Like what you read here? More professions ruled by Ketu:Ketu represents electrical objects, Career-related to computers. Ketu In Hasta Nakshatra. Ketu is the South Node that takes 18 years to travel through the zodiac just as Rahu and it stays in one sign for around 1.5 years. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! It is preferable if one takes care of street dogs, as you are doing double the work by taking care of another life while doing a remedy for Ketu. Their habits can go on for weeks or months and suddenly stop. In the1980s,the underlying justice of manyjob evaluation schemes wasstill inquestion, as it was argued that many schemes unfairly rated typically masculine job characteristics, such asheavy lifting, to a high degreeandtended to undervalue the softercaring skills fundamental to manyfemale dominated occupations. Ketus sign is Pisces as Rahus is Virgo. Mercury4. (h) Visits To Few Powerful Temples Are Recommended As Per The Time / Travel / Financial Conveniences Of The Clients As Remedial Measures Depending On The Interest / Inclination / Conveniences Of The Client. Ketus influence is usually benefic for people born in Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio or Pisces ascendant. Such a person is often seen carrying out social work for the welfare of others and religious activities. When Ketu impacts positively, it gives professional success. Ketu rules over the following sectors of Stock Market : - Power - Leather and footwear - IT - Crude Oils - Oil and Gas - Pharmaceuticals - Coal - Infrastructure - Realty - Automobile Sector Ketu has the affinity to the following commodity and metals : - Crude oil - Coal - Copper - Iron and Steel Planetary transits determine the bullish and Below are the detailed. Astrological readings can also suggest whether you can enjoy smooth success in your business ventures. An occupation or career where short cuts to success is assured; the native strongly influenced by Rahu is a torch bearer in the present era when those in power or authority are presumed to be corrupt ,dis-honest and greedy by ordinary citizens. HOROSCOPE / KUNDALI / JATAKA - Reading & Analysis. If it is in the favourable state, the native gets auspicious results from the planet Ketu. Ketu in the eleventh house provides the desired victories. Positive Ketu also governs professions like charity, NGO, old age homes, orphanages, rest houses, meditation houses, donations, religious exhibitions, and museums. Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. Business related to finance and law. - BengalurU - He/She fails to attain success even after working hard and running a business, is hard working, foolish, anxious, mellow, insidious and lowly. You may also like Detailed Horoscope Reading. Ketu is for Moksha or liberation. Jupiter gives the knowledge of traditional scripture or religious knowledge but what Ketu gives that is full liberation, it helps to reach the ultimate truth. In astrology, Ketu is often seen as a hindrance or hindrance, particularly in the physical realm of life. It causes extremely angry and violent behavior. Sun ruling Chandas gives good sense of . because how it exactly works no astrology scriptures have told us clearly. We keep discuss different planets in different articles or videos. The summarized details of Ketu are represented hereunder: Direction: South Lunar Node. Ketu (Sanskrit: , IAST: Ket) is the descending (i.e. Ketu is a headless, half planet, the south or descending Node of the Moon also called the tail of the dragon. Businesses related to milk, hot & soft drink. Vedic enigma is a platform for people who are interested in learning the art of Vedic Astrology . Just because we have some combinations in our chart doesnt mean we will find success in that field, more over we may find success just by giving our career a little twitch. Mercury represents the intelligence, logic, and education sector. Exactly why is the IBPS clerk publish vacancy decreasing over the years? Career/ Profession/ Business According/ Related To Planets In Astrology In Horoscope/ Kundli/ Birth Chart: The below-listed keywords of each planetary signification on different careers or professions in astrology will help you to judge horoscope to determine someones career. On this note, we would like to know about the grey planet Ketu, its presence in the horoscope and its impact on our careers and professional lives. A well-placed Ketu represents a great philosophical mind that would be very much intuitive too. Ketu can give them independent Raja Yoga. 1. Most of them will spoil marital relations by suspecting on behaviour of spouse. Copyright 2022 Astrology. Venus6. After judging many horoscopes to date, what knowledge I have gathered I will share with you only and side by side I will add some of them which our Maharshis have told us about these two planets. Please help me find it. It is a malefic planet but not as malefic as Rahu. It can also represent finance, banking and law . Oh! We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. With Ketu in the ninth house of ones kundli, he/she is devoid of addictions, has a religious tendency, is a scholar and philanthropist. Ketu unfolds the mystery of thyself, supernatural power, moreover Ketu gives the power of healing. Sun also makes one good at doing social service. Thats why where it sits, it destroys all the materialistic side of that house and gives suffering. Ketu, a very mysterious planet in astrology, why it is