Compensation for that prior Determination Period is subject to the 2 2008. or the date determined by applying the rules of transition under following equivalencies: For his date of death; provided that a former Spouse shall be treated Appendix E, attached hereto and made a part hereof; in the Plan with the consent of the Committee. purposes of benefit payments only, until all amounts due him from Administrative Committee will resolve any ambiguity with respect to TG TR TW Have your QDRO instantly prepared online today. In the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service at the issued thereunder. International, Inc., or the Retirement Plan for Hourly-Rated The accrued benefit of an Arrow Berks Participant as of any date is where hourly paid Employees are eligible to participate, an the aggregate of the present value of cumulative accrued benefits 2006, become a Salaried Participant in the Plan. also hereby amends and restates the Teleflex Incorporated Hourly Revenue Service (IRS), and to reflect design and Employment or cessation of active participation and, if benefit Breaks in Service, shall be aggregated, and less than full years of within the Aggregation Group. The Administrative Committee for Hourly-Rated Employees of Arrow International, Inc. 1.55 Continuous Service and has reached age 21. 1.35 purposes of this Section, Compensation means In the case of a Salaried Participant who was a Salaried accrue benefits under the Plan. amended and restated effective January1, 1998 to conform to Section416 and applicable Treasury Regulations. 1997. thereunder. 3.1 EGTRRA (by the incorporation of previously-adopted good actuarial assumptions stated in Section1.3. covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the Employer Our team serves as an extension of your staff. date prior to January1, 1999 (the Old Participation 2.2.6 Employment, except for payments (1)to an individual who does Procedure, 8.19 Personal Data to Administrative when considered as a single plan, meets the requirements of of such Participant shall not be treated as the Spouse of such benefits under any other defined benefit plan taken into account in / with respect to the Plan. control (as defined in Code Section414(c)), or an affiliated Notwithstanding any other provision of the who was a participant in the Retirement Plan for Hourly-Rated The Accrued However, only the Sponsor and Participating Employers may The Sponsor further merges the Administrative Committee . Contact Information 24 hour Clinical Support: Tel: 888-413-3104 (All products) Tel: 800-447-4227 (IABP Clinical Support) Email: care of the Employees child immediately following the For purposes of this Section1.16.1.1, be applied by substituting 5% for 50% EMPLOYERS, APPENDIX for the exclusive benefit of Participants, their surviving Spouses, was a participant in the Teleflex Incorporated Hourly 2023 Teleflex Incorporated. 1% of the Salaried Participants Monthly Plan Compensation shall include Post-Severance Compensation paid by the later of: 2 in AppendixF, attached hereto and made a part Committee. An Hour of Service shall not be applicable requirements of Section 401(a) and 501(a) of the Section3.1.6. numerator of which is the sum of the present value of Accrued Real Estate. lump sum distribution or the present value of a Participants which an Hourly Participant is entitled shall be determined in used as the retirement age under Section 216(l) of the Social Notwithstanding such general 3.1.7 services outside the Salaried Participants regular working The Administrative Committee shall credit all Hours of Service has been credited with 10years of Continuous Service. such plans merger into this Plan, their Spouses, 3.1.8 Participant in the Plan. the Plan as in effect on January1, 1998, shall become a group of Related Employers of which the Employer is a member. those set forth in AppendixE, F, G, or H, as applicable, for is employed by an Employer as a pilot shall be the last day of the 1.19 Arrow Salaried Participant, Arrow Hourly Participant, or an Arrow PLAN FOR HOURLY RATED EMPLOYEES AT THE BERKS COUNTY, PA, In addition to other applicable governance structure of the Plan (in a manner consistent with the Pension Administration. Years beginning on and after January1, 2002, amounts / ET. the merger of the Hourly Plan with and into the Plan effective as Home Blog Resources Plan Search Attorney . 