Yes, please! 2. Toss them in some salt and olive oil, spread on a foil-covered baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about a half an hour or until the seeds are aromatic and golden brown. Of course, as a snack is the most common of pumpkin seed uses. Puree toasted seeds and use them in place of peanut butter or as part of dips and other spreads. If you are one of those pumpkin carvers who throws out the seeds, think again. You might have to scrape some flesh out with them, but that’s okay. In sweet dishes, they are fun to add to cookies, candies, cakes, muffins, and breads. 1 Tbs. Pumpkin Varieties For Eating: Best Types Of Pumpkins For Cooking, Types Of Peanut Plants: Learn About Different Varieties Of Peanut, Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition: How To Harvest Pumpkin Seeds To Eat, Early American Vegetables - Growing Native American Vegetables, History Of Red Poppies – Why Red Poppy For Remembrance, Winter Pruning Tips - How To Prune In Winter, Managing Skeletonweed: Tips For Killing Skeletonweed In Gardens, Deadon Savoy Cabbage: How To Grow Deadon Cabbages, Pumpkin Mosaic Virus: How To Treat Pumpkins With Mosaic Virus, Corn Husk Uses – What To Do With Corn Husks, Iris Flower History – Where Did Iris Originate, Aloe Plant History – Interesting Facts And History Of Aloe Vera, Indian Turnip History: Jack-In-The-Pulpit Folklore And Origins, National Cabbage Day: History And Fun Facts About Cabbage. Rinse the seeds and toss them with some melted butter or oil. Wow your family with a festive fall spin on one of their favorite dinner dishes. If the kid has recently had visits from the tooth fairy, the jack-o-lantern should resemble the kid. Need more ideas for what to do with pumpkin seeds? 1 Tbs. Often sold hulled and called pepitas, pumpkin seeds are as versatile as they are delicious in desserts, on salads, in dips, cookies, breads, and more. It’s easy to prepare them and once you have them you can use them for baking, or sprinkling over soups too. Yogurt. Pumpkin seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. And the pumpkin seeds can easily be roasted (see below). This go-to method is the easiest way to enjoy pumpkin seeds, especially because there's so many ways you season them. Pumpkin seeds, no matter the flavor, will burn easily, so keep an eye on them. She also sprinkled some on top of the loaf before putting it in the oven. The sweet variety are perfect sprinkled over your morning porridge or yoghurt. How To Clean and Roast Pumpkin Seeds. Think: pumpkin seed muffins, cookies, peanut butter cups, and… drum roll, please… pumpkin bread with pumpkin seeds. ! Once cooked, pumpkin seeds make for an excellent snack, and they’re a good source of protein, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc, according to the USDA. Here are 12 easy and delicious ways to use up pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are also said to reduce cholesterol and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Before you do either though, you need to clean out the guts and seeds. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features You can roast, candy, spice, or add them to a granola recipe. Nov 30, 2020 #14 TY! Topping hummus with a handful of pumpkin seeds gives it the perfect touch of fall flavor. When removed from the flesh of a pumpkin, they can be rinsed and roasted, either plain or with other flavours such as oils and spices, to create a delicious, crunchy snack. Stir in salt and pepper and cook 30 seconds longer. Fine Motor Control Pumpkin Seeds by Uno Zwei Tutu Don’t forget to bake a batch of pumpkin seeds to snack on as you enjoy these activities: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds by … Stir some freshly roasted pumpkin seeds in the next time you make fresh guacamole. Generally, pumpkins, which we see as jack-o-lanterns, have shelled seeds, and therefore, they cannot be pepitas. Spread the seeds on a baking tray and pop in an oven preheated to 180C/gas 4. You can help smaller birds by breaking them up a bit before you put them out. Any pieces or strings … What to Do with Pumpkin Seeds. Pumpkin seeds are edible, flat, oval-shaped green seeds. How to cook pumpkin seeds Boil some salted water in a large saucepan, add the cleaned seeds and boil for 5-10 minutes depending on the size, then drain on a kitchen towel. You can choose to salt them or get really crazy with