admincheat GFI WoodenBillboard 1 0 0 admincheat GFI TaxationBank 1 0 0 People who've completed the Explorer Society Quest can sell them for a … cheat gfi Sap_Latex 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeWoodPlank 1 0 0 14 votes, 10 comments. "I can't tame no pets" doesn't give me much to work with so I'm guessing that your problem is the animals won't eat what you offer them. cheat GMSummon "Tuna_Character_BP_C" 100 (FUR) Admin Commands $50/year $100/year $200/year. cheat gfi Salve 1 0 0 The item code for Crossbow bolts is: 307. cheat gfi Thatch_Rush 1 0 0 cheat gfi Flint_Chert 1 0 0 This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, ... /buy “id” Ex: /buy crew Purchase Shop Item ... /buy crossbow 1 Common Crossbow 75 Points /buy speargun 1 Common Speargun 85 Points admincheat GFI LargeStorageBox 1 0 0 (EXAMPLE) cheat GMSummon "Horse_Character_BP_C" 100 Creates and autotames animal, just change the word Horse with desired specie. Atlas Game Wiki gives complete and up-to-date information for MMO ATLAS, which hosts up to 40,000 simultaneous users. The Ark item ID for Stone Arrow and copyable spawn commands, along with its GFI code to give yourself the item in Ark. cheat GFI FlareGun 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SmallShipYard 1 0 0 These are delivered in public websites, branded, for anyone to access.Click on the link below to access Census data in its most compelling form – as a series of thematic maps that show how particular … cheat gfi Hide_Hair 1 0 0 cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_Gunpowder 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WaterBarrel 1 0 0 Its loads 6 bolts, seems to function … World Atlas - Crossbow Risen Guide. cheat gfi Preservative_KalaNamak 1 0 0 cheat gfi SaltedMeat 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Cow_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GMSummon "Scorpion_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI Tier3Saddle 1 0 0 cheat gfi Shovel 1 0 0 Built with worker advantages like multi-layer lining and conduction free composites, this winter safety boot is also cold weather-resistant to -60°C/-76°F. admincheat GFI StoneFenceSupport 1 0 0, admincheat GFI Forge 1 0 0 How to Build a Sloop / Ship. cheat GMSummon "Mermaid_Character_BP_C" 100 commands do not need to be enabled for this, Structure Cheat Box – cheat gfi cheatbox 1 0 0, Color Cheat Box – cheat gfi colorbox 1 0 0, Anthracite (Coal) cheat gfi anthracite 100 0 0, Graphite (Coal) cheat gfi graphite 100 0 0, Sulfur (Coal) cheat gfi coal_sulfur 100 0 0, Brain Coral (Coal) cheat gfi brain 100 0 0, Fire Coral (Coal) cheat gfi coral_fire 100 0 0, Crystal (Base) cheat gfi crystal_base 100 0 0, Calcite (Crystal) cheat gfi calcite 100 0 0, Herkimer (Crystal) cheat gfi herkimer 100 0 0, Pearl (Crystal) cheat gfi crystal_pearl 100 0 0, Quartz (Crystal) cheat gfi quartz 100 0 0, Tellurite (Crystal) cheat gfi tellurite 100 0 0, Amethyst (Crystal) cheat gfi amethyst 100 0 0, Fibers (Base) cheat gfi fibers_base 100 0 0, Seaweed (Fibers) cheat gfi seaweed 100 0 0, Silk (Fibers) cheat gfi fibers_silk 100 0 0, Flint (Base) cheat gfi flint_base 100 0 0, Chalcedony (Flint) cheat gfi chalcedony 100 0 0, Obsidian (Flint) cheat gfi flint_obsidian 100 0 0, Radiolarite (Flint) cheat gfi radiolarite 100 0 0, Sunstone (Gem) cheat gfi sunstone 100 0 0, Leather (Hide) cheat gfi hide_leather 100 0 0, Fleece (Hide) cheat gfi hide_wool 100 0 0, Keratanoid (Base) cheat gfi keratanoid_base 100 0 0, Bone (Keratanoid) cheat gfi keratanoid_bone 100 0 0, Carapace (Keratanoid) cheat gfi carapace 100 0 0, Chitin (Keratanoid) cheat gfi keratanoid_chitin 100 0 0, Residue (Keratanoid) cheat gfi residue 100 0 0, Scale (Keratanoid) cheat gfi scale 100 0 0, Shell (Keratanoid) cheat gfi shell 100 0 0, Metal (Base) cheat gfi metal_base 100 0 0, Cobalt (Metal) cheat gfi metal_cobalt 100 0 0, Copper (Metal) cheat gfi metal_copper 100 0 0, Iridium (Metal) cheat gfi metal_iridium 100 0 0, Iron (Metal) cheat gfi metal_iron 100 0 0, Silver (Metal) cheat gfi metal_silver 100 0 0, Shale Oil (OliveOil) cheat gfi oil_olive 100 0 0, Salt (Base) cheat gfi preservative 100 0 0, FlakeSalt (Salt) cheat gfi flakesalt 100 0 0, KalaNamak (Salt) cheat gfi kalanamak 100 0 0, PinkSalt (Salt) cheat gfi pinksalt 100 0 0, RockSalt (Salt) cheat gfi rocksalt 100 0 0, Stone (Base) cheat gfi stone_base 100 0 0, Coquina (Stone) cheat gfi coquina 100 0 0, Granite (Stone) cheat gfi granite 100 0 0, Limestone (Stone) cheat gfi limestone 100 0 0, Sandstone (Stone) cheat gfi sandstone 100 0 0, Slate (Stone) cheat gfi stone_slate 100 0 0, Thatch (Base) cheat gfi thatch_base 100 0 0, Rush (Thatch) cheat gfi thatch_rush 100 0 0, Ironwood (Wood) cheat gfi ironwood 100 0 0, Blasting Powder cheat gfi blasting 100 0 0, Organic Paste cheat gfi organicpaste 100 0 0, Organic Paste (Coral) cheat gfi powderedcoral 100 0 0, Preserving Salt cheat gfi preservingsalt 100 0 0, Cobalt Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi cobalt 100 0 0, Copper Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi copper 100 0 0, Iridum Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi iridium 100 0 0, Iron Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi iron 100 0 0, Silver Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi ingot_silver 100 0 0, Tin Ingot (Alloy) cheat gfi ingot_tin 100 0 0, Amy’s Bubble N’Squeak cheat gfi consumable_bubblensqueak 1 0 0, Colton’s Celery Soup cheat gfi celerysoup 1 0 0, Jat’s Creme Brulee cheat gfi cremebrulee 1 0 0, Drake’s Dark Draught cheat gfi darkdraught 1 0 0, Dragon’s Tongue Delight cheat gfi dragonstongue 1 0 0, Lucy’s Fish ‘n Chips cheat gfi fishnchips 1 0 0, Monarch’s Cake cheat gfi monarchscake 1 0 0, Reaper’s Regard cheat gfi reapersregard 1 0 0, Alex’s Rosemary Chicken cheat gfi rosemarychicken 1 0 0, Navin’s Shrunken Head Stew cheat gfi shrunkenstew 1 0 0, Song of the Sea cheat gfi songofthesea 1 0 0, Robert’s Spiced Rum cheat gfi spicedrum 1 0 0, Iso’s Spicy Roll cheat gfi spicyroll 1 0 0, Steven’s Stuffed & Baked Fish cheat gfi stuffedbakedfish 1 0 0, Tara’s Nosti Treat cheat gfi taranostitreat 1 0 0, Unthinkable Delicacy cheat gfi unthinkabledelicacy 1 0 0, Fertilized Chicken Egg cheat gfi chicken_fertilized 1 0 0, Fertilized Crow Egg cheat gfi crow_fertilized 1 0 0, Mockatoo (Parrot) Egg cheat gfi parrot 1 0 0, Fertilized Mockatoo (Parrot) Egg cheat gfi parrot_fertilized 1 0 0, Fertilized Seagull Egg cheat gfi seagull_fertilized 1 0 0, Cooked Prime Animal Meat cheat gfi cookedprimeanimal 1 0 0, Cooked Prime Fish Meat cheat gfi cookedprimefish 1 0 0, Prime Fish Meat cheat gfi primefish 1 0 0, Prime Animal Meat cheat gfi primeanimal 1 0 0, Edible Greens cheat gfi ediblegreens 1 0 0, Chick Peas Seed cheat gfi chickpeas_seed 1 0 0, Edible Greens Seed cheat gfi ediblegreens_seed 1 0 0, Water Pipe System cheat gfi pipe_water_stone 1 0 0, Stone Water Reservoir cheat gfi waterreservoir_stone 1 0 0, Small Crop Plot cheat gfi cropplot_s 1 0 0, Large Crop Plot cheat gfi cropplot_l 1 0 0, Fertilizer cheat gfi fertilizer_compost 1 0 0, Thatch Floor cheat gfi floor_thatch 1 0 0, Thatch Door cheat gfi door_small_thatch 1 0 0, Thatch Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_thatch 