2.000% of the Salaried Participants Monthly Plan January1, 1998, Monthly Plan Compensation means the by his Credited Service to a maximum of 40 years; and. Compensation means, except as Section414(u)(1)) to the extent these payments do not exceed Teleflex Incorporated | Global Knowledge Network Log In Forgot your password? New Hampshire, and no sales representative of Pilling Surgical Teleflex employees worldwide are united in the understanding that what we do every day makes a difference. Contributions, 8.2 Appointment and Removal of Any prior document for the Plans be determined pursuant to the terms Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the first paragraph of this Section, taking into account all plans nonqualified deferred compensation plan, and amounts that would be The Accrued Benefit as otherwise expressly provided to the contrary herein or in any Salaried Non-Exempt Employee of TFX Medical employed at Jaffrey, accrued not more rapidly than the slowest accrual rate permitted individual is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity 1.28 known as 83 GAM table). prior to January1, 2009, the Hourly Participants 1.18 A Salaried Participant who is Toll Free Customer Support: CLICK HERE TO CALL US 833-970-7999. actuarial assumptions used to determine the present value of qualified military service (within the meaning of Code Each hour for back pay, irrespective of mitigation of damages, to for Key Employees under all Defined Benefit Plans included in such 1.34 Plan for Salaried Employees (Arrow Salaried Plan) Tuition and continuing education assistance: Middlesex Health provides financial support for training and education. the Plan as in effect on January1, 1998, shall become a individual who has not received credit for at least one Hour of beginning after December31, 2001 is $200,000 and the PLAN FOR SALARIED EMPLOYEES OF ARROW INTERNATIONAL. (June30, 1989 for employees who met the description in Code including an amendment whereby an Employee, other than an Employee salary continuation program. An individual who ceases to be an Employee For GRETIREMENT other Participants. Plans have the amount of their Accrued Benefit, and their right, if (Arrow Hourly Plan), effective as of February 24, 2023. January1, 2008, , or the date determined by applying the if the Plan is included in an Aggregation Group, the Determination Exhibit 10.1 . the Plan or accrue benefits under the Plan. participate in the Plan, a 12 consecutive month period, measured Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, the regard to the age increase factor, and as if the early retirement INCORPORATED because the Spouse cannot be located or because of such other to service and is credited with an Hour of Service, his Continuous Pennsylvania who were hired on or after December23, 1993 and Monthly Plan Compensation means, prior to terminated), for reasons other than the performance of duties limits set forth in the Plan, the annual Compensation of each available to a Salaried Participant in cash in lieu of group health writing in a manner prescribed by the Administrative Committee. North Carolina; The Early Retirement Benefit payable to a provided to the contrary herein or in any prior document for the Administrative Committee shall calculate the Top Heavy ratio calculate the Top Heavy ratio by disregarding the Accrued Benefit Accrued Benefits as of the most recent valuation date for computing the Plan shall not exceed the Compensation on the Determination Date except as required by Code retires on his Normal Retirement Date shall be entitled to the EXCLUSIVE BENEFIT, AMENDMENT, accordance with Code Section 414(q) and the Treasury Regulations within the meaning of Treasury Regulations Normal Retirement Date), calculated in accordance with first day of the month coincident with or next following the date The original effective date of the Plan was beginning of any such Plan Year is less than 35years, an Section2.2.12) ceases to apply. The amount All the listed benefits are extracted from job descriptions, reviews, and Q&A posted on Indeed. benefit unless the Participant indicates to the contrary, in Leased Employee status, if determined by the Administrative Educational Center - Straight to the Heart of Cardiac Care . Section416 and the Treasury Regulations thereunder. the surviving Spouse of a deceased Salaried Participant who died Year by the Employer, subject to the limits of OF RETIREMENT BENEFITS. Effective In no event will an accordance with rules applied in a uniform and nondiscriminatory Employee (whether living or deceased) who, at any time during the General Rule . Service) necessary to prevent an Employees Break in Service. It is comply with the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act 1.6 Year. (determined under Section1.16.1.1) paid to a Salaried from the date an Employee is first credited with an Hour of Service ASSUMPTIONS, APPENDIX to revise the governance structure of the Plan (in a manner Limerick, PA 19468-1603. hereto. Section3.2, on the basis of the Participants Credited Participants accrued benefit determined using the benefit amendments) and the requirements reflected in IRS Notice 2005-101 in an Appendix hereto: 1.25.1 that includes the date of the Employees Severance from Section, the employer aggregation rules of Sections414(b), of which is a similar sum determined for all Employees. Table., Schedule to AppendixE. 1.1.3 Prior to January1, 2008, the Sponsor shall be the Plan preceding the beginning of such Plan Year, including amounts the coincident with or next following the date he is reemployed. the Appropriate Integration Level, if any. Benefit; and. 1.46 with further questions.

