Services. Supporter. Brewington, These rifles will hold 1 MOA to over Knight® Rifles are designed to perform best between 90 and 150 grains of Black Powder, and industry approved black powder substitutes. Hankins Custom High Performance Muzzleloaders makes these phenomenal smokeless powder muzzleloaders on an individual basis; the design key is the Hankins Ignition System. Shows the combination The man who fired the gun loaded the muzzleloader with smokeless powder which had been taken from 20 gauge shotgun shells,” Doane said over the phone. Thanks Rick … 500 yards, If you want to shoot varmints or Deer at Winchester 748 is a ball powder and the choice for loading 223 Remington cartridges. Thanks . Muzzleloader Powder Pellets found in: Hodgdon Pyrodex .50 cal 50 gr Pellets - 100/ct, Hodgdon Triple Seven Pellets - .45 cal 50 gr 50/box, Hodgdon Pyrodex Pellets .50 cal 50 gr Pellets - 24/ct, Thompson Center Quick Shot Loader - .. Kyle provided data for one load he uses in his .45-caliber Hankins rifle: a 275 grain Pittman AccuMax .452″ bullet and 78 grains IMR 4198, producing 3018 fps muzzle velocity and an impressive 5513 ft.-lbs. I have read a lot on the board and talked with Jeff Hankins and Kyle Pittman. works diligently to be aware of these ever-changing laws and obeys them accordingly. Tips are lathe-turned aluminum. Board Threads Posts Last Post; Modern Muzzleloader success stories and pictures . The following information is specific to one individual barrel gunsmithed by Hankins Custom High Performance Muzzleloaders, owned by bullet maker Kyle Pittman and firing Pittman bullets. Four Pittman Bullet offerings cover target and hunting applications: 250-grain and 312-grain bullets for .40-caliber, and 300- and 325-grainers for .45-caliber. Franklin, See these muzzleloaders Sub-MOA performance to 500 yards and beyond. Here’s a rundown of the 8 best modern … Out of stock. Alliant Black MZ; Hodgdon Pyrodex RS; Hodgdon Triple Seven® Pellets; Hodgdon Pyrodex Pellets; IMR White Hots. Tell us your story and share those pictures. "How to build a smokeless powder Muzzle loader", This video shows This means that the primer cap is set behind the charge of your barrel and is ignited by sparks from the cap when the trigger is pulled. Every musket and muzzleloader rifle, kit or parts sold by is considered primitive or antique weaponry according to guidelines provided by the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATF). When it is ignited inside the … .It has an extremely FAST burn rate. Doing so can cause serious injury or death in the event of a burst barrel or ignition system components that fail catastrophically under high pressure. In the vast majority of states in this country, nitrocellulose based smokeless powder is a legal propellant in muzzleloaders designed for its use. Thompson Center (11) Hodgdon Powder (10) CCI (3) Federal (2) Traditions (2) Alliant Powder (1) View More. Price. Please place all posts about the Savage barrel failure here. The scope is a Nightforce 8-32X56 NXS mounted in … Muzzleloader Powder. I provide the information only to demonstrate the capabilities of high performance smokeless muzzleloading.”. Standard Features A viable American cottage industry of specialist gunsmiths provides true-to-original parts to muzzleloading enthusiast. While black powder or Pyrodex performs very well, as it has for many years, it cannot equal the performance of modern smokeless powder. Once again, smokeless powder is several times more powerful than black powder… Black Powder Substitutes SFP (1) Natchez has been family owned and operated since 1979. Reply. 796 Posts #21 • Dec 31, 2016. Few inline muzzleloader hunters today venture into the realm of black powder—and for good reason. Traditional style muzzleloaders can shoot as accurately and precisely as many a modern smokeless powder rifle, but with a caveat: they can do so only at comparatively short range. powder muzzle loader with. CBJ Precision Engineered REM 700 Series Short Action Extreme Smokeless Powder Muzzleloaders. Out of stock . Smokeless powders create extremely high pressures and can cause serious injury. Smokeless Powders: Don’t use modern-day smokeless powders in a muzzleloading firearm unless the firearm is designed specifically for its use. Smokeless powder Muzzleloaders/Gunsmithing Videos/Groundhog Hunting The scoped rifle, incidentally, weighs 15 pounds, 6 ounces. Photo Gallery. Select Post; Deselect Post; Link to Post; Member. every detail in how to build you own muzzle loader from A to Z, My Book " A A custom copper jacket surrounds a Pittman original pure lead core. Parker bullet at 3000fps, these rifles are capable of … “By no means should any smokeless powder be used in any off-the-shelf production type muzzleloader. Was gonna use the N110 as a single for 250 grain bullets in a 50 cal and N120 for 300 grain bullets in 50 cal . Interested in Muzzleloading? the 2 on the right is Bobs new higher BC 325 grain bullet, All muzzle loaders have Jewel videos for sale page to purchase. An Opinion by Randy Wakeman. Pittman Bullets make no claims that this load is to be used in any muzzleloading firearm. Incomes smokeless powder. Board Threads Posts Last Post; Modern Muzzleloader success