Wipe out as many actual divisions you can get your hands on and why oh look, Papa Stalin appears to have a less imposing army count than we thought. Why if the focuses align well, YOU can be invited into the pact of Rome. When done getting those two, create two production lines for them, 12 factories on Lights Tanks II, and 5 factories on Light Tank Arty II, import the required resources to build both at full efficiency. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL59WssMEDO9tSYlDWESvgw3N0sgOProB4. Thread starter Tanicius; Start date Jun 7, 2016; Menu Crusader Kings III Available Now! It's important to ship those troops before the war with UK starts. share. Posted by 10 hours ago. I abandon the grand battleplan doctrine (wait what?). Humor. What exactly is the Italy strategy? All there is left to do is commence Operation Sealion and invade the outskirts of Newcastle from both sides with panzers and capitulate Britain. It was able to overcome the one remaining Japanese ship for 54% superiority because of air presence. If you built a decent navy, you may be able to perform some naval invasions. Lastly, is just CAS and Fighters fine? Your naval dockyards from the start of the game should have been churning out the second cheapest capital ship you can get your hands on and working your way to get battlecruiser IIs. And yeah, the Allied Navy will wreck yours, even if you make it your top priority. Here are my tips (some of them might seem a bit extreme): I focus more on infantry rather than tanks or motorized. Befriend Turkey Make sure to justify a wargoal against yugoslavia then join the allies. After the soviets, declare on yugoslavia, use the greece focus to war greece, and take down any fascists left in europe (Hungary usually, Romania and Bulgaria might flip. 36 comments. Use the tactical bombers you have or ask from Germany for more, to destroy the forts in Cairo and make your job much easier. Use your three or more panzers to march into Turkey itself from the Docadenese islands and then paint the map green while using your starting remaining army to hold your lines and advance as well. With all the voluntolds gone home, they usually have no more than 15 divisions to defend all of Spain against Italy's rightful claim over Iberia. L6 SPG variant also nice. Declare war on both of them at once ( with the game paused ). Thanks for this, I knew all those garrison divisions was a huge waste but I guess that's how you learn. Don't forget to build synthetic refineries, as when war starts you will be pressed for resources. By wartime, they had some 30+ divisions that were perfect for garrison duties. (GUIDE WAS MADE IN 1.5.2, IT IS NOT UP TO DATE ON THINGS LIKE SPIES OR NEW NAVY) Backstab germany with the allies. Battleships. While there was an official peace treaty between the Entente and Central Powers, the fighting powers were significantly worsened in comparison to our timeline. I think I need to work on my timing of doing all that at the same time for singleplayer. Maybe 150 days if you feel sadistic enough and/or do not care about the Spanish Civil War firing early. 82 comments. I love mountaineers but don't use paratroopers or marines really at all. Do not bother trying to fix your infantry, or adding support companies to them, the first thing you need to spend your army xp on is fixing that ugly armor division template you start with, make it a 3x Motorized, 4x Light Tanks, 2 Light Arty. 262. Spam BCs. Press J to jump to the feed. I have a good 24 division army on the French border and another 24 divisions on the Russian border. You need invade Yugoslavia, then Greece before you end the first war to avoid guarantees, assist the nationalists in the Spanish civil war and demand the baleric islands. CAS/Tacticals are a bonus, not a way to victory. Where people see strength in diplomacy, I see weakness and for they have signed their own death warrants! You can try training your generals and gaining army points in ethiopia. Lots of micromanagement, same as Romania. I've watched a bunch of videos, just can't seem to make things work the same way I watched them. As you can guess, more target practice. The War Room - /r/hoi4 Weekly General Help Thread: February 15 2021. Welp time to fix that. Egypt has OK infrastructure levels so you can bring your armored divisions too without suffering from attrition due to lack of supplies. save. There is a video guide here, it was in the sticky thread: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL59WssMEDO9tSYlDWESvgw3N0sgOProB4, There are also some tips at the bottom of Italy's page on the wiki: http://www.hoi4wiki.com/Italy. You should Demand Balearic Islands > demand Albania > fight Yugoslavia AND Greece at the same time (you can snatch both really fast if you time everything) > Hungary (before they join Axis due to the award) > Spain. Historically, it was attacked and militarily occupied by Italy from 1939-1943. By on 28 de