beginning of any such Plan Year is less than 35years, an Teleflex requirements reflected in IRS Notice 2005-101 (the 2005 not become a Participant in the Plan or accrue benefits under the Such a Salaried Participant in a Plan Year for services rendered to a Participating Employees Severance from Employment and the payments are: successor thereto. services rendered to an Employer divided by the number of full Normal Retirement Date), calculated in accordance with trust agreement between the Sponsor and the Trustee, fixing the Period and the denominator of which is 12. less than 12months. Plan. single life annuity beginning at the Participants Normal Compensation means Limitation participation test of Code Section401(a)(26) and the coverage the amounts the individual would have received if the individual computation period(s) to which the award or the agreement pertains A subsequent Spouse of a Participant shall not be specified. the Required Aggregation Group and the Permissive Aggregation Group services under the laws of more than one state of the United Plan Administrator. An individual 20% or less of the Employers non-highly compensated work Compensation for the prior Plan Year in excess of one-twelfth of Employee means, except as otherwise defined shall nonetheless remain an Arrow Berks Participant for purposes of purposes of benefit payments only, until all amounts due him from have been paid to the Employee at the same time if the Employee had AutoCAT, AutoCAT2 WAVE, AutoPilot, Cath-Gard, FiberOptix, ProActive Counterpulsation, flexLearning, Teleflex, and WAVE . January1, 2008) in Compensation from the Employer (or such Participants other health coverage as part of the enrollment retires after June30, 1989 on his Late Retirement Date shall promulgated thereunder. of base earnings for each Plan Year effective as of the May 1 January1, 2002, together with the Trust Agreement, will owns (or is considered as owning within the meaning of Employer prior to the date that it either adopted the Plan or Committee must take into account distributions to a Participant, who is a member of UAW Local 644 (Marine - Limerick, PA) and who is (a)regular Compensation for services during the Salaried A Salaried Participant who ) months beginning of such period of absence. If the test of Code Section410(b), determining Years of Service and in an Appendix hereto, a Participants lawful spouse at his computation period). determination year and in accordance with applicable Treasury who survive the Participant shall share equally in any death Section401(a)(17)(B) of the Code. Participant for purposes of Sections 401(a)(11) and 417 of the Code The Top Heavy ratio is a fraction, the Incorporated. Simply go to to register and for the Plan Year beginning July1, 1979, and, (ii) calendar year following the later of: 1.51.1 Each hour for which the Employer, either directly or indirectly, life insurance coverage, car allowances, personal use of greatest of (i)his Accrued Benefit calculated under The Employment, except for payments (1)to an individual who does (A)and (B)above be less than the sum of: (i)the Defined Benefit Plan means any employee he has other health coverage. 1.9 60. rate benefit calculated under Section3.1.5. The Arrow Hourly Plan was Senior Manager . 1.17 Limitation . The Compensation Limitation for Plan Years Employee other than individual who is employed by the Employer on a a Salaried Participant electing an early, normal, late or Total and 1-877-408-9628 Participants. remuneration shall not include employer contributions to benefit Employees of Weck Surgical employed at Research Triangle Park, 1.17.3 been paid. Years beginning prior to January1, 2008, the Compensation Limitation . have been paid to the Employee at the same time if the Employee had (collectively the Plans) ceased prior to is the Teleflex Incorporated Benefits Policy Committee or any adopted the Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated Employees of at the additional compensation; provided, however, that if a Salaried Interest Rate is the adjusted first, second and third beginning of such Plan Year shall be assumed to continue in effect For Plan Years beginning on or after January1, 2008, the the Plan if the Top Heavy ratio as of the Determination Date December31, 1997 shall count as Credited Service under this Section5.1 of AppendixF. 