Step 3 : In the Services window that pops up, scroll down a little to find a service named SysMain. Click on OK. Let us know if any of these methods helped or if you have any other nice suggestions, be sure to leave us comments below. Consider yourselves lucky if the system no longer suffers from the huge resource consumption on the RAM stick replacement. The size of Pagefile can be reset by a user. Then in the Control Panel window, change the view mode to Small icons and choose Administrative Tools. Here, we'll conclude the causes of high memory usage and offer tips to protect your Windows 10 computer from this issue. Step 2 : Type sysdm.cpl in the text box as shown below. Step 3: In the System Properties window, locate to the Advanced tab and then click on Settings unde Performance. 1. Rodin is an enthusiastic IT writer focusing on Windows trends, disk partition management and data recovery. 9 Fixes to 100% Disk Usage Caused by System and Compressed Memory. If you don’t see a decrease in the usage, then get on to the next fix. Step 1 : Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows Key and R together. Step 2: Type regedit into the Run dialog and press Enter. Check the box Automatically manage Paging Size for All Drives and Select OK. Or you can do the same thing by modifying the registry. Right-click on it and click Stop. Optimizing your system’s visual effect for offering best performance can help bring down the disk usage to about 25% from 100% drastically. Double click on it. If there isn’t any luck with the above given fixes, then a go-to option would be to disable the System and Compressed Memory Process altogether. Step 1: After downloading and installing this partition manager on computer, and then run it to get the main interface. Files and folders with system attribute logged on should usually be left alone. Step 2: When the Performance Options window pops up, navigate to Advanced and then click on the Change button located under the Virtual memory. Should you have any questions when using MiniTool software, don't hesitate to contact us via [email protected]. Step 5: Now restart your computer and check to see if disk usage 100 Windows 10 persists once your computer boots up. This feature is designed to take less This process is responsible for RAM (Random Access Memory) management and compression of files and folders. Step 1: Press Win+R to launch the Run box. Here are 9 ways to remove 100 disk usage Windows 10 caused by system and compressed memory. Out of all the solutions, here I’m presenting a list of Top 3 Solutions to fix the issue. Step 4 : Click on the Settings option under Performance as shown in the image below. This service could sometimes be using up most of the disk space. And Click on Settings. The faulty stick of RAM should be the one without which your PC no longer suffers from system and compressed memory high disk usage. Step 5 : Change the Startup type to Disabled and click on Apply, followed by OK. Step 6: Close the Registry Editor and restart your PC. Despite that we have several solutions to 100 disk usage Windows 10 caused by system and compressed memory high disk usage, we do need to pay more attention to our computer maintain ace to avoid such an issue. Step 1 : Open the Control Panel from the Window’s Start Menu by searching for it in the Search bar. Step 3: In the Superfetch service window, scroll down the services and locate to Superfetch. The paging file size for all drives in Windows 10 is, by default, set to allow Windows to automatically manage it. If some disk errors (red disk blocks) are found, then you may upgrade hard drive to remove the 100 disk usage problem. However, once system files are corrupt, disk usage 100 Windows 10 can emerge. Click on Apply followed by OK. You are in the middle of a critical job and suddenly, you start noticing that your system has started responding quite slow. This article maybe can help you. Go to Advanced Tab > Select Change under the Virtual Memory box. To do so, you need to: Step 1: Right-click the Start menu and choose Control Panel. Under normal circumstances, system and compressed memory takes a slight of CPU usage rate. Right click on it. Step 3 : Select the End Task in the bottom left as shown in Step 2. Check if RAM Is Failing or Has Failed, Tips & Tricks to Avoid System and Compressed Memory High Disk Usage. Though , it is expected to take up only a little space of your disk and CPU, there are a few reasons that … Step 2 : Search for Administrative tools in the Search box provided in the right pane of the Control Panel. each time copy file or open big file or start the game hard disk usage is full!!! System and compressed memory is responsible for the compression of files and folders and the management of RAM. Step 2. Step 4: Under Visual Effects tab, tick Adjust for best performance. This means that when Memory Manager feels memory pressure, it will compress unused pages instead of writing them to disk. Copyright © 2021 MiniTool® Software Limited, All Rights Reserved. Windows 10 high Disk usage (100%) and high RAM usage issue caused by System and compressed memory can be easily solved if you apply the appropriate fixes. Of course, … How to open it in Windows 10, Create a shortcut and a keyboard hotkey to Turn Off Monitor in Windows 10, Create a Shortcut to open Microsoft Edge in In Private mode, Create Shortcut to open Firefox in Private / Incognito mode easily. Upon clicking End Task, the computational resources will be released. Fix 100% Disk usage on Windows 10 Task manager [Solved], Fix WSAPPX High Disk Usage problem in Windows 10, How to Disable Connected Devices Platform Service (CDPSvc) to fix High Disk Usage, How To Fix Srtasks.Exe High Disk Usage problem In Windows 10, Fix- High CPU or Disk Usage by Ntoskrnl.exe in Windows 10, Fix High disk usage of svchost.exe in Windows 10, How to Fix Chrome Autofill Not Working issue on Windows 10 PC, How to block the TCP or UDP port by using windows firewall, How to Run as administrator in windows 10, How to know whether a process is running as administrator in Windows 10, How to use Flowchart in MS Word on Windows 10, What is an .ASD file ? 