i feel numb and empty
I was used to depression and not feeling happy but one day I realised I couldn’t feel anything at all. But as Brene Brown mentions in her book, Daring Greatly, you can’t selectively numb emotions. Theodoreb Thu 26-Mar-20 19:29:20. It’s not sadness, anger or confusion; it’s simply just a feeling of ‘nothing’ or ‘emptiness’. (4 Posts) Add message | Report. I don't really matter to anyone. Written by. by Daniel Sher, MA, Clin Psychology and Micah Abraham, BSc. To make yourself emotionally numb to help you get through extremely trying times, avoid people, places, or things that may trigger you to feel worse. It is not how you are meant to be. You sometimes wonder why you don’t feel sadder when faced with loss. But, our difference is, I don't fake what I'm feeling. We feel less alone when we know of each other’s pain and darkness and I have learned that you can’t do secrets and lies when you’re clean and sober and wanting to stay that way. I … To find out what specific circumstances contributed to people’s experience of emotional numbness, we turned to our Mighty community.Below they shared some of the reasons they began to I spent 30 years of my life doing what I thought I should until one day I didn’t feel anything at all. I now feel empty. I feel what I feel and have had to argue to combat the invalidation. When I was younger on the street I would go numb, because that was the most useful for survival mode. "Because I'm Jamaican, it's like I'm serving my sentence three times over." Anxiety Can Make You Feel Numb. You are numb… If you have significant relationship problems, then this could be causing you to He makes me feel like what I want doesn't matter, like I'm inferior. I have no idea why I feel the way I do. They weren’t actually different, or empty, or alone, but they felt this way for a reason. I feel like I’m not even controlling my life own anymore and I’ve just been over taken and run by someone and I just feel dead. I'm not very social, i sometimes get shy and i just want to loosen up and be myself but i feel as if I'm constantly being judged. I’d gone numb. I remember feeling suicidal and now I just feel nothing. First of all, I want say, and I mean it, that I am very sorry that is what happens to you. I feel empty. I hope what I say now to you gives some insight. The “cause” of emotional numbness can be difficult to pinpoint, but in many cases, it’s trauma-related or medication-related. You may even think, "Why do I feel empty?" You may be wondering if the emptiness has been caused by something outside of yourself. Your brain knows you should be sad, but your body does not feel it. Sometines I just feel that everything I do is a routine, that everything around me is boring, that I don't feel like feeling anymore because I really don't care. Fact Checked. I thought smart kids couldn't get like this, but either I'm not smart or I was wrong. Question: "How can I overcome a feeling of spiritual emptiness?" There is no simple quick fix, it can be a process and depending on the reason for you feeling this way, it can take a matter of days, weeks, months and in some cases, years. There was no diagnosis to capture their struggle. I have felt that way- many moons ago- numb- empty- hollow pain in my chest and in my stomach- mikishots is right- probably DEPRESSION. If you’ve ever experienced the feeling of emotional numbness, you will know that it’s a sensation that’s quite difficult to put into words. People have had I'm pretty and I am thin, but I'll do stupid things like starving myself until i pass out. I'm more happy alone than being with others. These stem from feeling Empty which in turn makes us feel numb, it may also make you feel detached from life and all that's around you. However, external factors aren't the cause of your emptiness. These folks were not damaged, traumatized, or mentally ill. Sometimes this feeling is too much it makes me wish I wasn’t here, but it’s not even the sadness that makes me think that. It is still a horribly heavy-yet-empty cavernous place (does dark matter have weight)in your being, right in the middle of your chest. As humans beings... we're emotional, loving, misunderstood, caged, ext... well for the years that i have searched the web i have never found a quiz that really sums up how people like us A person may also notice a temporary feeling of dissociation or disconnection from the body and the outside world. In addition to avoiding triggers, distract yourself with an activity that requires your focus, like playing a video game, going to a concert, exercising, or counting down from 100 in increments of 7. You experience chronic feelings of emptiness. I feel numb and empty too. However, I do know a bit about the feeling you’re having. Avoidance Strategy: I Feel Nothing Because It Hurts To Feel Something. I’m not alone, but I feel alone. I’d stopped feeling. “It's like being numb most of the time,” she tried to explain, tried to calm herself down by putting words to feelings. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I feel numb empty, don't have interest in the things people do? Fortunately, God knew it would happen and has given us a lot of helpful advice in His Word. Answer: Unfortunately, all Christians have feelings of spiritual emptiness from time to time. But I don’t feel ‘empty’. Last updated October 10, 2020 "Numbness" can be a scary sensation, whether this is experienced psychologically or … It’s like going through a traumatic experience and as a result, your mind shuts off the feelings.. And it may sound like a good strategy to handle the bad emotions. Empty, numb. Why Do I Feel Empty? Other people feel this way too. Obviously I don’t know you. It’s like someone is gaslighting me that I do not feel what I feel no matter how I argue that I do, then I just lose the fight because I don’t matter to them at all— I don’t count. Micah Abraham, BSc. Honestly, I feel the same way as you do. But most people do not. It was terrifying. You may often You don't feel like yourself, which can be strange. Similar to above, it’s possible to go through a funeral of a loved one or a job layoff and feel little. I do things that make me feel a bit happy, like drinking a fruit shake or eating my favorite food. “Everything feels gray, but when I do feel something, it's like I feel it more than most people and it hurts—it hurts me, personally, like the pain was made for me in mind. They feel numb. When you feel empty or numb, it can be alarming. I just feel so empty inside. I am numb. Why Do I Feel Emotionally Numb? And suddenly—numb doesn't feel so bad.” Bipolar 1 and schizophrenia been completely self isolating for two weeks no symptoms just don't want to catch it but I feel empty tonight, like someone hollowed out my insides. He's been in and out of here, and my life, for, well, all my life. It is often sin that causes our feelings of spiritual emptiness—possibly the sin of apathy toward God or sluggishness in our daily lives. This was no way to live life. My father is scum. You feel numb or empty for a reason, and you are not alone. The emptiness makes you uneasy. Very strong emotional trauma would be my guess. It is not unusual to feel emotionally numb after or during a very stressful event. Rupert Smith, who lives in London, was deported from the UK on 11 February and has no money or clothes.
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