Universities typically differentiate between subjects that are essential for studying a particular course and subjects that are merely useful. Chemistry History Geography Math Practice Test, GCSE: Trivia Quiz on Textile Technology! Sometimes, studying a range of different subjects can be a good way for you to decide what sort of career youd like when you leave school. Human Biology, As with the other sciences, at least two science subjects at A-level are recommended for studying a Biology degree. Look at the topics youll be studying to get a flavour of the course. Your GCSE subject is maths. GCSEs have long been lauded as too easy, but now you can find out for yourself how tough the questions really are. English Literature. The majority of students will study nine or ten GCSEs, which is a credible number of qualifications for colleges, universities, and employers. Hopefully the advice youve found here will help some of your choices become a bit clearer. Furthermore the fact that you don't like a subject and you need to take for your GCSE what should you do? TheEnglish Baccalaureate(EBacc) isa measure for schools which shows how many students take a number of set subjects (English, maths, history or geography, the sciences and a language) and their average results. In England, most students select the subjects they wish to study in Year 9, but . Most universities need you to have English and maths GCSEs which is handy, because youll be studying them as core GCSE subjects anyway. More GCSEs means youll have a well-rounded education and lots of variety in what you learn. But if youre aiming for an academic subject at a Russell Group university or a non-Russell Group university with a similar position in the league tables youll need to take at least two subjects from the list above to give yourself a good chance of getting in. These kinds of options offer students a range and depth of knowledge with greater control over their own learning. Emailcustomerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 0912Email dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Contact your local Jobs & Benefits office. This will help you get a feel for what each subject is like, and should aid your decision-making process. It is an academic qualification and is the main qualification that you as a young person will undertake in key stage 4 (usually year 10 and year 11 of your school career). GCSE Music Just outside of the top 5 on my list of the top 10 easiest GCSEs comes GCSE Music. However, most students prefer subjects that have a mix of graded coursework and exams, so they can spend longer working on their assignments. Students can only be take exam resits in English and maths. Some A-levels, like science, may no longer be open to you if you choose a single science at GCSE. We wish you luck in your upcoming GCSEs! If you have anything like dyslexia or dyspraxia, make sure the school knows and can accommodate your needs in periodsand GCSE exams. This is a useful foundation for the A-level course, though not compulsory. Whilstitsmore important to considerthiswhenyourechoosing yourA-levelsubjects because hard subjects are compulsoryfor GCSEs anyway,itsgood to have that pathway in mind when selecting your optional courses. Psychology All rights reserved. A hard subject is another way of describingwhatscalled a facilitating subject those preferred by universitieswhen applying for a range of degrees. To confirm your account please take the following steps. useful skills for the workplace while also earning money. Edward, The Laura Whitwood, Head of Junior School at St Dunstans College, says we should use World Book Day to inspire a lifelong love of reading. Our natural waterways are a magical educational resource for some lucky students, says Alice Smellie If you enjoy a subject, youre more likely to do your best and perform better in it. For example: From 2017, maths, English literature and English language have been graded 9 to 1 instead of A*-G: These gradeswere extended to other subjectsin 2018 and 2019. Physics Foreign Language, The study of engineering at university typically requires A-levels in Mathematics and at least one other science, usually Physics. For queries about your identity check, email nida@nidirect.gov.uk and for queries about your certificate, email covidcertni@hscni.net. At the end of the day, whatever GCSE options you pick will result in two years of you learning things you didnt know before and giving yourself the chance for a better future. So, if you can, try to start by thinking long-term and then work backwards. Additionally, universities lower down the league tables will place less importance on your subject choices so long as they remain relevant to your course choice. Decisions you make now may limit your choices later so look ahead. Confirmation email has been re-sent to your email address. Further Mathematics is not usually given as an entrance requirement, but it is definitely highly desirable to at least AS level, as youre likely to struggle without if you take engineering to degree level. This is called choosingyour options, Everyone has to study maths, English and science, usually at GCSE-level, The other subjects you can take will depend on your school. This is a quiz for people who are choosing their A Level/GCSE options. Taking double award science (core + additional) or triple award science (physics, chemistry and biology) at GCSE will help to keep your future options open. you can choose to continue with or not - such as Art, History or PE Double award science is made up of two GCSEs which are GCSE science and additional science. Not only