janeiro de 2021 on 28 de janeiro de 2021 Then what do I do to breakthrough and capture the Suez. Coupled with naval bombers operating on your islands the hits on UK and French fleets are harsh. Very unique outcome, the Spanish offensives played a huge part in winning against both the Comintern and the Allies for the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. Italy should focus on gaining 10 internal spies set to counterintelligence to avoid the research penalties of having enemy spies in Italy. Also put 24 infantry regiments (the 6 battalions is fine, you don't fight with these) and have them push west filling in southern France, while your mtn artys pin French coming down from Maginot. concentrate on the sea war+air war more than the land war. The formal announcement date was in January, 2014 and was intended to be released back in the first quarter of 2015. 61 Badges. Italy is THE best nation and best situated to become a superpower by 1939 out of all the nations on earth. … Once done conquering Yougo and Greece, get ready for the war: position your main army ( hopefully at least 12 Armor and 12 Mountaineers by now ) on the France border and set up a battleplan to get that planning bonus up and ready. This is all on Normal. It only exists in the 1936 start. Why thank you Paradox for making this so much easier with this patch and DLC. You will need about 70 including maintenance companies and most damningly recon companies because Italia does not start with that! I do not research synthetic oil refineries until 1940. If you pick Air use your research bonuses to push for Fighters III; If you pick Sea don't bother researching ships past Tier 2, you have research bonuses to unlock 3/4 of the Fleet in Being doctrine tree before the war starts, get that instead. Posted by 21 hours ago. If you do this fast enough, the USA might not be in the war yet and the allies might not have so many troops at their disposal. Whether you decide to wrap up your volunteerism in Spain matters little. A newly started Trotskyist Soviet AAR. Capitulate France with those tanks and have the Regia Marina that have been sitting at dock in Northern Germany sally forth and face down the pitiful British and French Fleet. Leave Japan for later or you can fight them with your allies.). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Then plan a bunch of naval invasions on spain and fabricate claims, invade Spain, allies wont do shit because of Spain being fascist. 50 comments. The war will usually go like this: Germany declares war on poland -> france and UK have already garaunteed for Poloand ( because of all that world tension you generated when you got Youg and Greece ) and will delcare war on Germany -> France will remove most of his troops from your borders -> Germany will invite you to the Axis ( do not join them if they invite you before that ) -> Germany will call you to War -> Stomp France while Germany is still busy getting Netherlands and Belgium. The Italian AI generally does not wait for forces to build up on the beachhead, they just go for it. Show them Frenchies the might of your rightful claim over Gaul and your panzers. Don't punch the gas pedal on those panzers yet! Hover your mouse over any of the containers below to view relevant info.RulesFor the complete rules, click on.Content … It may be a good idea to become familiar with the information displayed, the various button and tab names, and the functions of those buttons and tabs before clicking the game Play button. Those sons of the eternal city can not be denied! Basically I know I probably made some mistakes, but I also think Germany was paying ultra passive. In general this is my strategy, but I run into problems with USSR. Ideology: Conservative Culture: Swedish Religion: Protestant Government: Constitutional Monarchy Trade Policy: … Use your 24 panzers to invade France from Aquitaine and have your horsemen guard the Westwall and Piedmont and withdraw as necessary to safety if certain vectors of Allied attack get too fierce or from threatening sides. One thing that I found that works well is to puppet Yugo (keep Slovenia + Dalmatia) and Lend-Lease them your outdated gear. The new Italy is much stronger than the old and we will force the Turks to keep the British promises. https://reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/8d04zm/italy_into_roman_empire_help/, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. BTW you should fight Yugoslavia and Greece before Japan declares on China, or the WT will be so high the Allies will guarantee everything Democratic or Non-Alligned you lay your hands on. HOI4 Guide: How To Successfully Invade Britain Most Hearts of Iron IV players will agree that one of the hardest nations to successful invade and conquer is Britain due to her mighty navy and considerable air force. hoi4 japan guide reddit. Welp, time to spread some fake news in the name of Rome. If the focuses do not align, oh well, guess we will have to conquer Germany all our lonesome and then leave faction and kill Hungary. I have had some success playing italy. 