Ohio Stands Up! Alas, that firm did not share our enthusiasm and it was back to square one. Ohio Gov. at https://www.ohiostandsup.org/get-involved. Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost told the 12th District Court of Appeals that he, too, thinks former state Rep. John Becker should pay "reasonable attorney fees" after filing an affidavit asking for seven felonies and three misdemeanors to be leveled against Gov. A rapidly growing number of Ohioans recognize this and understand that, if they dont stand up and speak out, it could be too late because a precedent has been set, according to Gargasz. held our very first official fundraiser and social event in Akron, Ohio at Wise Guys Lounge and Grill. Ohio Stands Up! I have emailed notice of this court filing to the Mayor of my hometown and an Ohio State Senator, both Democrats. Mike DeWine's . https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/magazine/what-if-we-worried-less-about-the-accuracy-of-coronavirus-tests.html Dont miss reporting and analysis from the Hill and the White House. Those who get the shot do not provide protection to anyone else. The people cant win through the courts. Just need to copy-paste the arguments and send it in every state as model. by: Laura Morrison. According to the lawsuit filing, this is a civil action for declaratory and injunctive relief involving the statutory and constitutional validity of UCs vaccination and health measure mandates effective Sept. 1, 2021. Well, guess what? Many in that movement have latched onto a claim Renz first made in July that, according to a purported whistleblower he has not publicly identified, coronavirus vaccines caused the deaths of 45,000 people. Bill and Melinda Gates smiled in a video where Gates said (paraphrasing) .Australia and New Zealand were lucky this time but the next time they may not be so luckyand both smiled and almost laughed. Then the rest of the population can remain asleep, giving away its individual power to that, while remaining hoping for the best. www.OhioStandsUp.org | info@OhioStandsUp.org. If it doesnt, it will be affirmation of a crooked, money influenced system. The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz and Robert Gargasz. The majority of those deaths are individuals 75 and older. at, Thank you to everyone that started with us, that supports our efforts, and continues standing up! Mike DeWine. https://www.oann.com/ucla-stanford-study-finds-for-average-50-64-year-old-chances-of-dying-from-covid-19-are-1-in-19-1m/. A fundraising campaign by the group to pay Renzs legal bills has collected more than $147,000 from almost 2,000 people, according to its webpage. The Bio-weapons theory is some of the most laughable ones. Other Globalist puppets like World Economic Forum and The Economist too are advocating peace instead of military conflict, resumption of businesses and reopening of educational institutions. & Mendenhall Law Firm share the University ofCincinnati lawsuit. Mike DeWine for tyranny, local news station WSYX reported. They all either declined to comment or did not respond to messages. It is absurd that people are mistreated because they choose to not get a shot. He noted that natural immunity is overlooked and it can be at least six times stronger than the vaccine. The document does not explain the methodology behind the calculation. Good website, and it is right on the money. I would love to see Andrew Cuomo sipping Thunderbird on the Bowery, or better yet, in a MAX security prison for his crimes. cookbook, and many of you are utilizing your talents to embark on fundraising and educational efforts to continue the fight. There is zero basis for a state of emergency, Renz said. The only way is civil disobedience and were running out of time. While so many things fail to match the propaganda, this is a sign of normal action, defending basic needs and fundamental rights. Please support Ohio Stands Up! Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. & Mendenhall Law Firm share the University of, Ohio Stands Up! I stopped visiting their site long time ago. This is about an entire global control grid that has been in the making for centuries, and only now do they actually possess all the technology necessary to make it a reality. A native of the small town of Oak Harbor in northern Ohio, Renz spent parts of his 20s working at his familys small businesses: a six-lane bowling alley on a rural state highway and an electronics shop, according to local news stories. is to support state-wide lawsuits by (1) helping others raise funds to support lawsuits; and (2) matching funds to offset costs. If you are an employee, a student, or a group of individuals being discriminated against, please feel free to contact Ohio Stands Up! All that has to be done is keep an illusion going that something is being done, and hope is kept alive. Obviously, I deny that. This should have been allowed to happen during the summer months before the annual flu season, to reduce the workload on the health service during winter months.. Before becoming a lawyer, he worked an array of jobs, including at a nonprofit that told The Post it terminated him and at a rural credit union. * INTERNATIONAL ALERT MESSAGE OF HEALTH PROFESSIONALS TO GOVERNMENTS AND CITIZENS OF THE WORLD : STOP to : terror, madness, manipulation, dictatorship, lies and the biggest health scam of the 21th century, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hghf8Bh3AIUi5HxrnPA8FZeQqo77e_xN/view. While we continued our search, I submitted a post to our Facebook page inquiring if volunteers would be interested in creating a board. Stephen