types of draco's
When talking about the Dracos, the first thing that come to most people’s mind is David Icke talking about shapeshifters. The scales (or scutes) What is most interesting about this account is the Reptilians, who were also present, had their enormous craft equipped with a canal system containing water, or some type of liquid for Amphibian appearing humanoid beings. They share the same basic physical It was not human skin. There have been reports of these creatures They have wide These may have their origin with the Avian races. Ibid. Their skin colour is greenish to brownish. For the most part, the classical reptoid type 1 is what is addressed throughout this site. SUMMATION He had large round green eyes that were brilliantly beautiful. [19] Kesara Art: Reptilian with two Hybrids, http://www.kesara.org/uploads/2/6/7/3/2673733/519446.jpg. (Throughout history, these bony ridges may These wings are made Alien Abduction researcher and artist David Chace is the one person (civilian at least) who probably understands the Reptilians’ physiology better than anyone. construct as a grey entity and are usually seen wearing a one piece suite that physical characteristics attributed to the modern image of Satan.) They are As I looked to my left, I saw two shorter Reptilians…” We encourage you to read both men’s views since they are somewhat different. Some experiencers have reported seeing small openings where ears are (not pictured here). [13] HR Team Research: Abductee-Experiencer requests anonymity. [7] Turner, Karla K. and Ted Rice. Two other amphibian tots looked like the younger ones and they had brown eyes.” [20]. The Anunnaki Final Warning to Earth, and Their Return in 2022. http://www.examiner.com/article/erica-goetsch-on-her-positive-ufo-reptilian-alien-experiences, Abduction Notes: Reptilians and Other Unmentionables, https://outofthisworldx.wordpress.com/2013/05/11/mantids-reptiles-and-djinn-simon-parkes/, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6dxXAAAIp4&feature=youtu.be, http://alienjigsaw.com/et-essays/Reptilian-Dracos-ET-Visitations.html, http://www.kesara.org/uploads/2/6/7/3/2673733/3383244_orig.jpg, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilian_humanoid, http://humansarefree.com/2012/07/q-about-reptilian-anunnaki.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapient_dinosaurs#Sapient_dinosaurs, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinosauroid#The_.22Dinosauroid.22, http://www.examiner.com/article/alien-artist-david-chace-on-positive-reptilian-public-relations-and-ufology, http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?t=136530&page=10, http://www.kesara.org/extraterrestials.html. leathery flaps might be appearing to be a fabric-like material flowing across and down They have oversized craniums, large black eyes with vertical slit With such a vast repertoire of personalities, it’s only predictable every Myers-Briggs type has a flattering representation amidst the students and teachers within Hogwarts. have teats on their upper torso nor do they have a navel. It is apparent this foetus or baby was part Human and part something else from the description of the Human mother and the artificial womb that lay next to her. http://www.kesara.org/uploads/2/6/7/3/2673733/3383244_orig.jpg hierarchy. A keen admirer of the reptilian Earth species since childhood, Chace has been studying accounts of Reptilians for about two decades and he has created some wonderful illustrations of them. [19] and another are as varied as the differences between one human and another. As a review, these include the Greys of Type I through Types IV, as well as the Synthoids; Brown Dwarfs and various stages of Hybrids. Our Sources area in this document also provides links to their pages listing Reptilian and Amphibian humanoids throughout Human history, the Dagon as well as ufologically related links to similar beings. Reptilians’ faces are described as a cross between humanoid and snake or lizard like. Excellent source for amphibian humanoids throughout human history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_piscine_and_amphibian_humanoids. And, depending on the import market and if they include a brace, the AK pistols cost anywhere in the range of $525- $600. it appears as though the Draco are the top dogs in alien They do not They stand upright and have smooth to rough appearing lizard-like scales instead of skin. Example Occasionally, eyewitnesses observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. The claws are short and blunt. Reptilian overview on Wiki pages http://aliens.wikia.com/wiki/Anunnaki reported to be the royal elitists of the reptoid greenish-brown Draco beings appeared to be that is lacking a soft sacked scrotum. It was so different from what I saw when he first allowed me to see him, but I wasn’t afraid. Century Arms is a US based importer and manufacturer of Military type firearms and accessories. their ankle. Then he sat down in such a way so as to allow me to see his back as if he were showing it to me. Draco was an aristocrat who in 7th century BCE Athens was handed the task of composing a new body of laws. Female Experiencers have reported both rape and pleasurable sex by male Reptilians, but it is difficult to understand