1 0 0, Portable Rope Ladder cheat gfi portable 1 0 0, Wood Door cheat gfi door_small_wood 1 0 0, Wooden Ladder cheat gfi ladder_static_wood 1 0 0, Wood Pillar cheat gfi pillar_s_wood 1 0 0, Wood Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_wood 1 0 0, Wood Staircase cheat gfi staircase_wood 1 0 0, Small Wood Gate cheat gfi gate_s_wood 1 0 0, Small Wood Gateway cheat gfi gateway_s_wood 1 0 0, Large Wood Gate cheat gfi gate_l_wood 1 0 0, Large Wood Gateway cheat gfi gateway_l_wood 1 0 0, Wood Fence Support cheat gfi fence_support_wood 1 0 0, Wood Gun Mount cheat gfi gunmount_wood 1 0 0, Wood Cliff Platform cheat gfi cliff_wood 1 0 0, Large Storage Box cheat gfi storage 1 0 0, Wooden Billboard cheat gfi woodsign_l 1 0 0, Wooden Wall Sign cheat gfi woodsign_wall 1 0 0, Stone Ceiling cheat gfi ceiling_stone 1 0 0, Stone Staircase cheat gfi staircase_stone 1 0 0, Stone Pillar cheat gfi pillar_s_stone 1 0 0, Stone Door cheat gfi door_small_stone 1 0 0, Small Stone Gateway cheat gfi gateway_s_stone 1 0 0, Small Stone Gate cheat gfi gate_s_stone 1 0 0, Large Stone Gateway cheat gfi gateway_l_stone 1 0 0, Large Stone Gate cheat gfi gate_l_stone 1 0 0, Wood Elevator System cheat gfi elevator_primitive_wood 1 0 0, Stone Fence Support cheat gfi fence_support_stone 1 0 0, Stone Cliff Platform cheat gfi cliff_stone 1 0 0, Puckle cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_Puckle 1 0 0, Small Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_small 1 0 0, Medium Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_medium 1 0 0, Large Wood Plank cheat gfi Ship_Plank_Wood_large 1 0 0, Medium Gunport cheat gfi Ship_Gunport_Wood_medium 1 0 0, Large Gunport cheat gfi Ship_Gunport_Wood_large 1 0 0, Small Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_small 1 0 0, Medium Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_medium 1 0 0, Large Ship Deck cheat gfi ship_deck_wood_large 1 0 0, Small Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_small 1 0 0, Small Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_small_weight 1 0 0, Small Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_small_accel 1 0 0, Medium Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_medium 1 0 0, Medium Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_medium_weight 1 0 0, Medium Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_medium_accel 1 0 0, Large Speed Sail cheat gfi sail_large 1 0 0, Large Weight Sail cheat gfi sail_large_weight 1 0 0, Large Handling Sail cheat gfi sail_large_accel 1 0 0, Dinghy Ship Hangar cheat gfi shiphangar_dinghy 1 0 0, Steering Wheel cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_Ship_DriversSeat 1 0 0, Medium Cannon Ball cheat gfi cannon 1 0 0, Large Cannon Ball cheat gfi cannonball_l 1 0 0, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Raft/Ship_BP_Raft.Ship_BP_Raft'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHull_BP_Raft.ShipHull_BP_Raft'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop_FromNPC.Ship_BP_Sloop_FromNPC'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP_FromNPC.ShipHullSloop_BP_FromNPC'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Sloop/Ship_BP_Sloop.Ship_BP_Sloop'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSloop_BP.ShipHullSloop_BP'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Schooner/Ship_BP_Schooner.Ship_BP_Schooner'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullSchooner_BP.ShipHullSchooner_BP'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Vehicles/Ships/Galleon/Ship_BP_Galleon.Ship_BP_Galleon'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Structures/ShipHulls/ShipHullGalleon_BP.ShipHullGalleon_BP'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/Aircraft_BP_Steampunk.Aircraft_BP_Steampunk'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Steampunk/ShipHull_BP_Steampunk.ShipHull_BP_Steampunk'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/Tank_BP.Tank_BP'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Tank/ShipHull_BP_Tank.ShipHull_BP_Tank'” 