Roofing 502 applies Ice and Water Shield along the … Grace Ice and Water Shield HT is an excellent high temperature ice and water barrier that follows in the footsteps of the original Ice and Water Shield, but is specially formulated to meet the higher service temperatures that are inherent to metal and tile roofs. Install GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing underlayment directly on a clean, dry, continuous structural deck. By design, ice shield adheres to the roof deck. In locations with a history of ice formation along the eaves that can cause a backup of water as described in Table R301.2(1) install an ice barrier consisting of self-adhering polymer-modified bitumen sheet or two layers of underlayment cemented together. Do not install on the chamfered edges of wood plank. provide protection from water migration caused by ice damming. Click here for detailed drawings displaying proper installation at eaves, valleys, skylights, chimneys, and other important details…, Copyright © 2021 GCP Applied Technologies Inc. GCP Applied Technologies and GCP are registered trademarks of GCP Applied Technologies, Inc, Applied Knowledge: Insights into construction technologies, Proper installation of Grace Ice & Water Shield®, The right product and field support for subcontractors, How we protect buildings and owners' investment, Optimal mix designs for ready mix producers, How in-transit concrete management ensures high quality concrete, How roofing underlayments provide protection from Mother Nature, How waterproofing protects your project from leaks. If nailing of the membrane is necessary on steep slopes during hot or extreme cold weather, backnail and cover the nails by overlapping with the next sheet. And it has caused the stuff to expand … Always work from the low point to the high point of the roof. Use smooth shank, electro-plated galvanized nails for fastening shingles to get the best seal. ICC ESR-1677 approval according to AC-48 Acceptance Criteria for Self-Adhered underlayments used as Ice Barriers, Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved. When no ice and water barrier is used it will cause the plywood to become wet and prematurely damaged.If this is the case with your home, it will cost more money to have the roof replaced thanks to having to replace the bottom course of plywood as well. It is … Insulation and ventilation — A very well insulated building with a cold, well ventilated attic will have smaller ice dams. Follow with application of drip edge flashing and WaterGuard Rain & Ice as described above. WinterGuard will not adhere to wet or cold surfaces. Please read all statements, recommendations, and suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale, which apply to all goods supplied by us. GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing membrane is used as an underlayment for sloped roofs to resist water penetration due to water back-up behind ice dams or wind-driven rain. Repair holes, fishmouths, tears, and damage to membrane with a round patch of membrane extending past the damaged area 6 in. It … x 75 ft. (225 sq. Check with the manufacturer of the metal roofing system for any special requirements when used under metal roofing. IMPORTANT • ALWAYS wear fall protection when working on a roof. Exposure — A northern exposure or shaded areas will generally contribute to larger ice dams. Apply a new layer of GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® underlayment directly over the old GCP self-adhered underlayment (except GCP granular underlayments) in retrofit applications following the standard membrane application procedure. See the Product Data chart for product information. Never got a lick of felt on as water was pounding down so hard our tool pouches were filled with water. This self-adhered membrane is highly durable and comes in a 225 sq. The maximum exposure time is six (6) months. It sticks really well to itself, not necessarily always to the plywood. GRACE ULTRA, ICE & WATER SHIELD, PERM-A-BARRIER, and RIPCORD are trademarks, which may be registered in the United States and/or other countries, of GCP Applied Technologies, Inc. COR-TEN® is a trademark registered in the United States and/or other countries, of United States Steel Corporation. It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate, and is offered for consideration, investigation and verification by the user, but we do not warrant the results to be obtained. Then attempt to try to tear off the Ice and Water and use that piece of plywood for something. Apply GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® underlayment in fair weather when the air, roof deck, and membrane are at temperatures of 40°F (5°C) or higher. Share this conversation. $86.25 $ 86. (150 mm) in all directions. $186.18 $ … GCP invented fully-adhered roofing underlayments more than 35 years ago. Most ice and water protector products are 3 feet wide. Anonymous. Press the membrane in place with heavy hand pressure. Roofing over wet plywood? Everything you Need to Know about Ice & Water Barriers on Shingle Roofs. Hold the release liner with one hand and pull the roll along the deck with the release liner, leaving the applied membrane behind. No statement, recommendation, or suggestion is intended for any use that would infringe any patent, copyright, or other third party right. Melamine formaldehyde glues are not extensively used for plywood gluing but are used where a high grade bond is required, and where black phenolic glues cannot be tolerated. layment or water damage to the roof deck or building interior prior to installation of the finished roofing sys- tem, or for leaks due to improper application or failure to properly prepare the surface. papaw. Which would be the least problematic way to go? Refer to product literature for more complete information. Climate — The annual snow fall will affect the amount of membrane needed. By design, ice shield adheres to the roof deck. GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing underlayment should be used in conjunction with roof designs that minimize ice dam formation. At this point, due to the fact that there have been standing puddles of water on the subfloor, there are pockets of de-lamination all over the place. 