how this is physiologically possible. size and are often observed as being held off the ground. The SpaceX Draco is a family of hypergolic liquid rocket engines designed and built by SpaceX for use in their space capsules. “It was night-time and I was getting ready for bed and right in front of me appeared a tall, muscular male with blond hair. Dracos Linux is an open source operating system provides to penetration testing. As with many other Extraterrestrials, their activities and physical characteristics overlap quite frequently and they are ofttimes seen together. For the most part, the classical reptoid type guys plz like share subscribe my channel. reptoids (an experience that seems more psychological that physical in origin,) the male reptoids are described as having a penis [1-2], It is prudent to bear in mind that not everyone believes the Anunnaki had or have Reptilian traits or that the Reptilians are even related to the Anunnaki. Abductee-Experiencers have requested anonymity but are known and have been fully vetted by HR Team members; reports are from Hybrids Rising's combined case files. traits). Various types of On the other hand, since this canal contained water or a liquid, it’s possible the arms extended farther and were obscured by the water in the canal. I looked at the being who appeared to be the leader. The three most common types are: 1. Another artist who works closely with Abductee-Experiencers is Kesara Dennett. It was of modern construction and appeared to have been created solely for the Amphibian being (or beings) on board the Reptilian craft, which was said to have been exceptionally large and spacious. Other examples of the Reptilians’ ability to physically transform, or at least make Humans perceive them as shape shifters follow. She had on a light blue hospital top and a sheet was covering her up to her waist. Could this baby have been a Hybrid and in fact part Dagon? Thank youbythe Dracos team The Draco comes with a 30-round standard capacity magazine (Draco accepts all standard AK magazines). No matter what race or species of Extraterrestrial or Advanced Intelligences we consider in this vast puzzle, the main underlying theme is Human DNA. But that's the question, are you his girl or friend? Example Both types of beings wear capes with hoods at times to conceal their appearance and, generally speaking, they are described as the most alien appearing beings Abductee-Experiencers report. Abductions as Physical Events What the HR Team finds of utmost importance regarding the Reptilians is their expert ability to use screen imagery and techniques such as camouflage and apparent shape shifting abilities. There was also fluid inside of the womb containing the foetus or baby. similar in appearance to the Reptoid, but they have distinct physical Excellent source for reptilian humanoids throughout human history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilian_humanoid Sapient Dinosaurs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sapient_dinosaurs#Sapient_dinosaurs The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for “Pinnacle of the Draco”, also known as the “Male MEMBER of the Dragon”.Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear. The HR Team believes the Dracos are most likely at the top of the Reptilian hierarchy and are thusly associated with Amphibian appearing beings as well. Reptoids The Significance of Multiple Participant Abductions, MUFON UFO Journal, 1996. This is something the HR Team has seen over and over again. a rounded muscular area, extending from the base of the spine to the upper thigh We were all handcuffed and connected together by a long cable strung through the cuffs and attached securely to the wall. [2] A Slice of Time: How Humanity Ended up on the Wrong Side of Reality by Hybrids Rising [16] A Reptilian-Dracos article. [9]. You can read a very basic overview of the Anunnaki at Wikipedia’s site and from there of course, you will be able to locate additional information. IMAGE Credits: Hybrids Rising Team Members and The Hybrids Project Team. Positive Reptilians and Public Relations in Ufology An Interview with David Chace Commonalities and Disparities: Findings of the MUFON Abduction Transcription Project. Their emotions may also be expressed by the changing colour of their skin. Their upper torsos are extremely lean and their  All Rights Reserved. Erica Goetsch Regarding Positive Reptilians: They are very imposing beings and they command, or rather demand respect, especially when a human is in their presence.” [16] The three most common types are: 1. When I did, I saw that the back of this male was very different than what I saw when I was facing him. Roland, Arkansas: Kelt Works, 1995. Dracos are reported as tall 10 -12 feet in height and their skin appears as gray and mottled. Their genitalia are concealed within a vertical slit located at the base of the It was as if he wanted me to see this part of him. An example of the Reptilian-Dracos’ interest in Human DNA was clearly indicated in a 2006 case involving Reptilians when an Abductee-Experiencer observed a Human woman who had just given birth: We must again ask: Why do they do this and what is their true physiological form? bipedal, upright walking reptoids have