There was a Jewish woman who read from Ecclesiastes 3. What did they do with Jesus? Jesus is the answer for the world today, above Him there's no other, Jesus is the way The Arrangement Details Tab gives you detailed information about this particular arrangement of Jesus Is the Answer - not necessarily the song. QUESTIONS, LIES & TRUTH Jesus is the Answer Before you start this lesson take some time to either journal or pray, asking that the Lord would replace a If you choose to reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah and your Savior, the Bible teaches your name will not be written in the Book of Life, resulting in everlasting judgment and eternal separation from God after you die. It easily outshines what this world can offer. So I ask you again, sitting there listening to me: What are you going to do with Jesus? Knowing that the cross is just hours away, He tells them in John 13:33, "Where I am going you cannot come.". This is part four in our series "Opening Your Trauma Toolbox." ... Answer: Jesus is the _____, the Son of _____. Still, the number is impressive, as is the fact that Jesus seems only to answer directly three of them, by some accounts. Acts 5:29-32).Each disciple except John was martyred for his faith in Christ, and John was exiled to the prison island of Patmos for preaching that Jesus is God. The answer Jesus gives is a lesson for everyone about the gift of Salvation. He knows all about airports. If you don't care where you spend eternity, then it doesn't matter which road you take. On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people and wounded many more before taking his own life in a horrific rampage on the campus of Virginia Tech. I will not give you a set of ideas to mull over and decide whether to accept or reject. In John Chapter 14, with great tenderness, Jesus will utter some of the most startling and powerful words of His entire ministry. The way is Me. I'm not here to point you to this kind of life. Can you feel how personal He gets with His followers in the opening verses? Read John 3:1-21 (If possible, choose two good readers to read the parts of Nicodemus and Jesus) Discussion Questions: 1. It made for endless conversation, And ask yourself, "What am I going to do with Jesus?". ", "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." 3 0 obj Andrae with singers Sandra Crouch, Phyllis St. James, Kristle Murden, Linda McCrary & Howard Smith. I am your life. Ask additional questions as needed to help students see the correct answers for themselves. ", When He says I am the Truth, He means, "Trust Me in this. the students answer the questions. May I suggest a counter conclusion? Customer Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT Monday - Friday Phone: 1-800-458-2772. He ups the ante even more when He adds, No one comes to the Father except through Me. In July of 2007, 42-year old Chinese Christian Li Mei and nine house church leaders were arrested in China, charged with singing Christian hymns to villagers, showing the Jesus film in a nursing home, and praying for the healing of a disabled elderly man. I mean, these are all wonderful planes with hard-working crews and sincere passengers. The minute you reduce the path to where I'm going down to a list of do's and don'ts, or try to come up with an alternative approach to getting right with God the Father, you've put yourself on a path that leads to destruction. Jesus is the way.3x Verse One: If you have some questions In the corners of your mind, Traces of discouragement, The peace you cannot find, Reflections of your past, Seem to face you everyday, But this one thing I do know, That Jesus is the way. More specifically, we are dead in our trespasses and sins, dominated by the Devil, and destined for hell. Find answers to some of the more asked questions. Click here to download printable sermon notes in pdf format.. He caricatured Him in the eyes of the students and teachers by depicting His followers as borderline lunatics that are just waiting for the right trigger to set them off. 1 0 obj What did they do with Jesus? You know the way to where I am going because it's Me. Personal Message . Jesus deliberately planted this to grab their curiosity. Don't despair because Jesus our Lord can calm your fears and ease your pain. "Your heart must not be troubled. Perhaps the most fundamental religious question is, "Who can answer my religious questions?" Bill Maxwell on drums. And now we're ready for one of the most riveting statements Jesus ever made. ii) Only Jesus is the answer to our sin. What are some practical steps we can take towards abiding in Christ? On Thursday, March 22, 2008, the Burlington Township High School of Burlington, New Jersey, conducted a mock terrorist drill to train the student body in evacuation practices should some crazed persons enter the premises waving guns. Who are we to say that one is better than another? Shock mingled with deep grief struck the nation. But no one mentioned Jesus Christ in the entire memorial service. In this collection of sayings, Jesus laid out some of his best-known teachings, including the Lord’s Prayer. Jesus is the answer for our relational turmoil. How ridiculous and irresponsible would that be?! He's going to heaven, to where the Father is. I will warn you: it has an edge to it. 2. So here's what's at stake. Did I miss a point in one of His earlier teachings? And we’re all in it for the same reason—to fuel the church’s mission of making disciples. When you're trying to get somewhere, what you need is clarity. e) Only Jesus Christ has the answer to the things that really matter. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. You turn to some of your fellow travelers and ask, "Which of these flights is going to Orlando? i) Only Jesus can meet the deepest hunger of the human heart. It starts with an older man named Nicodemus asking Jesus a very important question. 10:13). Now Jesus could have stopped right there and it would be enough to pin us to our seats in wonder. x��[�n�H}7�h`_ą�f��A` v��L6�"�y�eZ`I�vV�����VUSԕ����:�E��]:U]wR��rt��K�����������}?�M��8�������`4���tr���ġ_��&/NN��3v�;<8�Lkֻ=,�������1'5��ü��:6x8��z΁⟇�8��,��f��i��R�d����~!Пc��F�3����������$Q�O�x�5�2�v!S���o_��\%�YAʺ1��X������U�q���?�V쭎!s�)���0�\#^ L����zM���>G�1NzQ�u~e�W�>��k� ��R�ܩխ�6��Ĺ27��}F�6ܦ/��O��b�Fr��m�Fs)�Wi,Wn>m�&� He healed diseases, commanded the forces of nature, raised people from the dead, voluntarily died in the place of sinners like us, and was resurrected from the dead, just as He said. CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible (Hardcover), Discover the Hope You're Looking for In God's Word, by Lloyd Stilley on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM, Consider now the straight, unvarnished statement of one of the eyewitnesses to Jesus in the Bible. It is the very life of God in you. Scripture: John 1:29-34. This one line alone, spoken in hushed tones to a small group in that upstairs room, is why His followers are hunted down in China and His Gospel is silenced in funeral services. Peter and the disciples clearly didn't understand what was about to happen and why Jesus would no longer be with them. As campus officials planned the memorial service that would be televised live across our nation, they determined that it should be an interfaith service. For more information, see our Privacy Policy. (2) Only Jesus has the answers to life and death. She is currently serving the remainder of her sentence, a prisoner of the state, accused of being a Christian. So far, we have set the nail on three anchor truths that will keep you safe and stable and strong when the storm hits. Because our culture increasingly sees the demands of Jesus on the world are just as far out as the crazy, violent tenets of Islam. But 22 has always been my lucky number, so I'm taking gate 22." Visit Pastors Today × Close Email to a Friend: Sermon: Jesus is the Answer - John 14 . Because Jesus confronts every person in every culture in every nation with the unflinching command to obey the Gospel by repenting of sin and trusting fully in Him as the one and only means of being right with God. That categorically tells you that one way is right and every other way is wrong. Jesus Christ is the answer to the sin of the person sitting next to you. Christ's claims about Himself and what is proclaimed about Him in the Bible are so specific and exclusive that He is offensive to a pluralistic, all-roads-lead-to-heaven culture. As a rabbi, Jesus was expected to ask questions. * Indicated Required Field See our Privacy Policy. (Rom. stream Jesus Is Still The Answer! You already know the road that leads to heaven. Life without Me is like an echo; it is at best the fading reflection of the real thing, here for a moment and then gone. I ask you again, "What will you do with Jesus?" <> Answer a question with a question! Your answer will determine whether you are raised to eternal life or eternal judgment and condemnation. I am the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. The Bible says it like this: "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. <> And why was she treated with such focused hatred? Thankfully, Thomas refused to pretend to understand when he didn't. When you arrive, you find that none of the gates have signs on them indicating the flight number or the destination. April 6 th, 2014. What Jesus promises, He delivers. But the story they made up didn't involve gothic-dressed drug addicts or America-hating jihadists. %PDF-1.5 How can we know the way?". We're sorry, an error occurred. We need someone to be our Answer… But the life I give is abundant and eternal. He lived the most remarkable, influential life in human history. The internet can be used for great good—but it also can be used for great evil, and the widespread availability of pornography over the internet may be its greatest evil. By Megan Bailey megan bailey We are lost. Almost everything is tolerated in the public arena but Jesus. He can get you where you most want to go - heaven forever with God. "...we have heard for ourselves and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the Because we have received forgiveness in Jesus, we can forgive others. And there's a reason for that. Andrae Crouch: Jesus Is The Answer for voice, piano or guitar, intermediate sheet music. Think for a moment about the full meaning of these words. “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. Jesus prayed for unity among His followers (John 17), a unity embraced by the early church (Acts 8 and 10). ", As Peter mulled over Jesus' hard words to him, Jesus addresses the whole group. The second reason is B) Untold millions of people who have followed Jesus have testified that He has, in fact, transformed their lives. Why not settle this today? Your Name * Your Email Address * Send me a copy of this email. 