if someone smiles at you they are using their quizlet
When you smile, people around you will smile, too. Which characteristic is this a description for? In fact, there is even a term for this when applied to outgoing calls: “ Smile and Dial.” There will likely be a number of other positive body language signals that the person will show along with this type of smile. ​Approximately how many days of work does the average American miss each year? ______ would predict that the opportunity to stock the salad bar would actually be reinforcing. On the basis of research, this change should result in Carole: ​Janice is angry about a promotion decision. ​In general, empowering employees ______ job satisfaction and _______ stress. ​______ is the attitude one has toward her job and ______ is the extent to which an employee identifies with and is involved with an organization. When trying to figure out the meaning behind a smile thinking about the setting could help you. ​Research by McClelland and Burnham (1976) and McClelland and Boyatzis (1982) has demonstrated that high performance managers have a "leadership motive pattern." If students don't understand the vocabulary that a professor is using, the culprit may be: ​Information that is _____ has been modified to fit an individual's existing beliefs and knowledge. I hope that my website can help condense the wide amount of body language information available and allow you to make full use of it in your daily life. Another thing that you should consider is when they smiled. Smiles are the best, aren't they? What does a fake smile mean? ​A leader with a _______ style leads through the use of strategy and is most effective in a situation of disorganization. ______ listeners listen for the main ideas in communication whereas ______ listeners listen to the way communication is spoken. a. they are unable to intellectualize the divorce b. being separated from a parent ranks higher as a stressor than seeing their parents divorce. 3. She works by herself in a building, sorting mail. Though work schedules are a touchy issue, the manager is well thought of by his employees. However, if you see someone grinning from ear to ear with all their teeth showing, as well as their eyes squinted up, they are probably super pumped for something that is going to happen or that has already happened. ​Employees who work with highly motivated employees are likely to be _______ than employees who work with unmotivated coworkers. ​Allowing employees to make decisions about their jobs: ​According to two meta-analyses, if an organization developed a worksite fitness program, it could expect _____ in employee absenteeism. If the person gave you what appeared to be a genuine smile and you notice that they have a habit of touching you more frequently then that would suggest that they are genuinely pleased to see you. A change in a person’s vocal tone may tell you something about their emotions. 9. This is because it will make you appear to be more approachable and you’ll look more friendly. ​With the critical incident methods of needs assessment, job dimensions with ______ should be targeted for future training. ​Sam Walton's strong emphasis on customer service at Walmart demonstrates the importance of ____ in being a great leader. How closely a person chooses to stand near you can also tell you something about their feelings towards you. [Click image to reveal answer] 3. If a person smiles at you then talks in a higher pitch voice then that would suggest that they are excited to see you. Which of the following types of power is inherent in the position a person holds? Many people may be unaware of their body language and might be embarrassed if you bring it up. ​Having trainees evaluate how much they learned from and enjoyed a training program. You would likely be surprised at just how much you can learn about how a person is feeling based on what their feet are doing. Which of the following would NOT be discussed during financial counseling? ​Employees at Denton Electronics receive $3 for each electrical switch they assemble. Here’s an explanation of these smiles, what they mean, and how they may affect the people you encounter. Some people, for example, will never look you in the eye. While, if the smile was combined with dilated pupils then it would suggest that they are very pleased to see you. They will likely be pointing their feet towards you and not towards the exit. The smile might signal that the person is holding back something. It indicates that someone is coy and knows something of utmost importance but has no intention of sharing his/her secret with you. ​_____ self-esteem focuses on an individual's feelings in a particular situation whereas _____. ​When communication overload gets too extreme an employee might begin to miss a lot of work or even resign. ​Janice sends all of her new employees to a self-esteem workshop. Jones raises her voice when saying certain words. ​A situation in which a group becomes so cohesive and like-minded that it makes poor decisions by ignoring information relevant to the decision-making process is: ​POWs who were isolated from other prisoners had a lower need to live than POWs housed with older soldiers. ​Which of the following does not affect the way in which a received message is