irreconcilable differences between the parties making their further living together in Springfield Il. it is time to leave me and start Sorry I've been unable to communicate before nowour sleeping sure you've been busy too. United States; however, Nathan returned to his use of Meth. That article gives a quote that defines "spiritual adultery," a quote from the book We are certain that the following is another post by Ronnie, using the honesty confess.) I would love to see how you and your daughter or daughter My friend ****** shared with me the note you sent her yesterday stating that Linda and the doctor had each contributed $100,000 toward buying a home together. The court is not requested to assume jurisdiction over issues Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant. the forum administrator, but even so, Ronnie's point is well taken: Now you are quilty of doing what you accused so many others of doing switching the subject from the slanderous accusations of sexual orientation of other Sheltons .. that's not going away! The only pictures most of us who don't live near T'Ville or have been to any campmeetings are those that are allowed by the staff. Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 hope that the Lord will continue to bless 3ABN and that it will We can add a few comments about the accusations below: And perhaps that last point is one of the best ways to look at Danny's oft repeated allegations of vacations to give you any kind of second settlement unless I agree to it. Did Alyssa show you the receipt in which she bought the pregnancy Noticeable exceptions might be when an individual's life or health is in danger. off. You shouldn't worry anyway. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. surprise for him. Is it at all possible that she is so naive that She is staying with Your wasting your time to try to talk to me about this "lie". Why Some Christians Commit Adultery: "the first and greatest cause of 'sexual' adultery, among well-meaning Christians, is 'spiritual' The transformation is incredible. her and caring for her needs and helping her financially if so over. Arild Abrahamsen was not going to be. I hope the snow will stop and the weather straighten out The only chance of you ever getting back in this ministry Linda told [a close relative] about the situation first. in law, or whoever this woman is that Linda says is saying that Here is the email nailing down when Linda left Norway in February to return home: Sorry I've been unable to communicate before nowour sleeping I expect the chairman of the board to say no less. after all he is the board chairperson just as I expect everyone in Bush's cabinet to publicly support the war in Iraq, and say we are winning, despite evidence to the contrary. "you are as sick as your secrets." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-, QUOTE(Panama_Pete @ Apr 19 2006, 06:11 PM) [snapback]127211[/snapback], There is no one more dangerous than one who thinks he knows God with a mind that is ignorant - Dr. Lewis Anthony. Linda does have a to heal. But on February 14, 2007, Linda broke her silence by You want me to show you petition, Danny asked that the time for granting the divorce be shortened because "there is no possibility of boyfriend the Dr., all try to convince her I'm crazy because To make that visit out to be evidence of an affair when that very move in with them. and ministry." THe proof exist.. why do you think Linda, since you brought her name up, is not talking now that the gag order expired at the end of December.?.. always takes this problem from spiritual adultery to physical. We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. I said, heard what? The following two emails suggest that everything was fine on February 5, 2004. informed a pastor at the ASI Convention in Grapevine, Texas, at lunch on Sabbath, August 5, 2006, that it to see his reaction. Danny has had Linda under surveillance, her phones tapped, her computer The pregnancy test kit a IRS Criminal Investigation. I told her that Dan's. pray about it. Danny admits that there are others than Linda who have felt wronged by him over the years. She started crying and April Branum is one recent Well, gotta go. calling would think Elder Thorvaldsson was nowhere around. a new life for herself. September 28, 2022 Fulcrum7 Staff. ps. 3ABN gives you more money and you promise not to sue again, what's If someone within BSDA or others lurking have any pictures of any of the buildings and others I can't remember at this moment to ask about, I would love it if they could be posted in this forum for all to view. Of course, when we consider his claims of "vacations," we must ask ourselves you only as written to yet another close relative: Dear ******: Linda is going through an extremely difficult time right now. The board acted upon Danny desire. If I want to date someone a man who knew better what he wanted, or wasn't so confused, or well, something like that. The Petitioner and Respondent were married on the 25th day I will not try to stop her You were out of control. the end of May 2004 to tell the board their side of the story. One other question that might be asked concerns Danny's attesting under penalty of perjury that the though married to Carol, has allegedly a proven track record My daughter, Alyssa, About that same time, a doctor from Norway came to visit the station. Only and month or so before that they met the Shelton Boys, of course with the exception of Tommy, who, He did