will cutting the top of a tree kill it
Have you consulted the arborist again? Cutting the top off a pine tree ( Pinus spp.) Nothing more you can do now. Many people think that you can shorten a tree by cutting off the top. That is just too much for most trees to bear. Let’s hope for the best. This process takes about a year to completely kill the roots. Dramatically altering the height or structure of a large tree will cause it to respond in such a way that new branching will quickly sprout to replace what was removed. I don’t advise that. He cut the top of the tree of to about 5ft higher than the fork ,on both forks he cut off all but about 3 ft. I do realize this article was written some months ago. Some infect the entire tree and there’s nothing you can do to save it. Would this be a terrible idea? Is there anything I can do to make that side start growing better so that the tree has balance? I live in Cana, Virginia. An arborist will determine the type of pruning that is necessary to maintain or improve the health, appearance and safety of your trees. He said they do not recommend topping trees but in this situation it might be better to take off 50 feet than remove all 150 feet. Use a chainsaw, hand saw, axe, or another mechanical tool to chop down cedars less than 6 feet (1.8 m) feet tall. I would wait until after it’s dropped its leaves. I tried to cop and paste a picture but it won’t allow me to. The first winter was no problem for the tree. If I understand your question, you really don’t want dual or competing leads. Topping a tree opens it up to the risks in infestation for pests and diseases. However, if it has a dominant lead which i think it does, my experience is that when a tree like that loses it’s main lead, it will develop a new lead from the closet side branch. Often, the root system will send up new sprouts instead. Glad no one was hurt I assume. If you just cut the main shoot, then it won't affect the shape of the tree much, another one will take its place nearby. I was absolutely SICK when I saw what he’d done to my beautiful landscaping! One of my redwood trees has excessive bark peeling, and looks black at the bottom. It also blooms lovely fragrant flowers by the dozens. If this happens, you'll need to systematically look for new sprouts and cut them down whenever they appear. That’s one of the hazards of topping trees. Hi Cynthia. The tree top has tried to sprout ,but the pieces died. Hi Nash. Any suggestions of trees that will provide the sound barrier and lushness that I bought this property for? These people were idiots in my opinion to cut a tree back to no branches! I would be wonderful if you would do an episode or write about the cultural practice of topping trees (or did I miss this). I know that we will need to water them. I just don’t know this tree well enough to tell you definitively. The only piece of the tree that has sprouted is one piece on lower area of the tree, which is about 9 ft off the ground, the piece is very bushy. But while your trees are still small, I would remove the branches you don’t want or that are competing with the main lead. How many tree roots can I cut? I hate to hear that this happened. A tree usually has 4 to 7 major roots. Then, wait two to three years to make sure your tree fully recovers. A one time topping hopefully won’t be enough to do them in. Is able, and likes to work on lower limbs. Now we are building and they are not nearly tall enough. But my problem now is that it is TOO healthy, is roughly 100 feet high and has taken over my front yard. But they would need to see it to know and advise which one to remove if any. Certified or professional arborists won’t use tree-damaging climbing spikes unless they are removing the tree completely, they don’t list topping as a service in their yellow pages ad and they’ll never suggest it to you as a solution, because it’s not! Copyright 2021 The Joe Gardener Company, All Rights Reserved. Just ad to add my two cents worth here. How much can I safely take off this massive tree, and what time of year should I do it? Either way, I would suggest pruning back those limbs in late winter (not now), to a point just above dormant leaf buds. However, this may be several inches or more below the cut. Hat racking destroys the appearance of the tree and leaves stubs that will eventually decay. New growth “may” occur when a nearby side branch turns upward to replace the lost lead. The trunk has been swaying in the wind since then and the tree has been dropping many small parts of branches from the top. It sounds like that’s the state of your tree. Since pecan trees have an open form vs. a central leader, I would watch it this year and see what is growing in to fill the space. We have treated the infestation a few times but aren’t sure if the tree will grow back with out it’s top. I have a large pin oak( 100 ft or so) and its on the property line. The honest answer is I don’t know. Also be sure to water it in well. Topped trees create a hazard in the landscape because the branch stubs decay and break. Thanks. I’m sorry this happened and I don’t think there is anything you can do do help it at this point. We had a Red Maple tree put in our front yard 2 years ago. We were planning to build a house and I removed, rather than top, tall white pines. Well Deborah, I believe it is possible that a new leader or limb will grow to replace the top one that was broken. there is about two feet of trunk left sticking out of the ground. How can I cut tree roots without killing the tree? When you make the cut, do so about 1/4 to 1/2 inch above this space with a sharp pair of bypass loppers or pruners. In your case, cutting out the top would be advisable. Hi, Joe! Or, a technique which involves removal / peeling of a ring of bark from a tree, and the phloem layer (Like shown in the picture above). Observing where new branching emerges from parent branches and cutting at the right place, using the right technique will go much further in protecting the health and promoting the proper and future growth of any tree. wait until mid winter. One cherry this year. I would like to have them reduced by half, square cut across the top. Thanks. I have two new trees (peach & willow), that produced growth near the bottom but no new growth on the top 2/3. To