stayman after interference
3H: Stayman with a stopper in hearts and forcing. If they had, I believe that they would have concluded (as have I) that systems off is better. Double means they "stole your bid." Expect some growing pains, some memory pains, but eventually you'll be better for studying this area of the game. 2H: 3S. North can reasonably now bid 3NT. Rebids by Opener after Interference : You 1 ? I mean I-G-N-O-R-E! interference over stayman (too old to reply) David Wiltshire 2005-08-24 09:28:33 UTC. We also need to know what bids are forcing and when we should pass the hand around to partner. Now, what if they interfere with a bid that does, The Real Deal (Larry's ACBL column deals). Bidding No Trump Hands with Interference (Part 1) Is there a more welcoming sound than having partner open 1 No Trump? SYSTEM OVER NO TRUMP INTERFERENCE: THE SONTI SOLUTION | feit, ivan | ISBN: 9781694815637 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. To cope with interference, you need to do a little studying and memorizing. 3S: Invitational (could have bid 2S directly to play or 3S directly to force. What are your rules on penalty doubles vs. takeout doubles vs. optional doubles? [If they PENALTY Double 1NT, then just play ALL NATURAL -- no Stayman, no Transfers. Stayman.10+ HCP. Now, what if they interfere with a bid that does NOT specifically show BOTH MAJORS? If your right-hand opponent bids over partner’s bid, make the same rebid you would have made without interference if possible. May or may not have a H stopper. Interference over 1NT (cont) 2 Interference over 1NT (cont) • Bidding the opponents suit (a cue bid) is used to replace Stayman and is game forcing. First, let's get a specific situation out of the way : The opponents show MAJORS. I don't care what it shows (unless it is BOTH MAJORS). Although not included in the original concept, the idea of employing Minor Suit Stayman following a 2 No Trump opening bid is completely acceptable by partnership agreement. "Systems on." South shows his four spades and a heart stop by going through 2NT and then cue bidding the overcalled suit. 1 (263) They Overcall After Partner’s Stayman 2 (264) They Overcall After Partner’s Transfer 3 (265) They Double Our Control-Showing Cuebid 4 (266) Dealing with Interference Over a Conventional 2NT Response . This is where you might have heard the term "Mirror Double" -- or "Stolen Bid." It is impractical (unless you are a world-class bridge pro) to try to memorize different schemes versus different methods. Checkback Stayman: Responder's bid of 3c is a major suit checkback. If Stayman is doubled, opener may make normal rebid, pass with 4 clubs, or redouble with 5 clubs or 4 good clubs. It's up to you, just make sure you have an agreement with your partner. Here is a medium-complicated scheme to deal with any kind of interference--you can choose parts or all of it. This is NOT a … When it is a grind, you want to give yourself every little extra chance to make the contract -- play as carefully as possible. Garbage Stayman also has the advantage that it takes up a little more bidding space from your opponents and helps to discourage interference from the opponent seated to your left. He used a Texas Transfer, but ended up being declarer, and did quite a great job of it! THE ‘STAYMAN’ CONVENTION Used by a responder after a 1NT or 2NT opening bid, to ask if opener has a 4 card major. You can decide if you want to do something fancy with REDOUBLE (or use PASS to force a REDOUBLE to show a 2-suited hand). This situation can be a bit confusing because we need to know when double is penalty and when it is takeout. Stayman is typically used with hands that have invitational or better strength. That use of the cue bid after interference was part of the original Stayman convention when it was first formulated and still retains its original usefulness. This leaves the 3d response available to be natural or artificial. Thus, Responder, here, guarantees at least 10 or more HCP’s. If you pass and then DOUBLE, that should be a lightish takeout. This can be very simple and effective, but you want to retain your suit quality requirements that I mentioned above. Is it clubs, minors and if minors, what distribution. If they make an artificial DOUBLE, just ignore it--system 100% on (Stayman, Transfers, etc.). Now you know why people like to use conventions to interfere with your notrump. Double means they "stole your bid." If the enemy intervene after your Stayman 2, the opener should re-bid as planned if possible. Group: Members; Posts: 33; Joined: 2020-June-11; Posted 2020-June-30, 01:21. If you study this and adopt it, but your partner doesn't, you can also expect some big disasters, but at least you were warned. 2NT: Transfers to 3C, after which: 3D: to play. 3♣ shows a hand with at least one 4-card major and … If not, he can wait for you, the Stayman bidder, to bid again. (This should be alerted as it is an artificial bid). 