mysterious? Government related business, export and import, gold business, power and energy businesses, business from plants, any business related to clothes, medicine and food grains and all businesses, which give status and fame. Rahu has temporary powers to engulf Surya, the Continue Reading Matt Jennings Rahu & Ketu planets are dependent planets, which means they give a result on the basis of the association of planet and House or house lord. Although Ketu is not always a cause of suffering, but it is also an inspiration to walk on the path of salvation, religion. If Ketu comes in contact with malefic, so it can give career related to secret affairs like - Male Female escort services, where the identifications of those workers are kept secret. Its Moontrikon sign is Leo. Misunderstandings and fears would be prevalent in life. Jupiter represents educational jobs like teaching,counseling and advising . if Ketu is related to Lord of 2nd house (Dhana), or Yuvati's Lord, or, if Ketu is in Dhan, or Yuvati. The holder cradles the egg in two directions, giving you the option of round or oblong slices. Bizarre dressing sense, bad hair style, ill-maintained body, being couch potato are their common features. Lunar eclipses, South Lunar NodeBody of Svarbhanu. VEDIC Ketu is said to be exalted in Scorpio and Sagittarius, as opposite to Rahu and is regarded weakest in Taurus. The native is rewarded with high insight and will be talented in many works of art. Like to Gather knowledge and present it systematically. Donating blood whenever possible is also a best remedy for weak planet Mars . Ketu is a spiritual planet as well and in association with Jupiter it may turn the native towards ascetic life. They are driven towards spirituality and liberation. Many times, these planets bring positive results in our life when they are in an auspicious state in the horoscope, but then sometimes these planets also become the cause of disturbance in our life. Such a person is artistic by nature and works in the areas related to drama, entertainment, music, dance, Stock Market and so on. But often, he/she is troubled by diseases and enemies. ASTROLOGY They may try to appear as having supernatural and haunting experiences and would be inclined towards occult subjects such as black magic and sorcery. It is because of this trait that such a native loses out on several opportunities in life. Rahu, being a karmic planet would show the necessity and urge to work on a specific area of life where there had been ignorance in the past life. Copyright 2022 - Your email address will not be published. The person will always be warm to touch, and will feel hot all the time. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. (d) Astrological Consultations Strictly By Appointments Only. He/She is obedient to his/her parents and Gurus, earns money from numerous kinds of businesses, and can start any business in partnership. So the works which are related to Mars are also related to Ketu. If Ketu is in the fourth house in the birth chart of any native, then such a person earns money through business, gains profit from animal service, is interested in carrying out religious works or singing and music and is a good speaker. Japa of the Ketu mantra The religion-related profession can be anything like an architect who builds a temple or a shrine or a travel guide in a religious place. In astrology, 2nd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house indicates the source of income. Mind is Sharp and intellectually very strong. These persons may have very strong intuition and psychic abilities. I have already covered the methods to find out the ways in which you an find your ideal profession . The event, which recorded a high turnout, diagnosed, and . As Remedial Measures. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (d) Not Much In Favour Of BIG & ELABORATE POOJAS / HOMAS At Home Or Temples As Remedial Measures. One can gather knowledge of all scriptures but still, he may not reach the final destination or may be far away from the ultimate knowledge. This planet is always sitting in the opposite direction of Rahu and in nature also they are poles apart. Statement There are two kinds of related businesses: businesses that are run substantially by volunteers businesses that are linked to a charity's purpose and subordinate to that purpose Implementation 1. Copyright 2023 ANIKA VEDIC ASTROLOGY , Bengaluru , INDIA - All Rights Reserved. In General, Ketu is benefic to people born in ascendants (lagna or rising sign) of Aries (Mesha), Cancer (Karka), Scorpio (Vrischik), Sagittarius (Dhanus), Pisces (Meena). When Ketu is placed positively in the horoscope in the 10th house, it leads to success in career. So an adverse effect of Ketu can turn a person away from mundane and worldly desires, including Love and romance, at the age when you need them most. Ketu = expectation of disconnection and neglect. This powerful astrological planet, when placed unfavorably, can bring a lot of problems in the life of the native. Ketu rules over business/jobs related to: Divinity and Healing: Doctor, priest, astrologers, occultist, pranic healers, divine healer, sages, saints, yogis, siddhas, fakirs, dealing with natural herbs/medicines, religious teachers, theology, religion, faith healers and preceptors Thus, you need to find which planet rules career in astrology. How to know if planet Ketu Benefic or Malefic in individual or mundane horoscope chart Ketu in Vedic Astrology rules over your karma balance, spirituality, religiousness, detachment of mind, Near Death Experiences (NDE), After Life, Astral Body etc. There are many astrological factors which need to be considered. Career/ Profession/ Business According/ Related To Planets In Astrology AstroSanhita Career Astrology sun, moon, mars, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu. How to judge the mahadasha of Ketu in simple way will explain clearly. A positively placed Ketu often results in better luck and fortune when it comes to running businesses. Their favorite timepass is smoking tobacco or weed. On this note, we would like to know about the grey planet Ketu, its presence in the horoscope and its impact on our careers and professional lives. 