2 Answers. of the release liner in the opposite direction of the intended membrane application, exposing the black adhesive. Some suitable deck materials include plywood, wood composition, wood plank, metal, concrete, and gypsum sheathing. I'm always curious as to why people choose peel and stick vs fluid applied vs integrated (e.g. Ice and Water barrier is also … Answer Save. Protects under all standard sloped roof coverings — GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing underlayment protects under slate, tile, cedar shakes or metal, as well as under conventional asphalt shingles. In 1978, GCP Applied Technologies — formerly Grace Construction Products — developed the first self-adhered roofing underlayment: Grace Ice & Water Shield®. I have a low slope 3/12 pitch roof and have different companies recommneding different things. Under certain conditions, a dam can form at the edge of the remaining snow. Do not leave permanently exposed to sunlight. MFM Wind & Water Seal™ is engineered for use under all roofing materials including metal, asphalt shingles, shake or … (450 mm). Priming is not required for other suitable surfaces provided that they are clean and dry. Watertight Laps — Membrane easily forms water-tight overlaps without special treatment. Protection against ice dams is required by most building codes at eaves wherever the January average temperature is 25°F (3.8°C) or lower or where there is a possibility of ice forming in the eaves. More than likely even if put over a damp deck it will dry out and adhear just fine. Apply roof covering material at temperatures of 40°F (5°C) or higher. As far as workability, this product can at times be difficult. Ice Shield (also known as ice and water shield, or I&W) is a thick asphalt or bitumen based reinforced membrane. As for length, you’ll have to measure the roof in question. Peel back 300-600 mm (1-2 ft.) of release liner, align membrane. Peel the release liner from the membrane. (150 mm) of the release liner in the opposite direction of the intended membrane application exposing the black adhesive. Information found on other websites must not be relied upon, as they may not be up-to-date or applicable to the conditions in your location and we do not accept any responsibility for their content. Buy a piece of plywood and put some Grace Ice and Water shield on it and leave it sitting out for the summer. And it can be applied under most types of roofing shingles, including metal, tile, shake, slate, and both asphalt and synthetic shingles. FREE Shipping. As a suitable substrate to which the roof membrane or roof system is attached. Classified Sheathing Material Fire Resistance Classification with Roof Designs: P225, P227, P230, P237, P259, P508, P510, P512, P514, P701, P711, P717, P722, P723, P732, P734, P736, P742, P803, P814, P818, P824, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Class A fire classification under fiber-glass shingles and Class C under organic felt shingles (per ASTM E108/UL 790). can I install ice and water shield (waterproofing) over house wrap (ever built) on the side of a house or do i need to remove the house wrap first and apply directly to the sheathing?this was a change in siding material plan where now a rain screen system will be put on instead of siding. Dead loads include the deck itself, the roofing system, HVAC units and, possibly, landscaping. For valley and ridge application, peel the release liner, center the sheet over the valley or ridge, drape, and press it in place. It should reach 3 feet beyond the inside of the wall and cover any valleys to prevent ice dams and wind-driven rain from reaching the sheathing. Expert Member Armando Cobo | May 19, 2017 … • Do not walk on the membrane until it bonds to the substrate. During this time, be sure to re-soak the towels with warm water to keep them -- and the plywood -- wet. This membrane has a sticky surface, that glues to the roof deck, and does not tear after installation. This membrane has a sticky surface, that glues to the roof deck, and does not tear after installation. Do not install directly on old roof coverings. GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing underlayment meets the following standards: We hope the information here will be helpful. 