10 - 15 HCP. It wouldn't be too painful to agree that after this 3C overcall, double is Stayman, 3D is a transfer, etc. As … 1NT is my favorite contract to declare! "Like Stayman" means asking for a 4-card Major, because you have one. It is used by a partnership to find a 4-4 or 5-3 trump fit in a major suit after making a one notrump opening bid and it has been adapted for use after a 2NT opening, a 1NT overcall, and many other natural notrump bids. All bids (even 2NT) are treated as if the opponent Passed. Stayman after a 2NT opening Stayman works so well after 1NT has been opened that most people play it after a 2NT opening. What about doubles when LHO balances such as 1NT - Pass - Pass - Natural bid - Pass - Pass? For example: 1NT pass 2 2 X; 1NT pass 2 2 2; 1NT pass 2 2 pass pass X; 1NT pass 2 2 3 In a Notrump slam you cannot give up the lead often. Texas Transfer showing 8 + HCP & 6 or more Spades. For example, let's say partner opens 1NT and they bid2 to show and either MAJOR. Advancer Bid After Bidding 2N relay and Responder's 3C response * See Note : Pass, to play showing 5+ Clubs: 3H is Stayman, game forcing with stopper ("slow shows") 3S is game forcing showing Spades (overcaller bids 3 Notrump or 4 Spades) 1.After 1NT– DBL* – 2 is Stayman and all transfers apply (Systems On) 2.After 1NT– DBL* – RDBL shows most of the outstanding points – Gotcha! 1NT-(2♣)-2♥ is still a transfer to spades. Use all bids as natural (even 2 and 2\). Opp Pass : Partner 1 : Opp 2 . If they make a penalty DOUBLE, then you should not play any conventions--not even STAYMAN. Do learn lebensohl, which is not spelt … For the first few years, the job will have a heavy focus on fundraising. •Lebensohl does not right-side contracts unless “Stayman” is used. If the opponents do show majors (with some contraption that is below 2), I suggest: 2 = GF in 2 = GF in 2NT = lebensohl (see below) -- Relay to 33 of a minor = Natural, Invitational3 of a MAJOR = GF, Shortness (0 or 1) in that MAJOR3NT = To Play, Neither MAJOR stopped, Use the 2NT mechanism to show stoppers -- after the Relay to 3 : 3 MAJOR shows only that major stopped; 3NT shows both MAJORS stopped. Without further agreement, all other bids are standard. If you have a true penalty pass of their known suit, you can pass and hope partner reopens with a double. Again, it is best not to start asking questions and getting involved with which convention they use. No 4 , 5 or 6 card major. After 1NT--2 (natural) bid 3 for Stayman. (Assumes no Lebensohl) 1NT. If you know anyone who might have the background in non-profit fundraising we’re looking for, please let them know to check out the information on the foundation website. In any event, … The convention is named for Sam Stayman, who wrote the first published description in 1945, but … All other actions are as if they passed. 2NT is one of the worst contracts in all of bridge. We will look at how you play this contract to give you good technical chances of making your contract. No matter what they bid, no matter what it means (other than MAJORS), here is the schedule: BIDDING A SUIT (on the 2-level) = NATURAL, NFBIDDING A SUIT (on the 3-level) = see below (lebensohl explained)BIDDING 2NT or 3NT (see below -- lebensohl explained)BIDDING A SUIT (on the 4-level) = all jumps to 4, are "Front of Card" -- Texas, Gerber -- whatever you use. For example, to play System-A against DONT, but System-B against CAPPELLETTI, and System-C against Brozel would be too much memory drain. Between Hands . Most conventions over 1NT have a way to show MAJORS. Again, I like to separate it into 2 classes, and not get overly complicated. The only requirement, generally accepted, is the fact that the responder holds a minimum distribution of 5-4 in both Minor suits and has an interest in establishing whether or not a slam is possible. It's common after a 1NT opening and 2C overcall to play systems on. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this month’s discussions! 3.After 1NT– 2 (artificial) – DBL is Stayman; all transfers apply (Systems On) We look at how to navigate this contract and look at some examples of the kind of decisions you are faced with in this annoying contract. This week we look at how we bid after we open 1NT, partner uses Stayman, and the opponent interferes in the bidding. Since a 2NT opening shows a balanced 20-22 points, responder doesn’t need very much to go for game. 2NT: Transfer to 3C, after which. (Otherwise, be prepared for some accidents). After North’s 3♣ max with clubs and no heart stop, South with the heart stop can bid 3NT) Stage 2 -1NT – (2 ♥) - 2NT – (pass) - 3♣ - (pass) - 3 ♥ - (pass) - 3NT. This month we look at situations when the opponents interfere in a few of our specific constructive bidding auctions. Value-showing double 7 + HCP. Any bid by responder creates a game force; there is no weakness takeout over 2NT. If the bidding is too high, or if unhappy with your hand, just pass; partner has another turn. Relaying to 2NT also lets you sign-off in 3-minor (either pass the relay with or sign-off in 3 with ). You and your partner have to come to some agreements. Here we look at how we give ourselves as many chances as possible to make 6NT and see how “combining your chances” and “giving the opponents opportunities to make mistakes” lead to great results.
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