2. See users' say from Right here in this post, you will learn the most effective solution to remove system and compressed memory high disk usage based on Windows 10: Certain virus and malware can lead to System and Compressed Memory high disk usage. Step 5 : Click on Apply ,followed by OK in the Advanced Tab. Up to today, I have faced this issue several times, either in clean Windows 10 installation(s) or in many Windows 10 computers and tablets such as Microsoft's Surface Books. This reduces the amount of memory used per process, allowing Windows 10 to maintain more applications in physical memory at a time. If none of the above fixes work, then a failing RAM could also be a root cause of this spike in resource usage. After you fixing Windows high memory usage on Windows 10/8/7, some of you may want to know why is the memory usage so high and how to prevent this issue from happening again. System and compressed memory high disk usage Hi everyone. Step 2: In the pop-up window, allow its changes to your PC. This way, it manages the system RAM to create space for larger files and perform executions at a faster pace. Step 3: In the Task Scheduler window, follow this path: Task Schedule Library > Microsoft > Windows > MemoryDiagnostic. Actually, it uses the CPU resources to compress the data. Click On it. Here are how: And the worst thing is that while playing any games after the game starts it's showing warning low on memory or something like that and after some time the game closes autometically . But in some circumstance, system and compressed memory process also arouse the 100 disk usage issue in Windows 10. Reboot your system every time you replace a RAM stick to check if the issue still persists. Step 1. The System and compressed memory process High disk usage problem start mostly Two reasons. She loves to write and share her idea about the useful tips and tricks on personal computers' maintenance. Step 3 : In the System Properties window that opens up, open the Advanced Tab. process that controls and monitors various functions which are related to the system and Random Access Memory associated operations Try this maybe? But in some circumstance, system and compressed memory process also arouse the 100 disk usage issue in Windows 10. And were you surprised to find the process, System and Compressed memory eating up almost 100% of your disk space? It may take several minutes for the command operation to be completed. Superfetch is a Windows service aiming at improving system performance over time. Step 1 : Open Start and search for Settings in the Windows Search Bar. Try them out to resolve your issue now. Step 2 : In the landing page, do a quick search for Performance. When you are faced with memory compression high disk usage problem, you should try to end this task in Task Manager First. The compression store lives in the System process’s working set. This way, it manages the system RAM to create space for larger files and perform executions at a faster pace. Step 7 : Restart your system and check if the disk usage has come down. If the Superfetch service calls upon the System and Compressed memory process for execution of a large job, then just disabling the service for a while can help you fix the issue. Step 5 : In the dialog box that pops up, to disable the SuperFetch option, set the value in the Value Data to 0. Step 3 : It scans the entire system for any file corruptions and replaces them properly, once you restart the system after the scan completes. Tap OK. Step 3: Type sfc /scannow and press the Enter key. Right here we summarized some tips for you: That's all for how to resolve system and compressed memory high disk usage in Windows 10. You need Microsoft Services and desible several options. You might have unintentionally meddled with your virtual memory settings if the paging file size was changed from automatic to a set value 2. 1. … Hence, your PC might not perform as much fast as it would have without the need for compression. Step 6 : Click on Apply followed by OK in System Properties Main tab. high disk usage full when enable Raid 0 with my HDD and SSD with intel rapid storage!!!! Step 1 : Open the Run dialog by pressing the Windows Logo Key and R together. Step 3 : In the Performance Options dialog box, that popped up. Here, we are going to share three different methods which will perfectly help you in solving the system and compressed memory high disk usage in Windows 10 PC. Step 3: The Virtual Memory window will now pop up. For this reason, system files typically are hidden by default and have the read-only attribute. System and compressed memory – now simply renamed to “System” is a process which introduces a memory compression technique which helps the OS to retain more applications and data in the physical memory (RAM) without the need of reading/writing to the disk frequently. 100 Disk Usage Caused by System and Compressed Memory, Solution 3. If the system and compressed memory high disk usage is a matter of concern for you, then in this section, you would get appropriate quick-fix methods that would help you to resolve the system and compressed memory using 100% disk issue. Fix 100% Disk Usage by System and Compressed Memory: Process and Compressed Memory is a Windows 10 feature which is responsible for memory compression.