Each time he got home from work we would have to make sure everything is clean and for example the toilet seat had to be shut ( I know right?) . Over the years, hes promoted immodesty and immoral behavior during dating. If it's not enough, practice a coping skill like deep breathing, or talk yourself down from the situation by telling yourself, They dont mean to be annoying, or, Things will calm down once I get settled.. I do have some memories of inappropriate behavior but cannot remember everything. When you let stress and tension build up when in a family setting, youre more likely to fly off the handle at any given moment. Looking for advice on handling a disappointing visit. I always feel uncomfortable around my father ever since I was young. I'm only thirteen and I told my mother about my father but she thought that I was just being sensitive. Even just tuning out of the conversation for a minute might help neutralize the negativity. https://tarawestover.com/book. Now, I'm no expert on how to "handle" death. Am I Less Worthy Not Being From the Tribe of Ephraim? Also, have you tried talking to your dad and say no. After the holidays, I see a lot of people recovering from spending too much time with their families. When their father is abusive toward their mother, children become protective and might view their father as a threat to their own well-being. 5. Maybe your father was detached or apathetic. You can find even more stories on our Home page. I will tell my story: I had this neighbor who was one year older than me. Please help me Gramps. Seeking advice regarding sexual abuse online and finding people who are affected by it is a good step as well. I feel uncomfortable around my dad. Intentionally distancing yourself from family is a very personal and uncomfortable situation to be in, so take a lot of care and time in deciding what to do. I'm 18 and my family has always been very physical with showing affection (hugs, kisses on the cheek, cuddling). Nothing less than kind. When youre sitting at the dinner table pointing out everyones flaws in your head, then you might have a problem on your hands. I think you should call somewhere like the kidshelpphone.ca to get more indepth advice than what you can get here. Your mother is in the wrong for not listening to you. Responding to your feelings, and teaching you how to name, manage, express and use themsimply was not on his radar screen. Simply having this goal in your mind will make a difference. Privacy As social media continues to grow in popularity, more and more people are turning to platforms like TikTok for mental health advice. Thanks for reading. TL;DR I've always felt uncomfortable around my dad and I really don't know why. I was so uncomfortable as Im still young. Also, that you shouldnt ask for help because the request will just be ignored. Megan M. Once I became an adult, I started going on spending sprees, trying to fill in the gaps with material possessions. . I am sorry and hope that you can find some peace with your situation. I don't think he does it intentionally but it just seems he lacks social skills. Your mom is also abusing you by making excises for keeping you in this situation. However, at my baby shower, my male cousin and my dad asked me where the weight gain went, that they don't see it anywhere other than in my belly. He has never made any comments about my body but he has looked. REfuse to put up with this nonsense. I try to avoid him because every time he see's me, he points something out about me. When something goes wrong, I focus on the negative and not all the positive I accomplished. Alan B. While this can be a helpful resource for some, others are using these platforms to self-diagnose and potentially harm their mental health. You feel violated because it feels as if hes making these jokes about you. If your pushy aunt asks you why youre still single, make a joke. 1You find yourself starting arguments for no real reason When you let stress and tension build up when in a family. If you are a victim of child abuse or know someone who might be, call or text the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453 to speak with a professional crisis counselor. While they can be highly effective in reducing pain, they also come with a high risk of addiction and overdose. I don't talk to him on the phone either. So pay attention to Dad's behavior so you can figure out if you are reacting to something real or if you've just been force fed the Kool-Aid that anticipates all guys are monsters. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Children are dependent on their parents for survival. Maybe you could talk to your mom about it or come right out and ask him why he stares and tell him it makes you uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure he loves me but I just want to make things a little more peaceful with my dad.. I'm working on my own repentance of some immoral thoughts and actions, which has brought all this up. My family and others always talk about what a great person he is (although I can tell when he does "nice things" it's always to get admiration from others). I know I shouldn't judge him because of his accident but it's so hard to be around his type of behavior. As a dad, daughter now mid 30s. Then, when you cant stand being with your family, do you believe the only solution is to distance yourself and ignore them? My dad has never done anything, but I feel so uncomfortable and stressed. Then, out of the blue, I was very uncomfortable and felt the sudden need to cover my boobs; which made absolutely no sense . Your father is abusing you and controlling you. React. As well, in terms of the finance part for your college fund, please speak to the institution about looking for ways to support your education without getting his help, I understand that it will complicate the situation as you recieved his money and you feel obligated while he is not taking care of you, nor love you. Thank you so much for giving me hope that despite him being an asshole, good father's do exist . Its made me feel like I'm paranoid. L143myself As a psychologist, Ive worked with hundreds of fathers, hundreds of wives of fathers, and hundreds of kids with fathers. Also, since they learned to try to hide their emotions instead of expressing and dealing with them, many fathers do not have good emotion skills. SweetJadeOctober 30, 2008 in Parenting and Families. Ive always felt uncomfortable. He says very creepy and perverted things to me and verbally abused me over the years. Its all a question of whether your father was able to respond to the emotional part of your relationship, and your emotions as his child,enough. Him and I are very close, so I was perfectly fine. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. His hands always slip to low when he hugs me, and the other day I was standing at the stove cooking and he came up behind me and ran his hand across my butt and then slapped my butt. If you don't want to be touched, you must speak up against it. What Does It Mean to Be Emotionally Unavailable? Perhaps your entire extended family convenes for dinner once a week. Oops! If you need support right now, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255, the Trevor Project at 1-866-488-7386 or reach the Crisis Text Line by texting START to 741741. what do I do? A MAN. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Then figure out what you can say and talk about to your parents or loved ones about how tensions and stress can be managed within the house. Maybe you can get help at this number. Therapy can be a great tool to not only recognize and identify this influence, but also interrupt the maladaptive patterns that are extensions from this primary relationship. I don't feel. I try my best to be compassionate but I hate being around him, I hate the slightly sexual energy he has towards me, but I have no direct memory of him molesting me or doing anything more then making inappropriate comments or confound my butt etc. he doesnt mean it that way, but he has said similar things to my sister. It's absolutely wrong. When we lack a strong sense of self, we want to be and do what everyone in our family expects of us. Sanjana is a health writer and editor. 1. My dad treated us all like we werent worthy of his time, his love was very conditional, and so I live my life thinking Ill never be good enough for a healthy relationship. Perhaps the people empaths find most difficult to deal with are egotistical types. She's your daughter and you get to decide who gets to have access to her. But as I began to grow older, he continued to touch my stomach and butt and while cuddling me he would accidentally graze my chest, so I told him and his reaction was "you're my daughter, I do everything for you, if you can't love me then I'll learn to live without you" and other melodramatic bullshit about how I was being a bad daughter. For example, he will see a female about my age,19, and say,"hmm I would like her to sit in my lap" and he is age 56. However, theres no rule that says you have to get along with everyone in your family all the time. Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist and blogger, who teaches in the Department of Counseling at Barry University. Press J to jump to the feed. It wasn't awkward or sexual. I am so sorry you are experiencing this right now. He opened my suitcase and went through my clothes when i got back from living away for six months. I dated a lot, trying to find the love I was missing from him. Can you help me get over the feelings of love I have for a person with whom my relationship has ended? That's a rule to keep for the rest of your life. I used to cling so tightly I suffocated the relationship. Melissa R. I dont date or seek romantic relationships, even though I really want a family of my own. He had strange rules and payed attention to the weirdest details. Secondly You say he hasnt done anything and then state the exact thing your gut has singled out for the reason youre feeling this way. Nobody did nothing about it, over time we thought hes gotten better but its just the same nasty ass shit. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person and if you have a dishonest partner don't hesitate to send him an email .. I have always wondered how serious it actually was. He's visiting today and the same thing happened, he kept hovering around me and kissing me on my cheeks that when he finally let go I curled up on the floor and sobbed for a solid two hours. Her work spans various health-related topics, including mental health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. You sound exactly how I feel about my father and he did abuse me. You need to start working on getting independent. They also may not remember what it fees like to be your age. Can she leave with you and find a job if she doesnt have one? When men are emotionally uncomfortable, they seem to gravitate toward two particular coping mechanisms to avoid the feelings involved: humor and activity. Bottom line, your dad needs to grow up, and save those jokes for when hes with his friends. I read this cringing inside. He rages a lot and gets extremely agitated when he gets confused. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. We spoke to The Mightys mental health community to learn some of the habits theyve picked up after growing up with emotionally absent fathers. This subreddit is for anything related to any vector of any kind of abuse, recovering from abuse, perspective on abuse, and intersections between forms or systems which affect victims and perpetrators of abuse on both micro and macro levels. I get u. He also stays in a different city due to work so that's a huge blessing.) 3. Once you can separate fantasy from reality, you free yourself from perpetual disappointment and can live a more stable and consistent life without the ups and downs of intermittently viewing him through the lens of fantasy and reality. I highly recommend the book Educated by Tara Westover Ph. It can also lead to arguments and fights between you and your father, as well as tension and conflict with other family members. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. RELATED:5 Ways Your Abandonment Issues Are RUINING Your Relationship. I feel embarrassed that my brain may be making up delusions because I'm dirty minded or that I'm an attention seeker. Give yourself a pep talk and make sure you have a good friend on-call that can lift your spirits if the fam brings you down. INeedHelp Maybe your father was sorting through his own issues and couldnt show up for you. He flips out when I say that I'm not comfortable and stops speaking to me. He should be want whomever his daughter ends up with in life to be right for her and that he will be able to continue to provide her with safety, love, and security after he is gone. When I was around 16, he introduced me to pornography, masturbation, and has also been involved in inappropriate touching. (Got fired from my last job and havent worked for the last year!) This is referred to as an attraction of deprivation, as these individuals will seek out partners who are unsatisfying or disappointing in ways that are familiar to them, and believe that they will finally get their unmet needs from childhood met in the present through a corrective emotional experience. Will the United States be on the side of Israel in the last war? Stay safe, and I believe you will get through it. Did he actually love me? My meaningful life ideally includes a romantic partner and children, and I cant really get there if Im afraid. Julie C. I tend to go after the emotionally unavailable men in dating. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. My mother is the paranoid, afraid of the world person. It could be as simple as expressing your annoyance with the lack of familial communication. Whenever an issue or argument arises in your family, do you get uncomfortable? Sigh.. If you are reading these signs you were emotionally neglected by your fatherand thinking, OK, this is me. My dad has not been around much due to his work. I said it all went to my butt. Daniel B. Can Good Relationship Experiences Change Attachment Styles? Recently in the last few years I've started feeling uncomfortable around my dad. Started November 12, 2022, By My dad looked over and said "don't worry I'll get that". This week I visited him alone because my sis and mom dont have time. If she had ever needed to tell me to get off (and she didnt) i would be horrified this man seems like a selfish narcissistic bully. And when I feel like the person is pulling away, or becoming distant, even if thats not their intention, I get really insecure and can become really clingy and needy. Towards you or just in general? Going in with a clear mind and making a deal with yourself to take on any situation in a rational way is a good start, no matter how youre greeted. Dad left when I was 3, [when he and my mom] got divorced. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. You feel guilty or as if you've done something wrong - toxic people use emotional blackmail to spur on feelings of guilt. Every bit of what he is doing is wrong. Understanding your feelings and processing them can help you manage them in healthy ways. We don't have any other family who we can go to for help and it just feels like there's no hope at times. The people who raise us(oftentimes parents) affect the way we are molded. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, a clinical psychologist and professor at Yeshiva University, outlines some of the reasons why you might hate your father. Do understand that if, after you report your experience to the police, they find it enough to launch an investigation, your relationship with your family is going to become very strained. In a recent study, researchers have made significant progress in this area. But he's really mysterious because he never talks about his past & I don't think we've ever bonded at all. When parents act in unpredictable ways or abuse their children, their children grow up to have difficulty understanding their emotions and the feelings of others. If you've been using dating apps, you've probably encountered the frustrating phenomenon of potential matches saying "I'll get back to you" and then never following through. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You are commenting as a guest. Why is you mother not doing anything? It's wrong. Of course, no father is perfect, and no one expects perfection. some sort of sexual tension, but it might only be you experiencing it. 2 years ago I can do relate to this Reply Appreciate this comment These reasons are listed below. I wouldn't talk to them unless they talk to me. Thank you for seeing my strength, there are times when I feel like the weakest thing possible. What you describe sounds like sexual abuse of children. Reviewed by Lybi Ma, Families are like fudgemostly sweet with lots of nuts.. You don't. Hearing "I'm so sorry for your loss" after the death of a loved one is the equivalent of a politician sending "thoughts and prayers" after a mass shooting. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. No wonder you are uncomfortable, she is super controlling and emotionally manipulative. Hes molested me as a child up to 14 then I got token away by the government and placed into a group home and Ive told my mom at first she didnt believe me but eventually she did. I'm so glad that there are people like you who raise their kids with respect and integrity . Self-medicated with drugs and alcohol. Every now and then his girlfriend will tell me he talks about me to people he meets, but he doesn't have a kind word or anything but criticism to my face. That will give you time to relax and think about how you want to deal with the situation if you want to talk about it at all. Once you pinpoint the stressor, you need to talk about it with your family. When I was around 16, he introduced me to pornography, masturbation, and has also been involved in inappropriate touching. Started February 23, By And yes, your aunt might not share the same political views as you. I've never considered domestic shelters but I'll start researching. Or his mother, if she is still alive. I'm 19 years old and no longer live at home but I do see him sometimes, as I love my mom and he lives with her. I woke up this morning with my vaginna swollen like it just felt as if its been touched and I dont even do all that. Lets be real, when it comes to emotional wounds, the things we experience during childhood can have an adverse effect on how we navigate adulthood. It also takes the pressure off of trying to explain yourself on the spot and it keeps them from interrupting you. The campaign, which includes a series of playful and humorous ads, aims to position Tinder as a fun and lighthearted platform for meeting new people. And one of the biggest challenges Ive observed between dadsand their children is how feelings are managed in the relationship. One time around 10 years old I was sitting down to eat dinner and accidentally dropped a bit of food down the inside front of my shirt. 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