3. It is THE question that divides all peoples, everywhere. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye … They're all going somewhere.". I can say this boldly for two reasons. Last week, we examined Ephesians 2 and faced the necessary truth about ourselves. "Jesus Is the Answer" By Chris Ulrich. Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. G D Above him there's no other. Jesus Christ is the answer to the sin in our own hearts. What does it look like to abide in Christ all day, everyday? High-Quality and Interactive, transposable in any key, play along. They attacked Him by brutalizing His follower because they recognize that Jesus is a threat to everything they believe and have built their lives upon. She answers, "Well, who can really know anything for sure? I cannot love you more than I do. Anyone can believe this. But He doesn't stop there. They omitted any reference to Him. And a liberal Lutheran pastor gave a brief, empty pep talk about sticking together and helping one another. They were sentenced to re-education through labor for 12-18 months. %���� But there was yet another stunning thing coming. I will instead lay before you the One God sent, whom the Bible consistently presents as our only hope of forgiveness of sin, reconciliation with God, and a new life that never ends. Count on what I'm saying to you. They will be separate for a time. He doesn't care if he looks ignorant. A Muslim quoted from the Quran and appealed to Allah. We were glued to the images carried on every news agency. It just seems that God is great enough to make multiple ways to heaven. I am going away to prepare a place for you. I will lay down my life for You. John here likes the look of that 747 out there, so he's going to go through Gate 26. In John 14:6, Jesus answers Thomas and all of us: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me" (v. 6). You can hear Jesus' bold statement and conclude that it is intolerant and pushy and arrogant. 2 0 obj Jesus answered him, "Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you will follow later." Peter pressed the issue in the next verse: "Lord, why can I not follow You now? But if you want to go to heaven, you'd better be sure you're on the right track. He spoke the most profound words the world has ever heard. Jesus knows that the cross awaits Him in a few hours, knows what it means and why it must happen. Oh how we need Someone to rescue us; Someone powerful enough to raise us from our spiritual death and make us alive to God; Someone strong enough to overcome the rule of Satan in our lives; Someone with the power of God Himself to secure our destiny in heaven forever! Make sure the correct answer to each question is understood. Includes an High-Quality PDF file to download instantly. Your community. And the staff member says, "It's not our policy to tell people which gate they have to fly out of. Hear Me clearly: I am not giving you truth; I am the Truth, the whole Truth, nothing but the Truth. Please see below for details. This was very upsetting to His friends, and Peter - always the first to react - asks for more information. I am about to pay for your forgiveness with My blood. I love the example of a trip to Disneyworld. The question of the hour is, What are you going to do with Jesus of Nazareth, who claimed for Himself deity and issued a demand that everyone repent of their sin and believe in Him and Him alone for salvation? That would be rather narrow-minded, wouldn't it? . Jesus’ most-famous sermon was the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). Jesus stands alone in His claims and in His acts. We'd love to hear from you. While they are feasting and re-telling the story of God's deliverance from slavery in Egypt, Jesus explains that He is about to leave them. ����L6�7��#�\2X�M$���rج *�fu�KA��^�z��Ls|�]1�Å6� ��r^�2�>�r�t��S ���/;�x���O� ��x���[!x���.�"�x�0)��oXc��8�B�S6w���3:����,^�� It's easy to ask religious questions, but not so easy to find the answers. 16 Bible Verses That Prove Jesus is the Only Answer Jesus will save our sinful souls. Jesus’ first followers accepted his claim to be God. The question of 14 And they said, Some say that Thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. Jesus Is The Answer Lyrics: Jesus Is The Answer For The World Today / Above Him There's No Other Jesus Is The Way / Jesus Is The Answer For The World Today / Above Him There's No Other Jesus … Jesus is the answer for the world today Above Him there's no other, Jesus is the way Jesus is the answer for the world today Above Him there's no other, Jesus is the way If you have some questions In the corners of your mind And traces of discouragement And peace you can not find Reflection of the old past They seem to face you every day He is married to Leeanne and is the father of Joey and Craig. All of our self-help efforts and religious rituals can do nothing to change this. 5�Q�-o��L�`ղ�Ӱ]"޴���r[��`+_���������Bv�p��z�8�0ъ0��iIG��Dl����-5QC�Q����؟`��F+¨��҄a� %%� �bӖ�X���u�r�$\�DQ!7��ε�]��\K��̧o�n����^��>=��� B c��z�g}A��X*Ԇ'عv�b�oMz$U.