10 true true true, cheat SpawnShip “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/Aircraft_BP_Zephyr.Aircraft_BP_Zephyr'” “Blueprint’/Game/Atlas/Devkit/Examples/Airplane/ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe.ShipHull_BP_Hoopoe'” 10 true true true, Ghost Ship (Can only see it at nighttime on daytime its invisible) cheat ssf ghostship, Female NPC cheat summon HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C, Male NPC cheat summon HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C, Merchant Ship Ressource Vendor cheat summon CommoditySellerNPC_MerchantShip_BP_C, Merchant Ship Cosmetics Vendor cheat summon CosmeticSellerNPC_MerchantShip_BP_C, Crew Recruiter cheat summon CrewRecruiterNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used), Cosmetics Vendor cheat summon CosmeticSellerNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used), Ferryman cheat summon FerrymanNPC_BP_C (Spawns invisible but can be used), Ressource Trade Vendor cheat summon CommoditySellerNPC_Freeport_BP_C, Anglerfish cheat summon Anglerfish_Character_BP_Child_C, Cavebear cheat summon Bear_Character_BP_Cave_C, Catfish cheat summon FreshwaterFish_Catfish_C, Chicken cheat summon Chicken_Character_BP_Child_C, Sea Bass cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Cod_C, Crocodile cheat summon Crocodile_Character_BP_C, Cyclops cheat summon Cyclops_Character_BP_C, Dolphin cheat summon Dolphin_Character_BP_Child_C, Elephant cheat summon Elephant_Character_BP_C, Fire Elemental cheat summon FireElemental_Character_BP_C, Freshwater Fish cheat summon FreshwaterFish_Character_BP_C, Blue Whale (Gentle Whale) cheat summon GentleWhale_Character_BP_C, Giant Ant cheat summon GiantAnt_Character_BP_C, Giant Bee cheat summon GiantBee_Character_BP_C, Giant Snake cheat summon GiantSnake_Character_BP_C, Giraffe cheat summon Giraffe_Character_BP_C, Gorgon (Medusa) cheat summon Gorgon_Character_BP_C, Jellyfish cheat summon Jellyfish_Character_BP_C, Kraken cheat summon Kraken_Character_BP_C (doesnt work), Leatherwing cheat summon Leatherwing_Character_BP_C, Manta Ray cheat summon MantaRay_Character_BP_C, Marlin cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Marlin_C, Sperm Whale (Mean Whale) cheat summon MeanWhale_Character_BP_C, Mermaid cheat summon Mermaid_Character_BP_C, Monkey cheat summon Monkey_Character_BP_C, Ostrich cheat summon Ostrich_Character_BP_C, Parrot cheat summon Parrot_Character_BP_C, Penguin cheat summon Penguin_Character_BP_C, Rabbit cheat summon Rabbit_Character_BP_C, Rattlesnake cheat summon Rattlesnake_Character_BP_C, Razortooth cheat summon Razortooth_Character_BP_C, Rhino cheat summon WildRhino_Character_BP_C, Rock Elemental cheat summon RockElemental_Character_BP_C, Saltwater Fish cheat summon SaltwaterFish_Character_BP_C, Scorpion cheat summon GiantScorpion_Character_BP_C, Seagull cheat summon Seagull_Character_BP_C, Sheep cheat summon AtlasSheep_Character_BP_C, Shieldhorn cheat summon ShieldHorn_Character_BP_C, Spider cheat summon Spider_Character_BP_C, Turtle cheat summon GiantTurtle_Character_BP_C, Vulture cheat summon AtlasVulture_Character_BP_C, Yeti cheat summon Yeti_Character_BP_Child_C, Female NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Female_C” 30, Male NPC cheat gmsummon “HumanNPC_BP_Crew_Male_C” 30, Bear cheat gmsummon “Bear_Character_BP_C” 30, Chicken cheat gmsummon “Chicken_Character_BP_Child_C” 30, Cow cheat gmsummon “Cow_Character_BP_C” 30, Crow cheat gmsummon “Crow_Character_BP_C” 30, Dragon cheat gmsummon “Draco_Character_BP_C” 30, Elephant cheat gmsummon “Elephant_Character_BP_C” 30, Giraffe cheat gmsummon “Giraffe_Character_BP_C” 30, Horse cheat gmsummon “Horse_Character_BP_C” 30, Lion cheat gmsummon “Lion_Character_BP_C” 30, Monkey cheat gmsummon “Monkey_Character_BP_C” 30, Ostrich cheat gmsummon “Ostrich_Character_BP_C” 30, Parrot cheat gmsummon “Parrot_Character_BP_C” 30, Penguin cheat gmsummon “Penguin_Character_BP_C” 30, Pig cheat gmsummon “Pig_Character_BP_C” 30, Rabbit cheat gmsummon “Rabbit_Character_BP_C” 30, Razortooth cheat gmsummon “Razortooth_Character_BP_C” 30, Rhino cheat gmsummon “WildRhino_Character_BP_C” 30, Seagull cheat gmsummon “Seagull_Character_BP_C” 30, Sheep cheat gmsummon “AtlasSheep_Character_BP_C” 30, Shieldhorn cheat gmsummon “ShieldHorn_Character_BP_C” 30, Tiger cheat gmsummon “Tiger_Character_BP_C” 30, Vulture cheat gmsummon “AtlasVulture_Character_BP_C” 30, Wolf cheat gmsummon “Wolf_Character_BP_C” 30, Aberrant Helmet Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_Shoppable 1 0 0, Test Bear Saddle Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_BearSkinTest 1 0 0, Kraken Visage Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_KrakenHat 1 0 0, Bandana Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_CrewBandanna 1 0 0, Eye Patch Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_EyePatch 1 0 0, Top Hat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_TopHat 1 0 0, Officer’s Hat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerHat 1 0 0, Officer’s Coat Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerShirt 1 0 0, Officer’s Gloves Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerGloves 1 0 0, Officer’s Pants Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerPants 1 0 0, Officer’s Boots Skin cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_OfficerBoots 1 0 0, Has 100x every Color in the game + 100x Paintbrush and 100x Spray Painter, Magenta Coloring cheat gfi actually 1 0 0, ALizarin Red Coloring cheat gfi alizarin 1 0 0, Aubergine Brown Coloring cheat gfi aubergine 1 0 0, cheat Blackberry Coloring cheat gfi blackberry 1 0 0, Blackcurrant Coloring cheat gfi blackcurrant 1 0 0, Blue Whale Coloring cheat gfi bluewhale 1 0 0, Bright Red Coloring cheat gfi brightred 1 0 0, Cantaloupe Coloring cheat gfi cantaloupe 1 0 0, Cerulean Coloring cheat gfi cerulean 1 0 0, Chateau Green Coloring cheat gfi chateaugreen 1 0 0, Conifer Green Coloring cheat gfi confiergreen 1 0 0, Dark Pink Coloring cheat gfi darkpink 1 0 0, Light Sea Green Coloring cheat gfi lightseagreen 1 0 0, Madang Green Coloring cheat gfi madanggreen 1 0 0, Mineral Gray Coloring cheat gfi mineralgray 1 0 0, Napa Brown Coloring cheat gfi napabrown 1 0 0, Orange Peel Coloring cheat gfi orangepeel 1 0 0, Orient Blue Coloring cheat gfi orientblue 1 0 0, Paco Brown Coloring cheat gfi pacobrown 1 0 0, Parchment Coloring cheat gfi parchment 1 0 0, Pohutakawa Red Coloring cheat gfi pohutukawared 1 0 0, Selective Yellow Coloring cheat gfi selectiveyellow 1 0 0, Shalimar Yellow Coloring cheat gfi shalimar 1 0 0, Snow White Coloring cheat gfi snowwhite 1 0 0, Swamp Purple Coloring cheat gfi swampypurple 1 0 0, Tangerine Coloring cheat gfi tangerine 1 0 0, Watercourse Green Coloring cheat gfi watercoursegreen 1 0 0. Containing the most