is this GCSE easy, but it can also be really fun, too. If thats enough to make your head spin, why not put your knowledge to the test to see how you would fare under the new system? However, if you also did First Certificate qualifications in this area, you would (A) feel more confident about the area of physiotherapy and (B) be able to show any uni your dedication and willingness to learn more. Wellington College, Tychay, Ralph andJenny, Great We all love some subjects more than others. Sign in as a Young Professional to see the latest jobs, apprenticeships, grad schemes, CV workshops, career events and early career opportunities in your area! Chemistry The company contracts with institutions, including the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Yale, for the use of their facilities, and also contracts with tutors from those institutions, but does not operate under the aegis of the University of Oxford or those other institutions. Chemistry Check your inbox for an email with the subject "Action Required: Please Confirm Your Success at School Account" from the email address team@successatschool.org and click on the confirmation link. The minimum number of subjects you are asked to take at GCSE is five, with most students choosing between nine and ten different subjects. Physics Developed by Bidvine, this GCSE test is based on previous papers from exam boards AQA and Edexcel, which 15 and 16-year-olds sit every year in maths, English, history and science. Do you want to work in a practical environment? For example, if you end up studying at university and gaining a degree, potential employers are more likely to be interested in what you studied there, rather than what you studied when you were 16. Whats more, if youre predicted to attain an A or A* in Maths or Science, youll have to sit an extra exam. Some subjects will clash on a school timetable, so you need to check if you can make all the classes for the subjects youve chosen. Volkswagen Group - Parts Advisor Apprentice - Bath Audi, Zurich Insurance - Assistant Market Underwriter Apprentice, Volkswagen Group - Parts Advisor Apprentice Hull Audi, Volkswagen Group - Parts Advisor Apprentice - Hatfield SEAT, further education (eg A-levels) or higher education (eg a degree) qualifications, youll want to have the best GCSE qualifications you can get. You build up a portfolio throughout the course, which will be submitted for assessment at the end. Better marks?) Dont try to bite off more than you can chew. Do keep in mind that each GCSE you take on will require a substantial amount of work. Need help with choosing GCSE options? One general piece of advice is: dont take courses that are too similar. For some degrees, or careers, their requirements for GCSE and A-level subjects arent too limiting. Choose subjects that you find interesting youll do better at them if youre genuinely curious about them. Further Mathematics Its really tempting to look up the average salaries of a whole bunch of jobs to see what GCSEs could lead you to a job that pays well. Chemistry Music The best thing would be to read our Sport and Fitness career zone and speak to your careers advisor, who will be able to give you some more direct advice. The Student Room forum features lots of online advice threads on which GCSE options to pick. Your school and teachers are likely to have a good idea which science GCSE route would work best for you. Do you want to continue studying in a classroom environment? Sign up to our newsletters to keep up to date with what Youth Employment UK is up to. Theres no point doing a subject just to impress your favourite teacher, either. On top of that, dont let your parents tell you what courses to study either. Mathematics We are masters of some subjects and Jack of some. Report, If you want a career that involves your interests and you need to take subjects that you have never studied before should you still take those subjects or not? Apart from study what do you do in your free time? Take a look at the articles below if you needmore help. Find the Countries of Europe - No Outlines Minefield. Tempting though it may be, dont select a particular subject just because you like the person who teaches it. Just bear in mind that its very unlikely to count towards your minimum three A-levels required for university admissions. Your email address will not be published. 9. Students can take up to five A Levels but you generally choose three A Levels to study for a two-year course. With some A-levels, while you dont need to do the subject at GCSE, but it would certainly give you a headstart over someone who hadnt done it before; for other A-levels, doing the GCSE is essential. And what GCSEs would be helpful for these A-levels? Here is a video we made which explains the changes briefly: In brief, some of the changes that are taking place include: Maths: GCSE maths will have more of a focus on problem solving and encouraging students to follow logical steps. Therefore in the subject lists that follow, those in bold are generally deemed essential for studying the subject, while those in italics are often seen as useful but not necessarily required. Geology, Architecture doesnt necessarily require specific A-levels; what it does require is that you present a portfolio of your work, which is mostly easily achieved by taking an A-level that requires you produce that sort of coursework, such as Art or Art and Design. An apprenticeship would be a great opportunity for you to learn 9622558 | UKRegisteredLearningProviderNo. This could work to your advantage, because if you enjoy a subject you are more likely to work harder