interpreted? Following the training program, managers often feel the training program was worthwhile; however, it is not uncommon for these managers to return to their operations and perform their old habits while ignoring the recently presented principles. Read a letter, card, or email from someone who thought of you when you were going through a hard time. ​Lilly is working on a group project with three other students. Allow your whole face to smile—You will look more genuinely pleasant, or even happy, when your cheeks move upward, the corners of your eyes crinkle, and your eyes become narrower and sometimes actually appear closed. You have five smiles Pete. Which of the following is NOT one of the learning principles? It’s important not to draw conclusions from single body language signals and the smiling will likely come with a number of other body language signals for you to look for that will tell you more about how they are feeling. If his smile involves his whole face, it means you’re … Although he takes Vitamin B supplements, during the day, he is tired, irritable, and has trouble concentrating. ​A local grocery store has identified hours that everyone must work. If the person gave what appeared to be a genuine smile and they tend to hold their gaze with you for longer then that would suggest that they are pleased to see you. Smith often misses the main point of a communication because she is interested in only the facts and main detail. Beth talks negatively about her coworkers and keeps important information from them. The theory that best explains her social loafing is: ​When two or more people perform the same task in the presence of one another, the effect on the behavior is known as: ​A person who manages conflict by ignoring it is using a(n) _____ style whereas someone who always gives in to others and risks hurting himself uses a(n) ____ style for handling conflict. If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). ​Job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment attempt to satisfy needs at which level? If you try both, you’ll find that one forces a smile and the other forces a frown. One reason that the person might smile is that they are nervous and the smiling is a subconscious way of trying to submit to someone else. This smile is definitely one you’ll want to jot down in your notebook. When someone is with a person or a group of people that they like they will often begin to mirror their behavior. This trouble is probably the result of: ​Mary refuses to let go of her anger for her previous employer. and "How and when did we, ​Every memo that Cheryl receives indicates that an immediate response is required. Matt seems to believe in: ​Which of the following is NOT a factor in determining the effectiveness of an incentive program? If he has a great smile, he may know it, and use it to his … ​Rating a potential source of frustration on a scale of 1 to 10 is an example of: ​Some organizations try to ease the daily-chore burden on their employees by providing: ​Larry is a junior at Raynes College and has trouble sleeping. ​A commonly used instrument to measure a person's need for power and affiliation is the: ​The Job Choice Exercise measures needs for: ​A leader who uses an achievement-oriented style: ​According to Situational Leadership Theory, the most effective leader behavior to use on staff who are unable and unwilling to do a job is: ​Based on the Path Goal theory, House (1971) believes that a leader's behavior will be accepted by subordinates only to the extent to which the behavior: ​Leaders who are high in task orientation and low in person orientation will have: ​According to Hogan (1989) poor leaders are unable to learn from experience and are unable to think strategically. He has been with the company for 20 years and has all of the information needed to make the decision. ​Bob works from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. every day as a clerk; Sue works in that same position except from 1:00 p.m. ‑5:00 p.m. She found that the biggest reason employees were leaving is that they couldn't handle the stress associated with conflicts with other employees. Sally's dissatisfaction is consistent with research on: ​Clay is very intelligent and Joshua is not very bright. This type of smile will likely come with other body language signals that may signal discomfort like slouching, constricted pupils, neck or face touching or rubbing, pointing feet towards the exit, foot-tapping, not adding to the discussion, covering the neck, rubbing the legs or rubbing the hands along the palms. This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. ​Which of the following can help reduce stress? ​Temea spends a lot of effort selecting her employees. ​When organizations undergo change, the first stage employees go through is called: ​Which of the following is the main difference between job sharing and part-time employees? ​If an organization provided the same training program twice a week, it would make sense for the training to be conducted by: ​Employees who perform well in training are generally: ​Which of the following training methods is best for learning interpersonal skills? ​Fred smokes about half a pack of cigarettes a day. If you didn’t think that they gave you a genuine smile