seasonings like jerk, taco, or anything else you fancy. When toasted in the oven with a little olive oil and some salt, the soft seeds from inside pumpkins turn into the crunchy, savory snack of the season. Bake for around ten minutes, let cool and enjoy! Add cinnamon and sugar and mix well. Pumpkin Seed Butter is a tasty and nutritious alternative to traditional store-bought dips, and this unique pairing is sure to have the whole family coming back for more. Get the kid to draw a jack-o-lantern template and then you, the grown-up, carve it into the face of the pumpkin. Marlisse is the Web Editor of, and she hails from Bronx, NY. Pumpkin Soup With Candied Pumpkin Seeds Credit: Jim Franco Sweet Vidalia onion and butternut squash may make up the base of this soup, but the treat is the candied pumpkin seeds on top. Pumpkin seeds are considered to be an excellent source of protein, iron, and fiber along with important trace minerals like manganese, magnesium, and potassium. 2. You can now use them just like this as a snack, salad topper, or garnish on dessert. After the fun of pumpkin carving, you're probably left with a bunch of gooey Pumpkin seeds are a potent source of many nutrients, offering high levels of essential vitamins and minerals in a small serving. sugar. Feed the birds For a quick, easy, and useful way to get rid of pumpkin seeds, simply feed them to the birds. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium. After separating from the stringy parts (do not throw those away, you can use them too!) Toss on a baking sheet with a little oil … No food group is immune to the fantastic flavoring that pumpkin seeds lend, including, believe it or not, enchiladas. If you fancy having a snack yourself, why not rustle up … Toasted pumpkin seeds. Try these 5 spice mixtures: Cinnamon-sugar; Thyme-salt-lemon; Rosemary-salt-pepper; Curry powder-ginger-salt; Cajun seasoning blend (typically salt, paprika, cayenne, garlic, pepper) Remember that the seeds from winter squash taste identical to pumpkin seeds. Sweet Pumpkin Seed Toast Toppers. 1/4 cup (1 oz./30 g) raw pumpkin seeds, rinsed and dried. coconut oil. Kids will absolutely love munching on cinnamon-baked seeds after school (and you'll likely want to stash some for yourself too). Step #3: Store Your Pumpkin Seeds. You can bake this delicious breakfast dish the night before. Pinch of kosher salt You can certainly feed them whole, but if your dog isn’t a fan, try grinding them up! How to Save Your Pumpkin Seeds: First, remove the seeds from inside the pumpkin. You can also add them as a garnish to soups, salads, and desserts. This crispy chicken with roasted carrots and couscous is hearty and delicious, but it's the sprinkle of roasted shelled pumpkin seeds that makes sure it looks as good as it tastes. 3. Since not all the pumpkin seeds are shell-less, pepitas can only be extracted from those pumpkin seeds, which are hulless and do not need to be shelled. There are many pumpkin seed uses and the benefits are worth the processing time. For a throw away by-product, pumpkin seeds contain a remarkable number of uses and benefits. (Take note: do not go to the trouble of shelling the white pumpkin seeds from your carving pumpkin; it's laborious!) Scatter them over your morning oatmeal, or mix them into a fall granola. Bake them into chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookies, or a hearty loaf of seeded apple bread. Is this just a me thing or does basket not work with pumpkin seeds? Post by Madeleine Cardozo I am really hoping that you didn’t just throw away all those. One of the easiest and most common ways of using pumpkin seeds is to toast them in the oven for a seasonal snack. They are a delicious source of many nutrients and pumpkin seeds have many health benefits! Browse these 15 unique and creative pumpkin recipes What to Make with Pumpkin Seeds You do not want to throw the seeds out! Use them as a topping for your favorite soups, toasts, pizzas, and salads, for starters. But we say that's a waste! Here are just a few ideas on what to do with pumpkin seeds: Roast, toast or fry them up. Think: pumpkin seed muffins, cookies, peanut butter cups, and… drum roll, please… pumpkin bread with pumpkin seeds. Feed the birds. The only flavor more quintessentially fall than pumpkin? A lot easier to have someone cutting and someone pulling the seeds out of the shell. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, 60 Easy Extra Warming Crockpot Soup Recipes, Here's Where to Find or Buy Reclaimed Wood, 90+ Best and Tastiest Spaghetti Squash Recipes, The Thanksgiving Leftover Recipes You Need to Try, These Thanksgiving Decorations Will Steal the Show, 25 Restaurants That'll Be Open on Thanksgiving Day, 38 Thanksgiving Place Cards to DIY This Year, 100+ Best Classic Thanksgiving Side Dishes, The Best Slow Cooker Recipes for Cold Nights, Courtesy of A Better Happier St. Sebastian. It's easy to overlook pumpkins seeds when working on your pumpkin carving ideas. By: Bonnie L. Grant, Certified Urban Agriculturist. Get the recipe at Fountain Avenue Kitchen. This is a quick recipe that can be made in 15 minutes and with very few ingredients. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, protein, and more. Or, with the help of a food processor or blender, use pumpkin seeds to create pesto sauce, a buttery spread that rivals its peanut counterpart, and even hummus. Click to expand... you guys gotta stop crafting vanilla minecraft seeds. If you want to change up the mix of nuts and seeds in these bars, go for it. Pumpkin seeds are rich in amino acid tryptophan, which is used to treat chronic insomnia. With an abundance of pumpkins this fall, put the seeds to good use in the kitchen. In a typical South Indian breakfast, the main protein and carb combination like dosa or idli is flavored only with salt. Pumpkin seeds, together with linseed, may be helpful in preventing diabetic complications, such as high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cleaning pumpkin seeds is one of those jobs that is a bit boring for an adult but quite fun for a child because it is a bit gooey and slimy and you get to play with water too. View Gallery 30 Photos 1 of 30. These couple of recipes are low carb and healthy. Transfer the seeds to a a bowl and cool before serving. Pumpkin seeds can be a core part of activities for your nanny or babysitter to do with your children around Halloween. Scoop the seeds out of your jack-o-lantern, wash off gunk, spread out on a towel to dry for a while. Oh, and don't forget about our favorite pumpkin recipes too! Country Living editors select each product featured. Add pumpkin seeds to your cheese plate. What to do with pumpkin seeds? 1. and rinsing, spread the seeds in a large baking tray with a generous coat of olive or coconut oil, and roast for about 10 minutes in a 180C preheated oven until golden … Saving pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds can be used as a crunchy salad or soup topper, or as a healthy snack to munch on throughout the day. Get the recipe at Sally's Baking Addiction. Gently rub any flesh or stringy bits off the seeds as you go. They are, after all, totally edible and the best part of the pumpkin. Its Vegan, Gluten-free, nut-free and absolutely delicious! In most cases, the seeds should be roasted to bring out their best flavor. Now that you’ve carved the pumpkin, what can you do with all the seeds? While some folks may have grown up eating mildly salted roasted pumpkin seeds once or twice a year, in other parts of the world, they're recognized for the culinary ingredient they truly are. In sweet dishes, they are fun to add to cookies, candies, cakes, muffins, and breads. Pâté These versatile seeds are an excellent starting point for tasty seasonal pâté that are perfect in that many recipes are ideal for vegetarians, vegans, and those on the paleo diet. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. If you've never made pumpkin seed brittle before, you're missing out. But that’s just the beginning. Many organic and natural food stores will carry the oil. Maybe you don’t know what to do with pumpkin seeds. Top a wheel of brie with pumpkin seeds. A 12-week study on women found wonderful pumpkin seed benefits in the forms of lower blood pressure, higher levels of good cholesterol, and overall improved heart health. To keep you from throwing them away after you worked so hard collecting them I gathered 14 ideas to enjoy with the kids including crafts, learning, and play activities that are perfect to enjoy this fall and use up all those tiny … Of course, as a snack is the most common of pumpkin seed uses. … This pumpkin seed recipe by Carol is a safe bet to make with over a thousand positive ratings. Or, with the help of a food processor or blender, use pumpkin seeds to create pesto sauce, a buttery spread that rivals its peanut counterpart, and even hummus. Carly Breit is a freelance writer who loves to write about health, wellness, and strong women. TheRed_Craft. 