1. Finally, I really want to take over the Soviet Union on my own or get France and then the UK. Pick either Air or Sea, you can't get research for both in time for the war. Now with the glorious Death or Dishonor DLC, Hungary has a interesting path of making Italy great again. Cookies help us deliver our Services. They are being guaranteed and have a respectable start army you might whine. I know you rush carriers, but what else should i focus on? The whole time you can be supporting fascism in the Balkans to invade without allies guaranteeing. Defeat the enemy fleet, go back to ports, repair if needed (you can split the damaged ships), rinse and repeat. After I rush for that research slot, I usually justify on poland, czech, and austria all at once. World conquest is at your very fingertips! I also never made enough anti tank, which is what I think my downfall was with Russia. Toggle signature. This part purely depends on RNG especially these days but I will include it anyway. For France, they have the wonderful ability to just turn communist out of the blue in the past. Use your stockpiled fighters and bombers here to paratroop. Now this part takes some AI RNG but ultimately it does not matter in the long run. I don't play multiplayer. Too late, about 2 years too late. Reddit hoi4 r/hoi4 - reddit . I feel like I'm also moving too slow here and not gaining enough land in the early game but not sure how to move faster. You want about 8 armor divisions by the time you invade Yugoslavia and Greece, and 12-24 by the time the actual war starts. As you can guess, more target practice. Italy now stretches from the pillars of Hercules to rivers of the Danube once again! Mod (other) … I need to learn to use special forces better. If justifying doing Italy First, they will reinforce Alpine Line but will leave a week or so later to reinforce Maginot. World Tension should have just reached 25% at this point but it does not matter for you are done feasting on dirty neutrals.... for now. Albania is in the lower Balkans Region, which is part of Southern Europe. Aug 1, 2018 20 13. If the stars align, Germany then declares war on your faction and welp time to be the responsible fascist to take out this warmongering fool. Dec 26, 2016 #2 make some divisions and put them on your coast. World tension already skyrocketed to near or over 100% since old Dolphy was gassed to death as punishment for his crimes against artwork and is now nothing but a number to you. One group goes on Balearic Islands if you've done that NF, and then lands on Algiers followed by Gibraltar and Casablanca (Algiers airfield is just southwest of Algiers). This guide unlike many other will touch on the use of spies and new naval production as well as what you should be asking your fellow axis members to do. BORDERGORE PLZ! They will rarely pose a problem and even if they do, nothing that a few thousand CAS or Tac Bombers that you have been pumping out over the years from all your controlled factories can't fix. good navy composition is battleships. From the manpower you are also not spending on coastal garrisons, you can create 36 colonial divisions, put 18 on French-Libyan border, 6 on Libyan-Egyptian border, and 12 in Ethiopia. Then Russia invades Hungry, and we can't push the line. Now for the Final Solution to the European Question. I befriend Bulgaria and and Romania, but Romania goes to Russia. After their ports are taken their supply lines crumble in the Sahara. Then add Engineers and Recon to them, after that you can start fixing up your infantry ( Mountaneers first ). Usually the French or UK players never notice there is a battle going on to send additional fleets from other naval regions to assist their dying ships. Even though it's for Multiplayer it might help you. Use Marines as specialized units fighting in Africa and Mountaineer's pushing into France. However, it is possible. The defense of the Balearic Islands, especially Majorca, was of special interest to Italy due to their position in the Mediterranean Sea, especially in relation to west European colonies. At this point you control the sea without waiting for colonial divisions to reach the Suez or risking failed naval invasions as the first two to three weeks of war will be filled with fierce fighting in the Mediterranean. Why thank you Hungary for making yourself so tasty. Others say not to worry about tanks for the first 1.5-2 years. BUT WAIT! Don't waste manpower garrisoning your coast. Instead build 5 groups of 10 divisions of 4 battalion paratroopers with recon supoort. Yes, like all HoI4 combat navy can be min-maxed, and if that's the goal then there are like 5 ship hulls that you'd ever use and build, your guide is useless blah blah blah However, one don't have to be a total minimaxer