9 years ago. For cold weather tack down, use only roofing nails. Made of polyethylene and rubberized asphalt, this membrane prevents water that has slipped under shingles from penetrating to ceilings below. It is … Prime concrete, masonry surfaces and DensGlass Gold® with PERM-A-BARRIER® WB PRIMER. Oh well, I'm sure the Grace Ice/water shield is shot due to the wet OSB. (150 mm), 9 in. Additional literature such as Contractor Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Detail Drawings and detailing recommendations and other relevant documents are also available on Peel back 300-600 mm (1-2 ft.) of release liner, align membrane. Stop frequently to press the membrane in place with heavy hand pressure. As anyone who has … Contact your GCP Applied Technologies sales representative for assistance choosing the best product for your application. GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® membrane can be applied over the old GCP self-adhered underlayment in retrofit applications, making re-roofing easier, less costly (since there is no need to remove the existing underlayment), more durable and environmentally friendly (as the structural deck remains intact avoiding the need to purchase additional wood decking). Installing a strip of self-healing bituthane membrane like Ice and Water Shield¨ under the siding at the bottom of the wall may be a worthwhile investment. (90 mm) side lap. Wet water damaged OSB can start to disintegrate when exposed to moisture and UV rays. Engineered for use under all roofing materials. Side laps must be a minimum of 3.5 in. An Ice & Water Shield is a rubberized strip that must be applied over bare sheathing; not only will it stick better on the bare sheathing, but it will present a more neat appearance. Re: Ice and Water Shield over whole roof You know this water-vapor through plywood is an intersting theory, but I am not convinced it is true. (IRC 2015 … (Refer to Tech Letter #5, Chemical Compatibility, when installing over wood plank decks). Concrete is in most basements as no floor joist is present. Cover WinterGuard as soon as possible with a permanent roof surface. Brendan Albano | May 19, 2017 03:34pm | #2. Because the product has a very sticky backing, it not only adheres well to the wood roofing sheathing, but it also sticks well to the layer below when you overlap the pieces. Get a moisture meter and keep an eye on it. Lv 7. Cut the membrane into 3-5 m (10-15 ft.) lengths and re-roll loosely. Ice & water shield is a thick, sticky-back underlayment (also known as felt paper) that will adhere to your roof deck and prevent water from seeping into your home if it gets under your shingles. It will also cause the bottom course of plywood to become wavy and not last as long as the shingles life expectancy. Also you better find and cure the source of the water, first, also. Ask Your Own Home Improvement Question. Zip). 4.5 out of 5 stars 5. (300 mm) and 18 in. I know this doesn't answer your question, but why not just use taped Zip sheathing rather than the peel and stick? (150 mm). FL289-R3, Underwriters Laboratories Inc. A: Tom Silva replies: First, your roofers should lay down an ice and water shield over the entire roof. With a quality Ice and Water shield that has been on the roof for awhile with some heat on it, you would not be able to tear it off without delaminating some of the plywood. Book FREE Estimate Call To Book Estimate . Place metal drip edges or wood starter shingles over the membrane. No problem. Polyvinyl acetate glues resistant to boiling water are available. Apply the membrane to the entire roof deck for wind-driven rain protection. Carefully detail the area at the bottom of the wall where the sill connects to the foundation. GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® is a versatile underlayment material that may be used on sloped roofs, under mechanically attached roof coverings such as asphalt shingles, slate, tile, cedar, and standing seam metal in many climate and assembly conditions (see limitations for additional information). Do not install fasteners through the membrane over unsupported areas of the structural deck, such as over the joints between adjacent structural panels. ft.) 3.9 out of 5 stars 17. (See Figure 6) A single length of WaterGuard Rain & Ice works best, but if … 2. If there is enough moisture escaping from the habitable space of a building into an unconditioned attic it will surely reach its dew point when it contacts any cool surface. Do not install under copper, COR-TEN® , or zinc metal roofing in high altitudes. How to Apply Grace Ice & Water Shield 9 10 Some contractors prefer the back-roll method for applying Grace … We could, once the roof is complete and the building is closed in, get a de-humidifier in there and really cook the place dry before installing the flooring, but what about all those plywood bubbles? Valleys — Any valleys formed by projections such as dormers or roof direction changes are likely to trap more snow and cause larger ice dams. When finished with the roll go back to the beginning, reroll and pull the remaining release paper from the material, finishing the installation. Align the membrane and roll in the intended direction of the membrane application. Be sure that water runs down the siding and is carried past this juncture so that wind will not drive water under the sill. Carefully detail the area at the bottom of the wall where the sill connects to the foundation. It is essential to use an ice shield in critical areas such as eaves, rakes, ridges… Prime wood composition and gypsum sheathing with PERM-A-BARRIER® WB PRIMER if adhesion is found to be marginal (refer to Technical Letter 12, Use on Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Roof Sheathing). Hand nailing generally provides a better seal than power-activated nailing. (90 mm) and end laps a minimum of 6 in. Grace Ice & Water Shield® Easy measuring for fast, simple installation. Extend the membrane on the roof deck above the highest expected level of water back-up from ice dams and above the highest expected level of snow and ice on the wall sheathing on vertical side walls (dormers) and vertical front walls for ice dam protection. GCP requires side laps to be a minimum of 90 mm (3.5 in.) Reroofable — Unlike granular surfaced