and get a higher grade in it. For another, there are so many more apprenticeships out there nowadays that can be really flexible in their academic requirements. Some A-level options dont require you to have studied them at GCSE first for example, psychology, economics, media studies or law. Its also worth thinking about the transferrable skills demonstrated by different subject choices. Youll cover how to set up and grow a business, as well as aspects of business such as finance, manufacturing and marketing. Emaildcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 2750 How will the GCSE options available to you affect your future? Exploring what subjects you may need in future is well worth the effort now. Singing C. Want to explore degree ideas? Triple award science is made up of three GCSEs, and students get separate GCSEs in biology, chemistry and physics at the end of their two-year study. What this means is that GCSEs in English, Maths, the Sciences, Geography and History are going to get harder, with less coursework, and the majority of the exams taken right at the very end of the two-year course, rather than module by module. Mathematics 2023 School House Magazine. Studies have shown that we often use one side of the brain more than the other, and those considered left-brained tend to be more logical. Sign up to our newsletter Take our hideously hard GCSE quiz Part of Learn & revise You know what it's like: every year, when exam season approaches and students set down to their revision, somebody somewhere will say. You can think about how you perform well, and if there are any marking formats you find particularly challenging. The four categories that all schools must offer at least one subject in are: Some students have the option to choose a work-related qualification, and these are usually new subjects that are not studied at key stage three, for example,health and social careorbusiness studies. We've just sent you an email! There are plenty of sources of support (in addition to this article! Art Further Mathematics Its better not to just choose a GCSE option because your friends are taking it. However, its good to know your options so you can get a feel for the kind of work you might be interested in. Some degree courses allow students to create bespoke programmes incorporating both arts and sciences subjects. Design and Technology Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. Chemistry Further Mathematics, Further Mathematics, while not usually part of offers, is in reality something that most students will struggle without when it comes to studying physics as an undergraduate. Although, some academically advanced and ambitious students may take eleven or twelve GCSEs at a time. Biology Youll still be wanting to get a balance of what youd most enjoy studying for two years and what will be most useful, though. You can take these non-GCSE subjects if youre especially interested, or if youve been advised to by your teachers. When picking your GCSE subjects, you should: Which problem did you find on this page? There are also flexible payment terms available to help you spread the cost. Choosing your GCSE options (or preferences) What are GCSEs and why do I have options (or preferences) A GCSE is a General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). Your teachers are there to help you. However, not all schools offer these subjects at A-level, and many universities also offer ab initio courses for those who havent studied the classical languages before. Home Economics. Maths,English, and science are the core subjects, and IT/computing, physical education, and citizenship are the foundations. Some subjects may be restricted, whereas others may not be offered at all. The following are some of the most common non-compulsory subjects, which youll almost certainly be able to choose if you want to, along with a few that arent quite as widely taught. Not all schools offer all the non-compulsory subjects, but you should be offered at least one subject from each of these broad groups: Youre not obliged to choose one subject from each of these groups; you can choose more from some than others according to your interests. If you like the quiz, share it with your friends and family. Statistics Learning should be a propellor for your personal development and career aspirations, so the most important thing you can do is pick the subjects that youre interested in! This includes core subjects likemathsandEnglish,butalsothe three natural sciences,modern foreign languages,and things like economics and politics. Sometimes you can also choose new subjects, such as law or sociology, Alongside GCSEs, you can study forwork-related qualifications, also calledvocational qualifications orTechnical Awards. Teachers - see how to use the Young Professional programme in your school or college, with lots of free teaching resources at your fingertips. But a lot of the time, these are not life-changing regrets theyre more wishes that the two-year experience of taking GCSEs had been even more useful, or even more enjoyable. As students across the country gear up for their GCSEs, parents and schools prepare for a tougher grading system. Thinking about hard and soft A-levels while youre still picking your GCSE options can be very useful. What do want to do after year 11? Call 0800 587 0912 Quality is more important than quantity, so choose a number that youre confident you can manage to juggle. The list also includes English Literature, Art, Psychology, Computer Programming and Music. You can ask them if theres an oral test or if theres laboratory or fieldwork involved, and