stories and pictures. Quote. large game such as Elk and Moose. Check out gunsmith Jeff Hankins’ high performance smokeless muzzleloaders at Richard has filmed a 2 dvd Production ready and built in .45 Caliber "Sabot-less" and .50 caliber (.458 caliber) optimized for MMP Sabots. Below is a picture of Bob Parkers new smokeless 45 CALIBER SMOKELESS MUZZLELOADER. My Video entitled, "MUZZLE LOADERS Muzzle crowns are The Arrowhead Rifles’ Obsidian Muzzleloader is the pinnacle of muzzleloader performance for the dedicated hunter. Reactions: David58 and 3855WIN. See maximum recommended load for specific models. With muzzleloading firearms, every load is a handload. Generally speaking, FFFg powder is best suited for muzzleloading rifles and pistols smaller than .45 caliber. Nov 26, 2020 #25 KPH Well-Known Member . The second necessary component is the specialized projectile. The new rifle was revolutionary, in that it could handle up to 200 grains of powder and used unique pre-primed casings for ignition. For a quick education in high performance smokeless muzzleloaders, visit Reply. Products. This drawback is a function of both the propellant and the projectile. onto the 10-32 bolt. Pittman bullets are flat based, long in the nose and short in the shank; the needle-sharp point is a separate piece of lathe-turned aircraft grade aluminum. Hunting Stories & Pictures. Groundhogs and culling Deer with these rifles. The ignition refers to how the black powder is ignited inside of the barrel when the trigger is pulled to fire the weapon. For use with smokeless powder. Nov 9, 2008 1,007 525 49 ALABAMA. Round balls lose velocity rapidly; a .50-caliber ball started at 2,000 fps has lost about half its velocity at 100 yards. The muzzleloader hunting season continued to drive manufacturers to improve muzzleloader performance with the pursuit of modern muzzleloader in-line ignition systems utilizing shotgun 209 primers. Has anyone seen or even tried one of these barrels ? Included: Laminated Stock / Thumbhole / Custom remington XR-100 Action / Shilen Barrel 28'' / Case. Apr 25, 2019 #9 BrentD Well-known member. Muzzleloader Powder. Custom Smokeless Muzzleloaders About Our Process. T. tlsmith22 Sergeant. Select options; Accurate 2495 $ 28.00 – $ 212.00. The Savage was developed for smokeless powder from its inception some 16 years ago, and now has entered its 6th year of consecutive production with smokeless in mind. The jag is bored and tapped so that the ramrod is merely screwed Reply. Precision falls off with velocity beyond that distance: at the early 1,000-yard Creedmoor competitions in the late 1800s, the bullseye was 36 inches across and groups measured in feet. Joined Feb 5, 2003 Messages 17,334 Location Brentwood, TN US. Ballistic Extreme and Select options; 1; 2; 3 … 16; NEXT; Smokeless Powder. Moderators: Hank, hillbill, Kyle, Richard. Contact Us. Give Gift; Back to Top; Post by doug136 on May 19, 2016 10:37:46 GMT -5. Sub-Boards. Any state that investigates the matter honestly and forthrightly will quickly come to the realization that if they allow Pyrodex, American Pioneer, Triple Se7en, or flammable pellets or sticks they are already allowing smokeless propellants as … Traditional Muzzleloading success stories. the powder charge. A perfectly re-sized bullet is very critical to the extreme accuracy these rifles deliver. $0 - $25 (24) $25 - $50 (5) $50 - $75 (3) $200 - $225 (1) Focal Plane. Just what you would expect from one of the … Black powder substitutes—which are not classified as “explosive,” but rather fast-burning “smokeless powder” (i.e. The Bad Bull Muzzleloader is the Most Powerful, Most Accurate, and Safest Muzzleloader ever built! lug. However, ever since the widespread adoption of a separate muzzleloading season, inventors and aficionados have been nibbling away at that range limitation. Views: 26 Reactions: tlsmith22. A 400 yard .271” group fired from a Hankins smokeless powder muzzleloader with Pittman bullets. Always follow the manufacturers’ recommendations for the powder and your firearm. It comes in four sizes or granulations. In cartridge guns, smokeless can be used in some instances as long as you are careful. About Us. Some TC encore 45-70 barrels, H&R 45-70 and CVA 45-70 barrels can be converted. The second necessary component is the specialized projectile. Shipping Policies. There are a limited amount of blackpowder guns that can be converted to smokeless. WARNING! & GROUNDHOGS" was filmed on a full summer of. In the vast majority of states in this country, nitrocellulose based smokeless powder is a legal propellant in muzzleloaders designed for its use. Muzzleloader . This rifle is built on a Remington 700 stainless steel short action, Krieger modified #17 contour barrel finished at 28 inches plus muzzle brake, with a custom barrel band and ram rod ferrell. in action shooting long range Groundhogs, in our Video 400 meters, 400 meter group shot by Robert Given the generally accepted rule that a projectile should have about 1,000 foot-pounds of striking energy to reliably down a deer, the muzzleloader’s range limitation becomes obvious. I would like to shoot different powders but I would like to know I am using safe loads. Here is the all new Parker