Petty, host of the Petty Podcast, is back and will be providing 4 more videos on masks in the short-term. Another has called the governments pandemic response a psychological operation aimed at weakening resistance to tyranny, while a third said during last years protests against police that rioters should be mowed down with machine guns. Heck, it should be international, for all democratic countries. Between April and May of 2020, Jen and I contacted two lawyers, one in Columbus and another in Lake County, hoping to procure legal representation for Ohioans. In April of 2020, Jen Drabik approached me over a Facebook chat and inquired if I would be interested in co-administering a Facebook page dedicated to fighting against the impending mask mandates. Links are provided below. In the 1890s, Hanna led the conservative wing of the party against Theodore Roosevelt 's progressive movement. Popper has told fellow activists that she and Renz are working to finance a wide-ranging legal assault on coronavirus restrictions. It was a planned and carefully orchestrated event that allowed some bad actors to gain control over billions of people, and to shut down the worlds economies, Popper wrote. In recent months, Renz secured his own online talk show and has joined associates of Trump such as former national security adviser and retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell and veteran political operative Roger Stone on a national speaking tour titled ReAwaken America. He has made more than 100 appearances on conservative media outlets over the past year, a Post review found, including on One America News, Newsmax and Infowars. Both will be very important to watch. Renz and Gargasz will release the extensive evidence that chronicles the case to the public to offer transparency and insight. But maybe the World Court is just as captured as the US court system. files lawsuit against the State of Ohio to remove the unconstitutional emergency order "We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public," attorney Thomas Renz board, my wife and I paid a $500 consultation fee to a law firm in Cincinnati hoping they would join our fight. Till humans once again embrace the title of beings rather then hopings the power that thinks that it is will always own a piece of them. Let's talk about the Ohio Stands Up! Inset, a sign welcoming visitors to the town of East Palestine is pictured on February 14. fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! Weve had the pleasure of hosting many keynote speakers including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Beth Laffay, industrial hygiene expert Stephen Petty, and many others. More terrifying, without action by the Court, the Court will be setting future precedent that will allow states to withhold fundamental Constitutional rights, in violation of US Supreme Court precedent, circumventing the various levels of scrutiny applied to such rights, and justify such actions under public health emergency orders without subjecting those orders to any real reviewjust trust the bureaucrats because they are the experts., Here is the most important point: We humbly ask the Court in this case toRecognize that the political process and operative orders are invalid if based on false or misleading information and recognize the criticality that all future emergency orders be based and maintained on clear, honest factsparticularly when such orders are infringing on Constitutional rights.. Covid update: The grand Ohio legal case for our time, against kings on their thrones, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BegGXhBD4Lc&feature=emb_title, https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/rogue-chinese-virologist-joins-twitter-publishes-evidence-covid-19-created-lab, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/20/magazine/what-if-we-worried-less-about-the-accuracy-of-coronavirus-tests.html, https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler/status/1302273076319543296?s=09, New Podcast: The Wizards of Is; the titanic operation to bury the creative impulse forever and never let it out into the light of day, Exit From The Matrix: The Individual returns to his Creative Fire, Exit From The Matrix: Nature of the Covert Op, Coronavirus: what real science would look like, if it existed, Selling Fearthe Epidemic Experts weigh in. The more the public hates this and talks about hating it, the weaker the implementation and less justifiable. Renz has teamed with in-state lawyers to sue a hospital system and federal, state and local authorities on behalf of residents over restrictions aimed at halting the pandemic. (To read about Jons mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.). Governor of Ohio from 1991 to 1991, U.S. Yes, it is bleak. EAST PALESTINE, Ohio (WJW) Ohio Gov. Renzs quick public ascent illustrates how promoting misinformation about the pandemic can be an effective fundraising tool and lead to renown within the portion of the country that remains suspicious of coronavirus vaccines, despite their general acceptance by the medical and scientific communities. Here is Liz Wheelers comments on this story from OAN, Trumps real favorite news source: On Monday, I wrote about Thomas Renz, the Ohio lawyer who is taking on a case for a set of plaintiffs, against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the state of Ohio. In the meantime, he went to work in his hometown as president of a small credit union, Commodore Perry Federal Credit Union, starting in 2011, according to an article in a trade publication. Jeanine Pirro said during Fox News' The Five this week. Ohio was one