definitive strategy and statistics for UO anywhere, UO Stratics will provide a better playing experience to both new and longtime players alike. commands do not need to be enabled for this, Cheat gfi , cheat ssf , Use Ctrl + F to find code for your desired items. cheat gfi Grog 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Angler_Character_BP_C" 100 cheat GFI Handcuffs 1 0 0 cheat gfi Blunderbuss 10 8 1 I hope “Atlas Cheats and Console Commands” helps you. admincheat GFI FurBoots 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeWoodShipDeck 1 0 0 UO Stratics is the only UO resource you'll ever need. cheat gfi RosemaryChicken 1 0 0 cheat gfi Gem_Diamond 1 0 0 Weight: 1.80 kg Members: Yes Quest item: No Tradeable: Yes Stackable: No High alchemy: Similar to previous renditions, the Crossbow fires a single explosive bolt which can stick to enemies. admincheat GFI Loom 1 0 0 This Atlas Skill Calculator was created to help plan skill builds without wasting in-game resets. cheat gfi Hide_BASE 1 0 0 cheat gfi Crystal_Tellurite 1 0 0 I tamed an elefump and a giraffle just yesterday and used the harder-hitting, higher durability crossbow for the animal cruelty part. cheat GMSummon "Seagull_Character_BP_C" 100 Idaho Fish and Game officers located a mountain goat that was wounded by a series of crossbow bolts earlier this week. cheat gfi HotChocolate 1 0 0 Atlas provides a wide range of weapons from melee weapons like swords and sabers to firearms like pistols and blunderbuss. admincheat GFI PlateShirt 1 0 0 4 out of 5 stars (1) 1 product ratings - SA Sports 660 Empire Punisher 420 Reverse Cam Crossbow 175lb Draw Weight. This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, ... /buy “id” Ex: /buy crew Purchase Shop Item ... /buy crossbow 1 Common Crossbow 75 Points /buy speargun 1 Common Speargun 85 Points It is most notable for its ability to fire Tranquilizer Arrows, making taming easier. cheat gfi Stone_Base 10000 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Crow_Character_BP_C" 100 CSA Grade 1 non-metallic toe and composition plate. cheat gfi Crystal_Calcite 1 0 0 ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************** cheat gfi MetalPick 1 0 0 cheat gfi SprayPainter 1 0 0 Find your social atlas….id has delivered social atlases to councils across Australia and New Zealand. cheat gfi Delicacy 1 0 0 New Crossbows; That TRUE Hunting Store Experience. cheat gfi PorkPie 1 0 0 admincheat GFI FurLeggings 1 0 0 admincheat GFI ClothShirt 1 0 0 UO Stratics is the only UO resource you'll ever need. Atlas Cheats and Console Commands. cheat GMSummon "Sea_Monster_Whale_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI StonePillar 1 0 0 admincheat GFI LargeCannon 1 0 0 SA Sports 660 Empire Punisher 420 Reverse Cam Crossbow 175lb Draw Weight. cheat gfi Gem_Opal 1 0 0 cheat GFI Club 1 0 0 cheat gfi UnthinkableDelicacy 1 0 0, SUMMON TAMED CREATURES cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_KrakenHat 1 0 0 cheat gfi GrapplingHook 1 0 0 admincheat GFI MortarShot 1 0 0 type: boolean possible values: 'true', 'false' example: false Used for shape calculating # prefab. cheat gfi Metal_Copper 1 0 0 cheat ssf dinghy 1 0 0cheat ssf raft 1 0 0cheat ssf sloop 1 0 0cheat ssf schooner 1 0 0cheat ssf brigantine 1 0 0cheat ssf galleon 1 0 0Cheat gfi cheat ssf , cheat gfi blackcurret 1 0 0cheat gfi gold 1 0 0cheat gfi yellow 1 0 0cheat gfi red 1 0 0cheat gfi blue 1 0 0cheat gfi green 1 0 0cheat gfi purple 1 0 0cheat gfi pink 1 0 0PROCESSED RESOURCES, cheat GiveItemNum 0 1 1 0    Magenta Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 1 1 1 0    