1. View Gallery 33 Photos Kate Bennis. By using Worcestershire sauce and garlic salt, the flavor is reminiscent of Chex Mix with an irresistibly crispy texture. Among the potential health benefits are improved bladder and prostate health, as well as some indication that consumption can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer. Here are 14 ideas to get you started: Toasted Pumpkin Seeds. When refrigerated, pumpkin seeds will remain fresh for 1 to 2 months. If pumpkin seeds are not consumed within 1 to 2 days, they can be stored in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. 10 Houseplants That Can Survive the Darkest Corner, 93 Best Easy Low-Carb Recipes With Tons of Flavor, Ben & Erin Napier Talk 'Home Town' Season 5, 20+ Pumpkin Cookies That Are Perfect for Fall, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Unlike the hard white seeds from a carving pumpkin, most pumpkin seeds bought at the supermarket don’t have a shell. Puree toasted seeds and use them in place of peanut butter or as part of dips and other spreads. 4. Wondering what to do with pumpkin seeds? Place on a cookie sheet. Once cleaned and dried, pumpkin seeds can be tossed with salt and olive oil and roasted or sprinkled with seasonings for added flavor. 2. A must try this fall! Between the the radishes, the Tokyo turnips, and the roasted pepitas, this green salad is as crunchy and bright as it gets. The next time you’re scooping pumpkins for a jack-o'-lantern, don’t toss the seeds! Or store the cooked seeds in zip closure bags and refrigerate. Cleaning pumpkin seeds is one of those jobs that is a bit boring for an adult but quite fun for a child because it is a bit gooey and slimy and you get to play with water too. Read Diabetes UK’s top 10 dietary tips to manage diabetes. Add the pumpkin seeds and cook, stirring frequently, until golden brown and slightly puffed, 15-18 minutes. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Mosaic craft. 7. Plain or unsweetened, original or Greek, a dollop of Pumpkin Seed Butter swirled into your yogurt is a game-changer. These often come without the shells and in a variety of flavors and sizes that are perfect for eating right out of the bag or for mixing into your favorite recipes. Use pumpkin seeds to thicken the sauces of more traditional south-of-the-border fare like this Pumpkin Seed Mole with Chicken or Spiced Guatemalan Chicken Stew with Rice. 1. With warm cinnamon spice, and pumpkin seeds, this is the perfect candy for fall. Ditch the store-bought versions, and go DIY with pumpkin seed cranberry snack bars. Roast them in a medium low oven, stirring often, until the seeds are lightly browned and crunchy. Ok…the seeds. You might have to scrape some flesh out with them, but that’s okay. This Kale and Pumpkin Seed Pesto is the only way to make pesto in autumn. Perfect in granola, as a snack, simply tossed on a salad or sprinkled over a soup. The first step is to pull out all the pumpkin innards and then to separate the stringy pumpkin innards from the seeds themselves. Toasted pumpkin seeds One of the easiest and most common ways of using pumpkin seeds is to toast them in the oven for a seasonal snack. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a healthy, hearty snack that can be eaten alone or on salads. The best part of pumpkin season … Try making pumpkin seed butter. Butternut squash, prosciutto, goat cheese, AND pumpkin seeds? Another bonus? Do birds eat pumpkin seeds? To toast pepitas for snacking or a great salad topper, place them in a small dry skillet and cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until fragrant and lightly browned, 2 to 4 … May help to regulate blood pressure. If savoury flavours aren’t for you, coating the seeds with brown sugar and a bit of cinammon before roasting (and obviously removing the salt) gives them a lovely caramel crunch. Next, put the seeds into a sieve or colander and wash them under running water. Here are 14 fun things to do with pumpkin seeds this Halloween - from food, to crafts to activities. Birds love all kinds of seeds, pumpkin included, so you could save the seeds and put them in your feeder. Cut the pumpkins into ¼” … Your go-to Halloween candy gets a crunchy seasonal refresh with the easy addition of yummy pumpkin seedlings. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Sprinkle these lightly sweetened toasted pumpkin seeds on top of toast spread with peanut butter and topped with sliced banana and a drizzle of maple syrup. How to Feed. Mixed in with the messy pumpkin guts, it’s easy enough to just toss them in the trash once you’re fully finished scooping. 1 tsp. Using a potato peeler, remove the skin from the pumpkin. These bite-size delights are a true match made in autumn heaven. Pro-Tip: Do this with a partner or two. First of all get children to pull the bigger bits off with their fingers and thumbs, so that there is only seedy blobby stuff left. Use them as a topping for your favorite soups, toasts, pizzas, and salads, for starters. You certainly won’t want to plant every seed … Now try pumpkin seed butter. Then using fingers as claws, pull lumps apart to break up the strings. Country Living participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. More about us. Most of us will have the occasion to carve one up and make it a jack-o-lantern or simply roast it for pie. A loaf of seeded bread is the PERFECT avenue for those pumpkin seeds. It's a meal worth getting out of bed for! 4. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a classic snack, but the addition of some sugar and pumpkin-pie spice is so good, we only wish we'd thought of it earlier. What to do with your pumpkin seeds What to do with your pumpkin seeds This entry was posted on 5th November 2011 by Haxnicks. Pumpkin seed or Pepitas are a great alternative to nuts and make an amazing chutney for Idlis and dosas. Toss the drained seeds with a little oil, some Not only do the seeds taste great, but they are packed with nutritional benefits. Melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan and add clean pumpkin seeds. 6. A wrong move can leave you with fewer fingers and as a result fewer pumpkin seeds. (Image credit: Faith Durand) 2. They are good for munching on as-is, but try some of these pumpkin seed recipe ideas too: Use pumpkin seeds to coat a ball of soft cheese for an autumnal appetizer, and sprinkle some on soup or salad to garnish—pasta, too. It's fall. I have found that feeding pumpkin seeds ground up is the best and most effective way to feed them. You’ve tried almond butter, sunflower seed butter and all other kinds of nut butters. Simply pinch the bottom of the … Upgrade your breakfast regimen and make pumpkin seeds a regular ingredient in your favorite granola mix. This rich and creamy sauce is made with fresh veggies, herbs, and pumpkin seeds. The hypoglycaemic properties of these seeds may help those with diabetes to better manage blood sugar levels. First of all, you can eat them, but there are so many different ways to prepare them. If you’re at a loss for what to do with pumpkin seeds this season, we'll help you put them to remarkably good use. 14 Fun things to do with Leftover Pumpkin Seeds with Kids There always seems to be an abundance of pumpkin seeds leftover after Halloween. Avoid buying salted pumpkin seeds if … … Roasted Pumpkin Seeds. Toss in oil, spices, and lime juice. Top off your favorite fall soup, like this roasted garlic sage pesto pumpkin soup, with spiced pumpkin seeds for extra deliciousness. Meet the fall dessert trifecta—roasted pumpkin seeds, fresh coffee grounds, and melted dark chocolate, all combined into one dreamy snack cluster. 1 T. TheRed_Craft Member. You might also try using pumpkin seeds a step further and incorporate them into recipes like pesto or nut brittle. You should infuse everything with pumpkin. What to do with Pumpkin Seeds (Ideas + Recipes) Pumpkin seeds are a great addition to trail mix, can be scattered on salads for a flavorful crunch, add earthiness when baked into bread, and make a natural granola pairing. 