membranes, GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® smooth surface underlayment will not adhere to the underside of the exposed roof covering. If you walk on unfastened ice and water when the sun is on it when hot it will smear. TOM: Well, I don’t know what you would call a snow seal but it’s simply called Ice and Water Shield. A: It is never a good idea to install a roof over wet plywood or any type of roof sheathing. The rubberized asphalt surface is backed with a foldless release paper that protects its adhesive quality. Once installed, the revolutionary membrane protects your home, by its three crown jewels — it sticks to the deck, sticks to itself forming watertight laps, and it seals around fasteners — for a barrier impenetrable to wind-driven rain, ice dams or anything else Mother Nature can precipitate upon a roof. We’ve got you covered With direct-to-deck application, Eaveguard® is designed to offer protection in vulnerable areas of steep-slope roofs: • At eaves, valleys and rakes • Roof-to-wall connections • Flashing around chimneys and skylights • Roof vents and other penetrations • Full deck coverage Learn more about Henry® roofing systems at … If fasteners are removed leaving holes in the membrane, they must be patched. OSB that does get wet will tend to swell and delaminate first at the edges of the … Local building codes should be consulted for specific requirements. Press the membrane in place with heavy hand pressure. We call the first The Conventional Method and the second The Back-Roll Method. Use the other hand to apply pressure on the top of the roll. The back-roll technique can go quicker than the conventional method since you can lay down the membrane in just a few minutes! … GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® membrane is an air and vapor barrier. If an ice dam occurs on your roof and water backs up under the shingles it will seep down into your home through the nail holes holding the shingles on and into your attic. Protrusions from the deck area must be removed. In cold … Cathedral ceilings must include ventilation between rafters to allow for air flow to a ridge vent. The benefits associated with sealing plywood include the following. The local building codes are very clear. Brendan Albano | May 19, 2017 03:34pm | #2. So, shingles should be removed three feet up from the eaves. Proper installation of Grace Ice & Water Shield® The Conventional Method. DensGlass Gold is a registered trademark of Georgia-Pacific Corporation. Following placement along the eaves, continue application of the membrane up the roof. Contact your GCP Applied Technologies sales representative for assistance choosing the best product for your application. Install the ice and water shield membrane so that it laps securely over and bonds to the surface of the drip edge. Local technical support — GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing underlayment is backed by local technical support personnel that help ensure every application goes smoothly. Ice Dams Grace Ice & Water Shield should be used in conjunction with designs which minimize ice dam formation. Alco Products 24/7 Ice & Water Shield Underlayment - Single Roll. It forms a water-proof bond so that even should a hole or crack appear, water cannot spread elsewhere. Show All Answers. Release liners are slippery. Installing a strip of self-healing bituthane membrane like Ice and Water Shield¨ under the siding at the bottom of the wall may be a worthwhile investment. Grace Ice & Water Shield Roofing Underlayment 36 in. Peel the release liner from the membrane. Orange arrow: points to the installation of ice and water shield along the lower roof eaves - protecting against ice dam leaks that are common on un-vented roofs in cold-weather or snow-climates. If there are any conflicts or if you need more information, please contact GCP Customer Service. Cut the membrane into 3-5 m (10-15 ft.) lengths and re-roll loosely. The barrier should extend from the lowest edge of the roof to at least 24 inches above the inside surface of the plane of the exterior wall. Grace Ice & Water Shield also offers leak protection in trouble prone spots like valleys, skylights, protrusions and other flashing areas. Papaw. If you expect the water/ice barrier to be effective, the plywood needs to be TOTALLY dry!!! 1 ICE AND WATER SHIELD A self-adhesive membrane applied along the roof’s perimeter from the eaves up. The ice and water shield roofing material is made with a rubberized asphalt mixture that solves these problems. Subfloor delaminated - should have use Advantech, but you are beyond that now. 25. The plywood panels should conform to CSA 0121, “Douglas Fir Plywood”, CSA 0151, “Canadian Softwood Plywood”, or CSA 0153, “Poplar Plywood”, as … A system of channels was constructed from 3/4" plywood, then carefully coated with this ice and water shield to make it watertight. For Valleys: RIPCORD Contr_REVISED_2.06 3/1/06 3:43 PM Page 7. Start by unrolling a 3-5 m (10-15 ft.) piece of membrane, leaving the release liner in place. The ice dams were enough to overcome the ice and water shield. Alternatively, starting with a full roll of membrane, unroll a 3–6 ft (1–2 m) piece of membrane leaving the release liner in place. The answer we get is that it may trap moisture in the structure and not allow it to “permeate” thru the roof assemblies. These roofs can reach extremely high temperatures due to the low reflectivity, high absorption, and high conductivity of the metals. Slip resistant surface — GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® self-adhered membrane has a slip resistant embossed surface to maximize