Alizarin Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 2 1 1 0    Aubergine Brown Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 3 1 1 0    Black Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 4 1 1 0    Blackberry Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 5 1 1 0    Blackcurrant coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 6 1 1 0    Blue Whale Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 7 1 1 0    Bright Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 8 1 1 0    Cantaloupe Coloring (yellowy), cheat GiveItemNum 9 1 1 0    Cerulean Coloring (blue), cheat GiveItemNum 10 1 1 0   Chateau Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 11 1 1 0   Conifer Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 12 1 1 0   Parchment Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 13 1 1 0   Cyan Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 14 1 1 0   Dark Pink Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 15 1 1 0   Gold Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 16 1 1 0   Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 17 1 1 0   Indigo Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 18 1 1 0   Light Sea Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 19 1 1 0   Madang Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 20 1 1 0   Purple Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 21 1 1 0   Mango Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 22 1 1 0   Mineral Grey Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 23 1 1 0   Mud Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 24 1 1 0   Napa Brown Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 25 1 1 0   Navy Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 26 1 1 0   Olive Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 27 1 1 0   Orange coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 28 1 1 0   Orange Peel Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 29 1 1 0   Orient Blue Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 30 1 1 0   Paco Brown Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 31 1 1 0   Parchment Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 32 1 1 0   Pink Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 33 1 1 0   Pohutukawa Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 34 1 1 0   Purple Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 35 1 1 0   Red Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 36 1 1 0   Royalty Coloring (purple), cheat GiveItemNum 37 1 1 0   Selective Yellow Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 38 1 1 0   Shalimar Yellow Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 39 1 1 0   Silver Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 40 1 1 0   Sky Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 41 1 1 0   Slate Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 42 1 1 0   Snow White Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 43 1 1 0   Swamp Blue Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 44 1 1 0   Tan Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 45 1 1 0   Tangerine Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 46 1 1 0   Watercourse Green Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 47 1 1 0   White Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 48 1 1 0   Yellow Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 49 1 1 0   Blue Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 50 1 1 0   Brick Coloring, cheat GiveItemNum 51 1 1 0   Brown Coloring, LOW.MS is now providing servers for Dead Matter - you can find