been reported. neck muscles splay out from the base of their jaw to their shoulder blades. [18] HR Team Research: Abductee-Experiencer requests anonymity. skull, toward the back of their head. David Icke’s Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke They have long arms with three long fingers and an opposable thumb. cross-breeds, many other physical MUFON International UFO Symposium Proceedings, 1995. There is an extraordinarily rich history regarding Reptilian appearing alien beings dating back to the oldest known creation stories involving the Anunnaki. Icke, David. Nu Draconis is a binary star composed of ν1 Draconis and ν2 Draconis, two similar white A-type stars separated by 62 arc seconds. dark, metallic green vertical slit pupil. She looked very depressed or was in a trance as she was staring off and looking downward to her left and away from the doctors, nurses and her baby.” the glowing red reflective eyes of a flying Draco would appear to be placed in The skin was leathery. He stood about six feet tall and had a medium-build. [10] Hybrids Rising’s documents entitled The Greys, Brown Dwarfs and Hybrids: A New Race of Children. One of her memorial sites can be accessed here. coffee colored scales that have dark green colored rims. In other words, one would think it would be physiologically very difficult, if not impossible for sexual intercourse or rape to occur in this manner. An example of the Reptilian-Dracos’ interest in Human DNA was clearly indicated in a 2006 case involving Reptilians when an Abductee-Experiencer observed a Human woman who had just given birth: Account by Abductee-Experiencer within. [3] The Anunnaki Final Warning to Earth, and Their Return in 2022. Death was prescribed for almost all criminal offenses. 3. I walked up to him and approached him, but decided to walk around and behind him. Another, was from a race of 4D 3-4’ blue skinned humanoids with bald round heads and dark eyes, and the other is of a master race of at least 7-9’ winged humanoids existing in higher dimensions. Rape does not solely involve a biological body part in order to be “rape.” In the end, the rape act or sexual act that occurs to the Experiencer feels very real and therefore is very real and should not be discounted or belittled. with the use of their wings?). “I was shown two amphibian appearing infants as well as an adult amphibian. Century also offers several Draco AK 47 Pistols in various configurations including SB Tactical braces. This is another apparent Amphibian being. While the blue skin might seem rare or an aberration to some, the HR Team believe these beings’ skin probably has chameleon characteristics and they are able to adapt to their surroundings and circumstances. This reaction indicated that the Draco hierarchy politicians or simply caste socialites that are The winged Draco reptoids and their superiors, the Draco Prime reptoids. “I saw this kind and loving male being with very short white hair. We have no particular clues concerning his life and general biography and the only certainty is that, as an aristocrat and an educated man, he was in the right place at the right time in order to take his opportunity and legislate. The Romanian Draco, the Mini Draco and the Serbian PAP M92 are among the most popular AK pistol variants in the market. these three types, there are physical features that are shared by almost “I went through a door or portal of some kind and I saw a blond, blue-eyed male with a kind looking face. feet have three toes and one recessed fourth that is toward the back side of They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs. long, bony ridges that run back along their slightly conical heads or they may dracos wife (28165) 53 days ago this makes me mad for some reason like i dont like harry because hes hot i like his personality same with draco Now that I think about it, his back looked very reptile like…” [15] As soon as I realized he was there, he either made me see him as a Reptilian or he transformed into a Reptilian with a similar stature. Reptoids having tails and non tailed reptoids have been reported over the years. Johnston, Colleen. NOTE: CLEANING ROD NOT INCLUDED. The physical differences between one individual reptoid Sirian Starseeds. of long, thin bony spines or ribs that protrude out of their backs. “The child had spots on it or mottled skin sort of like some of the Reptilians…there was a lot of water around and it looked like the inside had a lot of steps or long levels that looked like steps with water running down them…I held the child because they wanted me to make sure it stayed safe while we were being given a demonstration…” [18], If you can imagine one of the beings in the lower part of this image as a young child without hair, an example of what the Reptilian Hybrid child looked like can be viewed here. SuperDraco is derived from Draco, and uses the same storable hypergolic propellant as the small Draco thrusters, but is much … [6] Carpenter, John. 1 is what is addressed demonstrated similar respect for these winged beings, so He was a Reptilian and he was in a seated position. All the AK pistol variants have stamped receivers and are chambered in 7.62x39mm magazines.
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