One can wear a silver ring in thumb if you suddenly have constipation. d) You have to chant the mantra “Om Som Samay Namah” 108 times and remove the ring from unboiled milk, pure water or honey and offering it to the idol of Lord Shiva. d) The Moon is the beneficial planet for Pisces ascendant individuals as the planet is the lord of the fifth house for this ascendant. 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It stimulates the healthy relationships especially between husband and wife. But, in addition to that, it has significant health benefits. The pearl is likely to bring you happiness, good friends, improves the health of the mother. You can use either left or right that depends upon you. b) The pearl can reduce the problems like throat trouble, eye trouble, dysentery which are caused by the afflicted Moon in your horoscope. Silver jewelry is a favorite among many across the globe. These types will consist of one pearl that has been set into a silver, gold, or platinum setting. Weight of Ruby stone – 2 / 4 / 6 or 9 Rattis (1 Ratti = 0.91 carats). All of which help to give such rings a very luxurious and dazzling look to them. Shutterstock. Benefits Of Wearing Silver. Emerald gives the best results in the little finger also referred to as the pinkie finger by some individuals. Associated with romance. a) The pearl should not be worn with gemstones like Diamonds, Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Cat’s Eye otherwise it might reduce the effect of its power and energy on you. So finding one that doesn’t only suit your particular tastes, but also your personality shouldn’t prove difficult. Benefits of wearing the pearl Few points I would like to explain here about what benefits the pearl brings in your life. Left Hand: In the left hand silver rings function as medium of receiving and assimilating cosmics from the environs. c) The pearl stone ring is to be made of silver metal, and the ring has to be dipped in unboiled milk, pure water or honey and has to be left inside for around 30 minutes. What to do before wearing: It should be washed with holy water, fresh milk and enchanted with the mantra to attain the full benefit of wearing it Metal to be used: silver. It should be worn on Monday. So below we take a look at the different styles of pearl rings you can now wear and how they can be worn. Wear this silver on Monday. You can wear this stone if the Moon is placed in its sign or exalted sign and during the major and sub-period of Moon that is Moon Mahadasha and Moon Antardasha. In which metal one should wear red pearl moti gemstone ? Certain implementations and Knowledge like wearing a red Coral in the middle finger during challenging Saturn periods or wearing a White coral and Natural Pearl for a debilitated Moon or changing of hand due to exceptional combinations created by retrograde planets or wearing mutually inimical gemstones due to unique planetary positions is very special knowledge capable of creating exceptional breakthroughs … Then there are others that will be made up of a cluster of small size pearls and other gemstones. The best time to wear Pearl ring is from 10 am to 11 am. Either the pearls will be placed in line but with the other gemstones placed in between them, or they will be set in the center and then surrounded by the other gemstones. The main pearl ring astrology benefits of wearing this piece of jewelry on the little finger is that it is believed to bring peace and calmness to the wearer. SIGN IN Consult Now ... Finger: little finger of your right hand. There are now many different very popular styles of pearl rings that you can wear and some of them, of course, won’t be suitable for wearing on the little finger on your right hand. It also symbolizes the ability to communicate and easily find a common ground with people, which is useful in negotiations. The things you need to consider before wearing a pearl ring on your finger are as follows: Although wearing a pearl ring on your little finger can prove very beneficial to you in many ways. These types of rings are more versatile and can be worn at any time you like. In Which Finger to wear Emerald Gemstone ring? b) Few astrologers also recommend wearing the pearl stone ring on the ring finger. b) The pearl also neutralizes the negative or malefic influence of planets on the Moon in the horoscope of the individuals. A French manicure doesn’t only look wonderful, but really helps to complement any pearl jewelry that you may be wearing. It may be studded silver. Of course, the best way to really let the beauty of any pearl ring you wear shine out is to have a set of beautifully manicured nails. (We never post to your social media without your permission). This mantra has to be chanted for nine weeks every Monday. Wearing pearls increases self-confidence. However, the females are recommended for the left hand and male for right