traction and safety for applicators. Live loads include construction equipment and workers, rain, snow, and ice. We roof in the middle of … Faster application of the membrane in the straight-aways, as well as ease of membrane positioning in detail areas (valleys, around dormers, etc.). Use GRACE ULTRA™ underlayment for these roof types. Ice Shield (also known as ice and water shield, or I&W) is a thick asphalt or bitumen based reinforced membrane. Not compatible with polysulfides, flexible PVC, or high concentrations of resin (pitch) found in some wood plank decks. This shield is placed on top of the wood sheathing and under the shingles on your roof. For more information, refer to Technical Letter 5. Press the membrane in place with heavy hand pressure. During application, the re… Show Less. They are used to fortified urea-formaldehyde glues to increase the weathering resistance of the bond. Titanium® PSU30 is the only modified rubberized asphalt Peel & Stick underlayment with a patented slip resistant Sure-Foot® nodular walking surface technology that allows for easier steep slope walkability, even in wet or dusty conditions. Press the membrane in place with heavy hand pressure. The largest application of the melamine formaldehyde resin is in … Proven track record — GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® roofing underlayment is the name brand in roofing underlayments with a track record of more than 35 years protecting roofs from ice dams and wind-driven rain. Plywood roof decks consist of exterior type plywood mechanically fastened to the roof framing. Do not fold over the roof edge unless the edge is protected by a drip edge, gutter or other flashing material. Removing snow from a roof edge or installing heat cables may not prevent ice dam formation, but may shift the location of the ice dam. This document is only current as of the last updated date stated below and is valid only for use in the United States. Grace Ice and Water Shield fully-adhered smooth surface roofing underlayment provides best in class roof leak protection against wind driven rain and ice dams. Here we examine a recent roof installation that suffered ice dam formation and leaks despite the installation of an ice and water shield membrane and attic venting. MFM Wind & Water Seal™ is engineered for use under all roofing materials including metal, asphalt shingles, shake or concrete shingles, and clay tiles. MFM Wind & Water Seal™ is a 40 mil, self-adheringroofing underlayment composed of a non-slip polymer film laminated to a high-temperature rubberized asphalt adhesive.A split release film protects the adhesive and is removed as the underlayment is installed. A: Tom Silva replies: First, your roofers should lay down an ice and water shield over the entire roof. Align the membrane and roll in the intended direction of membrane application. This is a rubber-like material that adheres directly to the plywood and, whereas felt does not stick to the wood, the ice and water shield adheres tightly to the wood surface. This is great, but ice shield also creates other problems for roof installers. Certain product applications are prohibited in hot desert areas in the southwestern United States. Roof decking will last and function best when allowed to breathe from both sides. Carefully cut the release liner on top of the roll in the cross direction being careful not to cut the membrane. Nearly four decades later, it's still the product building professionals trust to protect their projects. GCP Applied Technologies, Inc., 62 Whittemore Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140. Company #2 recommends full coverage of entire roof deck with Ice and water shield. Membrane strips are also available in 75 ft (22.9 m) long rolls at widths of 6 in. From building homes to creating decks to crafting particular items, plywood is relatively inexpensive, durable, and comes in … MFM Wind & Water Seal™ adheres aggressively to most clean, dry substrates including metal, plywood, OSB, foam insulation, house-wrap, rigid vinyl and masonry. Peel back about 150 mm (6 in.) Peel back 300-600 mm (1-2 ft.) of release liner, align membrane., Copyright © 2021 GCP Applied Technologies Inc. GCP Applied Technologies and GCP are registered trademarks of GCP Applied Technologies, Inc, GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® Roofing Underlayment, Find a GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® Distributor, The right product and field support for subcontractors, How we protect buildings and owners' investment, Optimal mix designs for ready mix producers, How in-transit concrete management ensures high quality concrete, How roofing underlayments provide protection from Mother Nature, How waterproofing protects your project from leaks. Protects from Humidity and Ultraviolet (UV) Rays; Inhibits the Rotting Process; Reduces Splitting; Even if the plywood is not going to be exposed to the elements, the … Ice Shield is a Pain to Tear-off. Old shingles elsewhere on the roof, if there is just one layer, do not have to be removed; new shingles can go right over them. Product Overview. Made of polyethylene and rubberized asphalt, this membrane prevents water that has slipped under shingles from penetrating to ceilings below. Install the ice and water shield membrane so that it laps securely over and bonds to the surface of the drip edge. Most decks must also act as a diaphragm, transmitting wind or seismic lateral forces to the buildings structural framework. Work from the center of the valley or ridge outward in each direction and start at the low point and work up the roof.