miles off Angola 260,000 ... since this oil spill ranks to number 34, but it is considered the number one spill world-wide ... level of clean-up efforts and the losses reduction in use and non-use of the shoreline and coastal resources. 400. The oil spill as well as clean-up methods of the spill can be detrimental to the environment especially human society close to the accident location (Prabowo and Bae, 2019). fines, penalties and claims settlements): $7 billion. The platform developed a 45-degree tilt and had to be shut down. Assuming this intervention takes 10 days, is successful, and a steady release rate of 88,000 barrels (12,005 tonnes) of oil per day is maintained until the spill is capped, the figures from the Etkin study (mentioned above) estimate that the spill would result in US$ 1.4 billion in clean-up costs. - How is the clean-up ⦠Tanker ABT Summer Explosion and Spill, 5/28/1991 â Angola Tanker Haven Oil Spill at Port, 5/11/1991 â Genoa, Italy Natural Gas Explosion and Fire, Department of Defense at Fort Benjamin Harrison, 12/9/1990 â Indianapolis, Indiana C t ti fi l t kCourt cases continue, final costs unknown. Nowruz Oil Field. Persian Gulf, Iran | 1983-Feb-10. In this respect, we categorised the distance of vessel accidents to shore (distance to shore) into 3 states (<0.1) , (0.1to0.3) and ⦠Workers continue to clean up two months after an oil spill threatened Mauritius natural wonders, sparking outrage ... By comparison the ABT Summer, a Liberian-registered tanker, was carrying 260,000 tonnes of crude when it exploded off the coast of Angola in 1991, burning for three days before sinking with its cargo. Total costs (incl. While increased tanker movements might imply increased risk, it is encouraging to observe that the downward trend in oil spills continues despite an overall increase in oil trading over the period (figure below ⦠... That is why we need to study this, and this will certainly help for future oil spills elsewhere." The determination of the optimum level of the clean-up efforts is Oil spill disasters in the past 50 years ... - ABT Summer, 1991: Loaded with 260,000 tonnes of crude, the Liberian-registered tanker explodes ... construction in Louisiana, was taken as clean-up By comparison the ABT Summer, a Liberian-registered tanker, was carrying 260,000 tonnes of crude when it exploded off the coast of Angola in 1991, burning for three days before sinking with its cargo. By comparison the ABT Summer, a Liberian-registered tanker, was carrying 260,000 tonnes of crude when it exploded off the coast of Angola in 1991, burning for three days before sinking with its cargo. Sample of Most Costly Oil Tanker Spills* Date Spill Name Location Estimated Size of Loss 1989 EXXON VALDEZEXXON VALDEZ Alaska Clean up: $2 5 billionClean up: $2.5 billion. Initial Notification: In 1983, the Nowruz Oil Field in the Persian Gulf, Iran, was involved in a number of oil pollution incidents.On February 10, 1983, a tanker collided with a platform. In the first days of the spill there was no oil recovery or clean-up equipment in the water, said Steiner, ... ABT Summer. The average number of spills per year last decade was 4.5, which is below a tenth of the average recorded in the 1970s. The clean-up ⦠ABT Summer 1991 700 nautical.