hand. However, younger women will, of course, want to go for a trendier look that still helps to show the femininity of the pearl ring they are wearing. Meaning of Rings on Finger As the little finger represents money, business, and finance, often those who want to make great success in business wear ring on this finger. Each and every gemstone set into a ring comes with its own particular set of rituals for the ways in which they should be worn. d) You would be prosperous and have good fortune after wearing a pearl gemstone. It should be we These are some of the major benefits of wearing pearl. The thumb is connected with inner heart of a person. These are very ornate and glamorous pieces of jewelry and many of these types of pearl rings will contain large pearls placed at the center of the design. a) Pearl must be worn on Mondays in the first hour from the sunrise time. c) Individuals involved in music composition, law finance, swimming or water sports, hotel and jewellery business can avail benefits of wearing Pearl. Silver gives relief from anger. When it comes to pearls these are seen as pious and pure and is very closely linked with the Moon. Before wearing, the ring should be dipped into ‘gangajal’ or cow milk for at least 10 minutes. Nature of Pearl – Cold. Among all different varieties of pearl, the white colour pearl is associated with the Moon and is a symbol of peace and purity. If you open this up, then there is a cosmos. The best thing about a Pearl stone is that it does not have any malefic effects on its wearer. Many women use pearl rings for going in parties and major functions. Pearls bring about an emotional balance to a … Whatever, it will help boost your willpower. If you are wearing pearls for astrological benefits, it is recommended that you wear it with silver. Wear chhala in the little finger. e) You would get name, fame, respect and wealth after wearing a pearl gemstone. f) Your memory power and brainpower accelerate by wearing a pearl stone. It should not be in Bead Form. h) The Moon being the lord of the sixth planet is the natural malefic planet for the Aquarius ascendant individuals and you are recommended to wear Pearl only if you are running through the Moon Mahadasha and Antardasha. Then flame and incense sticks also need to offer to the ring. The Wedding Ring Finger – Apollo. Wearing ring on this finger on left hand indicates that you like to impose your will on others. a) The pearl stone ring has to be worn on the little finger of the right hand. b) The pearl stone is considered auspicious if it is of 5, 7 or 9 carats and it is south sea pearl or Valenzuela pearl. With Ganesha’s Grace,
The use of silver improves the mind. The pearl is said to be the birthstone for individuals born in June and a mystical stone for the individuals born in November. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Any confusion, you can call me. Astrological Gems should not be pierced. White pearl represent moon in astrology. Baba Ramdev Birthday Predictions: Will Patanjali overcome other companies? b) The pearl gives highly beneficial results to the individuals dealing in dairy, tourism, entertainment, medicine, perfume, shipping and beverages. The Etiquette of Wearing a Pearl Necklace in Your…, On What Finger Should You Wear A Pearl Ring, 16 Tips Inspired by The Old Hollywood Glamour, How To Wear Pearls Like Grace Kelly: A Short…. It remove the evil influence of the planet Moon. Metal: Make your pearl ring in Silver or gold. Will i have any side affects. a) Pearl will be extremely beneficial to Aries ascendant individuals. Positive effects of Pearl. The cosmos has always been there. Along with all these little amounts of Rice also has to be offered to Vishnu. It can be worn as a ring or pendant. If there is any problem relating to fortune, then you can wear silver bangle, bracelet or chhala. Just make sure that when deciding on the style of pearl ring you wish to buy you choose one that suits the shape of your hand and fits comfortably on to the finger on which it will be worn. As a result of this, they will wear say a pearl ring on their little finger only. Astrological Gemstone should be mounted in such a way that their bottom-tip should touch the … A middle-ring indicates a serious outlook on life – the wearer has a strong moral compass and distinguishes between right and wrong. Dip the ring in sandalwood for the finality of clearing it of all prior energies and truly make it your own and then wear it on the little or pinkie finger of your right hand. Ideally, such rings because of their size will sit nicely when worn on your ring or middle finger. Then take out the ring from the pure water and round it up the incense sticks 11 times while speaking the mantra ॐ सों सोमाय नम: after the mantra you can wear it in your little finger. We know you want to look good when wearing rings on whichever finger(s) you choose.