you can also ask them what percentage of marks is given for coursework. Its okay to do a subject just because you like it. GCSE options have also become more "linear", with more focus on the exams themselves rather than ongoing coursework. Mathematics With the possible exception of the occasional Oxbridge college, you wont be at a disadvantage for only taking three; indeed, its better to take three and get brilliant results in all three than it is to take on more than you can handle and get worse results because of it. If you think you might struggle to achieve these higher pass grades, ask for support from teachers in choosing a set of GCSE options that will help you focus on your strengths and what you most enjoy. Its a tricky one, because a great teacher can inspire you to do your best in a subject. Teachers at your school are really well-placed to offer you advice and support; do talk to your teachers if you have any questions about your GCSEs and how it all works. You have a great love for the language, you keep practicing and understanding the aspects of the English language, you are fascinated by it. Physics To help make your final decision, talk to your teachers and read the syllabus for each of the courses youre potentially interested in. Active neuron C. Reflex neuron D. Relay neuron E. Motor neuron 3. Some GCSE subjects are chosen for you, as they're compulsory. First of all, it depends on which degree youre aiming for. Or does a subject provide a welcome change? A Modern Language at GCSE may be compulsory at your school, though its not officially a compulsory subject. We bring together young people, employers and policy in an innovative way that creates real impact. Another source you might want to take into account when choosing your A-levels is the Russell Groups list of so-called facilitating subjects particularly if youre thinking of applying to a Russell Group university. The person you most need to impress is yourself, because youre the one making choices to make your future a better one! So, whether the GCSEs you pick are popular or not, theywillhave a huge impact on your futureand your friends should have no influence on your decision. Dont forget that the workload for some subjects may be greater than others requiring more reading, for example so try not to choose too many high-workload options. We use cookies to improve your experience of our site and to track site use. We all love some subjects more than others. Studio 2, Chelsea Gate Studios, 115 Harwood Road Maths. Some top universities out there consider certain A-level subjects a bit too soft. If youre still at school,it'seasy to be tempted by the subjects your friends have chosen, so you can be in the same classes. The same goes for those of you who tend more towards the humanities naturally, more humanities subjects will stand you in good stead for a degree on the arts side of things. And always run your thoughts past the professionals in this case your teachers! You might have never considered working in accounting, marketing, or recruitment before, simply because you never knew what they involved. If you wish to report a problem with a road or street you can do so online in this section. A. Maths B. Phsyics C. Art and Design D. English 2. However, one size doesnt fit all when it comes to choosing subjects. electronics, food and nutrition) Humanities (e.g. This list of degree subjects and typical A-level requirements from Which Universitycan help you decide which GCSEs would be good choices to take. Note that a GCSE in a particular subject isnt always necessary to take that subject on at A-level. Although it may seem like a long way away, you might want to consider what qualifications youll need to get into university (if thats your plan) because the subjects you take at GCSE level could have an impact. Your parents can also help they may not understand clever new point systems and things that werent around in their day, but they should have your best interests at heart. - Physics - Mathematics - Further Mathematics - Chemistry - Biology - Human Biology Biology As with the other sciences, at least two science subjects at A-level are recommended for studying a Biology degree. As a general guideline, consider picking mainly facilitating GCSE subjects to keep your future options as open as possible, and then perhaps picking a soft subject or two because youre really interested in it, or it specifically matches the direction you want to take in life. GCSE Foundation Maths Diagnostic Test! What ideas and concepts are you fascinated by? For queries or advice about careers, contact the Careers Service. You would be best suited to going to university. It simply indicates what style of thinking youre more naturally dominant in. Picking hard or facilitating GCSE subjects (like history, geography, foreign languages or the sciences rather than e.g. Check that the email isn't in your junk/spam folder. These includemusic,drama,art anddesign,andmediastudies. Choose subjects in which you are predicted to get good GCSE grades chances are youll do well in these subjects at A-level, too, earning you better grades and therefore more university options. Other than music, its up to you what else you study; essay-based subjects are useful, and its often said that musicians make good mathematicians (and vice versa)! Its tough to choose, but youll feel quite good about your final list of options once youve done it. If you wish to check on a problem or fault you have already reported, contact DfI Roads. Fear not you can do this! Soft subjects aregenerally morehands-on, practical, or vocational, for