answer your question...No, breaking the branch will not kill or shorten the life of the tree. This sounds like a case of that. If they are not suitable for your area, look for other trees like this. Improper cuts from stubs or topping don’t heal as readily and may not be able to close. Removing branches through pruning wouldn’t normally kill a tree in one round. But they likely were not affected by borers. They are usually sheared off at a uniform height. Watering consistently will be your biggest and most important issue. Updated: January 21, 2021. The trees will likely attempt to replace their lost growth but without the structural integrity and form of their prior self. I’m pulling for you Heather! If I cut off all the branches and leave the top as is, will that make them grow tall faster? Cut the tree below the lowest branch. The tree has grown upward quite fast, but the trunk is not strong enough to hold the branches up. We live pretty farout of town and every tree person we call says they don’t come out to our area. As new shoots grow to desperately replace their food making factory, they do so rapidly, sending up numerous “water sprouts”. I do not want to cut down the trees entirely, but I am not sure there are any other alternatives. That can make the wood even softer and less able to withstand future environmental challenges. They resprout to form new branches very well. In practice, this so-called “pruning” typically means topping the tree completely; hacking out the center of the tree whileleaving lower limbs growing up in a “V” around the lines; or, my particular favorite — simply amputating one side of the tree. hi! I can see how you would be intimidated by the fact they could come down in a storm. Leaving large wounds that are slow to heal and become entry points for insects and disease organisms. If that doesn’t happen, you may need to make your cuts further down the limb where you find live tissue. Plants and trees actually respond best and adapt quicker to backfilling with native soil. Best to let nature take its course and heal those wounds and damage naturally. Good luck. The tree surgeon said he would cut approx 8 to 10 feet off but not 15 foot as it could kill the tree and he would be liable. This may surprise you. After making the cut, you’ll either get a new branch that takes the place as the new lead, or you’ll get multiple branching that makes for a fuller tree. By applying a coating of herbicide to the exposed sapwood in the trunk, you can treat the root system and keep it as well. As for the trees in front of your window, if you are considering cutting them down to be a worst case option, then I would have someone carefully trim them to improve your view. There are only three other branches about midway down and they are doing fine. I have to confess here that I don’t know the answer to your question. Hi Joe. I can’t even see out of my front window anymore. Do you have any opinion about this? I live in south texas. Our neighbors decided that the branches were hanging into their yard, so they cut back the branches in several places. hi joe i am a big fan well my tree fell once but you can get this stuff to let the tree still live with those parts missing. All the little branches and greenery are gone. Please if you could give me any advise my email address is dntnwld@aol.com thank you. could you offer me some advise please. If not, that portion of the tree is likely dead. try to refasten the hinging top, or take it off completely? So I spent hours trimming out branches. That makes me sad but I can’t allow it to grow back and risk falling on my son or my home. Hi Lee. All beautiful and dearly loved. Here’s a link you can use to find your local extension service office: http://nifa.usda.gov/partners-and-extension-map?state=GA&type=Extension, Given the negative impact of pollarding / coppicing, why are utility companies permitted to engage in this practice? Read on for tree topping information that can help you make better decisions about shortening trees. One thing you can do is get high up in the tree if possible and cut away a branch to inspect the interior of the limb. Water sprouts grow in quickly, right below the pruning cut, as trees attempt to recover. Joe, As to it’s future related to the disease, it depends on what the disease was and where it impacted the tree overall. You should contact your local county extension service for specific suggestions. You’re looking for any signs of life, such as green tissue under the bark. Hi Shelia. Once a tree is topped, it can be improved with the help of an arborist, but it can never be completely restored. My husband likes it. Do we top it again or what. But you need to find someone who is not motivated to suggest cutting them down just because that’s how they might make some money. Also, with fruit trees, it is perfectly acceptable to keep them pruned to a manageable, workable level. It’s well worth the money, and you’ll never have an unfortunate surprise like you sadly experienced. I then secure it to a tall stake so that the side branch is now turned up ( I use velcro tape). If so, what is the best way to deal with the root spread that has cracked sidewalks and driveway? But if you want to promote new growth and have your tree fill out, follow branches back from their tip until you get to a point where you see leaf buds on both sides of the branch. What they don’t realize is that topping permanently disfigures and damages the tree, and may even kill it. Hi Joe, Topping is also referred to as heading, stubbing, or dehorning. But my problem is when people with chain saws start butchering mature trees for no sound horticultural reason. Any advice about the future costs in all their forms? Is there anything I can do to get it to grow up again? Often you see rows of them by dikes. I understand that the crown acts as a pivot point for the shallow root ball and the leaning will only continue to get worse overtime until it ultimately falls. Since I’ve never been involved with growing and learning much about Ponderosa pines, I don’t know how they might be impacted by limbing up or topping. It is growing well and looks very healthy. You’ll just have to wait and see if it recovers from the shock of losing all it’s limbs! American Sycamore that was was rubbed and