of the first states in the country to file major litigation against drug manufacturers and distributors for their role in fueling the opioid epidemic . In response, Pirro's co-host Dana Perino said, "There should be, but Governor DeWine has to ask FEMA to come in, and he hasn't done it yet. To date, five of the original board members remain. This should be a class action suit across all the States that have had its population put under any restriction of rights. Many attorneys work on matters not handled in court, and some court cases in Ohio, such as prosecutions of juveniles, are not public. Also under Renzs proposal, all requests for information were to be submitted to him in writing. I hope and pray Kennedys suit wins. is excited to announce our financial support for plaintiffs composed of students, parents, and staff from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and the University of Cincinnati. (Attorney press release posted here; Attorney plaintiff document filed with court posted here.). He also disputed the allegations from his former colleagues. Unfortunately, our private Facebook page was scrubbed in the summer of 2021 by Facebook; however, our public Facebook page remains. The lawsuit is solely funded by donations from Ohio citizens. On Monday, I wrote about Thomas Renz, the Ohio lawyer who is taking on a case for a set of plaintiffs, against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the state of Ohio. "Air quality samples in the area of the wreckage and in nearby residential neighborhoods have consistently showed readings at points below safety screening levels for contaminants of concern. If youd like to donate to our, efforts, please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from Ohio. Renz frequently stresses his humble roots while also embracing his newfound role in the international anti-vaccination movement. The CDC, governor, and ODH [Ohio Department of Health] know this so they have allowed for the diagnosis of cases based on as meaningless criteria as a cough in a community in which COVID supposedly exists., Plow through this quote and then receive the translation below: Another document also came to light that is critical in demonstrating the egregiously misleading nature of the public COVID-19 data. my guess this suit is all staged to set precedence protecting states, cities etc from liabilitythe courts are rigged, yes, with the vile ones, the only way to win is not to play. would like to buffer some of the financial hardship when possible. Incumbent Ohio Gov. ( Natural News ) Attorney Thomas Renz the attorney behind the recent whistleblower lawsuit alleging the U.S. government has proof of at least 45,000 deaths from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines announced that he launching a weekly live program on Brighteon.TV. The Post does not typically identify victims of alleged sexual harassment without their consent. Sue medical cartel/industry for going along with it. Since Mike DeWine began his first term as Governor in 2019, he's already cut taxes by $2.2 billion dollars -- which adds up to one of the largest tax cuts in Ohio history! Never surrender. One of Renzs co-counsels was filmed on the steps of the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. at 419- 455-1585. Was there or was there not sufficient just true cause for the State of Emergency. In order to plunge t document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The author of three explosive collections, COVID: Major case filed against Ohio governor and the state of Ohio for restricting freedom without legitimate justification. Published April 28, 2020 Updated Nov. 3, 2020. Important takeaways include the amazing success of the effort and the fact that it is a husband and wife who decided to do something. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) Republican Gov. Several court filings from Renz and his co-counsels contain language that appears to echo or duplicate wording from other sources without attribution, a Post review found. Thanks. To date, five of the original board members remain. the courts are there to run cover for their agenda. In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name , We are eternally grateful for your support, and we have since established an Ohio Stands Up! He was previously the 50 th Attorney General of Ohio and has previously been elected to serve as Greene County Prosecutor, Ohio State Senator, U.S. Now that the case fatality rate has been shown to be roughly the same as the yearly fluthose [death] numbers are simply not scary to the public. These paramount cases have far-reaching potential to set good precedent for all Ohioans. Ive been saying this for over a decade now. I wouldnt put to much faith in the judicial system. We also have a strong following on MeWe. Including our so called governor for putting his tail between his legs, bending over and doing what hes told with no regard to Civil Rights, Constitutional Rights and Freedom! Decrease of cases and deaths in Sweden, increase in testing countries, that just by coincidence happen to have either political turmoils France with the Yellow Vests, Spain with corruption, UK with Brexit or elections, like the US. . He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Updated: Nov 8, 2022 / 11:55 PM EST. Only a few like Jon and Dr. Vernon Coleman kept cool heads when Pence made that momentous declaration. FOX19QUESTIONS@FOX19NOW.COM 513-562-2405. The financial cost can be seen in any walk or drive through cities, towns and villages. 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Frank Locascio Pelham Ny, Articles O