Once you have successfully found a parcel, the Search Results table below will populate with the Parcel Number, Address, and a Parcel Report link. On July 29, 2014, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors approved a zoning code change to allow small-scale agricultural retail sales and small-scale agricultural processing on agriculturally zoned properties with a simpler, faster, less-expensive (around $600 in fees), zoning permit approval process with Permit Sonoma (formerly & Resource Management Department/PRMD). Conduct a public hearing and adopt an ordinance amending provisions of Chapter 26 (zoning code) of the Sonoma County Code to amend the Second Units/Accessory Dwelling Unit s regulations, add Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit regulations, and amend and add definitions (urgency ordinance – four-fifths ©2021 County of Sonoma. The Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month (and as needed). We have lived here for 25 years. Start a New Application. Sonoma County Permit can help realtors, homeowners and banks clean up problem properties. Occasional cultural events, provided that a written notice stating "The Sonoma County Planning Department will issue a zoning permit for a cultural event (state nature and duration) on this property if a written appeal is not received within ten (10) days from the date of this notice." Users should contact the City Clerk's Office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. The Parcel Report provides general information about the parcel in addition to its associated addresses, County issued permits, and publically available documents. Permit Sonoma is presenting an opportunity for the public to provide input at a virtual public workshop on February 18, 2021 from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. regarding the development of the draft County Winery Events Policy. Planning staff will be able to determine if your planned use and location comply with zoning regulations (view the zoning map), and can give you guidance about any planning reviews or permit applications that may be needed. Hearing for the Board of Zoning Adjustments, part of the Sonoma County Planning Agency, discussing applications for Use Permits, Zoning Variances, and Coastal Development Permits. Find top Sonoma County, CA Land Use & Zoning lawyers and attorneys. Although every reasonable effort is made to provide complete and accurate information on this website, visitors are advised to contact appropriate Permit Sonoma staff before making project decisions or property purchase/lease decisions. All rights reserved. Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported. The Permit History provided may not include all records for this property. Certain kinds of businesses may require a conditional use permit (CUP). We raised our daughter here. On August 27, 2020, Permit Sonoma made a formal zoning determination that an Amazon warehouse and distribution use are permitted uses in the property’s existing M3 Zoning District. We recommend using Google Chrome , Firefox , or Microsoft Edge . If parcel outlines are not visible, zoom in until they are. Schedule an Inspection. The Sonoma County Planning Division website, has a plethora of information concerning permits and zoning in unincorporated Sonoma County. Included in the proposed zoning code changes is the development of Chapter 37 provisions for regulating industrial hemp cultivation in the county of Sonoma, which include compatibility elements as well as enforcement mechanisms to prevent fraud. All reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided. If you find out that the zoning for your location does not allow the kind of business you wish to open, the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce may be able to suggest other locations. In the City of Rohnert Park, the Zoning Ordinance is found in Title 17 of the Rohnert Park Municipal Code. Sonoma County Combined Board of Zoning Adjustments and Planning Commission ACTIONS Sonoma County Permit and Resource Management Department. 19.10.020 Zoning districts established. Sebastopol City Hall, including the Planning Department, is closed to the public to protect both employees and the public. Within the Commercial, Gateway Commercial, and Mixed Use zoning districts, a maximum height of 36 feet may be allowed in order to accommodate third-floor multifamily residential development. Sonoma County and Santa Rosa are looking at every opportunity to achieve this.” The Permit Sonoma staff has analyzed agricultural parcels within the Z District to address the potential for environmental impacts. This is considered an “over the counter” permit from PRMD. Doing a collective review for all eligible parcels saves time from having to do each one individually. It only takes a few simple steps and you will be able to apply for permits, upload and download documents for permits, view a complete history of your applications, access invoices and receipts, check on the status of pending permits, and more. My wife and I live on a 2.5 acre parcel on a quiet residential street in unincorporated Sebastopol. Limited Order Remains in Effect, Learn More. Permit Sonoma (aka PRMD) Requirements. However, some of the data may be out of date or inaccurate. The allowance of this additional height shall be subject to use permit review, in compliance with SMC 19.54.050. Special requirements may apply to chain stores and franchises under the City's formula business ordinance. The Planning Department is responsible for all planning related activities in the City of Sonoma. Related Practice Areas: Eminent Domain, Real Estate, Landlord & Tenant, Agriculture. This may involve contacting more than one section within Permit Sonoma (Building Inspection, Plan Check, Planning/Zoning, Well & Septic, etc.) This Zoning Code implements the goals and policies of the Santa Rosa General Plan by classifying and regulating the uses of land and structures within the City of Santa Rosa. If you need plans drawn in order to pull a permit, we can do those for you also. OPEN LETTER TO THE SONOMA COUNTYBOARD OF SUPERVISORS. The agenda will be posted 3 days prior to the meeting. Date(s) listed in this report reflect the earliest known date(s) associated with each record. Meeting No. Sonoma County has a permanent record of all the permits that have been pulled on a property which should be reviewed as part of the period of due diligence. If any kind of approval or permit is needed in order to comply with the Zoning Ordinance, be sure to make the lease or purchase of property for your business contingent upon these approvals. since each section implements specific codes or ordinances which may affect your project. I Googled “Sonoma County” and found their web