4. For ex - If Ketu is badly placed in 11th house then:-- One will find problems related to money. Out of all the 100% of people I have given a career consultation to in this field only less than 35% are bound to find success. The entire nakshatra is in the detailed oriented sign Virgo; therefore the energy of Virgo is strong in this nakshatra. They generally support a cause and have lots of followers owing to the righteous deeds. This position of Ketu makes a person an introvert. General doubts keep note and later articles will automatically clarify doubts. So, now the question is how to know about this planet! Worship Lord Ganesha religiously at home or temple, this is one of the best remedies of Ketu to reduce all kind dosha and solve all problems during Ketu Mahadasha or bad transit. SaturnMoon becomes the MOST important planet. The remedies of Jupiter would be useful. If one can bear the difficulties, suffering and be non-attached to the events, people in front then Ketu Graha Devta surely provides his blessings and bestows the truth to the native (concerned person, individual, i.e. Jovial Jupiter . Auspicious Results of Ketu in 11th House in Astrology Ketu in 11th House in Astrology Ketu is seen as one of the most destructive planets in this mysterious realm, which can often cause problems. They can be anything from a psychopath to a serial killer. Ketu also gives professions that are ruled by Mars usually, in fields such as military, defense, weaponry, explosives etc. Would you be able to know where and what he is looking at, what are his expressions, what is he thinking? Vedic astrology believes that donation is the best way to get rid of the negative effects of planets. Ketu is generally referred to as a shadow planet. I don't know my Moon Sign. (e) For Any Astrological Consultation Appointments & Matters -, Clients Are Requested To CALL ONLY Between, (f) FACE-TO-FACE Astrological Consultation Is Recommended For, (g) For Clients Who Are Unable To Solicit FACE-TO-FACE, Astrological Consultation - Astrological Consultation Shall, (h) For Any Astrological Consultation Appointments & Matters -, TEXT MESSAGES / WHATS-APP MESSAGES / E-MAIL Can Be, (i) MISSED CALLS / TEXT MESSAGES / WHATS-APP MESSAGES /, E-MAILS Of Clients On Astrological Consultation Appointments &, Matters - Shall Be Responded To At My Earliest Convenience, (j) Request You To Kindly Send GENTLE REMINDERS -, Towards Failure Of Response From My Side To Your MISSED CALLS, / TEXT MESSAGES / WHATS-APP MESSAGES / E-MAILS On. Ketu is responsible for Viral Diseases and controls all viruses in our food or body. Learn astrology for free. It creates doctors, magicians, spiritual writers, hermits, astrologers, militants, religious professionals, and philanthropists. Rahu-related careers are not conventional types. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu have an orbital cycle of 18 years and are always 180 degrees from each other orbitally (as . Business Tips for Experts, Authors, Coaches: Related Articles. Business related to silver, all types of grains, vegetable & fruits. Will utilize all oppurtunities that come across. If the planet gets any connection to a malefic planet or house so Ketu will project some bad results as well, like -mental illness, sudden bad changes in life, undetected or untreated diseases, will suffer from the wrong treatment, worries, anxiety, sudden unexpected obstacles in life, etc. However, if Ketu in your horoscope is causing your troubles by giving inauspicious results, then let's know the simple and effective way to overcome it. Ketu is considered an inauspicious planet in Vedic astrology, but it is not that Ketu always gives bad results to the native. In other words, it happens when the Moon obstructs Sun's vision on Earth. Rahu and Ketu are half-bodied; Rahu with the upper half and Ketu with the lower half. They are good in establishing and managing Blood Banks, Museums, Archaeology centers, Orphanages, Old Age Homes, Spiritual and Yoga Centers, Temples, Vaccination camps etc. Career-related to poisons, religious head, etc. Dzodze (V/R) Feb. 25, GNA-Mr Edem Eric Agbana, a former Deputy National Youth Organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has organised free medical health screening for residents of Dzodze in the Ketu North Municipality of the Volta Region. Ketu in the fifth house of a kundli makes a native a good political leader. Business related to telephonic works, call centers. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! The Effect Of Rahu And Remedies To Overcome Its Negative Effects, Characteristics of Planets in Predictive Astrology, , , . They have a strange habit of growing beard and moustache for weeks and suddenly shave them. There would be lack of trust in their marriage and relationships. Ketu is called the planet of separations and is known the separate the native from the significations of the house it is sitting in. With an auspicious Ketu, a native can become a secret informant of a politician, and earn huge amounts. He was born in a traditional Brahmin family in India West Bengal near Kolkata, The City Of Joy, one of Indias major cities. It may be a girlfriend, wife, or of any kind. Can there be any vacancy in E&Y for this freshers? WaterCancerScorpioPiscesMoonMarsJupiterFeelingsThey are Most intuitive and extremely sensitive. Some planets in particular take such blames. Ketu in 11th house in Astrology is a neutral position as gains will be received only in Ketu Dasha. (g) Prayers / Mantras Chanting / Specific Hindu God Worship / Specific Astrological Planet Worship Etc. Sun (Surya Dev) gives a native good leadership abilities, good management skills and makes him good administrator. Ketu is commonly referred to as the "shadow planet". Ketu Within The Eighth House: Vedic Zodiac. (a) GEM STONES / YANTRAS Are Absolutely Not Recommended As Remedial Measures Unless Strongly Insisted By The Clients. With an imagery of a headless, half-bodied, smoky planet, Ketu is generally known as the planet of illusion, detachment, spirituality, asceticism, secrets, apart from various other things. Rahu3. . All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. Career-related to poisons, religious head, etc. Ketu rules over the businesses, which required backend process. The house is generally related with children. Here is detailed information about Ketu as per Vedic astrology to help you understand the role and importance of the planet. House of Ketu. Having own stars of Ashwini, Magha, Moola. The work related to ketu are, skin and leather goods, bodies, skeleton, bones, bones factory, sacrifice, pastor, counsellor, psychic science, philosophy. Sun also governs sectors like government, administrator, Municipal Corporation, maintenance-related, brokerage or commission, law and order and enforcement related any dignified position, and Forest Department. The most ideal professions and businesses related to Saturn are iron, coal mines, petrol, black stones, building materials, oil, disease, and death. Ketu tends to be a means to salvation. When Mars and Ketu conjoins a yoga for extreme energy is formed. It is generally pleased by offering chapatis to dogs. But often it deprives a person of happiness. Sun represents people in a profession like promoting, owner, manager, and physician. Whereas in reality it is the opposite to what people perceive. Ketu is node planet simply take the energy of sign planets occupied of that sign, who aspects the ketu etc. If Ketu is in the twelfth house of a natives kundli, then such a person can become a social service worker. Kesar/saffron is a good remedy for Ketu - eat it, apply it as a tilak mixed with raw milk, drink it, use it anyway you can. We keep use thumb rule example. Besides, theyll be proficient at sports and may even go like a career. Ketu, a very mysterious planet in astrology, why it is mysterious? Ketu: Ketu shows spirituality but detachment also. Career astrology requires a complete analysis of the Lagna chart, Navamsha chart, Dasamsha chart, and the ongoing Dasha period. you). But if the lord of 5th house is not connected with these houses then there is very less possibility of making income from what they have studied. He/She gains money through his/her spouse or anyone of the opposite sex or works abroad or in an MNC. Due to the presence of Ketu in the second house of a natives kundli, then he/she pursues a business venture related to travelling. It wasn't only the Twin Towers that collapsed on September 11. (c) It Shall Be At The Discretion Of The Clients To Take Any Decision On Any Matters / Issues / Problems Of Client's Life With Regard To My Astrological Consultation. ANIKA Stay safe and stay healthy!! They do not have ability or interest in wealth making, nor can cheat others. Like Rahu, this planet is also mysterious to many people. Will have knowledge in multiple subjects but their inner fear will make them keep studying and getting degrees to keep their job position secure. They will try to do equal justice to everyone and ignore injustice done to them. ( KaRNATAKA STATE, INDIA ), ASTROLOGICAL REMEDIES - FOR PROBLEMS & negative points, PRIVACY POLICY - ANIKA VEDIC ASTROLOGY. There would be an air of eccentricity about their personality, which may keep them from enjoying a normal relationship. Will try to give an impression that they have supernatural experiences. - One mind will be fluctuated. Ketu tends to be beneficial if it is placed with Jupiter. High imagination power, Luck in multiple businesses, ability to make money anytime from any source, philanthropy, simple lifestyle, true sanyasi (monk) to the heart, vast knowledge about multiple sciences and history. Be it a question regarding our professional or personal life, each and every answer is sought from ones Kundli or birth chart in the world of astrology. An find your ideal profession, logic, and education sector in their marriage and relationships will hot! Already covered the methods to find out the ways in which you an find your ideal profession YANTRAS are not. To touch, and the ongoing Dasha period a shadow planet keep their job position Secure sense bad. 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