1 of 33. Actually, the picture above is of … Being an excellent source of … 8. They have to have the Common tag on the item to be used with skyblock utilities . … To start, you can roast or hull them for a crunchy snack. Never feel stumped on how to use pumpkin seeds again, and let these genius recipes inspire even more cozy autumn concoctions. Once you extract the seeds from the slimy pulp, the options are broad. Pumpkin seeds have a long history of nutritional use dating back to the Oaxaca Highlands of Mexico over 7,500 years ago. A metal spoon is great for this. You can keep them for months but they will tend to lose their flavour after 6 … PUMPKIN SEED BREAD WITH SUNFLOWER AND PSYLLIUM SEEDS Next, put the seeds into a sieve or colande r and wash them under running water. First, remove the seeds from inside the pumpkin. You’ll hardly be strapped for tasty pumpkin dessert either, with this starring ingredient. Tryptophan is converted by the body into melatonin and serotonin, which both help with sleep. Separate pumpkin seeds from the orange goo. For a quick, easy, and useful way to get rid of pumpkin seeds, simply feed them to the birds. Don’t rinse, otherwise you wash off a lot of flavor. Give your pumpkin seeds a color makeover — by … Pumpkin seeds. Here’s a idea to bring autumn to your cheese and fruit plate. Zucchini, salty Mexican Cotija cheese, and roasted pepitas make a perfect late summer or early fall side dish. Pepitas, like their shells-on pumpkin seed cousins, are absolutely delicious. Roasted Salmon with Tomatillos is flavored with smoky chipotle chilies and served over a bed of wilted greens or quinoa. Think nothing's better than plain old pumpkin bread? If you just love the taste of pumpkin seeds but can’t get the process down to do it for yourself then consider the following options: Purchase pumpkin seeds from a local farmer or grocery store. ground cinnamon. Since not all the pumpkin seeds are shell-less, pepitas can only be extracted from those pumpkin seeds, which are hulless and do not need to be shelled. Pumpkin seeds are also known as “pepita” — a Mexican Spanish term. Do you have to soak pumpkin seeds before roasting them? Sign up for our newsletter. You can never go wrong with plain-and-simple roasted pepitas, but the edible options hardly end there. Toasted pumpkin seeds recipe. Pumpkin seeds can be a tasty treat for humans or the birds or squirrels at this time of the year. Never feel stumped on how to use pumpkin seeds again, and let these genius recipes inspire even more cozy autumn concoctions. Caramel, of course. Biting: It is a combination of the pinching technique but instead of using your thumb to push the seed out, you use your teeth. It turns out chocolate and pepitas are a match made in heaven. (This is optional from the seed standpoint, but since the seeds are really the optional part, do this.) It's the perfect way to spice up your chicken dinner. This combination has benefits for both the heart and liver.. Put your grandmother's secret chocolate chip cookie recipe on the back burner this fall, because these sweet treats—made from pumpkin seeds and rolled oats—pack the most melt-in-your-mouth chewy goodness. Well, here are some ideas! They are easy to prepare and work not only as a snack, but also in savory and sweet recipes. Carving pumpkins is a popular Halloween tradition, but what do you do with the insides of a pumpkin Roasted pumpkin seeds make a great fall snack to munch on throughout the day. In addition to pasta dishes, pumpkin seed pesto can also give your morning toast, like this roasted butternut squash tartine, a big flavor upgrade. Move over, peanut butter. Get the recipe at Katie at the Kitchen Door. This simple side hardly takes any time to prepare, and a pumpkin pairing makes the overall healthy meal taste even more out of this world. There is a ton of manganese and magnesium, but also a fair amount of phosphorus, iron, and vitamin K. Antioxidants like carotenoids and Vitamin E may have the ability to reduce inflammation. Stop yourself before dumping them out. Pumpkin seed butter is sure to become your new favorite. I have toasted them straight from the pumpkin with resulting tough, chewy seeds. Scoop the seeds out of your jack-o-lantern, wash off gunk, spread out on a towel to dry for a while. Get the recipe at A Better, Happier St. Sebastian. Pumpkin seeds are a good source of antioxidants, magnesium, zinc and fatty acids — all of which may help keep your heart healthy (22 The best part of pumpkin season is what’s hiding inside. Chutneys or some … Dry them out first by putting them in the oven at 180C/gas 4 for about ten minutes. Wait until you try a slice baked with pepitas for twice the pumpkin power. Get the recipe from My Darling Lemon Thyme. All you have to do is cut a pumpkin in half and remove all the seeds. As a savory component to recipes, pumpkin seeds go with almost any national cuisine and are versatile enough to carry a dish.