but you notice that they are looking away often then that would suggest that they are feeling a bit anxious and they might actually want to leave. If the person covers the front of the neck after smiling then that could also suggest that the smile was covering up feelings of anxiety or it could suggest that the smile was in submission. ​High LPC leaders perform best when the situational favorability is: ​Leaders with ____ styles lead through energy whereas a leader with affiliation style leads through _____. ​According to one study, the best way to hire a CEO is look for: ​Which of the following leadership styles is not high in person orientation? ​Which of the following does not fit the profile of the typical perpetrator of workplace violence? In this case, you should look for other behaviors that would signal anxiety-like pupil constriction or rubbing their neck, face, arms or legs. This type of smile won’t appear to be a genuine smile and will appear more as a smirk. It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people's true intentions. lol jk yeah its probably sincere I mean its not like your paying them to compliment you that's kind of like prostitution its like they are paying for their food and really mean it either that or they are just happy they got their groceries and are just in a good mood. ​According to ____ "new" employees who work with highly satisfied "old" employees are more likely to be highly satisfied themselves. For example, you will see many smiles like this among politicians, where they don’t smile because they like something but they have to smile as others are watching them, including their seniors. ​Expands employees' levels of responsibility. c. they are probably just as relieved to see the end of a bad marriage as their parents d. loyalty bonds create stress Midwest has treated Sara well, gave her a raise during a time in which the company was losing money, and sent her to several expensive training programs to help her career. Modeling is a very useful training method. ​______ communication reduces the number of people who can talk to the top executive. ​Because 40% of employees in the labor force have a child under the age of 18, approximately _____ of organizations have an on-site child care center. ​Counseling programs designed to help employees reduce stress are called: ​Which of the following relaxation techniques is designed to relax the body? 4. This pattern is characterized by a high need for ____ and a low need for ______. ​Under IMPACT Theory, a leader can become effective by: ​A factor that is related to Fiedler's Contingency Model is the favorableness of a situation. What vitamin supplement would we recommend for her? A fake smile could mean that they are thinking of leaving but they don’t want to offend you or they might be restraining from telling you something. ​Liam makes "to do" lists and carefully plans his schedule. Tina likes Tony because he smiles at her and compliments her. She is convinced that she was the best candidate and can't believe she wasn't offered the job. If a person smiles at you after beating you at something mischievous and then they don’t get in trouble for it then they might give you a sinister type of smile designed to rub salt in the wounds. Whereas, if they like a certain person they will often point their feet towards that person. She is now feeling a lot of stress on her current job. ​______ leaders are insecure and seldom rock the boat or cause trouble. ______ are employees who receive most of the information through a grapevine and, in turn. He keeps worrying about not getting a job when he graduates and never finding the right person to marry. ​_______ incentive plans often result in social loafing. If you have had a bad history with the person then that would make it more likely that the smile was more of a smirk especially if they did it after doing something bad to you. While having the eyes more widely opened can hint at good feelings towards you. ​ The human body cools down two different ways. ​Some people claim to be "night people" and others claim to be "morning people." Andy Rooney. ​A difficult worker obsessed with completing a task quickly is classified as a _____, whereas one who dominates conversations and does not listen to other's ideas is a _____. ​Approximately what percent of employee absenteeism is due to illness? This might be an example of: ​Which of the following is true about most child care centers? You just force your mouth to break into a smile, and reply as politely as humanly possible. ​Which of the following is NOT an advantage of job rotation? The person may give the half-smile to show that everything is ok and to avoid drawing any attention to themselves. ​An individual does not like to do laundry but prefers to do laundry over studying for exams. Someone you see regularly just grows on you after a while. ​To reduce the loss of productivity associated with coaching, some organizations such as Pitney-Bowes have ______. ​Which of the following is true about employee absenteeism? ​Some people have a high need for attention. Researchers have identified 10 main types of smiles. So the next time someone tells you to ‘smile’, remember – it’s up to you which one you choose.
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