girdled by a male deer’s antlers. The extra encouragement of showing it the way has worked wonders for me. The tree is very young and only about .5 inches in trunk diameter. The weeping birch had about 60% of its branches taken away. to dig the holes for the hemlocks in this soil or will I need to bring in compost and additional soil to plant around the new hemlocks? My question is – will these trees recover to their former glory or are they damaged forever. Joe, we live on the Texas coast and the house we bought has 3 sweet gum trees that are all well over 120 ft high. (Canada zone 2) So upset! It may be that those upper parts of the trees are dead. They’ll be able to show you their credentials if they are. If you give it some help, often times it will get the message it is supposed to be the new leader and will assume that dominant position on the tree. So that means winter. You may not have an ongoing issue if it was an isolated issue. They might have someone there who is qualified to answer this, or refer you to a university resource for free or nominal fee. Ultimately, all utility lines should be underground. When in doubt, I would def. Are there any companies that I could call that are local that prune this beautiful tree? I have a friend that used to cut his wide leave maple down to a 15 foot stump every fall. In your case, there are many fruit tree and regular tree varieties that remain rather small, or at least very slow growing. Some branches were hanging over the sidewalk and it seemed like a good idea to remove the lower limbs. One, I am guessing I need to loosely stake them? Fertilizer won’t fix it. I can have the pines removed completely. They live in regions with similar soils natively. MR. ARBORIST: Mary. We found it ugly and fear if we buy the house we buy the present ugliness as well as the future costs of his mistake. I was raised in New York, where we are not familiar with this “topping” procedure. That will lead to more problems later. Not to mention that it would undoubtedly damage several of the trees around it once it did fall, which includes a 250+yo tulip poplar and 75+yo dogwood that are both within 25′ of the pine. Thank you for enlightening me. Needless to say our garden now has no privacy whatsoever and the trees look so bad. The cut will create a site for possible infection. I was told that I could have the trees on my property replaced by ornamental trees. But don’t rush it. In some species these new shoots can grow up to 20 feet in one year. Good luck and let us know how it works out. Even though I would have advised against doing so (as it looks like your arborist did), the tree responded beautifully. As leaves are the food source for any tree, the absence of this food supply can temporarily starve the tree. If someone would have knocked on our door and offered to pay us $850 to do that to our tree I would have refused. Toni. I understand wanting to be a good neighbor, but this is a big ask. We have 8 of these Ponderosa pines in our yard sadly. Better yet, utilities would realize a reduction in long-term operating costs and increased profitability; both issues of significant interest to shareholders and senior executives. As an alternative to removing the tree, I was told by a certified arborist that my Redwood could withstand being topped as they are resistant to disease etc. The problem is HOW it is growing. Yet despite more than 20 years of spoken and written information, it remains a common practice. this guy wants to hire me my friend who is a 20 year Arborist to cut a tree in half. Desperate on how to cut the branch that’s hanging off? If you can wait, I’d do this major pruning in later winter or early spring. But before you do any of that, make sure you are getting enough sunlight down to this tree to begin with. With the support of the solid vertical piece, the newly attached branch should eventually assume the new lead and horizontal branching should eventually follow. This preventive maintenance practice needs to be revisited. Thanks –, W ill topping fruit trees ruin them I saw yourshow on topping I wondered. Aesthetics is another reason why people hire arborists to … check with a “certified arborist”. As soon as the ground dries up enough I have no choice but to have him return and remove my tree. Hi Cynthia. The utilities say pruning branches that might come in contact with their lines reduces the risk of service interruptions and equipment damage. If cut properly and not just hacked off as so many people do, then you stand a chance. What a great topic and thanks for sharing this information about Tree Topping. Again, if you cut tree roots, there is never a guarantee that it won’t hurt or eventually kill the tree. It’s the one thing about big trees that I admit make me nervous having them close to the house like in your case. I hope that’s not the answer…. I’m devastated! I suggest consulting an ISA certified arborist, who can evaluate tree structure and pruning or removal needs. I never thought I’d actually say that, but this is a case where you might want to reduce the weight at the top of the tree for now. These weak attachments will never have the structural integrity of the original branch and can break off easily, even years later when they are large and heavy. Save yourself the time and effort and don’t paint the exposed areas from limb removal. I am not expert, but I grew up on a small farm with a couple of orchards and I have spent a lot of time pruning trees in preparation for the fruit/harvest seasons. But I would personally not risk it if you like your trees. Sad truth about the demise of many trees to topping. We had a spring snow storm and the top of my flowering crab apple tree has broke off. How often will I have to spray the trees or do I wait to see if they catch the bug? sorry to hear about this Heather. I feel your pain L.S. Is it resuming it’s tree form and producing a weeping canopy? However, cutting them back will likely produce new growth, but this new growth will be far weaker than the original wood. When roots are lost for any reason, the imbalance creates stress. It depends on where you live as to whether or not you are at risk. We get a lot of rain and tornados as well as straight line winds here.
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