Michael and Jan’s safe word on The Office — always a crowd-pleaser. Make Your Own Secret Codes. Often harmless, sometimes sarcastic, these codes can also flag danger situations, like bullying or self-harm. For Sex Stuff and Maybe Scrabble. Codewords enables you to play a fun team word game online from anywhere with anyone! These code words aren't always "Angel Shot" or "Angela". This system was devised as a series of code words to allow you and your besties to enjoy meeting scores of new bros within effortless, drama-free parameters. Add a filter iPhone photo tips Tips to use ⌚ Talking Tech SUBSCRIBE NOW Never let a girl dance alone. 20. (Monica talks loudly in the baby's room) Monica: So that was the baby's room. Every field has a specific vocabulary it uses. Play on your computer, tablet, or mobile device! A Friends fan site featuring transcripts, episode guides, cast pictures, wallpapers, spoilers, and much more. Monica looks at Chandler) Secret Codes #3: Grid. A Long List of Safe Words. Jason Gardner. This is a 911. Image: Giphy. The messages you write with the pig pen code look very sneaky and secret! Being alone is OK. 22. Each establishment posts their own code in the women's restroom, so that men can't understand that the … 21. ... 'Bert' will be our code word for danger. (They come out and Chandler throws Joey behind the couch and puts his foot on him. Welcome to the Aviary Scale. We practiced writing our names and silly words before moving to coding whole sentences. 19. Don’t have sex with an ex if you still have feelings. Don’t talk about your friends to outsiders. 23. We learned that it is important to make the symbols and drawings we used to represent each letter quite simple, and easy to reproduce accurately. A favorite safe word of one female Redditor, though you don’t have to say it three times. You can wear heels no matter your height. 25. Danger, Will Robinson, danger, danger…” I know of two friends who decided to use the term “banana pudding.” Mostly, it develops as a means to quickly communicate with another person in said field -- but sometimes it happens to keep people on the outside completely oblivious. Each letter is represented by a row letter (A-E) and a column number (1-5). Or at least enjoy a drunken, debaucherous night out without ruining every single one of your friendships forever. A grid secret code is easy to set-up, and is great practice for using coordinates, too. 24. Don’t live in a room without some form of protection. Create a code word. Now that we had the hang of this cool secret code thing, it was time for us to try making our own! Don’t slut-shame your friends. Make it rather innocuous, but something only the two of you will put together as a code for, “I need help NOW. Foliage. Justin Bieber