ALC as a Berkeley Law Public Interest Fellow in the Immigrant Rights' Program, representing immigrants in deportation proceedings. Vernita is the Executive Team Coordinator for Electronic Frontier Foundation's Executive Team. Before joining EFF, Katharine spent many years as a writer and editor at the science fiction and science website io9, while also contributing occasionally to io9’s sister publications Deadspin, Jezebel, and Gizmodo. Jillian is a fellow at the Centre for Internet & Human Rights in Berlin and a founding member of the Deep Lab collective. Kim helps support the work of EFF's Engineering and Design team. Ontem (25 de julho) o Link Estadão publicou as reportagens Liberte seu roteador e Empresas expandem rede de Wi-Fi grátis. Bill has spoken at USENIX Enigma (2016), HOPE (2014, 2016, 2018), CCC (2017), InfoSec Southwest (2017), ShmooCon (2019, 2020), and other infosec conferences. He's passionate about democratizing computer security and fighting for a more just application of technology in society. He explains gadgets to lawyers, and lawyers to gadgets. While in law school, Andrew worked at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, the American Civil Liberties Union’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project, and the Center for Democracy and Technology. Home Peter Eckersley. A lot. He tries daily to apply advice from his professor Sam Pickering, the inspiration for Robin Williams’ character in Dead Poets Society: “Take out the extra words. Her favorite cases involve defending online fair use, political expression, and the public domain against the assault of copyright maximalists.