Learn More{{/message}}, {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}It appears your submission was successful. 'swap', Additionally, colleges want diverse classes, comprised of students who come from a variety of different backgrounds who can bring unique experiences to their institutions. } I think that's appropriate, but colleges need to be able to distinguish between students whose cultural heritage is an important part of their identity and those who happen to have ethnicity somewhere in the family background. The College has a record of your status as a nonresident alien, and must report you as such. var lazyImages = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(className)); // Being white-passing, but on paper identifying as Hispanic feels like I’m cheating the system. o.type = "text/javascript", o.async = !0, o.crossorigin = "anonymous", o.src = "https://js.driftt.com/include/" + n + "/" + t + ".js"; if(typeof jQuery != 'undefined') { .site-title a, Forty-two percent of white students aged 18 to 24 were enrolled in college in 2013, compared to 34 percent of black and Hispanic students that age, Enrollment in the 468 best-funded and most selective four-year institutions is 75 percent white, the Georgetown University Center for Education and the WorkforceÂ, Larger and larger proportions of nonwhite students go to the least selective institutions with the fewest resources, whose nonwhite enrollment had grown from 31 percent in 1995 to 43 percent by 2009, the last period for which the figures, Nearly a third of black and Hispanic students with high school grade-point averages of 3.5 or better end up at community colleges, compared to 22 percent of white students with the same grades, the Georgetown research, Seventy-two percent of black students go into debt to pay for their educations, compared to 56 percent of white students, the Education Department, Nearly 72 percent of white students finish a four-year degree within six years, compared to 56 percent of Hispanic and 46 percent of black students, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. } lazyImages.forEach(function(lazyImage) { Enrollment in the 468 best-funded and most selective four-year institutions is 75 percent white, the Georgetown University Center for Education and the Workforce reports . document,'script','https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); var t = window.driftt = window.drift = window.driftt || []; Why does pride in blackness provoke such defensiveness? t.factory = function(e) { .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; } window._wp_rp_post_tags = ['demographics+section', 'applying+to+college', 'faq', 'college+application+strategy', 'senior+year', 'college+applications', 'college+preparation', 'common+app', 'common+application', 'applying+to+college', 'common+app', 'blog', 'tab', 'affili', 'race', 'master', 'write', 'common', 'essai', 'post', 'applic', 'a', 'state', 'app', 'religi', 'militari']; reload = response.data.reload; '//www.googletagmanager.com/gtm. Generally, college admissions officers will compare you to a pool of students who are similar to you. 3 answers, 2 votes, 06/ 1/2020 at 11:24pm. If for whatever reason you feel uncomfortable doing so, you can choose to skip this section and move on to other parts of the Common App. ul.related_post { var myDate = new Date(); Withholding your race will probably change little when it comes to your chances. }); active = false; So for college applications, do I choose to fill in Hispanic or no? For example, instead of an essay, they may send an elaborate video production summing up their credentials. } The Common App first asks students whether or not they are Hispanic/Latino. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. However, if you wish to further identify yourself by a race or ethnicity, you may choose to do so. } window._wp_rp_plugin_version = '3.6.4'; As a general rule of thumb, you should strive to be as genuine and transparent as possible when applying to universities.