site; Than I did a searched on Permits on the Sonoma County website; Clicked on … Find Contractor Licenses, Land Records, and Property Records related to Petaluma City Zoning and Permits. If you have questions about land divisions, use permits, General Plan amendments, zone changes, variances and a number of ministerial planning permit applications, please use the informational links provided or give us a call before visiting us at our public counter. Sonoma County Contractor License Search ; Sonoma County Land Records Search ; Sonoma County Property Records Search ; Building Departments Nearby. You searched for Land Use & Zoning. I live in Sonoma County in Northern California. Ignore them at your peril: I’m talking about zoning laws and permits and the questions you need to ask right out of the gate. Certain kinds of businesses may require a conditional use permit (CUP). Boards Commissions Committees & Task Forces. Building Permit Consultants For Sonoma, Marin and Napa Counties. This is considered an “over the counter” permit … We raised our daughter here. The owners of the greenhouse are now applying for building permits and a Cannabis Zoning Permit. The process for getting your business up and running with all the required permits and approvals can vary, depending on factors such as your business type, location, and the tenant improvements you plan to make. 2550 Ventura Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 (707) 565-1900 FAX (707) 565-1103 . Here are the steps I went through to discover what the requirements were for building without a permit. To search for a parcel report, enter either the parcel number in the Parcel Number search field or the physical address in the Address search field. Occasional cultural events, provided that a written notice stating "The Sonoma County Planning Department will issue a zoning permit for a cultural event (state nature and duration) on this property if a written appeal is not received within ten (10) days from the date of this notice." … sonoma county zoning regulations: chapter 26a. Climate Action & Sustainability Achievements, Community Services & Environment Commission. Sonoma County Permit also offers consulting in difficult situations such as illegal construction or zoning restrictions. The owners of the greenhouse are now applying for building permits and a Cannabis Zoning Permit. Find 6 Building Departments within 15.5 miles of Petaluma City Zoning and Permits. Search Existing Permits. Than I did a searched on Permits on the Sonoma County website; ... Zoning, Drainage, Sewer, etc.). My wife and I live on a 2.5 acre parcel on a quiet residential street in unincorporated Sebastopol. OPEN LETTER TO THE SONOMA COUNTYBOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Here are the steps I went through to discover what the requirements were for building without a permit. Disclaimer: The City Clerk's Office has the official version of the Sonoma Municipal Code. ... You may need help with building or zoning permits, or you may just need to understand what permits were taken out for work done in the past. PRMD recognizes wineries have significant impacts, on-site and off-site, and state law requires they be studied, avoided, and mitigated. State Regional Stay at Home Order has been lifted. Nearby Cities: Napa, Santa Rosa, Vallejo, Richmond, Vacaville. CUP applications are reviewed by the Planning Commission, which meets monthly. Staff are working regular hours (Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.) and will work to answer your questions via phone or email. We have lived here for 25 years. 2. View My Records / Check Permit Status. Visit the site to find zoning maps, permit forms, and information about the various planning commissions and programs shaping Sonoma County. We manage the permit and construction process from pre-planning to final construction. A parcel matching your search term could not be found. coastal zoning resource districts: chapter 26d. This may involve contacting more than one section within Permit Sonoma (Building Inspection, Plan Check, Planning/Zoning, Well & Septic, etc.) Permit Sonoma (aka PRMD) Requirements Where allowed, a Zoning Permit is required for Farmstay or one bedroom Bed & Breakfast operations. The city of Sonoma shall be divided into the zoning districts described in this section, to implement the City of Sonoma General Plan land use designations. It's also a good idea to check in with Building Department staff if you're planning any Commercial Building Improvements. County Adopts Resolution No. heritage or landmark trees: chapter 27. transport of water for domestic use: chapter 28. emergency and pre-hospital medical services … If you find out that the zoning for your location does not allow the kind of business you wish to open, the Sonoma Valley Chamber of Commerce may be able to suggest other locations. We manage the permit and construction process from pre-planning to final construction. Sonoma County’s incentive for more property taxes to pay for these added demands is to facilitate the “highest and best use of the land” – that is, to develop it under a Use Permit. Third-Floor Residential Units. Included in the proposed zoning code changes is the development of Chapter 37 provisions for regulating industrial hemp cultivation in the county of Sonoma, which include compatibility elements as well as enforcement mechanisms to prevent fraud. I Googled “Sonoma County” and found their web site; Than I did a searched on Permits on the Sonoma County website; Clicked on … Please try again later. If you are a new user you should register for a free Permits Online account. Before you sign a lease or announce an opening date, we encourage you to check in with staff from the City's Planning Department. Coronavirus Vaccine & Response Information », Please enter a parcel number with the format: 000-000-000. Permit Status Definitions have been modified through time to better identify milestones during the lifespan of a specific record type. Building Permit Consultants For Sonoma, Marin and Napa Counties. Even home-based businesses have certain regulations. If you need plans drawn in order to pull a permit, we can do those for you also. : 17-10 . The Sonoma Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 01-2020, passed February 13, 2020. Further investigation may be required to obtain a more complete history due to: address changes, parcel mergers, splits, retirements, etc. Pay Fees. Virtually any land development or construction that takes place in the unincorporated area of Sonoma County (outside the nine incorporated cities) is reviewed, permitted, and inspected by Permit Sonoma. Ask City staff what information they will need from you, the approximate fees you can expect, and the estimated timeline.