There are also 10K, 10 miles, … I was pretty sore after the race and felt that the last two or … Long-distance running, in athletics (track and field), footraces ranging from 3,000 metres through 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 metres and up to the marathon, which is 42,195 metres (26 miles 385 yards).It includes cross-country races over similar distances. UltraRunning is devoted to covering the sport of long distance running, also known as ultramarathoning, or, as we prefer, ultrarunning.How far is “a long distance”? I ran this same race in 2010. After more than 14 years of running experience – in high school, college, and ever since – I’ve heard every insult and misconception that exists about the sport of distance running. There many 5K races in the . Done this way long distance running is good for you. My longest run before that half was 10 miles. Olympic events are the 5,000- and 10,000-metre races, held on a track, and the marathon, contested on roads. The distance and duration also depend on what you’re training for, so it may vary from 60 minutes to over 120 minutes when training for a marathon. 5K is only 3 miles, which is beginner level. Some are true (yes, our shorts are short), but most are false. I have just started calling myself a “runner” about 3 months ago. You should do a long run once a week and short or medium runs all week long. A “long run” is relative: what one person may consider a long run may be an easy run for another. Once you’re there just keep stretching the next run to that pole down the road, the tree in the bend of the trail, or the corn field up there. One of the "rules" of distance running is that you must run lots of miles. My longest distance so far has been 5 miles. Ultrarunning, a form of distance running, where runners run distances, such as 50 or 100 miles (80.5 or 160.9 km), has become increasingly popular as well. Generally the shortest distance run is 5K (5000 meters or 3.1 miles). Running is about setting goals for yourself and achieving them. Running isn’t a real sport! US. An example of this is the Grand to Grand Ultra in the USA. However, the shortest standard distance that is considered an ultra is the 50 kilometer distance, or 31.07 miles. Timed events are generally run on a track or a short road course, often one mile (1.6 km) or less. Most people consider the term distance running to mean running any distance equivalent to a marathon, which is 26.2 miles (42.2 km), or longer. Indeed, most runners link their fitness level to the number of miles they run, inevitably believing that more is better. If you run 3 or 5 miles a day then 7 miles can be a long run. Running is about you and what you can do. Ok. Don’t fall for any nonsense 5K ultra stuff. It’s usually one and a half to two times longer than your average weekly run. There are some self-supported ultramarathon stage races in which each competitor has to carry all their supplies including food to survive the length of the race, typically a week long. I never thought I would be able to run … The "official" distance for long distance running - as used by IAAF and IOC - is 3 km (1.86 miles) ()- but having said that most runners equate "long distance running" and "endurance running" and thus consider 3-15 km as middle distance and only longer distances as long-distance.One of my running mates - who run 20-25 marathons plus a couple of 100 km … I'm running a half marathon in late June. A friend of mine who missed the 2004 U.S. Olympic trials in the 1500 meters by four seconds ran 100 miles per week. The standard definition is anything past the marathon, or 26.2 miles.