example, photography, media studies, art and design, drama,and thesocial sciences. Most university degrees ask that you have. Maths , English, and science are the core subjects, and IT/computing, physical education, and citizenship are the foundations. This means students taking GCSEs in England will receive a mixture of number and letter grades when they receive their results, until the system is fully adopted. Register with Success at School to save your favourite jobs, careers advice and courses, build your CV, record your work experience and talk to employers and unis in our forums. Thats not a problem at all it just means you need to keep your options open when it comes to your A-level choices. Nevertheless, the skills youll learn will be invaluable should you wish to take on History in the long-term. Can this help you decide which subjects to choose? Does it feature traditional subjects (like history or geography) so that youve got plenty of future options and a chance to impress universities and employers? Tell your teacher or careers advisor about Success at School. English literature: Studying literature will no longer be compulsory at GCSE level but studying English language will. If youre in year nine, or even year eight, then youre still very young to be thinking about what job you want. General Studies is a compulsory fifth AS or even A2 subject at many schools, but will not usually count towards university admissions. You always loved maths. Biology You can still apply to uni if youre taking BTECs instead of A-levels. For queries or advice about rates, email LPSCustomerTeam@lpsni.gov.uk. History Sociology A. Computing, While no specific subjects are required, youll usually need a science A-level to study Psychology at university, ideally Biology and/or Mathematics. These are known as core GCSE subjects and include: The core science GCSE subjects arebiology, physicsand chemistry. General studies this is compulsory at a lot of schools and colleges. If you dont like exams, you may prefer some subjects which include coursework, such as art or drama. (Tick all that apply), dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, customerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Swansea, Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA), Northern Ireland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service, contact the relevant government organisation directly, Travel advice (including self-isolation), Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations contact the, Driver licensing and tests, MOT and vehicle testing. If you dont have a preference, or youre not sure what you want to do long-term, balance the humanities and science subjects to give yourself a broad range of knowledge and skills, as this will keep your options open. Artistic subjects. However, thats not to say that you cant train the brain to use both these skills efficiently. Physics For other subjects youll most likely need the GCSE, so check with your teacher to make sure. If you want to give yourself a wider choice of options after school, getting good grades is quite important. Weve marked them as essential below, as they are a requirement for many Classics courses. Ideal for the more creative among you, GCSE Art allows you to unleash your imagination in a variety of artistic mediums, including things like painting, drawing, sculpture and photography. Maths. It doesnt matter if youre not sure what type of work you desire, as long as you understand that certain subjects are pathways into certain industries. Your email address will not be published. Take later 4K Takers Personality Quiz Many people have absolutely no idea what they want to do at university or for their career. Mathematics and Further Mathematics Further Mathematics is also essential at some universities, though most will offer catch-up classes if your school doesnt offer it. 10 tips for choosing your GCSE subjects 1) Figure out which subjects are compulsory In the UK, there are 'core' and 'foundation' subjects that all key stage 4 students must take. An apprenticeship is the perfect option for you, you want to learn and better yourself but are also desperate to get on the career ladder. Typcially, science, technology, finance and business careers pay really well. Questions and Answers 1. Whilst people who are right-brained are more creative. The start of your career may seem a long way off and therefore not particularly relevant right now, but such considerations should have a bearing on your GCSE choices because you need the right foundation on which to build relevant skills and experience. For example, universities often value students who study A-level languages, such as French, but youd needFrenchGCSEfirst that's if the subject is not your first language. There are still loads of options left open to you in the future, from apprenticeships to uni courses which allow 4-5 grades as requirements. Just For Fun option. Mathematics, While there are usually no set requirements for studying Philosophy at university, a mix of arts and science subjects will prove useful an arts-based subject will give you essay-writing skills, while science subjects help develop your logic and reason. , Tychay, Ralph andJenny, great We all love some subjects more than others but you choose... Chemistry History Geography Math Practice Test, GCSE: Trivia Quiz on Textile!..., drama, art, psychology, economics, media studies or law studying English Language will bit soft... What do you want to do a subject just because you never knew what they involved academic requirements C.! 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