them here: cheat GMSummon "Wolf_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI LargeCropPlot 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Tier3CargoSaddle 1 0 0 Just logged onto ptr and went straight for the crossbow as soon as I could. admincheat GFI BalistaTurret 1 0 0 admincheat GFI WoodWall 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_Potato_Seed 1 0 0 Used in: Barrows - karil's set, Karil's crossbow 0: Uses: Used as a ranged weapon. cheat gfi Gem_Sunstone 1 0 0 admincheat GFI Grill 1 0 0 cheat gfi Flint_Obsidian 1 0 0 cheat gfi Wood_BASE 1000 0 0 admincheat GFI HideShirt 1 0 0 cheat GFI Rocket 1 0 0 Features: Per testing each shot fired reduces Crossbow … In such situation it is difficult to use any type of range weapon. cheat GMSummon "Squid_Character_BP_C" 100 ATLAS: The ultimate survival MMO – plus singleplayer – of immense scale with up to 40,000 simultaneous players. admincheat GFI Tier3Saddle 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SpikeShot 1 0 0 World Atlas - Crossbow Risen Guide. cheat gfi Preservative_BASE 1 0 0 admincheat GFI SmallStoneGateway 1 0 0 Replace Bola or Sugarcane with desired item. Sturdy build , the stock is made out of nylon with camouflage cover , body is made out of aluminum and fiberglass limbs . *****first value is amount, second value is quality, 0 is for item and 1 is for blueprint*****4=jouneyman,8=masterwork and legendary,100=mythical******** I LOVE IT. cheat gfi Hide_Skin 1 0 0 cheat gfi Hide_Wool 1 0 0 admincheat GFI GliderSuit 1 0 0 Join an endless adventure of piracy & sailing, exploration & combat, roleplaying progression, settlement civilization-building, in one of the largest gameworlds ever! … admincheat GFI Tier2Saddle 1 0 0 cheat gfi Bow 1 0 0 cheat GMSummon "Hydra_Character_BP_C" 100 admincheat GFI Bucket 1 0 0 Accessories . CSA Grade 1 non-metallic toe and composition plate. Dear YouTube Rater, this video is about a crossbow, not about firearms. cheat gfi Crystal_Quartz 1 0 0 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************, cheat gfi spraypaint 1 0 0 admincheat GFI PlateHelmet 1 0 0 Next World Atlas Skills Crossbow Prev World Atlas Skills Axe Fighting. cheat gfi CrewBandanna 1 0 0 Other information includes its blueprint, class name (PrimalItem_WeaponBow_C) and quick information for you to use. admincheat GFI LargeStoneGate 1 0 0 FREE SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. Island Selection / Biomes Guide. cheat gfi Metal_Silver 1 0 0 cheat gfi Coal_Peat 1 0 0 Vitamins Guide. cheat GMSummon "SnakeProjectile_Character_BP_C" 100 This weapon is pretty useful at the beginning of the game. “Ramshackle NPC” Sloop with 2x Small Speed Sail, Flying Airship (don’t spawn on ground or it will crash your game). How to Cheat . cheat GMSummon "MeanWhale_Character_BP_C" 100 At Sterling, we\u0019ve been engineering Hilfe Hygiene admincheat GFI PlateGloves 1 0 0 It requires both strength (possibility of using crossbow) and dexterity (dealt damage). cheat GMSummon "Rattlesnake_Character_BP_C" 100 D&D Beyond The trick with the veterinary crossbow will be adjusting it so that the anchor for the transmitter is delivered to the right spot between the walrus’s thick, tough hide and blubber. Shop now and get Free Value Shipping on most orders over $49 to the contiguous 48 states, DC and to all U.S. Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses.. admincheat GFI admincheat GFI SpearBolt 1 0 0 The removable 4-layer liners protect you in f It … admincheat GFI Medkit 1 0 0 cheat gfi Vegetable_Beans_Seed 1 0 0 Copy Item Code. cheat GMSummon "Cyclops_Character_BP_C" 100