Enter interest rates (or growth rates or required rates of return, etc.) The HP 10BII financial calculator has a built in settings for payments per year that attempts to auto-adjust the interest rate based on how many periods there are in a year. Resetting the calculator using the keyboard To completely reset the calculator and erase all user memory, follow the procedure below. Once these values have been entered in any order, the unknown value can be computed by pressing the key for the unknown value. With the HP 10BII press Shift followed by CLEAR ALL (the INPUT key). However, this does not auto-adjust the N and PMT components (you still have to do this manually), which makes this function cause more problems than it’s worth. RE: My HP 10bII+ is much faster than HP 12c! The calculator may require a reset for a variety of reasons. The HP 10bII calculator has several operating modes that affect the way in which it operates. Press and hold the first key from the left ([N]) and the first key from the right ([FV]) on … If your calculator fails the self-test, before concluding … In other words, enter a 7.5% interest rate as 7.5, not 0.075. Display formatting. Press and hold [C]. In both cases the batteries are very easy to change by simply opening the battery cover on the back side of the calculator. Sometimes a calculator locks up or will not respond correctly. Annuity problems require the input of 4 of these 5 values: . Self-test: if none of the above solves the problem, you can test the calculator using its self-test feature . (08-25-2016 12:52 AM) Galuppo Wrote: For instance, the 12c took whooping 25 seconds when trying to calculate the required interest rate for a -45 PMT, 10925.76 FV and an N of 168 while the 10bII+ did it INSTANTLY! To completely reset the calculator and erase all user memory, follow the procedure below. Your calculator will know this is an interest rate when you press the I/Y key. 檔名: 10BII_English(MP02-2)-040917(Print) 頁碼: 第2/2頁 Notice REGISTER YOUR PRODUCT AT: www.register.hp.com THIS MANUAL AND ANY EXAMPLES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE For this reason, it is important that you … Why is my HP 10bii not calculating correctly? Change the number of payement per year (set it to 1) and you will get the answer that you want. Release all three keys at the same time. I was hoping one of you may be able to help me in using my HP 10bII calculator to calculate the YTM as per video C in the Valuation & Risk models video. The time value of money application built into the HP 10bII is used to solve annuities that involve regular, uniform payments. I then enter the following inputs: n= 20 (on semi annual 10year bond) - enter 20 press N coupon =30 - enter 30 press PMT Why is my HP 10bii not calculating correctly? These modes fall into two broad categories, one affecting the display and the other the way the HP 10bII calculator solves financial problems. Press and hold [C]. Press and hold the first key from the left ([N]) and the first key from the right ([FV]) on the top row. The HP 10BII (newer version) uses two 2032 batteries. 1610 is the answer with 12 payements per year. See your HP 10B/10BII owner's manual for instructions on how to replace the batteries. Before inputting any numbers I clear all memory (C ALL). The HP 10B (the older version) uses three 357 batteries. Q: What batteries does the HP 10B or HP 10BII use? HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator displaying wrong answer ‎12-13-2017 11:35 PM. HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator User’s Guide HP Part Number: NW239-90001 Edition 1, May 2010. ii Legal Notice This manual and any examples contained herein are provided “as is” and are subject to change without notice. Resetting the calculator will erase the memory and restore the calculator's defaults. Hello, 831 is the answer with 1 payement per year. Resetting the calculator using the keyboard. hp 10BII financial calculator user’s guide Edition 1 HP part number F1902-90001 . Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with as a percent, not as a decimal.