This is useful to bring multiple networks to a VM without adding vNICs. Dheeraj Pandey, Former CEO, Nutanix. The Nutanix Clusters Portal is responsible for handling cluster provisioning requests and interacting with AWS and the provisioned hosts. The tier prioritization can be classified at a high-level by the following: Specific types of resources (e.g. vm.on . Each AHV host runs an iSCSI redirector which regularly checks the health of Stargates throughout the cluster using NOP commands. They both inherit the prior block map and any new writes/updates would take place on their individual block maps. Images can include ISOs, disks, and snapshots. When to use: When looking to see how many ops are served from cache or hitting the disks. Prefix The figure shows the queues portion of the overview section: The second portion is the unified cache details that shows information on cache sizes and hit rates. With traditional virtualization each VM has its own Operating System (OS) but they share the underlying hardware. The amount of resources which are reserved is summarized by the following: When hosts have uneven memory capacities the system will use the largest host's memory capacity when determining how much to reserve per host. You can view the Nova services using the OpenStack portal under 'Admin'->'System'->'System Information'->'Compute Services'. Nutanix leverages LZ4 and LZ4HC for data compression with AOS 5.0 and beyond. Description: Virtual Machine or guest level metrics are pulled directly from the hypervisor and represent the performance the VM is seeing and is indicative of the I/O performance the application is seeing. The Object Controller is responsible for managing object data and coordinates metadata updates with the Metadata Server. service openstack-nova-compute stop. IOs meeting this will bypass the OpLog and go directly to the Extent Store since they are already large chunks of aligned data and won't benefit from coalescing. # Default glance hostname or IP address (string value) Once restarted, the VMs will continue to perform I/Os as usual which will be handled by their local CVMs. keystone endpoint-delete . This document serves as a basis of foundational knowledge covering how the product works and its architecture. In this section, I’ll cover how CVM 'failures' are handled (I’ll cover how we handle component failures in future update). Finding reservations reduces to a well known set of problems called Knapsack. It automatically rotates the master key (MEK) every year, however, this operation can also be done on demand. From my perspective the only way to accurately do this is through a fully automated system where any granting of access, approvals, etc. ), each node type has its own 7 partitions which nodes are striped across. This capability builds upon and extends the native DR and replications features that have been availble in AOS and configured in PE for years. Nova is the compute engine and scheduler for the OpenStack platform. The 3-block requirement is due to ensure quorum. Commvault, Rubrik, etc.) This simplifies configuration by focusing on the items of interest (e.g. Cold data is characterized into two main categories: The following figure shows an example of how inline compression interacts with the DSF write I/O path: Almost always use inline compression (compression delay = 0) as it will only compress larger / sequential writes and not impact random write performance. Nutanix ILM will determine tier placement dynamically based upon I/O patterns and will move data between tiers. - systemctl enable httpd. The scripts will begin with: "". A CVM 'failure' could include a user powering down the CVM, a CVM rolling upgrade, or any event which might bring down the CVM. Once the local CVM's Stargate comes back up (and begins responding to the NOP OUT commands), the remote Stargate will quiesce then kill all connections to remote iSCSI sessions. security (FLOW), Protection (Backup/Replication), Recovery (DR), NGT), Physical devices management (e.g. OpenStack leverages the following high-level constructs which are defined below: The figure shows the high-level relationship of the constructs: The figure shows an example application of the constructs: You can view and manage hosts, host aggregates and availability zones using the OpenStack portal under 'Admin'->'System'->'Host Aggregates'. Also, cluster-wide tasks, such as disk balancing, will temporarily generate I/O on the 10GbE network. DSF will automatically detect this outage and will redirect these I/Os to another CVM in the cluster over 10GbE. active path down), DM-MPIO will activate one of the failover paths to a remote CVM which will then takeover IO. When a Nutanix Hyper-V cluster is created we automatically join the Hyper-V hosts to the specified Windows Active Directory domain. This is used for archival / restore. Each FSVM leverages the Volumes API for its data storage which is accessed via in-guest iSCSI. [root@NTNX-BEAST-1 log]# netstat -np | egrep tcp. In cases where PC is needed, another PC VM will be spun up to manage the environment. The following shows a high-level view of the architecture: Once NGT is installed you