Why would it be dangerous to use a load of 50grs of IMR4198 with a 250gr flat base bullet in a plastic sabot in a 50cal 1:28 twist muzzleloading rifle? Alliant Green Dot Smokeless Shotgun Powder 1lb (out of stock, no backorder) Brand: Alliant Just wondering what’s out there. I have to wonder if the guy shooting smokeless powder in his muzzleloader isn't stressing the barrel steel over time and is playing with a pipe bomb that will eventually blow up. Do not/never use smokeless powder in a muzzleloader designed for black powder or a BP substitute. A thank-you is due to Bob The barrel is setup for 209 primers and it is not cut for the ejector. The pic shows I also … I do not collect black powder weapons because of their superior shooting characteristics, … rifles and it is performing well. We are loading 73 grains of IMR 4198 for this 325 Nov 25, 2020 #15 S. scn Well-Known Member. Based in Kansas, Hodgdon regularly creates innovative and technologically-advanced powders that meet the needs of many different shooters and reloaders. You will never loose your ramrod nor will it ever We have shot this bullet in several different Don’t use modern-day smokeless powders in black powder firearms. Everything for sale on is completely legal to own, trade, transport, and sell within the United States of America. Historical interest has kept flintlock and percussion lock muzzleloaders on the shooting scene. Testimonials. “This is the type of performance we are getting with our heavily built high performance smokeless muzzleloaders with the Hankins Ignition System,” Kyle said. Ignition is via Boxer large rifle primers held in a device that’s rather like a cartridge case head. . FFg powder generally works best in muzzleloading rifles and shotguns .45 caliber and larger. Select options; Accurate 2520 $ 26.00 – $ 186.00. Black powder and Pyrodex are passé, as these guns burn modern smokeless rifle powders. This is why some states designate muzzleloader seasons as "primitive weapon" season requiring the use of black powder or equivalent, and no scopes. A good friend of mine MANY years ago blew up two muzzleloaders trying to use Red Dot shotgun powder. This is distinct from the modern (higher tech and harder to make) designs of breech-loading firearms. building muzzle loaders. 64: 782: Same old story by olegburn Feb 11, … Bullets are about as space-age as it gets, with those from Pittman Bullets resembling the warheads of MX ballistic missiles. “He had run out of black powder and had actually cut open the shells and ended up pouring 75 grains of powder into that muzzleloader. Started at 1,500 fps, the conical is still moving at 1,100 fps at 100 yards, plus it retains about 1,000 foot-pounds of energy, compared to the round ball’s 475 foot-pounds. Midsouth carries everything from the Muzzleloader, Rifle, or Pistol you want, to the Black Powder, sabots, and bullets that go in it, in stock and for sale, from great brand like Lyman, CVA, Traditions, T/C, … True, there are black powder cartridge guns but the smokeless variety has all of the inherent advantages that allowed it to replace black powder as it did. We build custom smokeless muzzleloaders on Thompson Center Encore and Remington bolt action frames. Even a small amount of smokeless powder can destroy a gun. carefully made swagger. Max Loads for smokeless powder muzzleloaders May 19, 2016 10:37:46 GMT -5 via mobile . 2,782 Posts #39 • Jan 12, 2017. C Loads listed are 300 to 325 Grain for … Gunfixr said: The whole "it's the same 4140 steel" really doesn't amount to much. The 10ML-II's barrel and hardened breech plug are designed to safely contain the pressures from shooting smokeless. propellant)—offer many of the benefits of the elder without most of the detractions. of muzzle energy. The trigger is a factory Remington set at 3 lb., The stock is a McMillan Varmint. It can cause your muzzleloader to explode! The answer in general, no. Whenever you’re in doubt, use black powder or a conventional … They burn cleaner and are less temperature sensitive. For use with smokeless powder. All muzzleloaders are handloaders in the field, and must accept the full responsibility of reloading when they decide to handle a muzzleloader. guide in place. “Mountain man” and other historical re-enactors abound, and rendezvous and skirmish events remain popular. PX Member. You would not file away at your center-fire crown with a cleaning rod........would you? Interested in Muzzleloading? Reply. Capable of using smokeless or BH209 loads (legal in many western states). The most common ignition system for modern day muzzleloader is the inline ignition system. The main objection that I hear … As expected, Remington's 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader has taken the market by storm. Powder Valley is your Reloading Superstore. We Traditional Muzzleloading . funnel/ramrod I’ve been looking at some long range smokeless muzzleloader set ups, and thinking of building one for myself. Somehow … Both of these muzzleloaders are made from the highest match quality stainless cut rifling barrel blanks available and utilize our proprietary ignition system. Black powder is made of potassium nitrate (saltpeter), sulfur, and charcoal. Help please !