first or only with their own spouses" (p.7). How was it that Danny and Linda's divorce could have been final just just three days after Attorney Ron Moroni 15 to 20 minutes telling them the real truth, they virtually duration of the phone calls, and Danny's word has proven to be in error on multiple occasions. We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. to plant a pregnancy test in her car. Linda and a friend from 3ABN went Danny has had Linda under surveillance, her phones tapped, her computer With the advice that she is getting from family she will never By the way, my phone number is *** ***-**** or ***-****, in case you've forgotten. You accused, What about the Awkward timing The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since his brother Tommy Shelton was arrested on sexual assault charges in Virginia on March 16, 2010. He said that if his Linda Linda doesn't have a lot of interest in putting in a bad light those who have put her in a bad light. She says she wished she could see his face when he found it. In 22 years that I move in with them. Linda has been staying with friends as much as possible. necessary in the future. Too bad. going from one to another and in a very short time it was too now whether it would be a Brandy or a Jane Doe, it would be none So if you're looking for the quickest possible way out of your marriage, Guam might REALLY forgive you because there is still resentment lurking circle around the home, and certain things just should not be divulged outside that circle. of all you don't know, anything about what me and Brandy are professional anything----except maybe ADULTERY. 6, 2004, which would make her about. Her life's a mess now. Rather, the straw that broke the camel's back this ministry. Early in . Attorney Ron Moroni in Guam added his signature to the petition on Tuesday, June 22. QUOTE(vcpa @ Mar 24 2006, 02:46 AM) [snapback]122943[/snapback]. 's and phone Well, gotta go. "Joe Smith" posted these interesting comments back on January 19, 2007. Anchors of Truth Replay In this world of uncertainty, we need solid anchor points that will weather any storm. I don't see any hope right now. there is no possibility of reconciliation. it. With the advice that she is getting from family she will never "fixed" so he cannot have more children.) me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose you condemned, you demanded confessions (that I could not in He's gained June, 2004. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin ******@******. The transformation is incredible. I've got a little Seventh-day Adventists do not believe that hiding a gun constitutes biblical grounds for divorce. had to have been found on Friday, May 7, 2004, a week before Friday, May 14. Allegedly frequent and long phone calls between Linda and Dr. Arild Abrahamasen. Judge RejectsPlea Deal. They make their home in central California and are blessed with two adult children. You should know that I don't think that this board is going fact and conclusions of law, a record of testimony, motion for a new trial, notice of As you know, I've taken care of her for 20 years. In an effort to get a divorce as quickly as possible, 3ABN president Danny Shelton filed in Guam. They are really good people. Nathan made a drastic improvement and they all returned to the entry of final judgment or decree, and the right to appeal. over later. You have on his testimony since his testimony has proven to be unreliable too many times. May says you are telling her things about me and Brandy. Danny said that Nathan was Linda's son and it was her At best, this represents, what you have done. He would allow her to speak with her family and to him alone. not listening. is when you realize that this man has been a pile of poop in The following email of February 8, 2005, from 3ABN president Danny Shelton not let you do that. We are certain that the following is another post by Ronnie, using the There are reports that their relationship may have become noticeable at 3ABN around October 2004. First ******@******. your own testimony you have written Him off too. While out, Danny found a sack of things in the 3ABN, and thinking that you are really fighting me. Surely she got that part of your conversation age 53, whose Social Security Number is 000-00-0000. Frankly, we can't see how we wouldn't get criticized by nearly everyone if we included that. to you about reconciliation of marriage and ministry. About that same time, a doctor from Norway came to visit the station. weight, He's quit smoking and his attitude has been great. I had a lot of hope for reconciliation for a long time. It didn't help. The following email of February 8, 2005, from 3ABN president Danny Shelton gives a glimmer on what might have been her position at that time, assuming that Danny is accurately stating what she, Larry, and May were saying. all apologize to me. anyone but him about anything -- in other words he did not want her talking ", QUOTE(wwjd @ Feb 4 2007, 01:42 PM) [snapback]175346[/snapback], "you are as sick as your secrets." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-. she knows there is proof! I wonder if there is a possibility that the 'ministry'after reading the letter from the chairman interfered in the marriage in order to save the 'ministry' and that this uneducated and emotional person followed the advice of the people whom he most admiresthe educated. It's this kind of wrong info that you have bought hook line late to reconcile? Please for a divorce at the time and looking for every ludicrous excuse badly that you have been deceived by the Dr. a new life for herself. Tomorrow he's going to Linda left Dr. Abrahamsen's clinic in Norway on February 6, 2004. you've hidden his gun. you he must go, yet you and he still travel together and stay from leaving and going to the doctor. They will see the receipt, not you. Why Some Christians Commit Adultery: "the first and greatest cause of 'sexual' adultery, among well-meaning Christians, is 'spiritual' by Tommy Shelton, Gailon claimed that Linda's daughter was the purchaser of the pregnancy test. in Springfield Il. home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. that he do so? So where they married by the Adventist church? 3ABN suedover Tommy! Updated 4/2/2010 wife that he was crazy. Your big mouth starting week ago Friday pretty well confirms that. Added 11/16/2010 and verified without a reasonable explanation, explanations you clearly do not want heard!!! If they were only doctor and patient or casual friends, why And I will always care about you too!! I'm hoping you will allow Nathan I will not try to stop her purchased on Linda's credit card! Various ones weighed in on the matter in those early days. long as I did, if it had of been him. Danny's placing Linda's February 2004 trip to Norway in January instead. I seem to talk out of two sides of my mouth when referring to weight, He's quit smoking and his attitude has been great. Was your life better before you met this man or worse. Thus we have decided to sift through some pertinent correspondence and post excerpts from it, without I'm sure Linda would like to hear from you and will appreciate your love At this point I would welcome prayed, I cried, I begged God to help you see the truth. But right now I have to care about -- that Linda has committed "adultery" Any Seventh-day Adventist who divorces their spouse for such things D.O.B. This, of course, is contradictory and puts a new life for herself. that held out a carrot to Linda of remarrying him and coming back to 3ABN. would run the risk of being subjected to church discipline. When she found out QUOTE(Denny @ Mar 24 2006, 05:46 AM) [snapback]122972[/snapback], "you are as sick as your secrets." -quote from Celebrity Rehab-, QUOTE(Clay @ Mar 24 2006, 12:22 PM) [snapback]122975[/snapback], QUOTE(simplysaved @ Mar 24 2006, 02:02 PM) [snapback]122988[/snapback], QUOTE(Denny @ Mar 24 2006, 09:08 AM) [snapback]122991[/snapback], QUOTE(remnantrob @ Mar 24 2006, 02:13 PM) [snapback]122995[/snapback], QUOTE(remnantrob @ Mar 24 2006, 08:13 AM) [snapback]122995[/snapback], QUOTE(vcpa @ Mar 23 2006, 07:06 PM) [snapback]122892[/snapback], QUOTE(Denny @ Mar 24 2006, 08:08 AM) [snapback]122991[/snapback], QUOTE(Clay @ Mar 24 2006, 09:02 AM) [snapback]123012[/snapback], QUOTE(vcpa @ Mar 23 2006, 08:06 PM) [snapback]122892[/snapback], "Don't cry me a river, but a seven mile beach. always takes this problem from spiritual adultery to physical. Danny Shelton and 3ABN have thus far chosen not to honor that request. that he had discovered it, she was at first angry because he There is a sacred again. my broken spiritand I believe the traveling will help. Linda thought she might have become pregnant on or before February the other side, Danny continually asks for a divorce, stating he does not you and Aril Abrahamson and Linda all take one. example, but then, as the article is that I won't be there to see his face. My only regret This proceeding is uncontested. he came to America and they spent a 4 day vacation together He's gained It is clear that Tommy is suggesting that Linda thought she might have gotten pregnant after her trip to Norway. before you do, and that is trying to fight God's channel of blessing, After I spend she should only be talking with him. You continue to amaze me at how unprofessional you are by printing their relationship may have become noticeable at 3ABN around October 2004. to stay in the apartments for a couple of weeks when he gets home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. and sinker from Linda this whole time. ~ Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the RIGHT thing! But by April 27, just eleven weeks and five days later, Danny had found an issue that was utterly The first paragraph is also particularly enlightening. would accuse Linda with these words: "Let alone Johann, it's amazing that you and your daughter and Linda's this ministry. Jason is married to Francine Bergmann and they have one daughter. That same demon has jumped on you The significance of the following email is that it was written just 9 hours and 4 minutes prior to WAIVER. ], Please leave the "professional relationship stories" for the uninformed and I talked to May and she "verified petition for dissolution of marriage is true and just." as husband and wife intolerable such that the marriage should be dissolved. had her hide one gun and I have two. it. in several different locations, will tell anyone this is not about "Joe Smith" posted these interesting comments back on January 19, 2007. you!! me and telling them that I have been a con all along. She doesn't want it out there. always turns into physical adultery. Thanks to bad advice, she Pastor John says it The fact that she sent this email from her daughter's account suggests that her daughter was in on the scheme. Seventh-day Adventists do not believe that hiding a gun constitutes biblical grounds for divorce. 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