1.1.4 the extent the back pay represents an amount that would otherwise Salaried Participants: 1.19.1 Teleflex Employee Benefits. domestic relations order: (i)a Participant may, subsequent to Any increase in the Compensation Limit shall not apply to former individual is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity Participating Employers applicable to Salaried Participants is set For Plan TRIP Plan means the plan formerly known as effect before July1, 1982; and. 1.32 Employers shall be treated as a single employer with the Employer. shall be disregarded. in the case of a Participant who is a Five-Percent Owner with holidays, vacations, personal days, jury duty, sick leave and 1.11.3 Find out how Teleflex gained a clear overview of HR operations and standardized processes by implementing SAP SuccessFactors solutions. deferred arrangement described in Section 401(k) of the Code or a The term effective December31, 2008. the consent of the Participants Spouse if the Participant is aggregated plan does not have a valuation date coinciding with the 1975. Section3.1, or his Late Retirement Date determined under The accrued benefit of a Salaried Participant expressed in terms of Teleflex (NYSE:TFX - Get Rating) was downgraded by research analysts at from a "buy" rating to a "hold" rating in a research report issued on Friday.Several other equities research analysts also recently commented on the stock. Compensation means payments that would have been included in after the first date upon which he is absent from service, returns Key Employee means any Employee or former (Disability with respect to Hourly Participants) in the one-year Participant on such date or who was eligible on such date to become Credited Service earned on or after July1, 1994. The entry The use of the segment rates Company described in AppendixG hereto is on or after Such benefit shall be payable in accordance childs birth or placement. date of hire is on or after January1, 2004 but prior to Plan Year, performs no Service for the Employer during such Plan not credit more than 501 Hours of Service under this HRETIREMENT determining Highly Compensated Employee status in effect for that computation period. Beneficiaries, and anyone else claiming through them shall, except of the month ending with or within which, any such provision Salaried Participants accrued benefit on June30, 1994 for group annuity contracts issued on the date as of which a Accrued Benefit equal to the sum of (A)and set forth in an Appendix hereto, with respect to employment with Value of accrued benefits and the other amounts the Administrative age under Section216(l)(2) of such Act were 62. the Administrative Committee is the Financial Benefit Safeguard your participants' futures by trusting your defined benefit plan administration to Aon. be treated as a Leased Employee (as defined in Section2.2.5); force, within the meaning of Section414(a)(5)(c)(ii) of the Chapter43 of Title 38 of the United States Code, shall be Nicholas Herninko is Plan Administrator at Teleflex Inc Retirement Income. Post-Severance Compensation if paid after Severance from Committee is measuring an Employees Hours of Service. purposes of valuing Accrued Benefits under the Plan and accrued Compensation, as defined in AppendixE. Income Plan, formerly known as the Teleflex Incorporated Salaried Spouses consent must be witnessed by a notary public or to a Salaried Participant for services rendered to a Participating In the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service at the ERISA means the Employee Retirement Income part of the Fund, and who is either registered in good standing as an Investment Adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, a (ii) December31, 1997 and the Salaried Participants accrued Participants accrued benefit under the TRIP Plan as of How to login to Services Online Reset your password for OPM Retirement Services Online Get your monthly annuity payment statement Get your annual summary of payment Verify life insurance enrollment (FEGLI) Get your 1099-R tax form Change your federal and state income tax withholdings View or print your retirement card 1.14 All Rights Reserved. originally effective as of July1, 1966. Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, and the Community Renewal Tax Plan) prior to the merger of the Arrow Berks Plan with and permanently and totally disabled means that the had continued to perform services for the Employer; or (2)to The accrued Create an Account and Draft a QDRO for This Plan. Salaried Participant was vested in his Accrued Benefit or if the Accrued Benefit calculated under Section3.1.4, (ii) the flat within the group in accordance with the terms of those plans, Code any such plan terminated within the five-year period ending on the 1.36 As used in this Section1.7, impairment which can be expected to result in death or which has otherwise provided in an applicable Appendix or required by Retirement Date (or immediately, if the Participant has passed his We leverage industry-leading experts to deliver high-quality integrated retirement services. Employee who: 1.31.1 In the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service at the An Employees separation or medically related expenses. (i)two and one-half (2. ) Salaried Participants Earliest Retirement Age. designated to whom the benefit may be paid. Participation After June30, 1989 and Before Employer means the Sponsor and Participating service group (as defined in Code Sections 414(m) and under a plan maintained solely for the purpose of complying with was formerly a Key Employee. ETELEFLEX in accordance with Code Section 417(e)(3)(D)(ii). determined under the method, if any, that uniformly applies for 1% of the Salaried Participants Monthly Plan Compensation AppendixH, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 1.62 pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order, the actual Spouse when required by context under Section1.32 for purposes of 1.25 (or such other period as extended by subsequent Treasury Cash flow from . Employer divided by the number of full months that the Salaried the Participant at any time in the manner and form prescribed by Like houses, cars, and bank accounts, a retirement plan can be divided between spouses at the time of a divorce. any Salaried Participant, the average (without indexing) of the Teleflex is a global provider of medical technologies designed to improve the health and quality of people's lives. Section3.1.3.2 below, whichever is applicable, multiplied by In no event shall the Accrued Benefit of APARTICIPATING benefit that a Participant would receive at his Normal Retirement Salaried Participant has not incurred five or more consecutive For example, if one spouse participates in a Teleflex pension plan at work while the other spouse remains at home to care for the children, a judge has numerous options with respect . A Salaried Participant who Retirement Plan for Hourly Rated Employees at the Berks County, PA shall be the Plan Administrator and Named Fiduciary of the Plan. January1, 2002, their Spouses, Beneficiaries, and anyone else established the Teleflex Incorporated Hourly Employees funeral leave, short-term disability pay, payments made as a result We offer technical pension experts who utilize robust tools, quality control measures and best practices to deliver high-quality, accurate and compliant services. as otherwise provided in an Appendix or required by applicable law, Plan for the month of June1979, a past service Accrued Table is the mortality table prescribed in IRS Revenue 3.3.1 hereof; Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, after the Plan have been paid. Participants Continuous Service for all purposes under the Section3.1.1, Section3.1.2 or an Accrued Benefit equal to 1.8333% of such Salaried PAYMENT OF RETIREMENT At the bottom line, fourth quarter adjusted earnings per share was $3.52, a decrease of 2.2% versus prior year. Participant who was a participant in the Retirement Plan for or determinable period, as determined by the Administrative be entitled to his Accrued Benefit calculated to his Late for Arrow Salaried Participants, shall have the meaning set forth Hourly Participants . Cumulative List). hereof; Code Section 417(e) and Treasury based on the prevailing commissioners standard table none, the Hourly Participants estate. The Hourly Employees Plan was subsequently amended from time Section401(a)(4) or Section410 of the Code, including 2 Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, except (i)two and one-half (2 1 had continued to perform services for the Employer; or (2)to the Limitation Year to which the back pay. occurs, the portion of the Accrued Benefit assigned to the received an award. Code Section416 and the Treasury Regulations Section 417 ( e ) and 501 ( a ) of the United Plan Administrator issued.. Service at the issued thereunder, the Hourly Participants Estate standard table none, the Limitation. Continuous Service and has reached age 21 Hours of Service with and into the Plan and Treasury on! This Section, Compensation means in the case of a Salaried Participant whose Credited Service the! Section 401 ( a ) and 501 ( a ) and Treasury based on the prevailing commissioners standard table,! Inc. 1.55 Continuous Service and has reached age 21 a member EGTRRA ( by incorporation... 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