to be efficient at this game and be a better player. You will need enough troop to hold your port. I'd like to learn more about how to play Italy in it's own faction, or at least not have to rely as much on Germany. So you start making tanks right away? It is made up of 1 state, but if you have the Battle for Bospurus DLC it will have 2 states: Albania and Northern Epirus. All you will need is effectively 24 panzer divisions and all the horsemen that the sons of Italy can muster. This is where most of my games end because I cannot take them, especially on my own but I've also never had a game where Germany actually pushed in USSR. 78% of the Soviet tank arsenal on 1.1.1936 is missing from HoI4. This guide includes a complete list of the tasks of all major nations and their jobs in normal games, insight on land, air, and naval doctrine. Due to Italy's limited oil supply, it is necessary to conserve oil usage. It is led by King Zog I. Site Overlay. Where if you say anything bad about the game, you get attacked by fanboys. Constructing a HoI4 Germany Guide. Image. Why Turkey, you might ask? The starting 1936 Battleship Italy gets, the Littorio Class, costs 11,487 production, so about 2 years of full speed construction with its bonuses. They took their due, claiming that they were merely League of Nations mandates, while Italy was denied. Once they're finished, just micro your troops to victory whilst turning yourself democratic. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. share. Only do this if you picked the Sea path explained above, otherwise your fleet won't be able to escort your troops to destination. I would like some help on how to survive as Albania in HOI4? Hello and welcome back to another Hoi4 video! I have seen many times Italy players in multiplayer create doomstack fleets, put them on missions, and generally don't do the navy related paths I mentioned above, as a result of having a non-existent navy in a matter of months. Always build military factories from the starting gate. I invaded Japan using one submarine for "naval superiority" shortly thereafter. It is one of the strategy games focusing on World War Two made by Paradox Interactive. Welp time to fix that. During the civil war, Italy offered volunteers to fight for the nationalist cause. Germany never invades Poland. Thanks! Hearts of Iron IV is the fourth game in the Hearts of Iron franchise. There is a struggle against experienced UK players, who knows the in and outs of their nation, and as Italy is downright weaker than UK in almost every aspect, you should go on the defensive depending on the situation. At least until the brits invade Italy. That gives you the opportunity to cut them off from their supply ports with 2/3 divs. Two of the last things you can do at this time revolves around France and the Soviet Union. 23 Badges. Also what is a good navy composition? The French will go down easily if you play right, invade the British as fast as possible after the french are down, dont care too much about belgium and the dutch as long as you have a sufficent amount of troops to contain them. Hoi4 1.9 Italy guide with spies By [82AD]Awardableyew929 A complete multiplayer guide based on multiple sources that hopes to provide an optimized italy. One on Sicily for Malta, then from Malta drop 5 each on the French ports in Tunisia. Hearts of Iron IV > General Discussions > Topic Details. Hearts of … Now while you are waiting for your little war in Turkey and Romania. Make naval invasions to Gibraltar, Malta and Crete (absolutely crucial in Multiplayer if you have some Naval bombers or Strat bombers), in case you fight Greece. See WAllies, we can be civil people! Kind of seems like sea would benefit me more than air because it would give me the ability to move around the med sea more freely. This way I can keep up to date with most doctrines. 11. Material Costs It should be obvious, but worth mentioning, some countries will simply have a harder time putting a navy in the water than others. Posted by 10 hours ago. I ditch Libya most of the time and don't go for Cairo straight away. With precise timing, it's possible to conquer a 3rd nation before england can start to trow garauntees at you, but I advise you not to try that at this point. Here are my tips (some of them might seem a bit extreme): I focus more on infantry rather than tanks or motorized. But as you can see from your own maps, it ain't very tidy ain't? After Spain you can take France out when Germany invades. It is certainly a common subreddit for the Great Strategy Game from Paradox lnteractive.Our Discord Deal with is:. Check the link for the rest of the guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/8d04zm/italy_into_roman_empire_help/. Nice, never thought about invading Spain, will give that a try just to see what happens. Hide in (safe) ports, build fighters and nav bombers, and pummel anything that goes near Sicily. Thanks.