can see the NGT Agent and VSS Hardware Provider services: The Linux solution works similar to the Windows solution, however scripts are leveraged instead of the Microsoft VSS framework as it doesn't exist in Linux distros. To install NGT via Prism, navigate to the 'VM' page, select a VM to install NGT on and click 'Enable NGT': Click 'Yes' at the prompt to continue with NGT installation: The VM must have a CD-ROM as the generated installer containing the software and unique certificate will be mounted there as shown: The NGT installer CD-ROM will be visible in the OS: Double click on the CD to begin the installation process. Description: Find Acropolis logs for the cluster, Description: Find ERROR logs for the cluster, allssh "cat ~/data/logs/.ERROR", Description: Find FATAL logs for the cluster, allssh "cat ~/data/logs/.FATAL". In this case if someone were to steal an encrypted file or disk device, they would be unable to get access to the underlying data. Sustained Sequential Write: Up to 460MB/s, Local memory read latency = 100ns + [OS / hypervisor overhead], Network memory read latency = 100ns + NW RTT latency + [2 x OS / hypervisor overhead], Network memory read latency = 100ns + 500,000ns + [2 x OS / hypervisor overhead], Network memory read latency = 100ns + 10,000ns + [2 x OS / hypervisor overhead]. You can navigate to the Curator page by navigating to http://:2010. Prior to reading the following, it is recommended to read the 'User vs. Kernel Space' section to learn more about how each interact with eachother. docker volume create PGDataVol --driver nutanix. The Distributed Storage Fabric (DSF) appears to the hypervisor like any centralized storage array, however all of the I/Os are handled locally to provide the highest performance. NOTE: Notice the egroup size for deduped vs. non-deduped egroups (1 vs. 4MB). When it comes to networking and communication we need to ensure only known / secure enclaves were able to get access to the systems and data flows outbound are restricted. The following figure shows an example of how offline compression interacts with the DSF write I/O path: For read I/O, the data is first decompressed in memory and then the I/O is served. This allows us to ensure that each CVM can have it's own cached copy of the base vDisk with cache coherency. If network connectivity goes down between the two locations in a non-supported "stretched" deployment, one side will go down as quorum must be maintained (e.g. The network is the typically communication vector attackers use to gain access to systems. The following configuration maximums and scalability limits are applicable: *AHV does not have a traditional storage stack like ESXi / Hyper-V; all disks are passed to the VM(s) as raw SCSI block devices. Calm, Karbon). This will allow VMs on each node to read the Base VM’s vDisk locally. In the event of a CVM "failure” the I/O which was previously being served from the down CVM, will be forwarded to other CVMs throughout the cluster. en-US NOTE: As of 5.11.1, for AES to be enabled, the node must have a minimum of 8 flash devices or any amount of flash devices if at least one device is NVMe. Shadow clones are enabled by default (as of 4.0.2) and can be enabled/disabled using the following NCLI command: ncli cluster edit-params enable-shadow-clones=. The following figure shows an example of a mixed cluster (3050 + 6050) in an “unbalanced” state: Disk balancing leverages the DSF Curator framework and is run as a scheduled process as well as when a threshold has been breached (e.g., local node capacity utilization > n %). In the event of a failure, I/Os will be re-directed to other CVMs within the cluster. From the 'Storage' page click on '+ Volume Group' on the right hand corner: This will launch a menu where we'll specify the VG details: Next we'll click on '+ Add new disk' to add any disk(s) to the target (visible as LUNs): A menu will appear allowing us to select the target container and size of the disk: Click 'Add' and repeat this for however many disks you'd like to add. NVMe, Intel Optane, etc. packages: The figure shows a detailed view of the components: The Nutanix Files VMs run as agent VMs on the platform and are transparently deployed as part of the configuration process. In any system, the people are traditionally the weakest link. In other cases you might want to ensure VMs run on different nodes for availability purposes. The AHV is built upon the CentOS KVM foundation and extends its base functionality to include features like HA, live migration, etc. ssh-authorized-keys: OVM includes all Acropolis drivers and OpenStack controller, OVM includes all Acropolis drivers and communicates with external/remote OpenStack controller. With the default stack this will invoke kernel level drivers to do so. However, with RDMA these NICs are passed through to the CVM bypassing anything in the hypervisor. This data can be viewed for one of more Controller VM(s) or the aggregate cluster. During this process a good IDPS system can detect access anomalies or scanning tools like nmap. ), all of which consumes resources. The AHV host, VMs, and physical interfaces use “ports” for connectivity to the bridge. Data entering the extent store is either being A) drained from the OpLog or B) is sequential/sustained in nature and has bypassed the OpLog directly. business / wifi networks). The figure shows an example scenario with reserved segments: In the event of a host failure VM(s) will be restarted throughout the cluster on the remaining healthy hosts: The system will automatically calculate the total number of reserved segments and per host reservation. Another interesting data point is what data is being up-migrated from HDD to SSD via ILM. For example, say we had 3 hosts in a cluster, each of which is utilized 50%, 5%, 5% respectively. Key Role: Metrics reported by the Nutanix Controller(s). Similar to the case of a disk failure above, a Curator scan will find the data previously hosted on the node and its respective replicas. This is important if you ever plan to extend networks between VPCs (VPC peering), or to your existing WAN. In this scenario, each host will share a portion of the reservation for HA. One method of education is actually simulating phishing attacks so they can start to question things and learn what to look for. Similar to other components which have a Leader, if the Acropolis Leader fails, a new one will be elected. What we're really trying to do is eliminate / negate any contention for resources, not eliminate skew. Bonded ports provide NIC teaming for the physical interfaces of the AHV host. For example, if I have data which is skewed in the HDD tier, I will move is amongst nodes in the same tier. Provides a mechanism to to secure and isolate environment from others. If Stargate marks a disk offline multiple times (currently 3 times in an hour), Hades will stop marking the disk online even if S.M.A.R.T. The following figure shows an example timeline from enabling NearSync to execution: During a steady run state vDisk snapshots are taken every hour. The table describes which optimizations are applicable to workloads a high-level: The Nutanix platform leverages a replication factor (RF) for data protection and availability. A group of compute hosts, can be a row, aisle or equivalent to the site / AZ. It is possible to create multiple snapshot / replication schedules. In the event where the active (affined) Stargate goes down, the initiator retries the iSCSI login to the Data Services IP, which will then redirect to another healthy Stargate. It also highlights the blocked connections which coincidentally were from an internal pentesting tool: When it comes to the stack there were a few core layers: The full stack was 100% automated using Puppet, Nutanix SCMA and environment templates. Schedule : DAILY. This is the primary storage communication path. Frodo is enabled by default on VMs powered on after AOS 5.5.X. These should always be up to date, however to refresh the data you can kick off a Curator partial scan. Once the desired party has received the message they can decrypt the message using the key we have given them. Where execution contexts are ephemeral and data is critical, Exchange on vSphere (for Microsoft Support), Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, File level snapshots including Windows Previous Version (WPV), High-level namespace. The figure shows an example of the deployment across multiple sites: The OVM can be deployed as a standalone RPM on a CentOS / Redhat distro or as a full VM. This will disable and P- and C- states and will make sure the test results aren't artificially limited. However, the platform provides the ability to protect down to the granularity of a single VM and/or file level. Once the local CVM comes back up and is stable, the route would be removed and the local CVM would take over all new I/Os. Windows Vista with Office Upon a global metadata write or update, the row is written to a node in the ring that owns that key and then replicated to n number of peers (where n is dependent on cluster size). For sequential workloads, the OpLog is bypassed and the writes go directly to the extent store. Typical backup and restore operations include: From the Data Protection Page, you can see the protection domains (PD) previously created in the 'Protecting Entities' section. The following table characterizes the encoded strip sizes and example overheads: It is always recommended to have a cluster size which has at least 1 more node (or block for block aware data / parity placement) than the combined strip size (data + parity) to allow for rebuilding of the strips in the event of a node or block failure. Chronos runs on every node and is controlled by an elected Chronos Leader that is responsible for the task and job delegation and runs on the same node as the Curator Leader. DSF provides both inline and offline flavors of compression to best suit the customer’s needs and type of data. ncli cluster edit-hypervisor-security-params enable-banner=[yes|no] #Default:no, ncli cluster edit-hypervisor-security-params enable-high-strength-password=[yes|no] #Default:no, ncli cluster edit-hypervisor-security-params enable-aide=true=[yes|no] #Default:no, ncli cluster edit-hypervisor-security-params schedule=[HOURLY|DAILY|WEEKLY|MONTHLY] #Default:HOURLY.